I can feel it, that things are brewing, that I am exactly where I need to be, all I have to do is keep networking, inspiring, and promoting. In the meantime while I am in my happy space, my timing and attention span have been off. I had to go to the DMV today, and I finally decided to officially put my married name on the license as well as renew. For some reason I thought they would want a copy of the marriage license, and I left the original in the copy machine at home.

Thank God I had an appointment, and got a kind soul that let me go home and get it in half hour, which wasn't around the corner, get what I needed, and now I am officially Yulia Medovoy Edelshtain. I was hoping they would let me keep my picture, but they didn't so I hope it turned out ok, I had a bit of make up with me from my taping of The Doctor's show the other week. The hair wasn't that great, but oh well, I guess I could have gotten all primped and fancy, but I really thought I could just keep the picture, so for future reference for anybody else out there, you have to take a new one when they say you do. I think this is how I smiled, I hope it turned out a little bit like this :)
Then a few other things went awry ( random words pop into my head and I always like to see if the definition is similar to what I wanted to say, in this case the answer is yes.
adverb & adjective
away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss.
Some days I feel so productive, and other days I do not know where to begin, sometimes my schedule is changed, and I am able to modify on the spot, other days, I kind of feel like stopping completely and starting over tomorrow, today is one of those tomorrow days.
Finally the baby is napping, going to focus on the house until the kids get home in a couple of hours.
Happy Monday
Coach Yulia
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