New Year's Eve makes me think of all the fun I have had over the years. It was a day to get out, socialize, dance, and have a great time. This year I have a Yoga class that I am teaching, and then just relaxing at home with my family. My favorite things to do are where my kids are entertained and leave me alone to mingle with adults. I think even getting someone to watch the kids is not relaxing, you are watching the clock and hoping everything is OK.
To each their own! I hope those of you partying are having a blast, and those of you staying in or just having a small celebration are having a wonderful time. In the Soviet Union era, New Years was the big national holiday, there was no religion, so they had their own version of the tree and grandpa frost. I do not remember any of this, I was seven when my parents left to America. Feeling grateful to just be, enjoy what is, do what feels right to me, and wish for all of you to take care of yourselves this coming year. It is not selfish, it is self care.
שנה טובה!!!
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
There is sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. There is also what people call the sixth sense of using more than 10% of our brain. I would like to propose a unique sense that parents develop called SuperSense. I was talking about it with a fellow mom, it was amazing how she could hear things that I couldn't hear in her home while I was teaching her Pilates. She heard footsteps outside, when her baby would shuffle, and something her almost three daughter was saying outside. Then I realized at my home with my kids, I also know exactly when I am needed, hear things and catch them before they get worse, and as I usually suggest, trust my gut and SuperSense completely.
For example, I am very proud that my baby is waking up at night to go to the bathroom, he is recently trained, and has had a few number one accidents in his bed. So I automatically wake up, even if I am in a deep sleep, help his brain register why he woke up, after he goes, I stay with him until he falls asleep. He used to want to always come to our bed, but now he asks to go to his bed, YAY. While I was laying with him I hear my girl climb out of her bed and go to the bathroom, it was already 6am, believe it or not sometimes their waking time, between six and seven in the morning. I quietly rolled out of my baby's bed and glanced in, and realized she was out of toilet paper. Before she opened her mouth to ask and peeked out at me, I already had the toilet paper in hand.
Parents are Super Heroes,
We Rock,
We do so much,
We deserve to be proud of ourselves,
Thank God we are all feeling better,
Stay warm everyone, cold temperatures coming even to La La Land,
Coach Yulia
Monday, December 29, 2014
Breaking Point
It is amazing how a natural smile always looks best, my kids are being silly and making me laugh. Before this happy moment they were yelling, fighting, and driving me nuts. I really want them to work things out on their own, and of course it depends on the situation. I do find that at night when they are tired they get extra whiny, teary, and super dramatic. Just what a parent needs after a long day, how do you deal with it?
I cannot tell you what my breaking point is for every situation, but when I cannot reason, talk my way out of it, and want to start yelling, I call in the reinforcements, my husband is the law, I am the mediator. Sometimes my buttons really get pushed, and I cannot understand why a person (aka my child) would be so mean, go so nuts, not be nice to me after a long day.
Many people know me as their Yoga teacher and they see a calm, balanced person. I am that person when I teach, but as soon as I walk back into reality, my buttons can definitely be pushed. Luckily teaching Yoga for 15 years has calmed me down overall, and taught me to react in a calmer manner. Then throw marriage and kids into the mix, and everything gets shaken up. Being under the weather makes everything even more interesting.
Yesterday all our plans changed and luckily I felt a little better, I took my oldest son to a Bar Mitzva, I really wanted him to have the experience. I know he felt good about being with older kids instead of always having to do what his younger sister and brother want.
Day By Day,
Thank God For Our Kind Of Problems,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, December 28, 2014
What makes you feel better when you are under the weather?
It is our last chance to have some outside time before it gets too cold. We have some other options, figuring it all out.
Have a great Sunday,
Two more weeks with kids at home,
Hopefully we all feel better,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, December 27, 2014
I Got Nothing
Usually one thing sets me off, whether its parenthood, or an event, or something inspiring in my work. The past 24 hours have been a little bit of everything, and I do not feel like complaining. just want to finish my day by having the best sleep ever, I hope.
Lately when people ask me how I am doing, I take a moment to think about it, and tell them good, and its nice when its just good. Nothing out of this world, and nothing horrible, just good.
There has been a cold going around, and I still got some of it, trying to rest as much as possible, plus its chilly outside.
We have our heat on,
Kids are asleep,
Hopefully for the night,
Just finished a movie,
Nighty Night,
Coach Yulia
Friday, December 26, 2014

I saw this the other day and I found truth in it, going into a wonderful weekend, it can be good food for thought. I started thinking about the number 10 and how it is the ultimate, the top, perfection, look at that show Dancing With The Stars. Also the reference of being a 10, in physical beauty, or level 10 in a sport or a goal that you have set. Then it had me thinking about the original 10, the Ten Commandments, which still applies today.
The world is nuts, and that is the whole point. We must face it, expose it, deal with it, take action, and be of service. From Israel to child abuse, it is so hard to face, maybe the video below will give some inspiration.
Thank God for the Day of Rest from it all,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, December 25, 2014
We Wish You...
Post by BuzzFeed Video.
I was reading a few thoughts today that I found very interesting, one was from a Jew and one was from a Muslim about how Christmas feels when you are not Christian and how we can apply it to our lives.
The Jewish perspective:
Today is a cultural curiosity. Billions of people are putting their energy into a sometimes-spiritual event while many Jews are busy eating Chinese food(1) and emphasizing it is “just” a normal day. “Messiah/Moshiach” is a deeply Jewish concept, so why don’t we all use today to focus on elevating our “messiah consciousness” and doing our part to heal humanity?
Isaiah wrote: “And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, And the leopard will liedown with the young goat, And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little boy will lead them (11:6). Here’s a free/freed re-interpretation: tame the animal passions within yourself and allow your inner child, your intuition, to lead the way.
Or put another way, Can you get your warring internal thoughts to be peaceful with one another? Can you remove all conflict from your family relationships and live in peace? If the messianic vision is to “repair the world in the leadership of the Divine”(2), then can you unify your thoughts, words and actions?
Interestingly, it can all start with a meditation. The prophet Jeremiah even wrote that “the breath of our nostrils is the Messiah of God” (Lamentations 4:20). This could mean that if we control our breath then it takes us into a deeper, internal and transformative state. Peace within leads to peace without.
Today, try looking beyond what you see with your eyes. If you see holiday lights, look towards your inner light, and connecting that to a Higher Light. Consider how you can bring more light into your own life and then radiate it outwards.
Love & Light
(1)Since moving to the USA I've learned about the American Jewish custom of eating Chinese Food & watching movies on Christmas. I don't know the origin of the tradition...but as Tevye said, every tradition has a reason...
(2) Hebrew: “L’taken Olam B’Malchut Shaddai” - literally “to fix the world in the Kingdom of God”, but my free translation above also works….
(2) Hebrew: “L’taken Olam B’Malchut Shaddai” - literally “to fix the world in the Kingdom of God”, but my free translation above also works….
The Muslim perspective:
A few observations I made today (Christmas)
Today morning when I was heading towards the cemetery to visit my father, I realised that the roads were awfully quiet I could see the end of the road with no cars in sight, it is normally those very roads that are full of traffic at that particular time.
Anyway that's when I realized it is Christmas morning and I thought to my self, SubahanAllah had been Eid morning I would have seen cars trampling on one another blasting music and causing havoc for every other road user, I would have seen youngsters, boys and girls in hired cars and lemo's going up and down the same road repeatedly to show off their cars.
Whereas on Christmas Day, those celebrating are at least doing it properly, I.e. with their families enjoying their time etc.
When I got to the graveyard quicker than usual (no traffic) I realized that just like how we Muslims pack out the graveyard after Eid Salah by visiting our loved ones, they too visit their lost ones on this morning, although not in as large a number as on Eid morning.
We Muslims could definitely take some lessons in the way they conduct themselves during Christmas, because not a year has gone by that I haven't heard an announcement in the Masjid that young Muslim boys and girls have died in car accidents due to their reckless driving, leaving behind their grieving parents, friends and family.
My son had a holiday play in his school and they finished it with this,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Happy Chanukah,
We with you a Happy Kwanza,
and a Happy New Year,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Happy Holidays
Today was the last day of Chanukah, and for many of my friends it is Christmas Eve into a whole day celebration tomorrow with family and friends. Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season, and a beautiful, happy, successful New Year full of love.
In my Jewish world the next few days are business as usual, I am back to work and everything is open and our streets are full of action. Everywhere else around town tomorrow people are looking for things to do together and see what is not closed.
My kids have long winter breaks from their school, so between my husband and I we have to get creative. Luckily in my community every day there is a celebration, we just came home from a hair cutting ceremony of a three year old boy. It was so much fun seeing friends, the kids had a bounce house, and everyone had a blast.
Fun is never ending,
That is just how I like it,
Carry on,
Party on,
Celebrate Life,
Celebrate Each Other,
Happy Holidays
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Is Winter Break Over Yet?
Exhausted from having kids home and running around all day, although we are having fun, I feel totally drained. God bless the stay at home moms and all the teachers, thank you so much for inspiring and keeping our kids busy and having fun.
My big boy's break started today and he is home for three weeks!
My girls break starts Thursday for one week, but she has been sick so I have had her home.
My baby goes back tomorrow to his Jewish preschool, and I go back to work tomorrow to my PE.
Tonight is the last night of Chanukah, bittersweet, so much fun, so full of joy and light. The ultimate goal is to keep that light shining.
Coach Yulia
Monday, December 22, 2014
On the 7th night of Chanukah
The Jewish calendar is lunar, unlike the New Year that is coming up that is on the Solar calendar. Also Jewish days begin the night before, for instance our Sabbath starts Friday night until Saturday night. So tonight is the 7th night of Chanukah and it was beautiful, simple at home together.
Today was a day of recovering from our Sunday Funday, non stop parties and Chanukah events. My daughter woke up with a runny nose and I had a bit of a scratchy throat. I am happy to report my baby just had his first good poop since Fluid Friday-Sunday. I was going to go to an event, but got the venues confused, so we ended up grabbing my big boys bike and heading to a park. He had a blast, but as soon as we arrived my daughter felt nauseous and threw up in the grass. She didn't have an appetite all day, which for her is off, even though she is a petite little lady, she loves to eat. My baby also still has a bit of a runny nose. We stayed in during the chilly morning, but when temperatures got to almost 80, I figured the sun would be good for them. Hopefully everyone, including me, will be feeling like themselves again. Maybe it is all the fried food, maybe the shot of vodka, but my head and body have been off all day. Once we got home from the park, I put them all on a show and took a nap, I have a few days off now for Chanukah.
I just ran across the picture below and found it fascinating. We are made of matter, we are minerals, everything is unique, even how we cry and for what reason we cry.
We are miracles,
God Willing all of our machinery will be working properly tomorrow,
Coach Yulia
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This photo series by Rose-Lynn Fisher captures tears of grief, joy, laughter and irritation under the microscope. Tears aren't just water. They're primarily made up of water, salts, antibodies and lysozymes, but the composition depends on the type of tear. There are three main types - basal tears, reflex tears, and weeping tears. As you can see, they can look incredibly different when evaporated and placed under a microscope. more info: |
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Morning, Noon, and Night
Today was so full of things to do, I had to pick and choose and squeeze in what I can. This morning we had a birthday party for a friend of my kids, it was perfect, park, pizza, and friends. Then we headed to Santa Monica Ice Rink, where there was a Chanukah event in the afternoon. My big boy was excited about the ice skating, and was brave to do it for quite a while, mostly holding on to the wall, but proud of himself. The other two were not interested, my girl did not like how the skating shoes looked, and the baby was asleep.
We finished off the night at a friends annual Chanukah party, I ran off by myself to another good friends party, and so glad I did. The best Latkes ever, a shot of vodka, and some piano sing a long, Woo Hoo!
Chag Sameach,
Happy Chanukah,
Happy Holidays,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, December 20, 2014
5th night of Chanukah, I love how you see the reflection in the window and also below on the glass table |
PARENTING (may be TMI [too much information] if you are not a parent):
Once you become a parent bodily fluids are a hot topic of conversation, especially poop. My baby has been sick for the past few days, nothing horrible, Thank God, but a running nose, cough, and non stop poop, Two days ago it started as regular non stop poop, yesterday it was pieces, and today full on diarrhea. I am so blessed that he is not even three yet and out of diapers, but these sick days have me cleaning up all over the place, poor baby, projectile and all (sorry for the visual)
My kids know that their private parts are just for them, only exposed while in the shower or changing, or at the doctor's office, they are for nobody else. Lately we have been thrust into abuse in our community, on the Hollywood stage, college campuses, and blatant, barbaric exploitation by extremist groups such as ISIS. I read a very interesting article today about what college campuses are doing, and specifically Jewish organizations. They look to our ancient texts and see that privacy and consent are very clear in Judaism, very powerful, click on the following link,
When I think of the world fluid, I think of it as a verb, something being fluid, moving, flowing. I always talk about energy, and listening to your gut, and going with the flow, really connecting to yourself. During Chanukah it is all about discovering the positive, the light, and seeing revealed miracles. Here is a great article about the Jewish lesson of the week,
Here is a great article about the history of American relations with Israel, and realizing that it's been worse,
My Yoga teacher says, bodily functions should be pleasant, we just go on with life when our machinery works as it should. When it malfunctions, that is all we can think about, something is wrong. Fluids can be good, and fluids can be not so good, but they are important to our everyday life. Important what we put into our body, especially water, and important to let toxins flow out of our body.
Our body is a miracle,
Coach Yulia
Friday, December 19, 2014
When I was single I had two modes of operation, on and off. Home is where I was off, messy, sleeping, and just letting myself be. The main thing I miss about being single is my sleep! Besides that I had to change my definition of off because I am not home alone anymore, EVER. Shabbat is my day off of the world, and many times my husband takes the kids to synagogue and lets me have my beloved nap. I love quiet, I love alone time, I love me time, and as parents, wives, and busy folk, we need to schedule it in.
Big party happening tonight at our Shabbat dinner celebrating my brother in law. I am so lucky to have gained an amazing brother, uncle for my kids, and friend. Wishing him a year of happiness, health, success, and love.
The video above is hilarious, talking about Jews having too many days off because of all of our holidays. My favorite part is the big challa, braided egg bread, that we eat every week for Shabbat, and take that day off no matter what is going on.
Love Being Off,
Happy Chanukah,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, December 18, 2014
We live in an "interesting" world

I wrote the other day about creating our own reality for our family, and I feel blessed that my kids are happy and proud of their heritage, and having a blast celebrating. I love the picture above of my baby with his marshmallow menorah that he made in school, the kids ate it this morning, he came home from school singing the dreidel song. My daughter is the only Jewish person in her school, so what does she do? Tell everyone about Chanukah, she was so proud to tell me about it. We brought in a Menorah that she made last year to her new school, it is made out of dreidels, and she is so happy to respect what everyone celebrates, and to share what she celebrates. We are going to a Chanukah party at my son's Jewish after school program, so excited.
Interesting is a word that you don't always want to hear. If you ask someone about an outfit or your hair and they say interesting, it is not necessarily good. I choose to use that word in that context, there is so much craziness going on right now in the world, bonkers! I suppose the only good part is that we can have an opinion, and vocalize that opinion, and take action.
Craziness in Europe:
Craziness in America:
Life will happen,
We choose to live it our way,
Stand up for what we believe in,
Live by example,
Enjoy and Share our traditions,
Respect others,
Happy Holidays,
Happy Birthday Micha :)
Happy Birthday Micha :)
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
I grew up with a brother
I feel grateful for so many things, Chanukah is a time of year where we are conscious of every day miracles. I was thinking today that I am very blessed to have a daughter but it is challenging for me to have female energy in the house because I grew up with the best brother ever, one brother, no sisters. Many of my friends have such beautiful sister relationships, I was so happy to be the only girl of the house, the oldest child, and to have a beautiful close relationship with my brother and still do.
I feel grateful for my birthplace, Moscow, Russia, it makes me appreciate a very unique culture, I still speak, read, and write, so I can crack up with the amazing jokes and videos like the one below.
I am grateful for my Jewish brothers and sisters in the IDF singing Chanukah songs in the above video, they are so brave.
I am grateful when governments and people work together and focus on one person, one soul, one individual, so special that Alan Gross is home for Chanukah,
My kids have brought home Menorah's from school, they all got to light the first candle last night, and tonight the party's begin. I just love celebrations, I love the happiness, I love socialization, food, music, and a festive mood.
I am grateful for the Holiday Season,
Everyone makes an effort to gather and be merry,
Happy Holidays,
Chag Chanukah Sameach,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
The Holiday of Light
Chanuka is here tonight! Excited for all my kids to light their own menorah, and excited for the parties coming up in the next eight days. There are so many fun traditional songs and new songs, check them out at this link,
Chag Sameach,
Happy Chanukah,
Coach Yulia
Monday, December 15, 2014
My Day
6am baby in our bed, peed (totally trained otherwise), changed his clothes, put a towel on it, put him back to sleep, got out of bed
6:30am other two kids awake breakfast, shower, get dressed, lunches
8am Bring Kids to School
9am Private Yoga/Pilates Client
11am Doula Brunch Gathering, Bagels
12pm Meeting at School where I teach PE, Sushi
2-4pm PE for three classes
5pm Rehearsal for Chanuka performance, I choreographed the dances for the girls, pizza dinner, bringing my kids
6pm Home Sweet Home, hopefully kids go to bed, I can hang with my husband, have dinner and talk about our day
Coach Yulia
6:30am other two kids awake breakfast, shower, get dressed, lunches
8am Bring Kids to School
9am Private Yoga/Pilates Client
11am Doula Brunch Gathering, Bagels
12pm Meeting at School where I teach PE, Sushi
2-4pm PE for three classes
5pm Rehearsal for Chanuka performance, I choreographed the dances for the girls, pizza dinner, bringing my kids
6pm Home Sweet Home, hopefully kids go to bed, I can hang with my husband, have dinner and talk about our day
Coach Yulia
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It's almost kids bedtime! |
Sunday, December 14, 2014
My kids and I just had a great time at a fun Chanukah celebration, it starts this coming week, and there will be so many parties, so it was nice to have one early. They got face paint, ate donuts, learned how to make oil to burn candles, did crafts and
Then I go online and read about world and national issues that directly affect me, and it is so intense. There is so much, all I can do is keep reading, learning, absorbing, and then share what I feel gets the truth across as clearly as possible.
This Shabbat I got a chance to read two amazing articles, one was about panhandling and the mindset and facts, fascinating, find it in the link below on page 28. The there is wonderful commentary on the Jewish lesson of the week and how it affects us in today's reality. It specifically talks about people who on the outside seem pleasant and kind, but underneath may have an agenda, read all about it on page 18.
We have to create our own reality, especially for our kids,
There is so much going on in the world,
Important to be aware,
Also important to protect and guide our own homes in the best way we know how,
Our reality today was fun,
My reality is a constant intake of information,
I love it,
Sometimes overwhelming,
Sometimes enlightening,
I choose to be in the light,
I choose to lead with light,
I teach my kids to know of the world, and also to know who they are,
Happy Holidays,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, December 13, 2014
I'm So Knotty!
Get it? Naughty? I just had the most amazing deep massage at Massage Garage in Culver City, They are open all day, all kinds of therapists, but I was recommended to Zvi, and I wanted super deep, and he worked all that knottiness out. This Shabbat was not so relaxing, my daughter is under the weather, and the other kids decided to stay home with us, so restful it was not. I kept on counting down the hours until my massage, and I feel so good.
My husband suggested we make some muffins out of all the bananas that were about to spoil, and it turned out amazing, vegan and gluten free, I don't feel guilty eating them. Here is the recipe, I substituted baking powder for baking soda, extra bananas instead of blueberries, and honey instead of maple syrup. Also there is no dairy, so instead of milk I used almond milk, and instead of butter, coconut butter.
Chanuka is around the corner,
Join me tomorrow afternoon to start the party early,
So Excited,
Life is Good,
Take Care Of You, or who else is going to do it?
Excess once in a while is moderation,
If you don't take a break, you will break,
Celebrate Life,
Celebrate Light,
Coach Yulia

Friday, December 12, 2014
Some Jewish Traditions and Laws Explained
So excited to share this, my good friends are hosting the Shabbat in the video, and everything gets explained to a non Jewish host. This is what my family and I do every Friday night, and my kids love it. It is a tradition to invite guests, so every week my kids are excited for our meal with friends. Sometimes we go out to friends as well, it is so special that we have home made food with love every week.
Especially since I work all week, always on the go, and always connected to my phone, I love to step off the world with my family. No car, computer, TV, or any other electronic devices, my kids know it, and believe it or not we survive the day by hanging out with friends, eating a nice meal on Saturday at our synagogue, and then just enjoying each others company. I admit with no shame that I love best when my husband takes the kids on Saturday and I get to nap.
Have a great weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Sometimes we don't know what to think

Here are the three topics I write about most:
- Pregnancy/Labor/Birth
The following article clearly explains that the ultimate goal is a safe birth for the mother and child. There are so many options, and each person should choose what is right for them, and the medical community should respect it and do everything in their power to assist and empower the mother instead of ego, anxiety, and fear mongering.
- Exercise/Nutrition
We want it and we want in NOW! The reality is that healthy habits should be a lifestyle, and my favorite quote is, "excess once in a while is moderation." People try different diets, and push themselves so hard in exercise that they get injured, why? This article talks about finding ways that fit each individual with exercise that you enjoy, that way you keep doing it, and also to keep trying new things.
- Jewish Themes and Israel
I know exactly how I feel about my ancestors and Israel, completely proud and completely pro. Sometimes with all the news out there, it is hard to know what to believe. Then we have American celebrities putting in their two cents, and all I can do is AGREE or just shake my head about people jumping on a bandwagon without getting their facts straight.
Ultimately all we can do is educate ourselves and make an informed decision based on facts. Of course our background, experiences, and circumstance will also be part of each opinion. In all of the above topics I am clear about my stance, but I also am open to keep learning and hopefully going in the direction of the truth.
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
What is one of the best pieces of life advice that you ever got_______________________?
Shared a delicious mushroom omelette made by my husband this morning, I had coffee and my little man had tea |
Busy day, overall good. Lately when people ask me how am I doing, some days I feel its just OK. My reply is "nothing is horrible and nothing is out of this world, it is just good and I am grateful for that."
My brain is always analyzing the day, and today I had two powerful conversations. One was with an amazing student that comes to a class I teach, and we were talking about stepping outside our routine. I mean really stepping outside of it, doing something that you haven't done in years, getting a little daring, or even going back to some of your old haunts. The other conversation was about value, and perceived value. I am always writing about listening to your gut and things clicking, but even if someone enjoys something, or it is good for them, they might not be aware of the connection. Sometimes people think of value when something costs more, or people are doing it or it is a trend. I will not say always, but most of the time, I am in my own little world, trends and technology pass me by. I am a character however, and I love to experience different roles, and I really know how to look like I know what I am doing, I am very good at that.
It's good to know what we are good at, and what we are not good at, but that should not stop anyone from being curious, daring, and taking risks. I feel it is a combination of your gut and just going for things. So I ran across a post from, and I picked my favorite answers, the question was the title of this blog. "What is one of the best pieces of life advice that you ever got_______________________?"
Perseverance outweighs talent.
Love yourself, so you can give love to others.
Realize that you are powerful.
love yourself !
You cannot serve from an empty vessel.
Your past is just a learning curve
this too shall pass
If your going through hell... Keep going!
You are the captain of your own ship.
You teach people how to treat you
Always listen to your intuition!
Just be.
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
The Right Fit
The right fit.
Right place.
Right Time.
For some reason the world wants us to believe there is one answer to everything and for everyone. It makes no sense to me, we are all so different, so one way that absolutely worked or didn't work would only apply to one opinion. I feel the best approach is to listen and learn everything you can, and then make a decision that works for you. What am I talking about?
Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth
Child Rearing
Career Choice
Skin and Makeup Products
Every decision in life really, depends on circumstances, goals, and what is the right path for each situation. Ultimately all we can do is go for it, and hopefully a decision was made and it felt right.
That's all,
Coach Yulia
Let's finish with some Chanukah fun, it's around the corner!
Right place.
Right Time.
For some reason the world wants us to believe there is one answer to everything and for everyone. It makes no sense to me, we are all so different, so one way that absolutely worked or didn't work would only apply to one opinion. I feel the best approach is to listen and learn everything you can, and then make a decision that works for you. What am I talking about?
Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth
Child Rearing
Career Choice
Skin and Makeup Products
Every decision in life really, depends on circumstances, goals, and what is the right path for each situation. Ultimately all we can do is go for it, and hopefully a decision was made and it felt right.
That's all,
Coach Yulia
Let's finish with some Chanukah fun, it's around the corner!
Monday, December 8, 2014
Learning Never Stops
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One of the shots from our photo shoot, my kids hanging and loving each other :) |
I don't remember what book it was, and maybe some of you will know, but the first phrase is "life is hard." We are on this earth to overcome challenges, grow, and to contribute and be of service. When we are aware that it will be a wild ride, we saddle up, and mentally prepare to overcome, and know it will all turn out well in the end with the lessons learned and the person we have become.
This year I have taken on a teaching position, I have been teaching for over 15 years, but not in a school environment, and just like everything else in my life, I want to go in open, collaborate, and find the click. I was talking with a teacher that has really figured out how to lead a firm yet loving classroom, the students show respect and learn, and she always uses a calm voice, gives warnings, and the kids know to listen or there are consequences.
I have never been a fan of consequences, but now as a mother to three toddlers, as much as I talk sometimes I have to send my husband in to get the point across. Bottom line of this post is about constant learning, there is never a point when we stop learning, there is never a point when we know everything, and that kind of sounds boring.
There is one person in my life, I will not name, but she really thinks she knows everything and always says "if only everyone would listen to me." I think this is old world thinking, and done with life thinking, the world is always changing there is not such thing as right for every person, every time.
So I ran across this article about Russian Jews, and it really struck a chord because this was my family. Coming to a new country as a blank slate, belonging to nowhere, with roots erased. I feel so blessed to have rekindled the roots of my ancestors, and am happy to know the couple that runs this event personally, my son goes to their preschool, and I teach Yoga to the ladies in the community.
Please click to read all about it,
There is one person in my life, I will not name, but she really thinks she knows everything and always says "if only everyone would listen to me." I think this is old world thinking, and done with life thinking, the world is always changing there is not such thing as right for every person, every time.
So I ran across this article about Russian Jews, and it really struck a chord because this was my family. Coming to a new country as a blank slate, belonging to nowhere, with roots erased. I feel so blessed to have rekindled the roots of my ancestors, and am happy to know the couple that runs this event personally, my son goes to their preschool, and I teach Yoga to the ladies in the community.
Please click to read all about it,
Life is Learning,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Love Last Minute Spontaneity

I originally had no plans for today, was just going to tidy up around the house and check out if there was anything fun for kids around town. Late last night a friend of mine was taking photographs in beautiful Griffith Park in the picture above. One of her clients cancelled and she told me she could squeeze my family in. I got our outfits together, did my own hair and makeup, pretty proud of myself, and gave the kids a talk about showing their teeth.
A friend asked me in the morning if we wanted to play date, and the rest of my day was planned. We cleaned in the morning, did a photo shoot in the afternoon, and had a wonderful dinner with friends and our kids had a blast in the evening.
It is so nice to go with the flow, have no plan, leave it to the universe, see what we are in the mood for, and leave it to chance.
Happy to be home,
Now to wash off the makeup, my least favorite part,
Busy week ahead,
I love to not know what I am going to do the next day,
I love being available last minute for work and play,
Excited to see the pictures,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Check your EGO at the door
I have had a non stop last few days with not too much sleep, and it is all from doing wonderful things. A new life, and a wonderful Shabbat dinner with friends last night, our kids had a blast with friends. Today we honored my father in law, Tuvia, who died two years ago today. He was a very special man and I was blessed to know him for 5 years, and my children remember him fondly. He was a warrior, originally from Romania, then his family moved to Israeli and he served in four wars, afterwards brought his family to America, and I am forever grateful for my husband.
I have respect for people who have lived a full life, have degrees, have knowledge, but I always tell my kids, everyone has something amazing about them. Everyone has their own experiences and something to contribute, we can learn from everyone and from each other.
On Friday all day from the break of dawn I was supporting a laboring woman as a Doula, and in the late afternoon when we felt it was time to go to the hospital, we were confronted with a wonderful nurse and a midwife. I have been lucky to experience beautiful doctors, nurses, and midwives for myself and my clients in the last seven years, but this was my first experience with ego, and I didn't like it. I told my mother in law about it because she is a trained nurse and loves to hear about my experience, and she disagreed with me about the midwife having an ego. I look at it this way, and so do many hospitals, it is all about the mother. No matter whether it is a doctor, intern, doula, midwife, or nurse, we are all equally a team to support the mother in having a positive birth experience. Those days and hours in the hospital can affect the woman for the rest of her life. When I saw there was a midwife on rotation I was so happy, but when she came in with a big ego telling the mom that she has been doing this 27 years and knows what she is doing, no compassion, no soft presence, no kindness, just matter of fact, lets get down to business, I didn't like it.
Today's Parsha, weekly lesson that we learned in our synagogue today was about valuing ourselves and our greater purpose. Even when things are tough or if you are feeling down, know that life has ups and downs, and you can get through it. My brother in law gave a wonderful speech about his father and how he always thinks of him as someone who never quit, who was strong for himself and his family, and always kept fighting, God Bless His Memory.
The videos below are also in this theme of transformation, growth, and just be genuine,
There is no room for ego in human contact, in the miracle of life, just teamwork and support,
Enjoy the first video explaining a little more about this weeks Jewish lesson,
and the other one about taking responsibility for your actions,
Your life,
Your Happiness,
It's all up to YOU,
Coach Yulia
I have respect for people who have lived a full life, have degrees, have knowledge, but I always tell my kids, everyone has something amazing about them. Everyone has their own experiences and something to contribute, we can learn from everyone and from each other.
On Friday all day from the break of dawn I was supporting a laboring woman as a Doula, and in the late afternoon when we felt it was time to go to the hospital, we were confronted with a wonderful nurse and a midwife. I have been lucky to experience beautiful doctors, nurses, and midwives for myself and my clients in the last seven years, but this was my first experience with ego, and I didn't like it. I told my mother in law about it because she is a trained nurse and loves to hear about my experience, and she disagreed with me about the midwife having an ego. I look at it this way, and so do many hospitals, it is all about the mother. No matter whether it is a doctor, intern, doula, midwife, or nurse, we are all equally a team to support the mother in having a positive birth experience. Those days and hours in the hospital can affect the woman for the rest of her life. When I saw there was a midwife on rotation I was so happy, but when she came in with a big ego telling the mom that she has been doing this 27 years and knows what she is doing, no compassion, no soft presence, no kindness, just matter of fact, lets get down to business, I didn't like it.
Today's Parsha, weekly lesson that we learned in our synagogue today was about valuing ourselves and our greater purpose. Even when things are tough or if you are feeling down, know that life has ups and downs, and you can get through it. My brother in law gave a wonderful speech about his father and how he always thinks of him as someone who never quit, who was strong for himself and his family, and always kept fighting, God Bless His Memory.
The videos below are also in this theme of transformation, growth, and just be genuine,
There is no room for ego in human contact, in the miracle of life, just teamwork and support,
Enjoy the first video explaining a little more about this weeks Jewish lesson,
and the other one about taking responsibility for your actions,
Your life,
Your Happiness,
It's all up to YOU,
Coach Yulia
Post by Rabbi Wolpe.
Friday, December 5, 2014
I had a lot of fun posts that I found the other day to share with you, you can enjoy them below, but I just got back from a full day of supporting a mom, all natural labor, walking, eating, and just letting the baby lead the way.
I am in awe what happens when you just practice watchful waiting. I speak the language of energy, timelessness, and trusting your gut.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
I am in awe what happens when you just practice watchful waiting. I speak the language of energy, timelessness, and trusting your gut.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
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Treble, sharp, flat, quarter, repea |

Thursday, December 4, 2014
Everyone looks at things differently

Lately I keep finding amusing things online and want to share. Perspective is a big theme, and these three things below show it beautifully. Read the Worst Day Ever first, then check your holiday to do list, against the one in the blog today. Finally the video below is an amazing example of people from my old country, mother Russia, obviously in very poor circumstances. It makes me think of my uncle in Russia who lives in Moscow, but has a "summer house, aka dacha," not too far away. You can only go there in the summer because there is no electricity and no working plumbing, an outhouse to be exact. It makes them happy when they go, and the people in the video are showing us their world in a unique way, and they are awesome.
What can you think of that is positive in every situation you are in from now on,
Really makes a difference in your day and how you see the world.
Coach Yulia
Post by Maurizio Inzaghi.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
I am very excited to report that I am not too much longer on one side of my body than the other. I had originally gone to the chiropractor because of a minor car accident, and also was feeling my right shoulder inching up all the time, especially when I would wake up in the morning. I realized my left ankle injury from earlier this year aggravated matters because I put all my body weight on my right side. I was 11 pounds heavier on my right then on my left and it was throwing my spine off. I also learned that during pregnancy that hump on the back happens because the same hormones that relax our stomach and other areas to expand for baby, also relax the very important area below the neck that also is connected to the thyroid. Add "forward head," due to nursing, driving, and always looking down at our phones, it forms and stays and negatively affects our health. I was not understanding why a Yoga teacher and practitioner like myself was feeling like my body was stuck and things were not flowing properly.
Next Tuesday December 9, join me for a free dinner and to learn how to strengthen the immune system naturally through correct posture and a healthy active lifestyle. There is a great article at the end of the blog from my chiropractor.
Trust that you know exactly what to do for you and your baby, in pregnancy, labor, birth, and beyond. Love all these details, enjoy.
This story just blew me away, I love how people end up in a certain place, at a certain time, and serve a great purpose, enjoy.
My brother in law has a talk show segment, it is on CTK radio, it is interesting that those spiritually connected support each other, check it out:
Connections are so important,
Connect to your gut,
Connect to your other half,
Connect to friends of friends,
Connect to family all over the world,
Life is about building relationships,
Being of service with our talents and gifts,
Most importantly spreading joy and light into the world,
Coach Yulia
I am very excited to report that I am not too much longer on one side of my body than the other. I had originally gone to the chiropractor because of a minor car accident, and also was feeling my right shoulder inching up all the time, especially when I would wake up in the morning. I realized my left ankle injury from earlier this year aggravated matters because I put all my body weight on my right side. I was 11 pounds heavier on my right then on my left and it was throwing my spine off. I also learned that during pregnancy that hump on the back happens because the same hormones that relax our stomach and other areas to expand for baby, also relax the very important area below the neck that also is connected to the thyroid. Add "forward head," due to nursing, driving, and always looking down at our phones, it forms and stays and negatively affects our health. I was not understanding why a Yoga teacher and practitioner like myself was feeling like my body was stuck and things were not flowing properly.
Next Tuesday December 9, join me for a free dinner and to learn how to strengthen the immune system naturally through correct posture and a healthy active lifestyle. There is a great article at the end of the blog from my chiropractor.
Trust that you know exactly what to do for you and your baby, in pregnancy, labor, birth, and beyond. Love all these details, enjoy.
This story just blew me away, I love how people end up in a certain place, at a certain time, and serve a great purpose, enjoy.
My brother in law has a talk show segment, it is on CTK radio, it is interesting that those spiritually connected support each other, check it out:
- Jewish View
Connections are so important,
Connect to your gut,
Connect to your other half,
Connect to friends of friends,
Connect to family all over the world,
Life is about building relationships,
Being of service with our talents and gifts,
Most importantly spreading joy and light into the world,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Across the Social Media Spectrum
As I browse my news feed, there is so much going on, from sad and scary things, to wonderful inspirational messages, to practical and healthy uses of natural products. I am going to link what caught my eye.
Our neighborhood had helicopters because of this bank robbery, and I just found out someone I knew was the teller that the robber got the money from, Thank God because of technology, he got caught.
Specifically about observant women, modesty, and sexuality.
Let's finish off with amazing, unique, and talented in the video below,
It's wet and rainy in LA today,
Feels good after our extreme heat and hot winds,
Have a great day everyone,
Coach Yulia
Our neighborhood had helicopters because of this bank robbery, and I just found out someone I knew was the teller that the robber got the money from, Thank God because of technology, he got caught.
Specifically about observant women, modesty, and sexuality.
Let's finish off with amazing, unique, and talented in the video below,
It's wet and rainy in LA today,
Feels good after our extreme heat and hot winds,
Have a great day everyone,
Coach Yulia
Post by बुटवल अनलाइन.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Lower Your Expectations
Everyday words pop out at me, and I love to share what it means to me. In the world that we live in everything is about exceeding expectations. In school, work, parenthood and life in general, everyone is searching for more, for the next thing, sometimes forgetting to recognize and celebrate accomplishments along the way.
I was talking to my private Pilates client today, she has an almost 3 year old girl and a 7 month old boy. Her daughter was more calm overall and a good sleeper, her son loves to nurse every hour and does not nap for more than 20 minutes and wakes up all night as well. She is a stay at home mom and feels like she can let her baby take the lead and its OK. There are so many books, specialists, gadgets in our world, and the bottom line is money, spend, spend, spend! Look at black Friday and cyber Monday, people save up all year to blow it all in the holiday season. I am the other extreme, I really have no desire to shop, I want to get rid of stuff, and I overall feel I have what I need. If there is extra spending money, I usually like to spend it on my kids or a nice dress, but "mall withdrawal," does not apply to me, "retail therapy," does not work for me.
So my client said that our world has such expectations of how to parent, exactly how the baby should eat, sleep, and develop. I think it even starts earlier, in pregnancy, labor, and birth. No matter what medicine discovers, the way of the midwives has always been watchful waiting, and that is really how the process should be looked at. Intervention causes more intervention, and if things don't follow a timetable that does not fit every person, then the medical mentality and philosophy is how to manage it, they go into it with how to fix when something is wrong perspective. I love the approach of the Netherlands, even today. A little blurry, but it was the best scan below from Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities by Henci Goer.
Lowering our expectations sounds like a very healthy mindset,
Of course have goals, projects, and plans,
On the way there, enjoy every moment, be in the moment,
The video below shows a moment,
A universal moment of parents with children,
With everything happening in our world,
It is so nice to connect to each others humanity,
Coach Yulia
I was talking to my private Pilates client today, she has an almost 3 year old girl and a 7 month old boy. Her daughter was more calm overall and a good sleeper, her son loves to nurse every hour and does not nap for more than 20 minutes and wakes up all night as well. She is a stay at home mom and feels like she can let her baby take the lead and its OK. There are so many books, specialists, gadgets in our world, and the bottom line is money, spend, spend, spend! Look at black Friday and cyber Monday, people save up all year to blow it all in the holiday season. I am the other extreme, I really have no desire to shop, I want to get rid of stuff, and I overall feel I have what I need. If there is extra spending money, I usually like to spend it on my kids or a nice dress, but "mall withdrawal," does not apply to me, "retail therapy," does not work for me.
So my client said that our world has such expectations of how to parent, exactly how the baby should eat, sleep, and develop. I think it even starts earlier, in pregnancy, labor, and birth. No matter what medicine discovers, the way of the midwives has always been watchful waiting, and that is really how the process should be looked at. Intervention causes more intervention, and if things don't follow a timetable that does not fit every person, then the medical mentality and philosophy is how to manage it, they go into it with how to fix when something is wrong perspective. I love the approach of the Netherlands, even today. A little blurry, but it was the best scan below from Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities by Henci Goer.
Lowering our expectations sounds like a very healthy mindset,
Of course have goals, projects, and plans,
On the way there, enjoy every moment, be in the moment,
The video below shows a moment,
A universal moment of parents with children,
With everything happening in our world,
It is so nice to connect to each others humanity,
Coach Yulia
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