So many topics in my head today, sometimes I write something in the morning one day, and my whole mood and schedule has changed a second after I pressed "share." Yesterday was one of those days, it was a sunny 80 degrees after a week of freezing cold by Los Angeles standards. I had no appointments, classes, or parties, so I was the event planner of the day. My 5 year old out of the blue mentioned ice skating, and I remembered a huge ring in downtown LA, he is in love with trains, so I thought a trip on the metro would be the cherry on top. How I was going to accomplish this with my other two younger kids I didn't know, so I called a few friends that may want to join, I wanted to do a few things around the house, it was a bit chilly in the morning, and the ice rink didn't open until 3pm.
Around noon the kids were all going stir crazy, bickering, the baby was tired from not sleeping all night, and God's plan took over, I was DONE. Using hands and mouths and feet, nope, the consequence, no metro, no ice skating!
I put the baby for a nap, the kids played quietly in their room, and I got to finish up around the house, and decided to at least take them to the park. I told my oldest that if he listens nicely all week, him and I will have a special date, just us, taking the metro and ice skating, makes much more sense, and I can have fun too!! TAKE CARE OF MAMA, it's not selfish, its self care, I deserve fun too :)
Lately we have been experimenting with greens, and my husband finally brought home some sun dried tomatoes. He does the shopping, doesn't trust me, I would just buy anything, he likes deals, and actually enjoys it, I say no problem. Now I want sun dried tomatoes in everything, I just realized we could have put them into our potato/spinach/feta latkes, YUM. We put them on a pizza, and today in the greens, OMG, I am in love with sun dried tomatoes, ever have them in a pasta salad. I don't eat much pasta, but when I see the sun dried tomatoes, olives, and sometimes feta, I dive in and enjoy.
Today was one of those days where I just got things done, my goal this week is to get into our closets, my closet was the project today. My husband dropped off the kids at school, and I got started in the morning, then I took my baby to speech therapy, he is fine, but gets frustrated when we don't understand what he wants, they tell us his brain is like a two year old, but the speech isn't there yet, he is having so much fun. Then I met a friend at the park, my baby obliged mommy time and took a nap, fun to get to know each other and just chat about our visions of the future, and how we love the big picture and love what we do.
Came back home, dropped off the baby with my husband, ran a few errands, picked up the kids from school, then finished up my closet.
Tomorrow's project, the kid's closet, I would take a picture but I am embarrassed, it is the I don't know where to put it, lets shove it in here, closet.
It's 9pm, I am going to make this an early night, my baby has been waking up wanting to come to us, he is teething, sleep has been sparse, and overall Thank God I feel good, but still not 100%. I feel like I can get through my day, but feel drained at the end, my eyes are tired, and my throat is OK but a bit scratchy. I hope this warm weather stays around for a while, I love the warm nights, reminds me of Miami.
Good Night,
Coach Yulia
Web Cam Fun, I look pretty good sideways! |