Overall it was quite amazing, if there is such a thing as good sick, my kids are troopers. Throwing up is a trip to the toilet, and then resting, no whining, no grossing out, it just is what it is. Pretty strong little people they are, it is part of life, and all you can do is rest and wait it out. The baby took a nap, the rest of us were just hanging out, being super mellow. Once the baby woke up we ate, and then I decided to play right outside our door for some fresh air, it was pleasant outside. That's when the wildness came out, my daughter starting running too far, and the baby followed. She ignored my multiple attempts to tell her it was too far. I was ready to go inside, then my oldest son came out and went right into a puddle with his sandals, and I was done. We went back inside, luckily my husband came home not too long after that and starting reading books with them, so I got a little break.
The older two are in bed, the baby we will give a bath to shortly, I am actually feeling much better, Thank God. I have a baby shower tomorrow, and then my daughter has a birthday party in the afternoon.
I needed to just stay home today and let my body rest and recover,
Thank God the kids were in the same mode for most of the day,
So ready to have a quiet and early night,
Has such an amazing dinner last night with friends at our place,
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Coach Yulia
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