Friday, February 28, 2014
Mommy Manifestation Method
This is just how the world works my friends, and not just for mommies, but the things that I have been needing to accomplish directly relate to mommy world, but you can apply it to any and every area of life.
1. Put Yourself First - Mommy time is very important, especially if you have something scheduled, don't push it aside for your kids or anything else, it can wait. Every Friday morning I take my only Yoga class of the week with my amazing teacher, who will be 82 this year, that I learned with over 13 years ago. I feel like I keep learning every time, and I really enjoy it for mind and body. I have been taking my baby to speech therapy, not because I am worried, but because it is fun for him, and a great resource in our community. An opening came up this morning to squeeze in another session at 9:45am, my Yoga class is from 9:30am-10:30am. I said no, yes he loves it, yes it would have been his fun activity of the day, but I would have lost one of the only things I do just for me. I did tell our therapist that if she had a 10:45am in the future, I can make that one, and low and behold the 10:45am became available, so I got to do my class, and he had a fun session.
2. Be Clear about what you want and what you don't want - I needed to get a Spiderman costume for my 5 year old, online they were $30-$40, I didn't want to even pay $20. I went to Party City and saw just a mask and gloves, and that is exactly what I didn't want. I am going do face paint for the mask, and I wanted his hands and feet free. I decided to go to Hollywood Wigs and Costumes which sends a 20% coupon for Purim, our dress up holiday. I had half hour before my class started and I couldn't remember where the store was, I drove by another store, Iguana Vintage Clothing, Something was telling me to go there, but I resisted and made a U-turn and again tried to look for the other store, my time was running low and I realized I just might as well go to Iguana, and it was AMAZING. Not only is it clothes, but second hand costumes not only for adults, but a whole kids section on the bottom floor. After seeing a lot of tutu's for little ladies, there it was for only $15 a Spiderman body costume with muscles, but no head and no feet, I was in AWE, on a total natural high of how things work out.
3. Be Open and Be Grateful - I think what made both of the experiences I described so incredible is that I was fully aware of how magical it was, and I was overjoyed how life works.
Trust Your Gut,
Trust How the World Works,
Thank God,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Are YOU Sensitive?
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Check out his shirt |
sensitive /ˈsɛnsɪtɪv/adj
- having the power of sensation
- responsive to or aware of feelings, moods, reactions, etc
- easily irritated; delicate
- affected by external conditions or stimuli
- easily offended
- of or relating to the senses or the power of sensation
- capable of registering small differences or changes in amounts, quality, etc: a sensitive instrument
- having a high sensitivity: a sensitive emulsion
- connected with matters affecting national security, esp through access to classified information
- (of a stock market or prices) quickly responsive to external influences and thus fluctuating or tending to fluctuate
I keep on coming across articles recently about sensitive people like this,, and I think there are many definitions of this word. My father and I are sensitive, our feelings get hurt easily, we give unconditionally but when we are hurt, we are done. My oldest son is ultra sensitive, very emotional, when music is loud he says it hurts his ears. When I first started reading the following article, I was at first thinking, no this is not me, and I realized this is my son, click here for article on highly sensitive people.
I am trying to teach my son to have a thick skin, not to get too upset when people are not being nice, kids tease sometimes and he takes it to heart. I heard that the other day he told the other kid that he wasn't listening anymore, and it made me proud, I told him just walk away or tell your teacher. He is in a loving, caring environment and I am so grateful, I am hoping that as he gets older he will use his words to express himself rather than get too emotional.
Surround yourself with people that make you happy as much as possible,
I get drained sometimes,
learn how you recharge,
you are unique,
you are special,
there is only one you,
take care of you or who will do it for you?
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
LA Jacket
We are so chilly hear in Los Angeles and preparing for the SUPERSTORM! Hollywood is so dramatic, I am wondering if it will just be a drizzle or some much needed rain. Every Saturday my husband takes the kids to synagogue and I remember one time it was raining and a bit chilly. I stayed home to rest, bundled them up, gave them their umbrellas, they were so excited, the baby was in the stroller with a cover. Rain is an event in La La Land, however, I do remember one year it was pouring non stop in February, and yes the drivers become a bit wacky, but you still go and do what you got to do.
So what is an LA Jacket? It's the much needed scarf for the neck, and if it drizzles you can put it over your head. It is quite windy today and it catches you by surprise. Thank God my baby fell a sleep for his nap, his eyes were so tired but he was fighting it. He keeps on taking of his socks and shoes, luckily we are not in any real winter storm with below freezing temperatures, like in Minnesota and the Dakotas, stay warm up there.
I am actually a bit hot right now, had to take of my scarf, I am sitting in an office and it is quite warm. I heard that in cold weather the secret is dressing correctly and then you deal.
My husband gives my kids showers every morning, my daughters long goldilocks hair is always wet when she goes to school in the morning, Thank God we live here.
I grew up in Miami, it was fun, you are really living in air conditioning unless you are in your swim clothes on the beach. I remember when I would visit cold places that had no air conditioning inside the stores it was so weird for me not to have any ventilation. Now we barely use air conditioning, and I enjoy opening my windows to get the fresh air through the house.
We went back to Miami a few times during the summer and I really don't know how I didn't notice the humidity, it was so intense. I guess you just know you will sweat and be hot and that's that.
It is funny how all of LA is preparing for our rain, everyone is suggesting to run all their errands today, to avoid the roads once it starts. We are not equipped for massive rain, from mudslides to floods, every place has its challenges.
On a brighter note, I was running around trying to get costumes for my kids for our Purim holiday. I scored at Party City some cute kitty accessories for my daughter, and I manifested with God's help the most amazing spiderman outfit ever, Iguana Vintage Clothing popped into my radar, and it was exactly what I was looking for. No mask, no feet, just the body, and it has muscles too! I am always in awe when I know exactly what I want, I always get it, and I mean always, I got to just be more clear about what I want in every area of my life.
Feeling Super Powers,
Letting them flow through me,
Trusting my gut,
I was looking for one store, couldn't find it,
The road let me to this store,
Coach Yulia
So what is an LA Jacket? It's the much needed scarf for the neck, and if it drizzles you can put it over your head. It is quite windy today and it catches you by surprise. Thank God my baby fell a sleep for his nap, his eyes were so tired but he was fighting it. He keeps on taking of his socks and shoes, luckily we are not in any real winter storm with below freezing temperatures, like in Minnesota and the Dakotas, stay warm up there.
I am actually a bit hot right now, had to take of my scarf, I am sitting in an office and it is quite warm. I heard that in cold weather the secret is dressing correctly and then you deal.
My husband gives my kids showers every morning, my daughters long goldilocks hair is always wet when she goes to school in the morning, Thank God we live here.
I grew up in Miami, it was fun, you are really living in air conditioning unless you are in your swim clothes on the beach. I remember when I would visit cold places that had no air conditioning inside the stores it was so weird for me not to have any ventilation. Now we barely use air conditioning, and I enjoy opening my windows to get the fresh air through the house.
We went back to Miami a few times during the summer and I really don't know how I didn't notice the humidity, it was so intense. I guess you just know you will sweat and be hot and that's that.
It is funny how all of LA is preparing for our rain, everyone is suggesting to run all their errands today, to avoid the roads once it starts. We are not equipped for massive rain, from mudslides to floods, every place has its challenges.
On a brighter note, I was running around trying to get costumes for my kids for our Purim holiday. I scored at Party City some cute kitty accessories for my daughter, and I manifested with God's help the most amazing spiderman outfit ever, Iguana Vintage Clothing popped into my radar, and it was exactly what I was looking for. No mask, no feet, just the body, and it has muscles too! I am always in awe when I know exactly what I want, I always get it, and I mean always, I got to just be more clear about what I want in every area of my life.
Feeling Super Powers,
Letting them flow through me,
Trusting my gut,
I was looking for one store, couldn't find it,
The road let me to this store,
Coach Yulia
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OMG! It has muscles, it is perfect, he is going to rock it :) and notice my LA Jacket |
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Rock N' Roll
I am not talking about music, I am talking about birth :) Cedars Sinai is really such an amazing hospital, I was fortunate to have my three babies there, but with each birth I attend as a Doula, it just gets better and better. They have a program called Rock N' Roll which helps the mom get in the right position to help the baby descend properly, and when I saw it in action, I was so happy and impressed.
Labor and Birth is all about watchful waiting, whether you are at home or in the hospital. That is what I tell the mommies, you are going to wait, getting to the hospital doesn't help the birth go any faster. I was so happy laboring at home as long as possible, in comfortable clothes, access to the bathroom whenever I wanted, eating whatever I wanted, luckily the hospital was just 10 minutes away. My Doula made it possible for me to let go of control and get in my zone, and Thank God my babies were in the right direction.
I am so happy that my Doula work is at this amazing time in the world where people are working on finding a balance between the way it used to be in ancient times and only midwives to the other side of just a hospital, medical birth with unnecessary interventions, which lead to more interventions.
The main focus should always be the mom, yes of course watching the baby, but allowing the mom to get in a zone, open, allowing the body to do what it knows how to do. Thank God everything exists for the just in case, but I firmly believe 99.9% of the time if you were alone in a forest, the body would birth successfully.
No only is a baby born, but a mother is born, and if we do not take care of ourselves, who will do it for us. Parents have to recharge themselves to give 100% to their children unconditionally. It is challenging, but it is worth it.
Coach Yulia
Labor and Birth is all about watchful waiting, whether you are at home or in the hospital. That is what I tell the mommies, you are going to wait, getting to the hospital doesn't help the birth go any faster. I was so happy laboring at home as long as possible, in comfortable clothes, access to the bathroom whenever I wanted, eating whatever I wanted, luckily the hospital was just 10 minutes away. My Doula made it possible for me to let go of control and get in my zone, and Thank God my babies were in the right direction.
I am so happy that my Doula work is at this amazing time in the world where people are working on finding a balance between the way it used to be in ancient times and only midwives to the other side of just a hospital, medical birth with unnecessary interventions, which lead to more interventions.
The main focus should always be the mom, yes of course watching the baby, but allowing the mom to get in a zone, open, allowing the body to do what it knows how to do. Thank God everything exists for the just in case, but I firmly believe 99.9% of the time if you were alone in a forest, the body would birth successfully.
No only is a baby born, but a mother is born, and if we do not take care of ourselves, who will do it for us. Parents have to recharge themselves to give 100% to their children unconditionally. It is challenging, but it is worth it.
Coach Yulia
First they were in outer space, then it became a plane, I love these creative brains, and my baby is always along for the ride |
Monday, February 24, 2014
What makes you tingle?
Life makes me tingle, I am always in awe of how it unfolds and feel grateful that I can experience every morsel. I feel so blessed where I have ended up so far, it is just so fulfilling, every Yoga class I teach, I walk away recharged. When waiting for a Doula client to tell me her contractions have begun, I am like a little girl, waiting for a miracle to unfold. It is so amazing to be in the miracle business, LOL, it really is, no science can explain how a child is conceived, formed, and born.
Today I went to a beautiful Brit Mila, circumcision ceremony, there was such joy, all ages kids running around, siblings helping each other. This mommy life, although not easy, is really where its at. My almost two year old baby has learned how to buckle the top of his seat belt in the car, he is so proud when he does it. Sometimes I have to take a breath and have patience for him to figure it out, I have to let go, and its always worth it.
I just ran across this article about Jewish quotes, and I find them so real and positive, all about being present, living life, and going for it, otherwise what is the point,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Look at that GIRL doing Yoga
I love the innocence of children, and with all of our provocative billboards all around town, I love their descriptions. At the Beverly Center there is one of a man getting into a bathtub, and my daughter excitedly said, "look he is taking a bath!" We passed Trashy Lingere on La Cienega and my daughter liked that she saw princesses. Today was the best, that picture above of RuPaul, if some of you do not know, He is a Drag Queen, and my daughter looks at it and says look at that girl, and she says girl like she is not so sure, and then my oldest son says, and she is doing YOGA! I was cracking up, I love that our crazy world is interpreted in kids terms, I hope they hold on to that for a long time.
I feel blessed to have been an innocent child, I went to an Orthodox Jewish school from first through eighth grade, and was a happy kickball and dodge ball playing girl. I still keep in touch with all the girls that emigrated from Russia at the same time, it is amazing where we all are now, still the same intense and fearless spirit, SHOUT OUT TO THE F-TEAM. That is what we used to call ourselves, modeled after the TV show the A-Team, I was the wacky Murdock, and all the other roles fit quite well too. I was in love with Prince, and the Brat Pack,
Good Childhood Memories,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Happy Happy, Joy Joy
In the Jewish calendar this year there are two months of Adar, it is our happy month, it is our mission to be extra happy, and since there are two due to a leap year, we get double lucky. We get to celebrate the funnest holiday of the year, Purim, which is our dress up holiday, and drink to get buzzed holiday, eat and indulge holiday,
What I love is that every month, every week, every day, there are lessons, and there is something to take away and learn from. I love that this month there are articles on being happy, and how looking at the positive brings opportunities that a person is open to act on and bring about success. It is really an important ingredient for health click the following line, Go to this article and on page 23 great story about Happiness.
When I read how much it makes a difference it just reinforces how I was raised, how my grandmother, God Bless Her still is at 98 years old. How my mother looks at the world, and how I and my daughter look at the world. There really is a good side and a lesson in everything, I firmly believe that.
It can only get better,
but the now is so good,
focusing on savoring every morsel of life,
Choose To Be Happy,
Coach Yulia
What I love is that every month, every week, every day, there are lessons, and there is something to take away and learn from. I love that this month there are articles on being happy, and how looking at the positive brings opportunities that a person is open to act on and bring about success. It is really an important ingredient for health click the following line, Go to this article and on page 23 great story about Happiness.
When I read how much it makes a difference it just reinforces how I was raised, how my grandmother, God Bless Her still is at 98 years old. How my mother looks at the world, and how I and my daughter look at the world. There really is a good side and a lesson in everything, I firmly believe that.
It can only get better,
but the now is so good,
focusing on savoring every morsel of life,
Choose To Be Happy,
Coach Yulia
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Just put my baby to sleep, got up to write this, now going back to bed, Good Night :) |
Friday, February 21, 2014
What word do you see?
One Word - Nowhere
Two Words - Now and Here
I just love that it is two completely opposite meanings, and like everything else in life it is about perception. The glass half full or half empty concept, are you a pessimist or an optimist? I guess sometimes it would depend on the specific situation, but overall are you a "worry in advance" personality or are you "everything will work out" personality?
I have a good example of a little bit of both. Overall I am an optimist, I would like to think we can all get through anything, we can persevere, no matter how intense or arduous. Lets take labor for instance, I knew I wanted no drugs, and that is why I had a Doula, so I could let go of control and focus on getting through one contraction at a time. I really respect and admire the women that have a home birth, for me I wanted to labor at home until the last minute, luckily the hospital was only 10 minutes away. I wanted to give birth in the hospital for a few reasons. I can honestly tell you that my personality 100% knew that nothing would go wrong, I trust in God, and I was calm about the whole process. There is also a realist in me that says just in case something does not go as planned, which I knew it wouldn't, but just in case, I would not want to stress from the house to the hospital. I also loved my Doctor and Doula, and my husband was an amazing support as well. For my all natural yet having all my bases covered mentality, this was the perfect balance, and I always say Thank God my babies were timely and in the right direction, all three with not even once wanting an epidural not even for a minute. That needle scares me more than any labor and birth. I also wanted to be taken care of after baby, just to rest and heal for a couple of days before jumping into everything baby.
As a Doula, I respect the mother to choose whatever path works for her and I will support it fully. I have heard that some women have had such long labors, that the epidural actually let them rest, and relaxed their body so the baby progressed and it was a beautiful outcome.
Just know that each mom, pregnancy, birth, and baby is different, so being present is the most important place to be, and having a wonderful support team focusing all of their energy on the mom having a conscious birth experience.
So back to Nowhere which is nothing, and Now and Here, which is everything, gratitude, being present, even if it is a challenge for you, take a moment each day to be grateful for what you are and what you have. It might widen your perception, when we are open opportunities appear, life is a miracle. Pregnancy and birth itself is a miracle, but the process of life, the growth, the learning, the discovering, the coming into your own.
Allow it.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
One Word - Nowhere
Two Words - Now and Here
I just love that it is two completely opposite meanings, and like everything else in life it is about perception. The glass half full or half empty concept, are you a pessimist or an optimist? I guess sometimes it would depend on the specific situation, but overall are you a "worry in advance" personality or are you "everything will work out" personality?
I have a good example of a little bit of both. Overall I am an optimist, I would like to think we can all get through anything, we can persevere, no matter how intense or arduous. Lets take labor for instance, I knew I wanted no drugs, and that is why I had a Doula, so I could let go of control and focus on getting through one contraction at a time. I really respect and admire the women that have a home birth, for me I wanted to labor at home until the last minute, luckily the hospital was only 10 minutes away. I wanted to give birth in the hospital for a few reasons. I can honestly tell you that my personality 100% knew that nothing would go wrong, I trust in God, and I was calm about the whole process. There is also a realist in me that says just in case something does not go as planned, which I knew it wouldn't, but just in case, I would not want to stress from the house to the hospital. I also loved my Doctor and Doula, and my husband was an amazing support as well. For my all natural yet having all my bases covered mentality, this was the perfect balance, and I always say Thank God my babies were timely and in the right direction, all three with not even once wanting an epidural not even for a minute. That needle scares me more than any labor and birth. I also wanted to be taken care of after baby, just to rest and heal for a couple of days before jumping into everything baby.
As a Doula, I respect the mother to choose whatever path works for her and I will support it fully. I have heard that some women have had such long labors, that the epidural actually let them rest, and relaxed their body so the baby progressed and it was a beautiful outcome.
Just know that each mom, pregnancy, birth, and baby is different, so being present is the most important place to be, and having a wonderful support team focusing all of their energy on the mom having a conscious birth experience.
So back to Nowhere which is nothing, and Now and Here, which is everything, gratitude, being present, even if it is a challenge for you, take a moment each day to be grateful for what you are and what you have. It might widen your perception, when we are open opportunities appear, life is a miracle. Pregnancy and birth itself is a miracle, but the process of life, the growth, the learning, the discovering, the coming into your own.
Allow it.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
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Just being silly, sorry all you freezing folks all over the world, this 80 degree weather is too much, the sun is in my eyes |
Thursday, February 20, 2014
I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV
I just feel so blessed, my husband was with the baby all day, the kids were in school, and I got to do what I love. I had an amazing community Yoga class together, total feminine energy exchange. Then I headed to 24 Hour Fitness where I teach Pilates, and everyone was really focused in, working so smooth and deep. It really is like a dance and a martial art. It is important to activate core muscles when doing everything, walking, picking up heavy things or children, and during all of your workouts, weights, dance, and cardio.
I find myself going to sleep later than I would like, but by the time I get home and the kids get to bed, its really the only time my husband and I get to hang out together. Then of course like today I was non stop, so I have to blog before bed, sometimes I get it in during the afternoon. Luckily we have started sleeping a bit better, we are trying to put the baby down to sleep at the same time as his brother and sister. He always ends up walking to our bed, but it seems to be closer to the morning, and he does fall right asleep.
How many of these do you fit into your day?
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
I Love You - You're Welcome
Here is my oldest, Eli Tzvi, born 5 1/2 years ago with his amazing Mercedes looking dimple, almost 9 pounds. Every day he cracks me up, his latest is when I tell him "I love you," he tells me "you're welcome eema (mom in Hebrew.)" I remember being in awe, in disbelief how an actual child came out of me, it was mind boggling. I looked at him and said, I am going to get to know you and you are going to get to know me. It has definitely been a journey, as life should be, easy would be boring. My mom says we all get different homework from God, and my family life is definitely mine.
At 8 months, we see his dimple and it is definitely his signature feature, but he is also always laughing, always kind, always helpful, and the best big brother anyone could ask for. I feel blessed to keep on reminding myself to stay present to the wonder of our children. They are unique souls with a message, and sometimes we have to take a deep breath, get out of our own head, to really hear them. He is one year old and standing below, I think he looks very different than my baby. You can tell they are all siblings for sure.

His hair started growing, it is our tradition not to cut it until three years old, he is two in the picture below. He was so full of energy then and now. Until three years old he had a pacifier and it was the only way for him to relax and nap. Full of life, full of passion, full of play, and after he started walking, every step was a boo boo, he inherited the Klutziness from me.
I am the athletic one of our family, love to take the kids to the park to run around. He learned to ride his bicycle early, and because of school having no training wheels, we took ours off at age 4. He is competitive, I am happy that he is the oldest and the tallest, taller than most 6 and sometimes 7 year olds. He likes to remind everyone he is the tallest, fastest, and best, I am OK with confidence.

His hair grew so long right before his third birthday that now when my daughter sees pictures she thinks it is her. I was ready to cut it, he loves to run and sweat, his birthday is the hot month of September in LA, so I was happy to have his neck open and him to feel light. Although I always loved rock and roll and long hair, I got satisfied in the first three years. Now I get to enjoy it with my baby, I wonder how long it will get.
He is four years old and dressed up as a dreidel for his Chanukah play in school, he did a great job. From a very young age he loves to play by himself, create stories, play characters. Now with his sister they have a blast and love to play dress up and pretend. I love when kids use their brain and creative juices instead of just being overstimulated by electronics. However I do love mommy relax time when they are watching a show, but no iPads for me and probably not for a very long time.
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Here is a current picture, dressing up as a Cohen Hagadol, read all about his namesake,
I Love You Eli Tzvi,
Coach Yulia
I see the resemblance, do you? |
Monday, February 17, 2014
Mommy Love
Yesterday's blog was all about baby love, right after I got home from the kids school, I had everything ready for dinner, my husband was going to get it ready, I ran off to teach Yoga to a few young ladies around 6 and 7 years old. It was a blast, I have been trying to do a headstand again, and I did it effortlessly with them, I have to find that mind and body connection, that balance and counterbalance each time, it felt so light.
When I got home my husband had to run off to an appointment but dinner was ready, I ate with the kids, and put the older two to bed. I looked a the clock and it was a quarter until eight, at 8pm there was my favorite strength training class close by. Luckily my husband was home, the baby only wanted mommy, and he even asked me if I was going to go when the baby only wanted me, I said yes I am going, and I went.
I came home at 9pm, all kids asleep, ate some fresh home made chicken soup, and happy that putting mommy first is a priority. My kids get all of me no matter what, but it is an effort to give myself mommy love, put myself first, make decisions that are in my best interest. I do have to thank my supportive husband, besides the fact that he wants me to get back in shape, he has always supported me in all my ventures and need to exercise and do Yoga.
Mommy Love Ladies,
Don't Forget About YOU,
If you don't put yourself first, who is going to do it for you?
You need to recharge for everyone and everything in your life.
It is not selfish, it is self care,
Coach Yulia
When I got home my husband had to run off to an appointment but dinner was ready, I ate with the kids, and put the older two to bed. I looked a the clock and it was a quarter until eight, at 8pm there was my favorite strength training class close by. Luckily my husband was home, the baby only wanted mommy, and he even asked me if I was going to go when the baby only wanted me, I said yes I am going, and I went.
I took this pic in a mirror, so you see to the left some people sitting and waiting with their weights, I'm not into cycling |
Mommy Love Ladies,
Don't Forget About YOU,
If you don't put yourself first, who is going to do it for you?
You need to recharge for everyone and everything in your life.
It is not selfish, it is self care,
Coach Yulia
Enjoying my day with my baby
Kindergarten starts at five or six years old, and some kids are home until that point. It all depends on various factors and circumstances, and I see benefits of both. My reasons are purely selfish with my baby, I am enjoying him so much, and I don't know if I ever want to let him go, he is really such as balance to our family and such a pleasure.
Luckily my schedule is really flexible and classes and clients are scattered throughout the day and week, so I am able to coordinate with my husband, and sometimes I am able to take him with me to work. For now it works, but as we get busier I will line up some babysitters for that hour or two that I am teaching, otherwise I just want him with me.
I feel that my older two kids got so much from starting school early, and it was necessary for me to have time to myself and for them to get their brilliant minds and high energy tended to. My oldest went to school at 2 years old and my girl went to school at 18 months, I needed her to go, she was a socialite even then.
My baby came to work with me in the morning for a couple of hours, now we are having lunch and watching a show, he will go down for a nap, and then we will do something fun before he comes to work with me again. Some days I have mommy and me lined up, some days its the park, always something fun for him to squeeze in. I am so blessed to know what its like to have a go with the flow, let me communicate what I want, full of love, hugs, and kisses baby, Thank You God.
Coach Yulia
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Exhausted From Fun in the Sun
Just came back from a fun play date at the park, we are so blessed with our weather, my kids were running around barefoot in the sand. A boy from my five years old's class came to meet us, I am good friends with his mom, we had such nice mommy talk time and the kids had a blast. The park is the best, no charge, tons of space to run around and use the imagination, it was perfect. There was one piece of equipment that turned round and round, and I think it made my boy a bit nauseous. My baby fell asleep on the way home, and we relaxed a bit, I made some spaghetti, their recent most favorite meal, we finished the whole batch between all of us.
Now they are watching a show, I am telling you about my day, feeling like I really want a nap myself, maybe I could sneak one in. I have a class that I teach later tonight, and I am on call for a doula client, all beautiful things. Today has become the clean and organize day, not every Sunday but today my husband decided it had to be done, and I have a lot to organize. Many people in my community are starting to spring clean for Passover, might as well do little by little. I love cleaning house, meaning getting rid of what I do not need anymore, I love throwing things away or giving things away, makes everything feel lighter.
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, February 15, 2014
No Distractions
Do I look relaxed? Well it has been a relaxing day, my husband took the kids to synagogue and I had a great nap, then when they get home it was a bit nuts. We stayed in, it wasn't as hot as the weather predicted, and I just wanted to have my lazy day. Overall everyone was entertained, a few tantrums here and there, everyone has their moment of calm, and then their moment of expressing themselves. The baby never napped, and was overtired, put him down at almost 6pm, hopefully he will sleep the night.
It is beautiful to have a day off of the world, a day of no media, a day just to be with each other. On the other hand such a day is not necessarily relaxing, especially with small children. Overall it was great, we read some books, we played some games, and now my favorite part of the night, they are all asleep :) No distractions from the world have us present, and with children there is no choice but to be present, deal, feel, and be. Recently I came across an amazing video about why to have children, and the question asked was do you want a painless life or a deep life? Check it out,
Enjoy Your Weekend,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia
Friday, February 14, 2014
The Natural High of Life
It is so special, unique, rare, and unlike anything else to feel life just as it is, to be present, to deal, to feel, to grow. Every situation is different, I respect everybody and everything, to each their own. I feel blessed that I have healthy genes and a healthy active lifestyle. I feel blessed with my husband and children. I feel blessed with my work, I get recharged with my clients in Yoga and with my Doula role.
Life is a miracle, it is mind boggling, no science can really explain how nothing turns into something. Allow yourself to feel, allow yourself to let go of being numb, allow yourself to deal and persevere. This applies to everything in life, it is so powerful to overcome and figure things out.
I am tingling from being on call for my Doula clients and I am recharged from an amazing Yoga class I taught this morning.
Now hanging with my baby, just gave him some snacks, my husband and I are getting everything prepared for our Day of Rest.
Happy Day of Love,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Life is a miracle, it is mind boggling, no science can really explain how nothing turns into something. Allow yourself to feel, allow yourself to let go of being numb, allow yourself to deal and persevere. This applies to everything in life, it is so powerful to overcome and figure things out.
I am tingling from being on call for my Doula clients and I am recharged from an amazing Yoga class I taught this morning.
Now hanging with my baby, just gave him some snacks, my husband and I are getting everything prepared for our Day of Rest.
Happy Day of Love,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
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Hugs and Kisses |
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Cardio Posture
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No I am not wearing the same shirt as yesterday :) I bought two of them because I loved the color, and its HOT! |
When doing standing cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, jogging, hiking and also using any time of standing machine like the elliptical, stair climber, and treadmill, it is so important to have the right posture. One of my good friends was telling me her back started to hurt, she told me she was doing the stair climber and I asked her if she was bending over, and she said yes, she was in serious pain and had to stop working out for almost a month while it healed.
Your chest should be proud, shoulders down, face muscles relaxed, breathing, pelvis tucked in, activating your pelvic floor (kegel for women, perineum for men) muscles. You do not have to be in the gym for hours, focus on a variety of workouts, keep consistent, and give all of your attention to your form.
I would love to give tips to anyone interested, and don't get me started on weights, form and core are EVERYTHING!
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Avid Blogger
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Hello to Everyone from sunny Los Angeles where its 79 degrees Fahrenheit, too hot to wear a jacket, we have no right to ever complain about weather! We have to laugh at ourselves when we complain :) |
I heard on NPR (National Public Radio, 89.9 FM) news yesterday about a girl who lives in China but is of Tibetan decent, and they say she is an Avid Blogger and a unique voice for Tibet. I also hear about so many amazing blogs that all of the unique voices all around us are showing us their perspective. Just like anything in life we connect with what matters to us, to whatever stage in life we are, and also its nice to read about someone in the same life circumstance, makes us feel like we are not alone.
Sometimes it could be overwhelming, such as when someone first gets pregnant and has an overload of information, especially personal information from all types of people that have had various experiences. It could be scary, fear of the unknown, fear of the what if. I personally firmly believe that we are all different, and each pregnancy even for the same person will be different, each birth will be different, and each baby will be different. The most important focus is to be present, yes educate yourselves, but when someone tries to tell you a story, tell them your doctor said not to listen.
Now back to blog world, I committed almost two years ago that I would blog everyday about whatever is flowing through me that day, and it feels good to have done that for the most part. I have had a couple of days that I actually forgot, or fell asleep, and a few times our Jewish Holidays go for a couple of days where we turn off all of our electronic devices. Overall I have stuck to my promise, and it feels good, I feel like it is part of me. Some days I have something that recently happened on my mind, or when I am travelling, and other days it takes a moment to gather my thoughts.
I keep on hearing about blogging and blogs all around me, and I consider myself and avid blogger, I do it for me and I do it for you, it really is a pleasure.
Thank You,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Mutts have earned respect in dog show!
I heard this as I was listening to NPR (National Public Radio) today and it made me laugh but also think that slowly but surely all type of human mutts are finally just being left alone. Besides all the mixes that we see all around us, there are also mixes in my Jewish community and its awesome. We get to enjoy each others tradition, culture, food, and flair. My parents did not ask much of me they wanted me to get a Bachelor degree and marry Jewish. The marry Jewish part I put off for a while, enjoyed my single life, but ultimately it was what I ultimately wanted for myself, to carry on what my ancestors fought hard for and were victims in the Holocaust and Communism. We immigrated to America in 1980, Anti-Antisemitism and discrimination was rampant in the Soviet Union, and I thank the American Jews for getting us out, I heard somewhere that we were traded for grain. My parents were so brave and took a risk leaving everything they knew behind, with a little bit of English, all for us to have a quality life not being judged for our culture and tradition. It is beyond a religion for me, it is who I am, and I am so happy that I get to pass it down to my kids in an open, fun, and free environment.
So all this started when I heard about mutts on the radio and how it is respected in the most prestigious dog show, What I love about our Los Angeles Jewish community is we have our pick of every country, every background, and even of mutts. I am a bit of a mutt, although born in Moscow, Russia, by Jewish calculations I am 3/4 Ashkenazi and 1/4 Sephardi, Mizrahi, or Kavkazi, depends who you ask. I look like the more exotic 1/4 of my ancestors and really relate to the way of life, food, and traditions. We get a mix of it all here, and there are so many synagogues, I always laugh that I like to visit different friends in different ones just for fun. My husband has been going to the same one for over 25 years and loves to pray there and has his friends there. I felt so blessed when we got married I felt like I married a community, many of his friends just got married as well. So all of us wives became good friends, and now our kids are the same age and in class together.
Be proud of all your parts!
Coach Yulia
So all this started when I heard about mutts on the radio and how it is respected in the most prestigious dog show, What I love about our Los Angeles Jewish community is we have our pick of every country, every background, and even of mutts. I am a bit of a mutt, although born in Moscow, Russia, by Jewish calculations I am 3/4 Ashkenazi and 1/4 Sephardi, Mizrahi, or Kavkazi, depends who you ask. I look like the more exotic 1/4 of my ancestors and really relate to the way of life, food, and traditions. We get a mix of it all here, and there are so many synagogues, I always laugh that I like to visit different friends in different ones just for fun. My husband has been going to the same one for over 25 years and loves to pray there and has his friends there. I felt so blessed when we got married I felt like I married a community, many of his friends just got married as well. So all of us wives became good friends, and now our kids are the same age and in class together.
Be proud of all your parts!
Coach Yulia
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This was our Sunday fun with my friend and perfomer extraordinaire Doda Mollie, as your see my daughter got the Russian beauty, my oldest is a mix, and my baby is my tall, dark, and handsome :) |
Monday, February 10, 2014
The Right Fit

When we look for a partner in life, we are looking for the right fit, I always like to say Pros vs. Cons. We are all individuals, so there will always be some friction, but that friction is a spark that is necessary, it keeps things challenging and interesting.
In the work place as well, there are so many doctors, lawyers, massage therapists, you name it. We are going to choose what resonates with us, its a connection, its a feeling, it just works no question.
I feel blessed to know deep down that I have a gift of being present. For some people that gift is too intense, sometimes it is hard to deal with the present. In other areas like my Yoga classes and with my Doula clients, being present is really the only way you can really connect and experience it to the fullest. I feel blessed for my gift, but I know that everyone is looking for their right fit and it might not be me and I am OK with that. My energy is very precious, my family gets all of it, and I recharge with my work. If it is not the right fit instead of being recharged the opposite may occur, feeling drained, feeling that the connection is off, and our gut is always right.
When things don't work out, feel blessed that more doors will open. Relationships, connections, and just the right fit will occur when you are genuine and open.
Coach Yulia
Sunday, February 9, 2014
The common sense of children
We went to the Skirball museum for a Lego Day, luckily there were a few things to do, one of my friends and fabulous child entertainers was performing there, Doda Mollie, it was so much fun. The Jewish Federation was actually having its Super Sunday Fundraiser, and her whole theme was about Tzedaka, charitable giving.
My friend joined me and we just enjoyed each others company, but when we finally made it to the Lego area, it was so not for our age kids who range from almost 2 to about 5 1/2. My brother's son, who is 6 1/2 would have adored it, he is so into Legos and he is into the tiny little pieces that he could instantly tell which goes together with which set. My oldest boy likes it but is not enamored with it, so I think they should have said it was for 6 years old and up. They called it for all ages, they had a toddler room, which is really for babies that don't want to run out of there, all of our kids could only last there at most 15 minutes. Lucky for me they had an area with water, it was like mist, which would be great for a hot day, but we were in sweaters, and the last thing I need is someone catching a cold. My five year old listened the first few times I said not to go, and then he went for it, and we were actually all just done, and went home.
My baby fell asleep as soon as we got in the car and we took another route home and passed by one of my favorite parks, so I decided to just hang with the sleeping baby and let my other two run around for a bit. They both ran to the car after about 10 minutes needing to go number two. I felt panicked, the bathroom was on the other side of the park, my baby was sleeping in the car, didn't want to wake him up. My five year old saved the day by suggesting we go home and poop, and my daughter was OK with that. Thank God we were close, now we are all home, just had some hot dogs for lunch, everyone is relaxing. During the week they are in school all day, so I am happy we had our activity, but its also good to just hang at home for the rest of the day, recharge for the week.
I have a community class tonight, and now I would really like to take a nap myself. Hopefully my husband will be home soon and I can do just that.
Happy Sunday,
Coach Yulia
My friend joined me and we just enjoyed each others company, but when we finally made it to the Lego area, it was so not for our age kids who range from almost 2 to about 5 1/2. My brother's son, who is 6 1/2 would have adored it, he is so into Legos and he is into the tiny little pieces that he could instantly tell which goes together with which set. My oldest boy likes it but is not enamored with it, so I think they should have said it was for 6 years old and up. They called it for all ages, they had a toddler room, which is really for babies that don't want to run out of there, all of our kids could only last there at most 15 minutes. Lucky for me they had an area with water, it was like mist, which would be great for a hot day, but we were in sweaters, and the last thing I need is someone catching a cold. My five year old listened the first few times I said not to go, and then he went for it, and we were actually all just done, and went home.
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This is my big boy, he is taller than most six year olds, a big helper with his siblings, and sometimes gets me out of a jam |
I have a community class tonight, and now I would really like to take a nap myself. Hopefully my husband will be home soon and I can do just that.
Happy Sunday,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, February 8, 2014
No Outside Electronic Interference
Hi everyone, I am still hanging out in my Shabbat dress, we get all fancy, go socialize, and indulge in a delicious meal. I hopped around town today on foot, saw so many people, and then ended up for most of the day at a friends house eating homemade cookies and having girl talk. Other people were there, all of our kids were having a blast. It is so nice to just get together and hang out, with no electronic devices to interfere, nowhere to be, just enjoying the moment together.
Excited for tomorrow, taking my kids to a Lego event, hanging out with a good friend, and ending my evening teaching Yoga to my community. On call for a Doula client, so exciting to be part of the process of the miracle of life.
I feel blessed that I did it with minimal technology, it really does have its place, but our bodies are high tech machines, better not to interfere, intervene, or get in the way.
Coach Yulia
Friday, February 7, 2014
Every Friday morning I treat myself to Yoga with my amazing teacher who will be 82 this year. When we were getting the kids ready for school they all stepped on the scale, my five year old is 50 pounds and loves to be the "biggest," Thank God he is the oldest, he loves being the tallest, biggest, and oldest. My almost 4 year old girl is 34 and my baby is 33! I have to have my kids at school between 8:30-9am, and when I got to the gym which is close by, it was just 9am. Then I remembered right before Yoga they have Zumba, so it started at 8:30am, but I could get a good half hour in, and it was so much fun. The teacher was amazing, for one of the songs she had us line up in two groups facing each other, we were doing a salsa move like partners, each with opposing steps, then she asked everyone to find a partner and we free style salsa danced together, it felt amazing. I love to dance, I love to move, but it all boils down to an amazing instructor and some good music, this had it all.
So I got a good sweat on, and it felt good to do Yoga already super warmed up, my teacher asked me to be the model so the rest of the class could follow, and it felt good, I didn't do it for a while since I was getting my strength and flow back after having my last baby, but I am excited to really feel like myself again. Just came home from getting my hair done, I am so excited for a fun weekend.
For Shabbat, our wonderful Day of Rest tomorrow, we will all enjoy going to synagogue together, then we are invited to a good friend for dessert, excited to spend the day indulging in the pleasures of life and relationships. No outside stimuli, it is so special and I feel blessed to have a day to focus only on family, friends, and recharging myself.
Sunday there is a huge Lego Day at the Skirball museum, I am going with a good friend and her kids, that is my day to give all of me to them and just have a blast.
Before I got my kids from school today I took my baby to the park to just play and give him my undivided attention, he had a great time, the weather was perfect, a bit cool but with the sun peeking out.
Feeling Blessed,
Find Gratitude in Your Day,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, February 6, 2014
20 minutes
For what you ask? For some reason 30 minutes of cardio are torture for me, I am specifically talking about machines like the treadmill, elliptical, stair climber, etc. The elliptical is my favorite because it is soft on the knee joints, and I feel like my feet are planted and steady, all I have to focus on is my posture. I find sometimes when people do the stair climber machine, they are bent over hanging on the rails while still stepping, that is a no, no my friends, all you will get is an injured back.
I remember there was a time where I was committed to doing cardio three times a week on an elliptical for 30 minutes, it had a TV right above it which had "I Love Lucy" playing at the same time I was working out, so I could zone into that and just do it. I personally just do not love cardio, some people go nuts over spinning, running, and other intense cardio exercises, and I am just not an extremist. What interests me is something that flows, has a purpose and has an end.
So now I am on my new cardio and water focus, and the most important thing is that you are doing it. I see some people going for 45 minutes to an hour, and even switching around to different cardio machines. It makes no sense to me because just cardio is not enough, unless you are doing a circuit and going on one machine then doing some sort of strength workout, then back on cardio to raise the heart rate, like a bootc camp style, or with stationary machines.
So for myself 20 minutes is just right, I go hard, I get excited that its almost over, I go near a TV that has something interesting although I cannot hear it. I sometimes tune into music at the gym and I like the beat, but I don't want something in my ears, some people really get into the iPod and that is awesome, I like to check out my surroundings, and then check in if it is almost over.
I am teaching at the gym three times a week, I am there already, and honestly I have been enjoying getting it in :) Figure out how to get it in around your life, that is all we can do, especially in mommy world.
Coach Yulia
I remember there was a time where I was committed to doing cardio three times a week on an elliptical for 30 minutes, it had a TV right above it which had "I Love Lucy" playing at the same time I was working out, so I could zone into that and just do it. I personally just do not love cardio, some people go nuts over spinning, running, and other intense cardio exercises, and I am just not an extremist. What interests me is something that flows, has a purpose and has an end.
So now I am on my new cardio and water focus, and the most important thing is that you are doing it. I see some people going for 45 minutes to an hour, and even switching around to different cardio machines. It makes no sense to me because just cardio is not enough, unless you are doing a circuit and going on one machine then doing some sort of strength workout, then back on cardio to raise the heart rate, like a bootc camp style, or with stationary machines.
So for myself 20 minutes is just right, I go hard, I get excited that its almost over, I go near a TV that has something interesting although I cannot hear it. I sometimes tune into music at the gym and I like the beat, but I don't want something in my ears, some people really get into the iPod and that is awesome, I like to check out my surroundings, and then check in if it is almost over.
I am teaching at the gym three times a week, I am there already, and honestly I have been enjoying getting it in :) Figure out how to get it in around your life, that is all we can do, especially in mommy world.
Coach Yulia
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Getting it IN! |
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
He put ME to sleep
My husband is out for the day, my older two are in school, and I am chatting with my mom on Skype, eating some of my homemade chicken soup, YUM!
The other day I wanted my baby to take a nap, he is almost two and at this point if it gets too late in the day I would rather wait until 7pm bedtime. It was probably around noon, I laid down with him in my bed, we played around for a bit and then I pretended to fall asleep. I hear him get out of bed, shut the door and say "shhhh." I decided to take advantage of some quiet time, he went into the kids room played with trains and tools, I could hear the sounds of the train table and him banging the hammer on one of the beds.
My phone rang loudly, I decided to get up and see who it was, I have a client that is about to go into labor. It was someone else, so when I was done he went to find me, I asked him if he wanted to sleep or play, he chose to play. I told him to turn on the music, he loves to listen to a whole bunch of fun children's CD's we have in the room, he knows how to turn it on, off he went.
I took a shower without being interrupted, and was so happy that this time has come, we can have a conversation, and he will make a wonderful decision based upon my suggestions. This morning when I went into the restroom I told him I wanted to be alone, I did have to bribe him with my phone, it has no games on it, he doesn't really know what he is doing, but off he went.
This morning my older two were awake before the baby and we were just hanging out on the couch. I was wearing socks and some dirt was hanging off of one of them, and my son said he was "freaking out!" I asked him where he heard those words before, probably from me, OY!, we have to watch what comes out of our mouth.
I am one of the few people that loves going to the dentist, got a cleaning today, feel good, and on my way out I got a message from a girl who took my Yoga class and lives in my community asking if I had belly dance scarves. I have two, one yellow and one white, some of my artifacts saved from my single life. She doesn't know me so well, but I am happy she thought to ask me about it, she needed it for a friends wedding.
I am happy people see my spark :)
Coach Yulia
The other day I wanted my baby to take a nap, he is almost two and at this point if it gets too late in the day I would rather wait until 7pm bedtime. It was probably around noon, I laid down with him in my bed, we played around for a bit and then I pretended to fall asleep. I hear him get out of bed, shut the door and say "shhhh." I decided to take advantage of some quiet time, he went into the kids room played with trains and tools, I could hear the sounds of the train table and him banging the hammer on one of the beds.
My phone rang loudly, I decided to get up and see who it was, I have a client that is about to go into labor. It was someone else, so when I was done he went to find me, I asked him if he wanted to sleep or play, he chose to play. I told him to turn on the music, he loves to listen to a whole bunch of fun children's CD's we have in the room, he knows how to turn it on, off he went.
I took a shower without being interrupted, and was so happy that this time has come, we can have a conversation, and he will make a wonderful decision based upon my suggestions. This morning when I went into the restroom I told him I wanted to be alone, I did have to bribe him with my phone, it has no games on it, he doesn't really know what he is doing, but off he went.
This morning my older two were awake before the baby and we were just hanging out on the couch. I was wearing socks and some dirt was hanging off of one of them, and my son said he was "freaking out!" I asked him where he heard those words before, probably from me, OY!, we have to watch what comes out of our mouth.
I am one of the few people that loves going to the dentist, got a cleaning today, feel good, and on my way out I got a message from a girl who took my Yoga class and lives in my community asking if I had belly dance scarves. I have two, one yellow and one white, some of my artifacts saved from my single life. She doesn't know me so well, but I am happy she thought to ask me about it, she needed it for a friends wedding.
I am happy people see my spark :)
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
My Quiet Mat Pilates Class
It is so rare to have quiet, many people relax by watching a show or listening to music, going out with a friend or somewhere like a museum. Even in my Yoga class I play really subtle music, it really helps to keep the mind focused, the attention should be on the movement and how you feel, but if the mind starts to wander, the music can catch it and put you in the right mood and stay present.
Other workouts get fueled by intense music, you kind of get lost in the momentum, and some workouts follow the beat of the music. One thing I find that sometimes is lacking is focus on form and alignment, which can lead to injury. In Pilates especially when you are strengthening the core, it is so important to do it correctly or the back will do the work instead of the abs, and doing that constantly is do dangerous, our back is not meant to do the work.
So for Pilates I love to have a quiet room with no other distractions. What helps us focus and stay in the moment is the special Pilates breath that is in through the nose, out through the mouth very intensely making a SHHH sound, not a quiet library shh, not blowing out a candle, but a SHOUT, a SHUT UP!
When the whole class focuses in on this breath, we make our own music, share energy, but each person is completely in their own individual zone focusing on their form and alignment.
Quiet is vulnerable,
Quiet is real,
Quiet is necessary,
Quiet is healing,
Quiet is dealing,
Quiet is revealing,
Coach Yulia
Other workouts get fueled by intense music, you kind of get lost in the momentum, and some workouts follow the beat of the music. One thing I find that sometimes is lacking is focus on form and alignment, which can lead to injury. In Pilates especially when you are strengthening the core, it is so important to do it correctly or the back will do the work instead of the abs, and doing that constantly is do dangerous, our back is not meant to do the work.
So for Pilates I love to have a quiet room with no other distractions. What helps us focus and stay in the moment is the special Pilates breath that is in through the nose, out through the mouth very intensely making a SHHH sound, not a quiet library shh, not blowing out a candle, but a SHOUT, a SHUT UP!
When the whole class focuses in on this breath, we make our own music, share energy, but each person is completely in their own individual zone focusing on their form and alignment.
Quiet is vulnerable,
Quiet is real,
Quiet is necessary,
Quiet is healing,
Quiet is dealing,
Quiet is revealing,
Coach Yulia
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I miss my quiet full nights of sleep and wonderful naps, other than that life is fabulous |
Monday, February 3, 2014
My kids started using the word spicy quite early to describe the feeling their tongue had when drinking soda. Today my daughter told me the new toothpaste she used was spicy and she didn't like it. Sometimes it means intense, sometimes it means not so good to the taste buds. There were some funny definitions at
The day started of fantastic we are blessed with gorgeous fresh and clear weather after the rain. Still layer and sweater weather for us LA folk, but the sun is shining bright and keeping us warm. Just came back from our fun Mommy and Me, Babyccino, and now trying to get some stuff done, hoping baby will take a nap.
Meeting with Doula clients tonight, excited for my world, also at the mommy and me, love talking babies, birth, and pregnancy. It is so important for women to talk in general, but especially a free, open space to process our birth story is essential.
Thank God for the miracles that we are,
Thank God for the process,
Thank God for the result,
Keep Talking Ladies,
Coach Yulia
The day started of fantastic we are blessed with gorgeous fresh and clear weather after the rain. Still layer and sweater weather for us LA folk, but the sun is shining bright and keeping us warm. Just came back from our fun Mommy and Me, Babyccino, and now trying to get some stuff done, hoping baby will take a nap.
Meeting with Doula clients tonight, excited for my world, also at the mommy and me, love talking babies, birth, and pregnancy. It is so important for women to talk in general, but especially a free, open space to process our birth story is essential.
Thank God for the miracles that we are,
Thank God for the process,
Thank God for the result,
Keep Talking Ladies,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Party Hopping
You would think I was talking about superbowl parties, but I am only talking about kids stuff. I can enjoy a ball game, but my husband is not into it at all. From what I hear if you are a Broncos fan it was not worth watching. I do love the chilli and snack foods, dips, but not so sad that I missed that either. Today there were a few events in the community that were interesting to me and had kid activities attached. We got pizza and playtime at the first, and got hot dogs, moon bounce, animals, and face painting at the second. My kids got the coolest face painting which has inspired me to pain their faces for Purim, our Jewish dress up holiday that is coming up next month. So much better than wearing a mask, and it looks pretty easy to duplicate, there is a creative force within me, in my single performing life I pulled together quite a few fantastic costumes. I love dressing up too, haven't thought about my costume yet this year, will see what the theme of the big Purim party in town is first.
Got a chance to tidy the kids room, the older two went to sleep willingly, the baby is a whole other story, but I am about to leave to teach my community Yoga class in half an hour, and my husband will hopefully put him peacefully to sleep, and I will come home to a relaxing quiet home - AMEN!
Hope Everyone Had a Fantastic Sunday,
Whether your team won or lost,
Hope you enjoyed the company and the food,
That is most of the fun anyway,
getting together and hanging out,
I am happy I had a fun day of hanging out with the kids,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, February 1, 2014
To Be Fit, To Find The Right Fit, To Fit In
There are so many thoughts in my brain, I cannot pinpoint what I wanted to write about earlier. Overall had a wonderful day, my husband took the kids to synagogue and I slept, the weather was gorgeous, almost 70 degrees Fahrenheit so once the kids came home we just hung outside all day. We got the bicycles out, and then our neighbors came out, were were there probably for a couple of hours, so nice to pass time hanging out and talking to moms while the kids have fun and get tired :)
For some reason my baby is really protesting going to sleep, and by the time the whole process is finally complete, I just want to do nothing, I want to enjoy the quiet, read, or watch a show. Maybe that is why my brain is a bit off, it doesn't want to work anymore today.
When I do my coaching, whether it is Yoga, Doula, or Health and Nutrition advice, I feel like it flows from within. A combination of personal experience and education, but also intuitively trusting what just feels right in my gut at the moment because each person is so different, there is not one answer.
Everything is about connection and relationships,
That is where all of my coaching stems from,
It is ok if there is not a connection, there are so many choices in this world,
My advice to everyone is to find what feels right for YOU,
Find the right fit for YOU,
Go with your Gut,
Coach Yulia
For some reason my baby is really protesting going to sleep, and by the time the whole process is finally complete, I just want to do nothing, I want to enjoy the quiet, read, or watch a show. Maybe that is why my brain is a bit off, it doesn't want to work anymore today.
When I do my coaching, whether it is Yoga, Doula, or Health and Nutrition advice, I feel like it flows from within. A combination of personal experience and education, but also intuitively trusting what just feels right in my gut at the moment because each person is so different, there is not one answer.
Everything is about connection and relationships,
That is where all of my coaching stems from,
It is ok if there is not a connection, there are so many choices in this world,
My advice to everyone is to find what feels right for YOU,
Find the right fit for YOU,
Go with your Gut,
Coach Yulia
A fun pic of my brother and father laying on the floor hanging out and my baby was there too until he saw me |
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