I cannot get this word out of my mind :) This is such a powerful word, it is what I am trying to inspire in my classes, the concept of quieting the mind and focusing on the breath. Also, if the thoughts keep coming, to acknowledge them, and decide to get back to them later. If there is a thought that will not go away, maybe spend some time being present to where your mind wants to be.
It is different from meditation, which for me is challenging. During Yoga I am focusing on the movement, so the mind is turned off from the world. For some people meditation makes sense, sometimes they add chanting or visualization. Since I am spiritually connected, and have my roots in Judaism, the chanting and singing did not click with me.
It is different from relaxation, disconnection, or any kind of escape. In my thinking mindfulness is all about connecting to the present moment. Our brain is constantly in Yesterday and Tomorrow, when we pay attention to our breath, which is non stop, Thank God, we are instantly present and our brain really cannot do more than one thing at a time.
People that practice mindfulness have more brain function and are happier. It is beyond being happy for what you have, or working on yourself. It really is just accepting and respecting where you are, and listening to where you want to go.
I just had a wonderful 24 hours of rest, our day of rest every Friday night to Saturday night. Today we celebrated my brother in law's engagement at our Synagogue, and I am about to meet them out to celebrate some more with friends.
I went to a 30 minute mindfulness class on Thursday, and yesterday was working, getting my hair done, and but the time I got home, Shabbat was around the corner. I really wanted to blog about all of my thoughts, especially going into Shabbat. Then I became present to wanting to just turn off and start preparations for the candle lighting and getting ready for our guests. That was more important, as much as I love to express and share, and I love all of your responses and connection, being mindful helped me to really connect to what I needed to do for me. Whenever I do not blog a few people including my brother in law asking me in shul today, and often my mother ask me if I am OK, and what happened.
I hope this will inspire all of you to be mindful, true to yourself, and express yourself your own unique way.
I apologize for a blogless day,
Will try to squeeze blogging in earlier on Fridays,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Mazal Tov!
My brother in law is engaged to an amazing woman, here was his creative proposal. Life is about moments like this, moments that become special forever in our memories. Moments that we will tell to our friends, children, and write in our memoirs.
Today I went to a "mindfulness" seminar at the Hammer museum, http://hammer.ucla.edu/programs-events/2014/05/mindful-awareness/, it is FREE. It takes place every Thursday at 12:30pm, sitting quietly with around 100 people, being led into a place of presence and awareness. Since I am a Yoga teacher, I like to be on a mat, lying on my back, sitting in a chair was not as comfortable. It was interesting how everyone went along for the experience, although there were a couple of people that left in the middle. It is not easy to sit quietly, face yourself, and just allow the thoughts to flow, acknowledge them, accept and respect them. She was giving some interesting facts how it makes people happier and actually changes the physical parts of the brain.
Bottom line is,
Take the time to enjoy whatever it is you are doing in the moment,
At least notice it,
It is OK to feel what you are feeling,
Maybe it will make you aware to start making changes,
It could be dangerous to disconnect from how our mind and body feels,
Our health, happiness, and quality of life depends on how we take care of ourselves,
Think about it,
Or maybe just sit down, relax, and focus on your breath,
We start thinking and we stop breathing,
Think of Nothing, Feel Everything,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Cycles of Life
My grandmother is turning 100 this September, God Willing. We are planning a gathering of our family from all over the world. My Yoga teacher, 82, and my parents in their 70's are the example of health, daily exercise, attention to nutrition, and no need for any medications. Today has been a day of wonderful news of new life and shocking news of someone too young passing away.
Before hearing any of this I was having thoughts of my own about the cycles of life. My classes are rescheduled, so this morning I was free to finally go take my Yoga teacher's class. Speaking of cycles, mine came to visit this morning, so my plan changed. Listening to my body to stay home, take care of me, take care of the home, and take care of my kids, one has no school today, and the other is not feeling too good.
It is hard to formulate words, feeling thoughts of life not being fair sometimes, but ultimately feeling 100% trusting of the flow of the world, and feeling grateful for the blessings in my life, Thank God.
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
"Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable," is the definition of FORMIDABLE.
I came across this word today and it made me think in which areas of my life am I formidable and in which do I choose to just be, flow, and connect.
Today is National Holocaust Remembrance Day and 70 years since Auschwitz was liberated. As a Jew I am formidable, I will never stand down, I will always speak up, and never stand quietly, always tall and proud in the forefront. I have linked a few interesting articles and a video that I feel are important to share. Jewish people are still being targeted all over the world, sorry BBC, it is not time to let go of the Holocaust, it is a human lesson, do not disgrace the survivors that are living.
Where I am not formidable is in my teaching style, I do not want to create soldiers or followers. I want to energy exchange, people that enjoy and really understand what I am sharing, and step off the world for an hour. I am learning that this is not possible everywhere, so I will just be true to myself and give as much as I can. I am always trusting how I feel, love to try new things, but always know when it is time to move on. My ultimate goal is that everyone tune into their true self, figure out their way, feel proud, learn about themselves, it is not selfish, it is self care.
For all the families that perished in the Holocaust,
For all the remaining survivors,
Am Yisroel Chai,
Coach Yulia
Monday, January 26, 2015
The business of continuing education
When I started teaching Yoga over 15 years ago, there was no national certification, there was no Yoga Alliance, which now certifies Yoga studios and instructors. There are so many different types of Yoga Ashtanga, Hatha, Iyengar, Kundalini, Vinyasa, and that is just to name a few. My amazing teacher used to have his own studio, but decided to just do privates and teach at 24 Hour Fitness, and that is where our paths crossed. The moment I took his class, I knew it was going to be my future, I had no plan before then, moved to LA to find myself. It fit me, he is now 82 years old, and found Yoga himself at 40. I found it right before 30, and feel grateful that it has made me a more calm and balanced person. I needed to get a national certification in order to teach at 24 hour fitness, I chose AFAA, and that started my relationship with continuing education. I see the importance to keep up with the trends and changing tides of education, especially when you are first starting out. I also got my personal training certification, which was more continuing education investment. I had not trouble getting work as a Yoga teacher because I connected with people that liked my class and the style of Yoga that I taught.
Someone had a brilliant idea to create an organization to monitor, certify, and make a successful business out of continuing education for Yoga, and they could only get that education at studios that were also certified under the Yoga Alliance. There was an exception, people that were teachers before the Yoga Alliance was formed could be grandfathered in with proof of hours and teaching locations. I thought about joining it, but it never came to pass, I kept on working with no problem.
After I got married and had kids I got certified in Prenatal Yoga at Golden Bridge, which again clicked with me. I liked that the training was a big variety of education from nurses, midwives, to all different type of Yoga backgrounds, and even some dance. That also had no continuing education, and once again because of the community I live in where there are Thank God children galore, my classes are always in demand.
After my third baby the Doula training that was perfect for me aligned with me being ready, and one of my former clients wanting me to be ready as her Doula. My Doula teacher also did not believe in continuing education, because it is just a business. Every birth is new, we are always learning, and we grow with what specialties we are interested in. I am excited to be part of a hypnobirthing training coming up soon. There are national Doula certifications that may be a good fit for others, I am just happy that I found my fit.
Today I was part of the very first training and orientation for Doula's by the Cedars Doula Advisory Committee. I learned so much about communication, putting the mother first and working together, and preparing my clients for what a hospital birth will include. My biggest lesson was about a client changing her birthplan, and how that is when she needs me mentally and emotionally more than ever. Especially when an epidural is the preferred choice, it is up to me to support the mom in connecting with the baby, understanding that the baby is still working its way down, and even though there has been relief, there has not been a disconnection between mother and baby.
Coach Yulia
Someone had a brilliant idea to create an organization to monitor, certify, and make a successful business out of continuing education for Yoga, and they could only get that education at studios that were also certified under the Yoga Alliance. There was an exception, people that were teachers before the Yoga Alliance was formed could be grandfathered in with proof of hours and teaching locations. I thought about joining it, but it never came to pass, I kept on working with no problem.
After I got married and had kids I got certified in Prenatal Yoga at Golden Bridge, which again clicked with me. I liked that the training was a big variety of education from nurses, midwives, to all different type of Yoga backgrounds, and even some dance. That also had no continuing education, and once again because of the community I live in where there are Thank God children galore, my classes are always in demand.
After my third baby the Doula training that was perfect for me aligned with me being ready, and one of my former clients wanting me to be ready as her Doula. My Doula teacher also did not believe in continuing education, because it is just a business. Every birth is new, we are always learning, and we grow with what specialties we are interested in. I am excited to be part of a hypnobirthing training coming up soon. There are national Doula certifications that may be a good fit for others, I am just happy that I found my fit.
Today I was part of the very first training and orientation for Doula's by the Cedars Doula Advisory Committee. I learned so much about communication, putting the mother first and working together, and preparing my clients for what a hospital birth will include. My biggest lesson was about a client changing her birthplan, and how that is when she needs me mentally and emotionally more than ever. Especially when an epidural is the preferred choice, it is up to me to support the mom in connecting with the baby, understanding that the baby is still working its way down, and even though there has been relief, there has not been a disconnection between mother and baby.
Coach Yulia
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Professional Modeling - Check
This was after my photoshoot today, trying to get a good shot in the mirror, excited to see how the pictures will come out. I went on an adventure today, www.briennemichelle.com was offering mothers a wonderful package. Hair, Makeup, and three different looks that will bring out how everyone sees the beautiful woman inside. I was lucky to be picked as one of the models that will be on the website promoting these packages, it was an amazing experience. As most of you must know, I love to be photographed, to be made up, to get my hair and nails done. I don't want to wear make up everyday, I do not know how to do it myself, and I love to be either Yoga or Diva. Before getting married I had a blast with my creative friends, I did fashion shows, modeling for clothes companies, and for shows and events. Everything was within an amazing community, and it fit my look and my style, and I was having so much fun, I never ventured into another setting.
Since getting married and having kids I have had the pleasure to work with amazing photographers, and excited to get the feel of motherhood and family. It was fun to do something just about me and just about glamour, and it was fun to not have a plan and let them style me and do what they thought would look the best. I learned a lot about posing, what angles look best in general on all women, and it was fun to just trust the process and let go of control.
It felt as close to professional modeling as I am going to get, in a very nurturing, supportive, and creative setting. I treated myself to a mani/pedi before the photoshoot, and taught an amazing Yoga class after the photoshoot.
Tomorrow morning I have a Doula orientation at one of the top hospitals in Los Angeles.
Taking care of mama,
It is not selfish,
It is self care,
Express Yourself,
Share Your Gifts,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Jewish Pride
I was reading an article about the attacks in France, and one line really popped out at me,
"The French finally realize that the Jews are only the first target." I think the rest of the world got the same feeling after freedom of speech and civilization were brutally attacked.
Here is another interesting article about the good relationship Muslims and Jews have had in France,
Then I found this amazing pictorial of synagogues still in use in Muslim countries,
There are so many thoughts, but all I can say is when my two and a half year old boy said the Shema loud and clear tonight along with me and his brother and sister, my Jewish pride was at its peak.
Am Yisroel Chai,
Coach Yulia
"The French finally realize that the Jews are only the first target." I think the rest of the world got the same feeling after freedom of speech and civilization were brutally attacked.
Here is another interesting article about the good relationship Muslims and Jews have had in France,
Then I found this amazing pictorial of synagogues still in use in Muslim countries,
There are so many thoughts, but all I can say is when my two and a half year old boy said the Shema loud and clear tonight along with me and his brother and sister, my Jewish pride was at its peak.
Thank You God for giving us our third magic easy baby boy, yep underwear 2 1/2, and Shema :) |
Coach Yulia
Friday, January 23, 2015
Compliment, Praise, Recognize
It is so nice to be appreciated, respected, and lauded. Many people are not happy in their career or other areas of their life mainly because there is no recognition, even if the compensation is good. I am blessed to be in a career path that is all about human connection, and I love it, I myself need it, so when I click with someone the compliments flow. I also have the positive view on life in general, there is always a benefit, a lesson, even something challenging will lead to greater options.
This week I am feeling appreciated by young ladies that love to speak their mind, and are telling me that they like how I do things, and that I am nice, FINALLY! I feel like with some things in life you are "guilty until proven innocent." If someone has had a bad experience, and wants to avoid that experience, everyone that they come across, they are cautious and curious.
I am in a wonderful place in my life and work, I have no agenda, I just want to share, learn, and have a good time. So exciting when people come along for the ride, the group energy is so intense, but not tense.
This is a friendly reminder to take a moment to compliment, praise, and recognize. Everyone, kids, parents, friends, teachers, family, or even someone on the street, you may like something they are wearing or a cool technology they have. It is amazing how some nice words of acknowledgement can make someone feel.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
This week I am feeling appreciated by young ladies that love to speak their mind, and are telling me that they like how I do things, and that I am nice, FINALLY! I feel like with some things in life you are "guilty until proven innocent." If someone has had a bad experience, and wants to avoid that experience, everyone that they come across, they are cautious and curious.
I am in a wonderful place in my life and work, I have no agenda, I just want to share, learn, and have a good time. So exciting when people come along for the ride, the group energy is so intense, but not tense.
This is a friendly reminder to take a moment to compliment, praise, and recognize. Everyone, kids, parents, friends, teachers, family, or even someone on the street, you may like something they are wearing or a cool technology they have. It is amazing how some nice words of acknowledgement can make someone feel.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Boys are home early, we rode around a few times and went to pick up sister from school |
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Are You Open?
I am in awe of the ebb and flow of life. Now with social media, I get to see what everyone is up to. It is interesting to get inspired by like minded people, and learn new things from opposing opinions. Today I just learned that a staple in the birthing community of Los Angeles is closing, and the reasons are beautiful, it is time, time to birth new things, time to be a star and shine, and time to move forward.
There are many things in my life that I am letting go of, to make room to grow and promote who I am now. Opportunities keep on presenting themselves, and I am always in awe, gratitude, and a bit of constant surprise that life really works this way. Today in my Pilates class, I was approached at the end about doing a basic Pilates video, everything will be set up in a few weeks. I love teaching, I love being on camera, I am excited to get my Pilates documented, I already have a Yoga video. I was 5 months pregnant with my first in the video below, my students begged me to do it so they would have something once I was on maternity leave. It is available for sale, contact me for more information. For those of you that have taken my Yoga class, it feels like you are in a room with me.
There are many things in my life that I am letting go of, to make room to grow and promote who I am now. Opportunities keep on presenting themselves, and I am always in awe, gratitude, and a bit of constant surprise that life really works this way. Today in my Pilates class, I was approached at the end about doing a basic Pilates video, everything will be set up in a few weeks. I love teaching, I love being on camera, I am excited to get my Pilates documented, I already have a Yoga video. I was 5 months pregnant with my first in the video below, my students begged me to do it so they would have something once I was on maternity leave. It is available for sale, contact me for more information. For those of you that have taken my Yoga class, it feels like you are in a room with me.
Excited to dedicate more time to my business as the kids get older. Feels good to close doors, and open new doors. I feel strong, I feel fit, I feel full of energy, now to get into the best shape of my life. There is no secret, you find something active that you like to do, do a variety on a consistent basis, eat nutritious food, have an indulge day, our body actually needs it. Sleep (not easy to do as a parent, but hopefully will get better as kids get older) and reduce stress, be happy, have gratitude. This is not easy to do, it is a choice, with children one thing passes, and the next thing begins. That is also life, hold on to the happy times, ebb and flow through the challenging times, you will come out stronger and in the right direction.
Be Open,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
If you enjoy something, figure out how to do it
I don't know if I have always loved to be photographed and transform into different looks, but when I was 15 my parents sent me to one of those modeling schools. I don't think it taught me to be perfect on the cat walk but it did teach me to be confident in my own look and to express myself in my own unique way. What I do know is that I am not always photogenic, not everyone can capture my look, and I have been lucky to be in a world of fun where I have met amazing photographers, stylists, and designers, and got to be their muse.
When I first moved to Los Angeles, before I found Yoga 15 years ago, my business card said "performance artist." I am not trained in any specific form of performance, art, dance, or acting but love to be different characters. I have been fortunate to connect with like minded people and work in entertainment and performance while teaching Yoga in my first years in Los Angeles.
Since getting married and having kids, I really want to capture a woman in all stages of life, celebrating pregnancy, motherhood and marriage. We live in a world where age is really just a number, people eat better, live a healthy, active lifestyle, and are happy choosing their work and family life.
Here is an awesome picture of my parents looking their best in a Glamour Shots photoshoot. Maybe I get it from them? We are down to earth, but love to be "belles of the ball" and "dressed to the nines" when the occasion arises. Every opportunity I see to capture a moment, a fashion show, a photographer wanting to build their portfolio, or being part of an event as a host or organizer, I come a calling.
So far I have two things lined up. A glamour photographer wants to feature moms, this Sunday I am going to have an all day affair. In March there is going to be a huge event and fashion show, excited to model and promote, https://www.facebook.com/LedorVador.
I love to shine,
I love to inspire,
I love to be fabulous,
I love to be serviced!
As in hair, nails, makeup,
I love to transform,
I also love just to be simple on a daily basis,
What do you love?
Coach Yulia
When I first moved to Los Angeles, before I found Yoga 15 years ago, my business card said "performance artist." I am not trained in any specific form of performance, art, dance, or acting but love to be different characters. I have been fortunate to connect with like minded people and work in entertainment and performance while teaching Yoga in my first years in Los Angeles.
Since getting married and having kids, I really want to capture a woman in all stages of life, celebrating pregnancy, motherhood and marriage. We live in a world where age is really just a number, people eat better, live a healthy, active lifestyle, and are happy choosing their work and family life.
Here is an awesome picture of my parents looking their best in a Glamour Shots photoshoot. Maybe I get it from them? We are down to earth, but love to be "belles of the ball" and "dressed to the nines" when the occasion arises. Every opportunity I see to capture a moment, a fashion show, a photographer wanting to build their portfolio, or being part of an event as a host or organizer, I come a calling.
So far I have two things lined up. A glamour photographer wants to feature moms, this Sunday I am going to have an all day affair. In March there is going to be a huge event and fashion show, excited to model and promote, https://www.facebook.com/LedorVador.
I love to shine,
I love to inspire,
I love to be fabulous,
I love to be serviced!
As in hair, nails, makeup,
I love to transform,
I also love just to be simple on a daily basis,
What do you love?
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Too Much
In my classes I talk about being in the moment, and today has been full of amazing moments. Once one passes I am on to the next, this is the world I live in, a constant state of consciousness of the magic all around me. There is nothing that stood out, nothing that would seem like a big deal to anybody else because these were my moments.
8-8:30am dropped kids at school, and feeling blessed that I could take them to school everyday
8:45 Free bagels and Fruit Salad at a parents meeting at my big boy's school, YUM.
9:15am New Private Prenatal Yoga - amazing connection and conversation
10:30am Pilates to a group of 25 people, many new faces, everyone got in the zone, I was on fire!
12-1:30 Healthy and delicious lunch and successful shopping for basics for me and my big boy
1:30-4 Teaching PE, great vibe, everyone had fun, one class went on a school trip so I had me time
4-4:30pm Picking up my older two, felt so good to pick them up and ask about their day
6pm Pilates to 25 people, seems like second wave of New Year resolutions, tons of new faces, totally feeling my vibe and working their body with amazing form, alignment and core
7pm made a crazy U turn and saw a cop, luckily got home and felt grateful that he couldn't find me, gotta be more careful, not in a rush, and not throw money away
8pm happy to blog about absolutely nothing, just a healthy release of my day
My husband had my baby all day,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia
8-8:30am dropped kids at school, and feeling blessed that I could take them to school everyday
8:45 Free bagels and Fruit Salad at a parents meeting at my big boy's school, YUM.
9:15am New Private Prenatal Yoga - amazing connection and conversation
10:30am Pilates to a group of 25 people, many new faces, everyone got in the zone, I was on fire!
12-1:30 Healthy and delicious lunch and successful shopping for basics for me and my big boy
1:30-4 Teaching PE, great vibe, everyone had fun, one class went on a school trip so I had me time
4-4:30pm Picking up my older two, felt so good to pick them up and ask about their day
6pm Pilates to 25 people, seems like second wave of New Year resolutions, tons of new faces, totally feeling my vibe and working their body with amazing form, alignment and core
7pm made a crazy U turn and saw a cop, luckily got home and felt grateful that he couldn't find me, gotta be more careful, not in a rush, and not throw money away
8pm happy to blog about absolutely nothing, just a healthy release of my day
My husband had my baby all day,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia
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My baby is still awake,just ate chocolate pudding, has a mustache and cracking up at himself in the picture |
Monday, January 19, 2015
MLK Fun Day
I want to see the movie Selma that goes into detail about an important march with Martin Luther King Jr. I honestly only know the little I learned in school, and like all people from different parts of the world, know more about my history, Russian and Jewish, more than the details of this era in American history. What I do know is I have deep respect, admiration, and view him as a visionary, wise man and leader. I do know that Jewish people were right along side African Americans, and that Dr. King was a supporter of Israel.
Today my kids had no school, and luckily a birthday party in the park. They both got face painting and had a great time. My baby was with my husband, so it was nice to hang with the families of my son's friends in school. I did have work today, so I dropped them off at their Savta's house, my mother in law, and actually had a great day.
I am grateful for my kids being friendly, social, enjoying meeting new people and making new friends. My son was the first boy to get face painted, and the rest followed. It was a double birthday party for a boy and a girl who are friends and their birthdays are a few days apart. May my kids always lead in accepting everyone they meet, and making people feel they can do anything.
I just ran across across the coolest MLK post ever,
Coach Yulia
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"Not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Right Place Right Time

I am so happy seeing this picture someone captured from last night, I remember someone walking around snapping photos, but was n my moment with a good friend, and for those of you that can see that left hand top corner, that is a huge birdcage that used to be mine, I like artsy things, now it lives in this beautiful home.
I am having such a perfectly timed day, I didn't have anything specific to write about, and I saw this picture and I was in awe of timing. Everything in life is about timing, meeting my husband when I did was the exact moment for both of us, we were on the same page, and he gets my creative world, and I am so blessed to have been introduced to his world.
Today there was no specific plan, but my daughter needed clothes, she is a petite four year old that has gotten away with fitting into her smaller clothes for a very long time. She is getting taller so things are fitting tighter and shorter, we needed basics and shoes. I googled a few places, but then decided to go to a shopping center nearby with Ross, Target, Old Navy, Nordstroms Rack, Marshall's, and TJ Maxx. I hear people finding things at all those places, but for me Ross has been lucky for my kids, so I decided to go there first, and we hit the JACKPOT. Everything was 2.99- 5.99, and the shoes were $12 each, we got an everyday pair and "heel shoes" for Shabbat, (that's my daughters signature name for heels. I could not believe it, recently they literally had nothing after the holidays, and a few days ago tons of new stuff, especially kids clothes and shoes have been filling the racks. I "just had a feeling," to go to that shopping center, and my "gut feeling," for everything in my life has been amazing "timing." Even for shopping, so I am going to keep trusting it to get me to the Right Place, at the Right Time.
Now we are having pizza for lunch, then going to enjoy our gorgeous Los Angeles day outside. Finishing off teaching a private group Yoga.
Feeling Fuzzy Inside,
Aware of Magic Moments,
Keep It Coming,
Happy Sunday,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Hollywood Hot 100
Getting ready for a night out with friends that I met when I first moved to Los Angeles. I drove cross country from the Miami ocean to the Los Angeles ocean, met a friend I have known since I was seven. The next day I decided to do what many people do when they move to LA, take an acting class, and I met the most amazing person, we were like each other's family in LA, and are close to this day. I started going out and connected with a group of people that were my fun and adventure to the Los Angeles scene. They were not celebrities, but there was a group of us that always hung out, had a great time, and still keep in touch. My date night with my husband tonight is with the Hollywood Hot 100. That is a name that my friend and I made up, because they were hot, it was in Hollywood, and it was a select few that were always hanging out together in the funnest places. Some people have a time in their life that was the highlight, the best memory, something they would love to relive. I am blessed that throughout my life I have made such beautiful memories with each group of people that I was spending time with. From High School in Israel when I was 16, to a trip to Prague while I was in college, to all of my Miami family from high school to all the fun party jobs I had. Living and working on cruise ships for three years has memories of so many amazing places and people from all over the world. Have to do a shout out to my beginnings in Denver, and all the people I am still in touch with since we were seven years old. I am blessed to have family all over the world Israel, Russia, Greece, Germany, and all over the United States that I have been lucky to visit and keep in contact with.
Excited to have a fun night out,
We have been long overdue for Date Night!
Party on,
Coach Yulia
Friday, January 16, 2015
Jewish Humor
Every time I pass this when I am driving on a major street in Los Angeles, part of me doesn't know what to think. Lenin was a symbol of my childhood in Russia, for some reason children were taught to love him. I was seven when we left Russia, I do not have a good long term memory, but I am so happy my parents decided to give us a new life, and when I pass it, sometimes I do feel uneasy.
I got a new perspective driving by it with my oldest son, he is six, he doesn't know who it is, and the first thing he noticed is that he is wearing a keepa, what Jewish men wear on their heads. Then he said he was Jewish, but the little guy on top was not Jewish. I know my parents will appreciate this!
My son is also learning the more specific Kosher laws in his Jewish school. The basics that every child learns first is not to mix dairy and meat. Once you eat meat you have to wait six hours before you can have dairy again. I had told him that his father will be home and make him something else to eat, and he asked me if it is going to take six hours for him to be home. Then yesterday he just ate some chicken and came up to me right after and said six hours already passed, he wants dairy. He knows how to read the numbers on the clock but does not have the concept of time yet, so it cracks me up.
Had other thoughts but time has run out, busy with work and getting kids and just got my eyebrows did. Signing off the world, Shabbat Shalom, Coach Yulia |
Thursday, January 15, 2015
I feel like I received an award and need to give a speech
First of all I would like to Thank God. I appreciate all the amazing commentary and would like to share some of them as well as my motivation for choosing this specific photo. There were many options, in some of them I looked flawless, but this photo was not about me. It was about showing a mom of three toddlers, a wife doing her best to be the bride her husband married, and showcasing where my family looked their best. It really captured that I put myself together, look a little tired (I haven't slept in six years for beautiful reasons) and that I give all of myself to my family and it is worth it. The lighting is natural, it was a captured spontaneous moment, so the angles weren't posed for optimal body image, and there is no photoshop. Luckily we all had these colors that pop so nicely in the photo, so more thought did not go into flattening my belly or wearing other clothes. I did not focus on me, because this was about us as whole family unit.
What I love about this photo is what you will read in the comments of my friends that I will post below. I really feel they express what I feel is so powerful about the image. I will not write who commented, but you know who you are, and I love what you see.
Oh my! You are such a beautiful family. Sort of Boticelli inspired placement of the goddess and her nymphs.
What a fantastic photo! With mommy anchoring it all.. Or am I reading too much into it?
Yulia: you are a goddess! you are so gorgeous, calm, and strong. I love this picture:)
Love this pic!! Your family is beyond gorgeous and you are definitely the anchor and beacon!
Thank you all for your comments, likes, and love,
Coach Yulia
What I love about this photo is what you will read in the comments of my friends that I will post below. I really feel they express what I feel is so powerful about the image. I will not write who commented, but you know who you are, and I love what you see.
Oh my! You are such a beautiful family. Sort of Boticelli inspired placement of the goddess and her nymphs.
What a fantastic photo! With mommy anchoring it all.. Or am I reading too much into it?
Yulia: you are a goddess! you are so gorgeous, calm, and strong. I love this picture:)
Love this pic!! Your family is beyond gorgeous and you are definitely the anchor and beacon!
Thank you all for your comments, likes, and love,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Over prepare, then go with the flow
I asked her for a piece of advice. She reached in her purse, pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to me. It said this:
Life isn't fair, but it's still good. Life is too short-- enjoy it. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present and the future. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
Life isn't fair, but it's still good. Life is too short-- enjoy it. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present and the future. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. If a relationship has to be secret, you shouldn't be in it.
Take a deep breath, it calms the mind. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. It's never too late to be happy. But it's all up to you and no one else. When it comes time to go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. Burn the nice candles, use the nice sheets, wear the nice lingerie, wear the nice clothes. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
Take a deep breath, it calms the mind. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. It's never too late to be happy. But it's all up to you and no one else. When it comes time to go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. Burn the nice candles, use the nice sheets, wear the nice lingerie, wear the nice clothes. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
Over prepare, then go with the flow. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years will this matter?' Always choose life. Forgive but don't forget.
Time heals almost everything. Give time, time. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.If we all threw our problems in a pile and we saw everyone else's, we'd grab our's back. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need. Yield. Friends are the family we choose. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
I find this so powerful, I am confronted right now with choices to finish many things that I set in motion that do not serve me any more. Ideas, certifications, businesses, and it is hard to let go. I am so excited to become clear to myself and my clients about my services, and let go of what was, connect to what is, and keep space open for what is to come.
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
There was no escaping it
On Facebook, on the street, at schools, in families, and with my own kids, something is going around. Luckily we haven't got the worst of it, I heard there is a stomach virus, and cold and flu that really knock people out. My kids inherited their throats from me, as soon as it gets cold and dry, the dry cough begins. We eat chicken soup, we drink hot tea, I have a homeopathic cough medicine, chestal by boiron, that I love for the kids. We even have a humidifier, so luckily they are all functional, but not 100%. What happens to me, they cough on me, they sneeze on me, I am constantly wiping noses, plus I work in a school and am always in contact with people.

I thought I got the usual, a chest cold, but lucky me for the second time in my life I got a sinus cold. I am blessed not to get headaches, so now I know what it is, the last one I had was WORSE THAN LABOR, no exaggeration. We had to fly to visit family and I literally felt that my head was going to explode with nowhere to run. Steam showers help, medicine helps, but ultimately like everything else, it has to run its course.
Yesterday a friend of mine said I sounded nasally and also reminded me that I work with kids in a school, that is when I realized it was sinuses, along with a dry cough.
Thank God it is not any worse than that for me and my family, so we continue with our schedule, washing hands, drinking tea, and looking forward to a good nights sleep to help the healing. I always tell my kids, my older two, that I am so proud of how they sleep, everything gets better when they sleep, and they are happy that they are good sleepers. My baby is getting the hang of it, and I am looking forward to the day when all of us can have a full nights sleep with no interruptions. My older two sleep through everything, I wish I had that luxury, I am a deep sleeper, but I cannot ignore my baby learning to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, or coming to my room, last night I just put him in bed with me, had no energy to do anything else, luckily he fell asleep for the night.
Stay Hydrated,
Wash Hands,
Cover Your Mouth When Sneezing or Coughing,
Fresh air and sun are good too,
Take Selfies for a good laugh, my kids are experts!
Feel Good,
Coach Yulia
I thought I got the usual, a chest cold, but lucky me for the second time in my life I got a sinus cold. I am blessed not to get headaches, so now I know what it is, the last one I had was WORSE THAN LABOR, no exaggeration. We had to fly to visit family and I literally felt that my head was going to explode with nowhere to run. Steam showers help, medicine helps, but ultimately like everything else, it has to run its course.
Yesterday a friend of mine said I sounded nasally and also reminded me that I work with kids in a school, that is when I realized it was sinuses, along with a dry cough.
Thank God it is not any worse than that for me and my family, so we continue with our schedule, washing hands, drinking tea, and looking forward to a good nights sleep to help the healing. I always tell my kids, my older two, that I am so proud of how they sleep, everything gets better when they sleep, and they are happy that they are good sleepers. My baby is getting the hang of it, and I am looking forward to the day when all of us can have a full nights sleep with no interruptions. My older two sleep through everything, I wish I had that luxury, I am a deep sleeper, but I cannot ignore my baby learning to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, or coming to my room, last night I just put him in bed with me, had no energy to do anything else, luckily he fell asleep for the night.
Stay Hydrated,
Wash Hands,
Cover Your Mouth When Sneezing or Coughing,
Fresh air and sun are good too,
Take Selfies for a good laugh, my kids are experts!
Feel Good,
Coach Yulia
Monday, January 12, 2015
I am embarrassed to admit that I just realized when looking up the lyrics to a favorite Tom Petty song of mine, that it is not "running down a drain!" but "running down a dream." I was a radio listener, sure I had some tapes (if you do not know what these are that's OK,) and some CD's, but overall I never really was into knowing every lyric, unless it was Prince :)
Anyways, I use the word drain a lot, mainly in the I feel drained sense, and in most cases because of the joy of parenthood. I also feel drained when my energy is used up in a manner that is depleting. Some of the work I do is more energy in on my part, and not much energy exchange. I am really tuned into where I am put to good use, and where I need to bite the bullet?! let me look that up, http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/bite-the-bullet.html.
Why do many of our phrases and sayings have to be so dark, so morbid, for instance,
- 2.deprive of strength or vitality."his limbs were drained of all energy"
1.a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid, especially rainwater or liquid waste.
1.a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid, especially rainwater or liquid waste.
Anyways, I use the word drain a lot, mainly in the I feel drained sense, and in most cases because of the joy of parenthood. I also feel drained when my energy is used up in a manner that is depleting. Some of the work I do is more energy in on my part, and not much energy exchange. I am really tuned into where I am put to good use, and where I need to bite the bullet?! let me look that up, http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/bite-the-bullet.html.
Why do many of our phrases and sayings have to be so dark, so morbid, for instance,
- you're gonna die!
- you're gonna have a heart attack
- that was sick!
- you killed it (or even murdered it)
- your killing me!
- looks that kill
- I am dying (of suspense, to go pee)
- put a fork in it
I am sure I missed a few, and as you can see they are all about the end, and I have taken these phrases out of my vocabulary. I will take bite the bullet out of my vocabulary, but it was fun to use it in context.
All Good,
Didn't know what to write,
I guess it's not running down a drain,
That would make sense if it was the only sentence,
I really need to just listen and read the lyrics to that whole song,
Yes I grew up listening to Prince,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Post Partum Doula - Torah Celebration - Yoga
It started raining yesterday, and did not stop until it was time to march down the Los Angeles streets celebrating the life of a great rabbi, husband, and father, in honor of him a Torah was written, and a few hundred people danced down the streets. With all the horror happening in the world today, it was so beautiful to see police cars blocking off streets so Jewish people could celebrate tradition, a soul, and a new Torah. I am grateful my kids can see this is a normal event that happens with no interruption, aggression, just support for each culture to celebrate in their own way.
Before the event I had a private post partum doula session, and it was amazing to just be in the moment, let my energy flow, give advice, guidance, and a positive twist on the challenges of life.
Now I am about to have dinner before heading of to teach a private Yoga class tonight. My work keeps me balanced and sane. I love the energy exchange that I have with adults, I enjoy working with adults, specializing in pregnant moms, and moms with newborns.
I was blessed to have three amazing pregnancies and births, maybe it was genes, maybe it was Yoga, all I know is I am grateful. I want to pass on that good feeling through my Prenatal Yoga and Doula work.
Below is a video of the march in France,
Hopefully it is the beginning,
Coach Yulia
Before the event I had a private post partum doula session, and it was amazing to just be in the moment, let my energy flow, give advice, guidance, and a positive twist on the challenges of life.
Now I am about to have dinner before heading of to teach a private Yoga class tonight. My work keeps me balanced and sane. I love the energy exchange that I have with adults, I enjoy working with adults, specializing in pregnant moms, and moms with newborns.
I was blessed to have three amazing pregnancies and births, maybe it was genes, maybe it was Yoga, all I know is I am grateful. I want to pass on that good feeling through my Prenatal Yoga and Doula work.
Below is a video of the march in France,
Hopefully it is the beginning,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Life Can Change In An Instant
Yesterday there was a million things to do, but I was not going to miss my Yoga class with my teacher, the teacher that I learned from 15 years ago, the amazing wise man who is 82, strong and full of energy. Every time I go I feel I keep learning and absorbing knowledge. I took on a new position, and Shabbat is early, so my husband has a lot on his plate. My big boys school starts on Monday finally, but I did not budge. I helped tidy up the house, ran out, arriving 15 minutes late, just to see that it was not Yoga but Pilates from now on. I love Pilates, it was still my teacher, but Friday morning has been my time to do Yoga, my balance, my workout, and now its done. I walked away thinking that my husband will be happy that Friday mornings I can now commit to getting the house ready for Shabbat before I go to work, I am blessed that he does the cooking. I felt sad, but realized that it was so hard for me to get to that class, I had already missed a few weeks because I was under the weather. It amazes me how we can have a routine, and then in a moment it is no more.
Then an amazing thing happened, I ran to work, parked, grabbed my stuff, locked the car, and starting walking towards the door. A work truck pulled over in front of my car, it was a nice man smiling at me and motioning me to wait. He did not speak English, and I was wondering what he wanted. He went to my drivers side of my car, picked up my cell phone off the floor, he saw that it dropped when I stepped out of the car with my hands full.
I was so grateful for that instant, and every instant, because when one door closes another door opens. I would have gone to my class, searched my bag, would have gone crazy wondering where I put my phone. I could have been run over or stolen, wow, bless that nice man for noticing, and taking the time to stop what he was doing and help someone he did not know.
I have a few other things that are expiring, some classes I had taken, and I don't think I want to continue with them, I don't think it serves me and my business anymore. I am very conscious of change recently, and I am letting it happen, and excited for what is in store.
Coach Yulia
Then an amazing thing happened, I ran to work, parked, grabbed my stuff, locked the car, and starting walking towards the door. A work truck pulled over in front of my car, it was a nice man smiling at me and motioning me to wait. He did not speak English, and I was wondering what he wanted. He went to my drivers side of my car, picked up my cell phone off the floor, he saw that it dropped when I stepped out of the car with my hands full.
I was so grateful for that instant, and every instant, because when one door closes another door opens. I would have gone to my class, searched my bag, would have gone crazy wondering where I put my phone. I could have been run over or stolen, wow, bless that nice man for noticing, and taking the time to stop what he was doing and help someone he did not know.
I have a few other things that are expiring, some classes I had taken, and I don't think I want to continue with them, I don't think it serves me and my business anymore. I am very conscious of change recently, and I am letting it happen, and excited for what is in store.
Coach Yulia
Amazing how fast they grow, all will be in full time school next year, and I can focus on birthing my business and creativity |
Friday, January 9, 2015
What is happening in Paris will happen in your neighborhood too
I was listening to NPR news while driving early in the morning when I first heard of the terrorist attack in France. Later that evening I heard an interview with a woman that personally knew Charlie Hebdo and the phrase below really sheds a light on the extremist mentality.
"MOULY: Oh, I'm proud to have known them and proud of cartoonists for showing such courage. I mean, it's not like they didn't know. I mean, they were there. They were at the office and they were publishing irreverent caricatures. They set themselves up as lightning rod for this mindless crime. And I mentioned to my husband, Art Spiegelman, that, you know, this just felt so incomprehensible and he pointed out that, you know, fundamentalist Islamists are also people who kill school children. So I can't quite try to make sense out of it."
You can listen to the whole interview at this link, http://www.npr.org/2015/01/07/375671926/charlie-hedbo-a-provocateur-challenging-status-quo. Then I wake up this morning to a new development where innocent Jewish people in a market in Paris are taken hostage and they are threatening to kill them if any action is taken against the attackers of Charlie Hebdo, http://www.timesofisrael.com/new-shooting-at-supermarket-in-eastern-paris/.
This is horrible, but I am liking the response of America, I am liking the attention of the world. It makes me think of the Soviet Union with its controlled media, and a newspaper called Pravda, which means truth, that was completely run by the government. I was talking to a French friend of mine that told me that in France freedom of speech is one of its most important and valued virtues.
I will close with an article where John Kerry explains “Today’s murders are part of a larger confrontation, not between civilizations, no, but between civilization itself and those who are opposed to a civilized world,” http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/charlie-hebdo-clash-civilizations.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
"MOULY: Oh, I'm proud to have known them and proud of cartoonists for showing such courage. I mean, it's not like they didn't know. I mean, they were there. They were at the office and they were publishing irreverent caricatures. They set themselves up as lightning rod for this mindless crime. And I mentioned to my husband, Art Spiegelman, that, you know, this just felt so incomprehensible and he pointed out that, you know, fundamentalist Islamists are also people who kill school children. So I can't quite try to make sense out of it."
You can listen to the whole interview at this link, http://www.npr.org/2015/01/07/375671926/charlie-hedbo-a-provocateur-challenging-status-quo. Then I wake up this morning to a new development where innocent Jewish people in a market in Paris are taken hostage and they are threatening to kill them if any action is taken against the attackers of Charlie Hebdo, http://www.timesofisrael.com/new-shooting-at-supermarket-in-eastern-paris/.
This is horrible, but I am liking the response of America, I am liking the attention of the world. It makes me think of the Soviet Union with its controlled media, and a newspaper called Pravda, which means truth, that was completely run by the government. I was talking to a French friend of mine that told me that in France freedom of speech is one of its most important and valued virtues.
I will close with an article where John Kerry explains “Today’s murders are part of a larger confrontation, not between civilizations, no, but between civilization itself and those who are opposed to a civilized world,” http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/charlie-hebdo-clash-civilizations.
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
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It's snowing in Jerusalem |
Thursday, January 8, 2015
I'm on a roll
Today I am on a roll, things just keep making me smile and the appreciation is everywhere, and the progress my students are making is evident to them and me. I got a decent amount of sleep last night, got home at 10:30pm after a long day, and my phone accidentally dialed my brother in law who had great news. He just started an amazing position that is lucky to have him, and it was worth the wait. My baby woke up to go to the bathroom and then came to our room, fell asleep, we put him back in his bed, and then he came back, but somehow the sleep kept happening. All week my daughter has had the best mornings getting up for school, and excited to be back in school. My baby also has followed my lead in a kiss, a hug, and goodbye see you later, and totally ok with it. I have had some special alone time with my big boy, his school starts next week.
Today I had an amazing conversation with a fellow doula, and she said it helped her connect to her role as a doula. I was telling her that each person is so different, so a rigid formula would not work for everybody. It is important to have a plan, tools, techniques, but ultimately listen to each mother and what she needs in the moment.
Walking out of my Pilates class I noticed a student who after one class did not complain about his back anymore. He fully understood how to activate his core, and now when he needed a break it was because his abs were burning, the good kind of "pain."
I have some time before my PE classes begin, and I was reminded I have a check waiting for me. Could this day get any better?
Bring it,
Coach Yulia
Walking out of my Pilates class I noticed a student who after one class did not complain about his back anymore. He fully understood how to activate his core, and now when he needed a break it was because his abs were burning, the good kind of "pain."
I have some time before my PE classes begin, and I was reminded I have a check waiting for me. Could this day get any better?
Bring it,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
My Message For The New Year
OOPS! It just didn't happen, every time I tried to sit down and write my blog yesterday, my thoughts did not formulate. Yesterday, I woke up in the morning and the first thing I did was call my father on Skype and wish him a happy birthday, I knew the rest of my day would be non stop. My father and I share a special bond, we have many wonderful things in common. He passed on his exotic good looks and Mediterranean nose, as well as a drive to live life to the fullest, accomplish goals, and most of all enjoy a good nap. That is where my day went sour, I did not get much sleep the night before, for some reason my baby kept on waking up, his head did not feel hot, but his body was, I ended up finally giving him some medicine. When I do not sleep, I do not function at my peak, sleep is my medicine. Lately people have been asking me if I nap, ohh what a dream it would be to nap, I have filled up my schedule with business that I love, and lately our nights have been pretty good. By the time I got home yesterday my brain was not functioning anymore, and I realized I forgot to write my blog at two in the morning, the second time my baby had woken me up with a cough. We have had extreme heat in the afternoon, Santa Ana dry winds, that dry up our scalp, nose, throat, and whole body. Thank God nobody is sick, but we are drinking hot tea and honey non stop as well as water to battle the dryness.
My message for the new year is not to get too upset when commitments, plans, resolutions, or anything else that you forgot does not get done. All you can do is move forward, try to create a system that will make things flow better in the future, and feel good. So important to be proud of ourselves, to take a moment and feel grateful for everything we do, and know we have a unique contribution to give to the world.
I want to wish my wonderful father the best birthday ever,
You are my inspiration,
You are my hero,
Wishing you health, happiness, success, and love,
Coach Yulichka
My message for the new year is not to get too upset when commitments, plans, resolutions, or anything else that you forgot does not get done. All you can do is move forward, try to create a system that will make things flow better in the future, and feel good. So important to be proud of ourselves, to take a moment and feel grateful for everything we do, and know we have a unique contribution to give to the world.
I want to wish my wonderful father the best birthday ever,
You are my inspiration,
You are my hero,
Wishing you health, happiness, success, and love,
Coach Yulichka
Monday, January 5, 2015
I am just going to be me
I keep on coming back to this decision, sometimes I stray, try to do things differently, but it just does
not feel right. We are slowly getting back to school/work mode after all the holidays, and I am raring to go. I have been working since I was 12, my parents owned a submarine sandwich shop in Denver, my brother and I would hop on a bus after school. We helped serve the customers, and also was fun to serve ourselves in our own all you can eat paradise. I have always enjoyed making my own money, when I was 16 and in 11th grade of High School, there was an opportunity to go to Israel for a semester. My father told me to earn half the money, and he would help with the other half. It was one of the worst jobs I ever had,a bus girl, cleaning dishes off the tables, preparing salads. I would see the hostess with the mostess looking all pretty and mingling, and know that I was doing it for a reason that was worth it. I knew Israel would be the one place my parents would let a nice young Jewish girl go, it was magic, it was the first time I got drunk, and in trouble. I loved learning about history in the actual places that it happened, wherever we went there were handsome soldiers accompanying us. That started my love of travel, I have been to so many wonderful places thanks to working on Norwegian Cruise Line. Los Angeles was my destination I set to find myself, I found Yoga and I found my husband. Always trusted my gut, always needed to feel connected to whatever I was doing. I have had so many jobs, and now I am blessed to do what I love, Yoga, Doula, sprinkled with Fitness and Nutrition.
Throughout my journey, I would commit to a position, and do it 100% but if it wasn't me, if it didn't feel good, if the energy exchange was not there, I would have no problem moving on. Now married with children, still doing what I love, and I would not change a thing. Some people do what they are good at, make an amazing living, and do what they love as a hobby. I am not wired that way, I cannot and luckily am able to make that choice with the support of my family, to pursue my passion and my purpose in this world.
Below is a beautiful message to women from a pioneer in the birth world, this is the truth, there is nothing to fear. Our body knows what to do, the baby knows what to do, and Thank God for everything else that exists just in case.
Feeling 100% sure,
Coach Yulia
not feel right. We are slowly getting back to school/work mode after all the holidays, and I am raring to go. I have been working since I was 12, my parents owned a submarine sandwich shop in Denver, my brother and I would hop on a bus after school. We helped serve the customers, and also was fun to serve ourselves in our own all you can eat paradise. I have always enjoyed making my own money, when I was 16 and in 11th grade of High School, there was an opportunity to go to Israel for a semester. My father told me to earn half the money, and he would help with the other half. It was one of the worst jobs I ever had,a bus girl, cleaning dishes off the tables, preparing salads. I would see the hostess with the mostess looking all pretty and mingling, and know that I was doing it for a reason that was worth it. I knew Israel would be the one place my parents would let a nice young Jewish girl go, it was magic, it was the first time I got drunk, and in trouble. I loved learning about history in the actual places that it happened, wherever we went there were handsome soldiers accompanying us. That started my love of travel, I have been to so many wonderful places thanks to working on Norwegian Cruise Line. Los Angeles was my destination I set to find myself, I found Yoga and I found my husband. Always trusted my gut, always needed to feel connected to whatever I was doing. I have had so many jobs, and now I am blessed to do what I love, Yoga, Doula, sprinkled with Fitness and Nutrition.
Throughout my journey, I would commit to a position, and do it 100% but if it wasn't me, if it didn't feel good, if the energy exchange was not there, I would have no problem moving on. Now married with children, still doing what I love, and I would not change a thing. Some people do what they are good at, make an amazing living, and do what they love as a hobby. I am not wired that way, I cannot and luckily am able to make that choice with the support of my family, to pursue my passion and my purpose in this world.
Below is a beautiful message to women from a pioneer in the birth world, this is the truth, there is nothing to fear. Our body knows what to do, the baby knows what to do, and Thank God for everything else that exists just in case.
Feeling 100% sure,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Celebrating Birth/Preparing for Birth
Our New Year's Day fun riding the metro and playing outside |
I just got back from teaching a brand new Prenatal Yoga group, it is going to be every Sunday at 6pm, please spread the word, it is in Beverlywood. As much as I love taking my kids to fun places, I also love being with adults, and especially pregnant moms. It is so nice to create an environment where pregnant women feel comfortable just sharing, talking, and feeling good.
Now kids are asleep,
Hanging with my husband,
Finally school is starting tomorrow for the kids,
I am ready to be super busy serving my purpose in this world,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Culture Shock
This cartoon cracked me up! My daughter ran across this show on You Tube, and I was happy that she would hear some Russian. Little did I know some of the interesting culture I grew up with would be there, and it is funny, but it is also a little bit scary that that was the way they did things back in the USSR. Everyone had awful teeth, eventually as age came upon a person, everyone had dentures. If there was a problem, the tooth would get pulled. I am so grateful for the work I have had done, after having babies, my perfect teeth that I had my whole life were a disaster, God Bless America!
I want my kids to know as many languages as possible, so I keep on sprinkling in Russian and Hebrew. I also know how to count to 10 in French and Spanish, and my kids do too.
I love experiencing different cultures, find it fascinating, love to learn about new places and meet new people. Excited to raise my kids that have deep roots in who they are, but with a curiosity and appreciation of our diverse and interesting world we live in.
Coach Yulia
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