OK, HELP! Those of you that do your own hair, specifically straightening with an iron? What is the magic product/process, how come at a salon its perfect and when I do it myself its super poofy and frizzy?
Since we left for our road trip, two 16 hour drives and no bed as good as mine, my body and neck was so achy, we got back late Wednesday night, had a busy Thursday, still achy. I went to my teacher's Yoga class Friday morning, and today I feel good, it is amazing how right after the class I felt this amazing natural high, and then today my body is good. So happy to be following it up with a hot tub right now with a friend of mine in her home.
How funny I just noticed that in my picture above you see my fridge with pics of my kids, funny what glimpses I give you behind the scenes.
I am tired, still recovering from our adventure, slowly getting back into our routine, and focusing on getting organized for the million things on our to do list.
As I love to say these are all good problems,
Happy Weekend,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia
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