Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Processing - Digesting - Getting it Out - Moving On
Happy to be home finishing my non stop day. My day started with an amazing Pilates class with 40 people, many of them new to my class. When I first got trained in Pilates, I did not love it, Yoga was so complete for me, I did not teach it for a long time. In order to maintain my certifications, I have to get continuing education, so Pilates was just that, nothing more. Different times in our lives bring attention and focus to something that has really had an effect. When I first moved to Los Angeles in 2000, I found Body Pump, it is a low weight, high repetition full body workout, that completely sculpted my body. It was fun, great music, easy to follow, but very thorough about form and alignment, I started teaching it a few times a week and got into the best shape of my life, I was 28. After having three babies in a row, core is that focus that I cannot get enough of. I have developed a mind, body, and breath connection, that gets everyone zoned into themselves, really getting it, really feeling it. There is no music, our breath becomes our music, and it is so nice to step off of our overstimulated electronic world for an hour.
I love how people "get it," how they enjoy the mind and body focus, how I bring Yoga, Martial Arts, and Dance into the philosophy. I love when one of my students told me it is about the "fundamentals," what a perfect word to describe Pilates, Core, and Posture.
After that beautiful energy exchange, I met a wonderful private client, and then headed off to PE, where I am enjoying the energy of the girls, and learning so much about girls of all ages, it also makes me think of parenting and what kids need. I just ran across an amazing article, which seems like it is not only for parents, but for human interaction everywhere in the world,
I finished my night with a wonderful group class, and taking my mother in law to see www.rolandhealinghands.com, he just had a birthday and is leaving town for a month, so it was nice to squeeze each other in. My mother in law was so grateful, and I was happy to make time for her to feel good.
The first thing I did today after dropping the kids off in school is have my Arasys session for my abdominals, excited to finish my series, and with everything else that I am doing, getting my body feeling and looking healthier than ever.
Getting it Out
Moving On
That is what I do when I write this blog,
Thank You for listening,
Thank You for your comments,
Thank You for relating,
Thank You for allowing me to release and continue experiencing life and sharing it with you,
Coach Yulia
Monday, September 29, 2014
Positive Energy and Creating A Space For Each Individual
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Can you see my reflection in my new glasses/sunglasses? What do you choose to see? |
My happy space is sometimes a place that shields me from the other energy that exists all around. Fear, Anxiety, and Negativity are everywhere, but I just don't see it. I cannot even say that I choose not to see it, I just automatically look at the upside of every situation. It sometimes makes people uncomfortable because they may ask me things from their perspective, and I offer a positive view, and I guess when you get two options, then it is a choice. For me there is no choice, it is just positive, a lesson, and experience, without the downs we would not fully appreciate the ups.
This morning I had a private Yoga class that is a few generations, and the grandfather told me that I always bring positive energy when I come to their home. It is so nice to hear when it is not only appreciated, but understood, it is just a fact, I sprinkle it everywhere, not everybody sees it, and that is OK, but everything that comes from my head, heart, gut, soul, you name it, it is from a positive view, a possibility of light, a way to fully experience the moment. Life is so precious, all the stuff you hear about enjoying the journey, keep growing, keep searching, keep learning, keep growing, reevaluate yourself, transform, be of service, share your light with the world.
I was telling my PE students that I am going to get "TEACHERY." I told them at first that I want them to to have fun while they learn, but boundaries and rules are a must, and it is interesting that the response was good so far, we will see what happens the rest of the week. I look at this as lessons I am learning for my own kids as they keep growing into independent, strong willed, and passionate individuals.
We ended our day with a fun birthday party for a three year old boy getting his first haircut, it was so fun, so many friends for the adults and the kids, yummy and a great time. I ran into a mommy that had a similar philosophy as me about birth, and I would be honored to be her Doula. It is such a privilege when the fit is right for both of us. My goal as a Doula is to support the mom in what is best for her, I will listen, I will evaluate the situation as a whole, and ultimately go with my gut, which I trust implicitly.
Ready or not I am just going to be me full on,
Ready or not I am just going to be me full on,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, September 28, 2014
My Kids Are Listening
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All of these thoughts are about older two, this guy is the "easy" one |
Now my mission is to get a system for my PE classes, some structure, and it is completely up to me to create it. I really want my class to be the place where I can respect the kids as young adults and let them relax and have fun a bit, but nonetheless there must be boundaries. My mom says that I was a kid that just got boundaries. I love being easygoing in my work with adults, but with kids I am focusing on making a fun and exciting learning experience. With adults its about being so grateful to just turn off from the world and tune into yourself, kids don't want to turn off, that is their amazing full of life nature, that is the way it should be.
Focus on the positive,
Reward and Recognize,
Enjoy the Experience,
These are life lessons,
For kids and adults,
Deep Down We all Want To Connect and Be Seen For Who We Really Are,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Screen Time vs.Face Time
I have been off the grid since Wednesday night, but not completely, in my line of work I am on call and available, although it was nice to be with family, my mind was ready for support and action.
The following article really struck a chord about our world today, and how at family gatherings everyone could easily be on all the different electronic devices instead of bonding and hanging out together.
I am so happy that my kids know the concept of turning everything off, we do it every Friday night to Saturday night. We did it even longer because of the Jewish New Year, we have not had any TV, Computer, Car, or Music and we survived. The article above talks about how when people have too much screen time, they are not able to function as well in Face to Face time, they cannot read people as good, I find this very powerful.
My good friend who has battled anorexia and bulimia and has risen above with many support programs, calls me a normie. I do not understand addiction, feeling helpless, feeling lost, all I know how to do is deal and problem solve. Even as a mother, I have had some extreme situations with my kids, all I can do is get into a zone where I focus on the situation and deal with it, I have to digest it later, but ultimately I have to deal head on.
I feel energy, and I feel vibes, but unless someone tells me exactly how they feel or what they need, my brain automatically focuses on how I can best attend to the situation at hand. My goal in everything that I do as Coach Yulia is to empower and support my clients, so that they go through an experience full on, conscious, and feel good about all the choices that they made.
The only way for me to stay sane and balanced is to stay in my happy space. Everything I do comes from a genuine feeling of wanting people to consciously choose what is right for them. In my Yoga classes my ongoing message is to connect the mind and body, tune into what you need in the moment, every day is different, every experience is different, think of nothing, feel everything.
It is amazing to become a parent,
You really get into a space of I am just going to do my best,
I feel this is the healthiest frame of mind to be,
Trust Your Gut,
You Know What Is Best For You and Your Family,
My Gut is My Gift,
I Trust It Fully To Fulfill My Clients Needs,
Coach Yulia
The following article really struck a chord about our world today, and how at family gatherings everyone could easily be on all the different electronic devices instead of bonding and hanging out together.
I am so happy that my kids know the concept of turning everything off, we do it every Friday night to Saturday night. We did it even longer because of the Jewish New Year, we have not had any TV, Computer, Car, or Music and we survived. The article above talks about how when people have too much screen time, they are not able to function as well in Face to Face time, they cannot read people as good, I find this very powerful.
My good friend who has battled anorexia and bulimia and has risen above with many support programs, calls me a normie. I do not understand addiction, feeling helpless, feeling lost, all I know how to do is deal and problem solve. Even as a mother, I have had some extreme situations with my kids, all I can do is get into a zone where I focus on the situation and deal with it, I have to digest it later, but ultimately I have to deal head on.
I feel energy, and I feel vibes, but unless someone tells me exactly how they feel or what they need, my brain automatically focuses on how I can best attend to the situation at hand. My goal in everything that I do as Coach Yulia is to empower and support my clients, so that they go through an experience full on, conscious, and feel good about all the choices that they made.
The only way for me to stay sane and balanced is to stay in my happy space. Everything I do comes from a genuine feeling of wanting people to consciously choose what is right for them. In my Yoga classes my ongoing message is to connect the mind and body, tune into what you need in the moment, every day is different, every experience is different, think of nothing, feel everything.

You really get into a space of I am just going to do my best,
I feel this is the healthiest frame of mind to be,
Trust Your Gut,
You Know What Is Best For You and Your Family,
My Gut is My Gift,
I Trust It Fully To Fulfill My Clients Needs,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
New Year, New You
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Hair Done! |
Besides the New Year that most of the world celebrates on the evening of December 31 into the first day of January. There is also Chinese New Year that is widely celebrated in America, Persian New Year which is big in my diverse Jewish community, and then there is Rosh Hashana, which are called the High Holidays, most Jews all over the world celebrate this along with Yom Kippur and Sukkot. You can read more about it at this link, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Holy_Days.
One of the things I miss about my single adventures is dressing up and socialization, and lucky for me, there is so much to celebrate in our community, I get to be the hostess with the mostess. I am so blessed to have a gifted chef as a husband, he never wanted to do it as a career, but enjoys and feels how to make delicious food. Lucky for him, we are always hosting weekly for Friday evening Shabbat, and this year is our biggest yet for both nights of Rosh Hashana, 20 people per night, WOO HOO!
My Bachelor of Science degree is in Hospitality Management, I love the people side of the service industry, and I love making a fun, delicious, and interesting atmosphere.
One of my favorite parts of the Jewish way of life is to grateful on a daily basis, always evaluation where you are, and looking forward how you can thrive. Also wishing each other well, constant blessings are flowing non stop each day to everyone you meet.
I want to wish everyone in the world,
Focus on Growth,
Focus on the Positive,
Make a Decision of Something You Want to Transform,
Go For It,
Happy New Year,
L'Shana Tova V Metuka,
Gmar Chatima Tova,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
How Do You Label Yourself?

Recently I am hearing people labeling themselves and believing it. Life keeps moving forward, things will keep changing, it is up to each individual to choose the direction that it goes. A young girl who was overweight called herself fat to the whole class, when I was speaking about nutrition. I was telling her that it is important not to put yourself in a category, we could all get healthier, but just stating what you are now, believing it, and labeling yourself for the world to hear, unfortunately sets it in stone.
What do I like set in stone?
I am a Wife
I am a Mother
I am a Yoga Teacher
I am a Doula
I am Coach Yulia
I would say none of those are positive or negative, they are facts of who I have become over the years, and I am so blessed to feel complete in every area of my life. I was talking to a group of women of various ages that were saying they are "GETTING OLD." I feel that is also a state of mind, my parents who are 75, father and 70, mother are not old. They work out every day, look and feel amazing, live life to the fullest, busy with so many fun things, projects and grandchildren. My Yoga teacher is 82, he is probably healthier than most people I know, he is my inspiration with his health and his outlook on life. In Russia a birthday is all about celebration, people do not say "over the hill," they just pour a shot glass of vodka and make toast after toast. There is a point in Russian society however, where a person decides that they are old now, and everything changes, they become old. Of course we age, of course things change, but these one word explanations could mean so many things.
Love has so many meanings,
Pain has so many levels.
Love Unconditionally,
Pain could be managed, but suffering is unnecessary (this is Doula talk)
I feel so amazing with 42 around the corner,
I recently got a mind blowing massage, the best deep stretching, it felt so good to feel healthy, agile, and full of life at 41,
Choose How You Want To Feel,
Choose Who You Are,
Only You Can Make That Choice.
Another area of labeling is on any form that you fill out that wants race and ethnicity. I saw an article recently about Jewish people not being officially white at some point in American history. This web page had some interesting comments, click here to read all of them.
"Until 1878, Jews and Arabs were not considered white. The office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 changed the definition of "white" to expand, partly to make sure that Europeans would not ever be considered anything but white again, and due to an intense Jewish lobby which did not like the notion of Jews being classified in the same distinct group as Arabs.
Today's ethnicity's are yesterday's races. In the early 20th century in the US, Italians, the Irish, and Jews were all thought to be racial (not ethnic) groups whose members were inherently and irredeemably distinct from the majority white population."
"That is because the definition of "White" has deliberately become confused by some racists lately. Jews are members of the Semitic branch of the Caucasian race that used to be called White. So how do you define "White"? If it is defined as any Caucasian, then Jews are white, but if you define it as only Nordic Caucasians, then Jews are not White. The ancient Egyptians showed four colors of humans in their paintings- Red (Egyptians), White (North Europeans), Yellow (East Asians) and Black (South Africans)."
Here is an amazing article about ethnicity's of all types, and how categories have changed over the years, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_whiteness_in_the_United_States.
Coach Yulia
Monday, September 22, 2014
You Gotta Deal
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My son made a Shofar at his Jewish Academy after school program |
I like to deal with stuff, I want to face life, I do not want to be numb, I do not want to escape, I want to feel and experience every morsel, love the natural high. Thank God my baby is doing great, I tried other avenues, which I feel helped in some way, but the final solution of getting tubes is exactly what needed to be done. Thank you to everyone who is asking if he is OK, and giving me amazing stories that I want to hear, why tubes were inevitable, and even some stories where they were never put in and should have been.
My body has been feeling off lately, I do Yoga on a weekly basis for myself, I throw in cardio, I am active in my workplace, but I definitely felt like I needed a tune up myself. I got a massage, and although it felt great, I thought I needed more. A few weeks ago I had a minor car accident, Thank God I got hit lightly and am fine, but my neck started bothering me the next day, and my shoulders felt very tight. Thanks to the accident I now have to deal with what my body really needs, and I am grateful. I am learning so much, my right side is 11 pounds heavier than my left side, there should be only five pounds difference. My chiropractor also told me that my right side is stronger than my left side and higher, and I have been feeling my right shoulder always tense when I wake up in the morning now it makes sense. He is amazing, anyone in Pico/Robertson or even Los Angeles, if you are looking for a chiropractor, I would be happy to tell you all about my experience.
Since I am done having kids, I have refocused on getting every part of me healthy, and top priority has been my teeth and gums. There are a few more teeth that I need to work on, especially one that I really wanted to avoid a root canal. Time kept flying by, I love my dentist, it is an amazing office, but financially and timing just wasn't right. My husband needed to go in because of a root canal that needed attention, and from that visit, a new dental plan was worked out for me and him, and I just got one tooth worked on, the one I was focusing on. So from my husband's misfortune, a good thing came out of it for me and him, and we dealt things that were very important to deal with for our health.
I am so happy that by events that were not so good,
I had a chance to deal with things I have wanted to get done,
Everything Really Is Positive,
Almost Jewish New Year,
So excited,
Both nights we have a full house,
Coach Yulia
Post by StandWithUs.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Trust What You Feel
Jam packed, that is how I love life, hmm lets see where that phrase came from.
The term jam pack originated from overfilled jelly donuts, compacted or concentrated. A crowded theater, a crowded program and crowded trains.
Today one of my good friends has a birthday and is competing in the Herbalife Triathlon of Los Angeles, it started at 7am and ends around 10:30am. At first I was considering bringing the kids, then my husband had some gatherings he had planned. I decided to try to be there at 7am at the start line, but told her that I have a Doula client that could call any minute. It was one of the times in life where I just have to let go and see what feels right. I had been in touch with my Doula client before I went to bed, and ended up waking up pretty early, but then my kids also woke up early, and I realized I wasn't going to make it. My Doula client told me this morning that she had an hour worth of something but then it went away, it is her first baby and she is a week and a half away from her due date. Something was telling me to stick around, and I did not fight it, I just let myself have a good nights sleep, and a busy morning with my kids. I think I will take my friend out for a spa day :)
Now on to the Sunday Funday! I have a private Yoga class, two baby celebrations, then have to take my kids shopping for basics, finishing off teaching a Yoga class in the evening.
I love Shabbat, on Saturdays we just spend time together without worldly distractions. I also love Sundays where we can go on adventures and have fun together. Now that I am working full days during the week, I am really enjoying the weekend, getting a deep rest one day, and out and about another day.
I always tell my Yoga students to pay attention to how they feel, and to trust it. Our body is always telling us exactly what is going on, and during a Yoga class, the goal is to find a place that is not too much, but also not too little, and most importantly where it feels good. Not necessarily a sweet, gentle good, but a deep massage good, you don't beat up the masseuse, you just breath and focus on where you are feeling it.
Take a moment to read a friends experience below, amazing when you shift your perspective,
Coach Yulia
The term jam pack originated from overfilled jelly donuts, compacted or concentrated. A crowded theater, a crowded program and crowded trains.
Today one of my good friends has a birthday and is competing in the Herbalife Triathlon of Los Angeles, it started at 7am and ends around 10:30am. At first I was considering bringing the kids, then my husband had some gatherings he had planned. I decided to try to be there at 7am at the start line, but told her that I have a Doula client that could call any minute. It was one of the times in life where I just have to let go and see what feels right. I had been in touch with my Doula client before I went to bed, and ended up waking up pretty early, but then my kids also woke up early, and I realized I wasn't going to make it. My Doula client told me this morning that she had an hour worth of something but then it went away, it is her first baby and she is a week and a half away from her due date. Something was telling me to stick around, and I did not fight it, I just let myself have a good nights sleep, and a busy morning with my kids. I think I will take my friend out for a spa day :)
Now on to the Sunday Funday! I have a private Yoga class, two baby celebrations, then have to take my kids shopping for basics, finishing off teaching a Yoga class in the evening.
I love Shabbat, on Saturdays we just spend time together without worldly distractions. I also love Sundays where we can go on adventures and have fun together. Now that I am working full days during the week, I am really enjoying the weekend, getting a deep rest one day, and out and about another day.
I always tell my Yoga students to pay attention to how they feel, and to trust it. Our body is always telling us exactly what is going on, and during a Yoga class, the goal is to find a place that is not too much, but also not too little, and most importantly where it feels good. Not necessarily a sweet, gentle good, but a deep massage good, you don't beat up the masseuse, you just breath and focus on where you are feeling it.
Take a moment to read a friends experience below, amazing when you shift your perspective,
Coach Yulia
I was on a flight from Kansas City on Thursday. Across the way from me sat a young mom and her two year old daughter. I noticed that the mom was rough with her daughter and I felt like I had to do something to "save" her. My first thought was I need to report this mom. Then my second thought was that this mom must be tired and frustrated. I started a conversation with her to hear her out and see if I can help in any way (I shifted from suspecting to showing kindness). Her sweet girl was acting her age. Jumping on the seat and engaging with the people behind her. I could tell mom was on her last nerve. I said "it must be hard." And she responded in a thankful "you get me"response. She shared that it has been hard and she is moving to California with her daughter. She was also hungry and trying to catch the connecting flight, which she may miss. I was trying to help by connecting and engaging with the toddler. I offered her water, but I had no food with me to share (I was so irritated with myself. This was the first time I did not have food with me on a flight) They got off the flight and I felt like I did not do enough for this hungry mom and her toddler. They were on my mind all day. Today a woman came up to me at synagogue and said "were you on a flight from Kansas City to LA on Thursday? I said "yes". She said "I saw what you did for this mom and her baby. You have a gift from God" Keep doing what you are doing." I almost cried. This woman was my only connection to that story. I wanted to sit down and talk to her, but she was just visiting a friend and could not stay. The next minute she was gone. The lesson for me is Always strive to do your best in any situation. The human connection is so important, you don't know how you are impacting people with your words and actions. Allow yourself to think about your first reaction. Is it the right thing to do? Or is it your reactionary impulse? Lastly, act with integrity. You never know who is watching you.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Wishful Thinking
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He does not want to go to sleep, so I put him to work helping me load the laundry |
I am very connected to how I feel, and when something doesn't feel right, I usually avoid it. I haven't always avoided my gut, and even wrong paths are lessons after all. Recently I was in a situation where I really wanted a different outcome, and everyone I talked to I explained why I wanted a different outcome. All of my wishful thinking brought on a different outcome. Sometimes we commit to things, and of course there is our word, our professionalism, and our integrity. Life however has a way of just happening, and I really trust that things will just be and I want to fully observe the phenomenon.
I am so grateful my husband took the kids to synagogue and let me sleep in a quiet house today. Once they all got home, the kids were mellow, which is rare, they relaxed, they got me some books to read, and for a moment I was thinking, wow, is it going to be like this from now on.
I am happy I had that moment because as soon as I was basking in it, everything changed, whining, crying, wanting to go outside, and then all got worked out, our neighbors were so happy to see us, and we had a play date the rest of the day, and my husband got a quiet house for the rest of the afternoon.
Back to the wishful thinking, it made me reflect on how my whole life has been an amazing connection of adventures that I was seeking, and things that I really wanted came to be. Not all the time but definitely most of the time. I think the following three things are the same, maybe a different approach, a different consciousness, but overall it is a positive focus towards your deep desires, wants, needs, and wishes.
- Wishful Thinking
- The Law of Attraction
- Prayer
Whichever way you approach it is personal, but pick one, because these are all positive ways to go through life. I have never understood why do it any other way. Life is tough, and that is the point, the breakthroughs are the natural high. If there is a medical or genetic condition, then there are different ways to get support. It is so amazing how everything is about mindset, and support really helps keep us on track. I always say in my Yoga classes that the words "I can't" do not exist in Yoga, hopefully not in life either, but definitely not in Yoga. You say, wow this is challenging, or I will try my best, and just do what feels good for you, it is ultimately figuring out the form and alignment of your own neuromuscular system.
Focus on You,
Be Your Own Cheerleader,
Allow Yourself to Feel Proud,
Allow Yourself to Enjoy,
Allow Yourself to Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone,
But Always Trust Your Gut,
That is your deep connection to it all,
Coach Yulia
Friday, September 19, 2014
"that is where you define who you really are"
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Not bad for 6 in the morning :) Oh so ready for my Day of Rest |
Everyday I am in tune to getting inspired by people, experiences, and everything around me. All of my thoughts lately are about viewing the positive in every situation. Our mind gets in the way by worrying in advance, fear, anxiety, and taking on other peoples experiences instead of realizing that your experience will be different, unique, your own. The following thoughts are so powerful, once again pointing out that we choose how to approach a situation. Everything is a choice, it is important to do research, it is important to set goals, but ultimately do be consciously present is the only way.
The Carry On
My father came to visit last weekend.
Ever since Rashi’s passing we have had a consistent flow of family members visiting from out of town. Every week there seems to be someone here, and last week was his turn. He joined my mother who had already been here for over two weeks.
Because he was only coming for the weekend he decided to travel with only a carry-on bag in order to avoid checking in luggage, so that he could leave the airport quicker upon arrival in Atlanta.
His task was to figure out how to somehow fit all his clothing (including Shabbat clothes) and Talit/Tefillin in to the small rollaboard [carry-on].
When he arrived at our home he proudly took from his bag some chocolates and treats that he had brought from New York. I thought to myself “wow, I wonder how he also fit that in to his small suitcase”
The next day when the kids got back from school he proceeded to pull some more goodies from his bag and share with the children (and adults too). And again I thought “Where did he have space for that”
When the third batch of goodies came out a few hours later I was amazed once again. But this time a deeper thought occurred to me about the lesson that this taught me, and how well it connected with my current life.
Sometimes in life you find yourself with very limited space, and you barely have the resources you need to take care of yourself. But there are others that depend on you and you need to take care of them as well. You can legitimately claim that your simply don’t have the space for others and everyone would understand. Yet that is where you define who you really are.
What would you carry on?
My father came to visit last weekend.
Ever since Rashi’s passing we have had a consistent flow of family members visiting from out of town. Every week there seems to be someone here, and last week was his turn. He joined my mother who had already been here for over two weeks.
Because he was only coming for the weekend he decided to travel with only a carry-on bag in order to avoid checking in luggage, so that he could leave the airport quicker upon arrival in Atlanta.
His task was to figure out how to somehow fit all his clothing (including Shabbat clothes) and Talit/Tefillin in to the small rollaboard [carry-on].
When he arrived at our home he proudly took from his bag some chocolates and treats that he had brought from New York. I thought to myself “wow, I wonder how he also fit that in to his small suitcase”
The next day when the kids got back from school he proceeded to pull some more goodies from his bag and share with the children (and adults too). And again I thought “Where did he have space for that”
When the third batch of goodies came out a few hours later I was amazed once again. But this time a deeper thought occurred to me about the lesson that this taught me, and how well it connected with my current life.
Sometimes in life you find yourself with very limited space, and you barely have the resources you need to take care of yourself. But there are others that depend on you and you need to take care of them as well. You can legitimately claim that your simply don’t have the space for others and everyone would understand. Yet that is where you define who you really are.
What would you carry on?
I choose to carry positive energy,
I choose to be a light,
I choose take a breath and take a moment when I need it,
Every Shabbat I feel so blessed to have 24 hours to step off the world,
We all need a recharge,
What are we working towards?
How about all of it,
Why not?
I choose all of it,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Positive Thinking Creates Positive Outcomes
My amazing friend and Arasys professional told me about this quote, it is by Oscar Wilde, some of his quotes are hilarious, http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Oscar_Wilde. The quote above is so powerful, it is just plain truth, everyone is unique, there is nobody like you, just be you, dig into you, find you, look for happiness within you.
No matter what happens in my day, my conclusion is that it is a lesson, everything is a learning experience, God Willing something positive will come out of all the downs. I have nothing to complain about, all of my challenges are beautiful choices that I have made, and I own it, take responsibility, and keep moving and keep growing.
I had a beautiful French lady in my Pilates class this morning that proudly told me she is 67 years old and just got married, she was stunning and I am so inspired by her owning her truth, power, beauty, and gracing the world with her presence. We had a fascinating conversation about young people that are draw to fight in Syria. Their parents took them to a democratic country with opportunities, but for some reason, the children yearn for their roots and identify with the past. They have a passport as a double citizen, and after being trained can go back into the country they were raised and be an open and confident danger. My brain does not understand wanting to die and wanting to hurt. I cannot wrap my head around women wanting to be used and abused by choice. My parents brought us to America, and I am grateful everyday, they paved the way so I can share my light, it is about light, everything is about light.
I will be awake for a while, waiting on news from my Doula client. Life is a miracle, Pregnancy is a miracle. Birth is a miracle. Parenthood is a Miracle. It is such a blessing when the mother and the baby are healthy. Praying for all the parents who are expecting, wishing you a thorough checkup, and that that find that everything is just right. I always say I am happy that my plan was God's plan in my pregnancies and births.
I am present to the miracle of life.
I am present to the necessity of light.
Positive Thinking Creates Positive Outcomes.
Things change in an instant, our reaction is our choice.
As Jewish people approach our New Year,
We replay our life in the past year,
Grateful for the ups, praying for all the downs to be resolved,
Prayer is Gratitude,
We all do it in different ways,
Prayer is Awareness,
Conscious Connection,
Shine Your Light,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
See the positive outcome in everything

1. something that is difficult or daunting
2. something extraordinary or bizarre.
My car got hit from behind, Thank God I am OK, it is in the shop, I have a rent a car. What is the positive? I have been really wanting to go to a chiropractor just to get checked out, now I have to because my neck is super tight as well as my shoulders because of the accident. He was telling me the most interesting things, I am stronger on the right side of my body, and I realized it is because I always demonstrate my poses on the right. I also am 18% Body Fat which is amazing, I am solid muscle, and the fat that I have to lose is in my belly. That's another positive, happy, and amazing manifestation. I have been trying to figure out what to do about my belly, and a girl comes and takes my Pilates class and tells me that she operates an Arasys machine, and I am excited about my results. Also the chiropractor told me that pregnancy causes women to get a slight hump on the top of the back because of loosening of muscle and ligaments. That area is also responsible for the proper function of the thyroid, maybe that is why my weight has not moved since I had kids. It blows me away that I am in some ways super healthy, but in other ways need to balance myself doing a variety of preventive maintenance, even just Yoga is not enough.
Do you see that picture of my baby above? My husband took it of him in his hospital robe right before he got tubes in his ears. I was trying to figure out a way around it, different nutrition, alternative healing, but since it began in January it got so bad that his eardrum was not moving because the fluid in his ears had formed liked glue. I am so excited to hear his speech improve, he is happy and seems like nothing was ever done, eventually the tubes just fall out. Yesterday I heard exactly what I needed to hear, my friend told me that her aunt never got tubes, and her ears were affected her whole life, so much so that she cannot immerse underwater, she should have done the tubes in her childhood. I originally wanted to figure out an alternative, but sometimes the medical route is the only way to go, and I feel so relieved that we have solved my baby's discomfort and now he will thrive.
The past few weeks my new schedule has literally been non stop, waking up with the kids at 6am, working morning with private clients, afternoon teaching PE, and evenings teaching classes, getting home after 10pm. I feel grateful doing what I love, and now can fully understand how people look forward to their weekend, I have worked such a variety of jobs in my life, but 9-5 was never my thing. Since my schedule is so full, I am so appreciative of my Day of Rest, stopping everything completely for 24 hours, it is such a blessing, recharge, and I cannot imagine functioning without it.
See!Everything is a lesson
Everything is an experience
Everything is ultimately positive
Why not just choose to be happy
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Too Hot - Can't Sleep - Good Stuff - Necessary Stuff
Los Angeles is experiencing record heat this week, http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-los-angeles-heat-wave-20140915-story.html. Many people are saying it feels like a summer in Israel, where it is a combination of hot and humid. I grew up in Miami, where it is very humid, but not as hot as the desert sun of the west. I don't remember sweating so much, it is hard to breathe, and hard to sleep.
Besides the heat, last night's excitement with my Doula client had me going to sleep late, and my baby has a procedure this morning, my husband and my baby woke up on their own at 4:30am, so I was helping them get out the door. I know everything will be fine, would appreciate positive thoughts and prayers, this has been a long time coming, my baby needs his ears cleared of fluid, we have been dealing with what to do since January, happy the solution is finally here. Not necessarily good stuff, but necessary stuff. I feel that everything has its place, and the medical field is amazing when it is the last resort, and only resort.
I feel so grateful that my life is busy with so much good stuff, I am tired, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Praying for my baby,
Having my daughter instruct me how to bathe her properly like her Abba,
My big boy is still sleeping,
Happy they can sleep in this heat,
Super busy day coming up,
Won't be home until after 10pm,
Filled with Pilates, PE, Yoga, and finishing off with a meeting with,
Excited to be collaborating with like minded, gifted, and talented people,
Coach Yulia
Besides the heat, last night's excitement with my Doula client had me going to sleep late, and my baby has a procedure this morning, my husband and my baby woke up on their own at 4:30am, so I was helping them get out the door. I know everything will be fine, would appreciate positive thoughts and prayers, this has been a long time coming, my baby needs his ears cleared of fluid, we have been dealing with what to do since January, happy the solution is finally here. Not necessarily good stuff, but necessary stuff. I feel that everything has its place, and the medical field is amazing when it is the last resort, and only resort.
I feel so grateful that my life is busy with so much good stuff, I am tired, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Praying for my baby,
Having my daughter instruct me how to bathe her properly like her Abba,
My big boy is still sleeping,
Happy they can sleep in this heat,
Super busy day coming up,
Won't be home until after 10pm,
Filled with Pilates, PE, Yoga, and finishing off with a meeting with,
Excited to be collaborating with like minded, gifted, and talented people,
Coach Yulia
Monday, September 15, 2014
My reaction to everything today is a calm response
Yesterday for some reason I had little patience, maybe it was the heat, maybe just non stop one after the other, but today for some reason, a completely calm response to all of it. My daughter woke up early saying she doesn't want to go to school, so I show her the sticker chart, and she excitedly refocuses and picks her favorite stickers. The kids want to have breakfast but woke up late, I tell them to quickly take their morning bath, its something we do at our home, OCD husband, its a blessing. They don't really want to, but they do, then everyone has breakfast, gets dressed. I took the kids to school no problem.
Baby is with me for most of the day, luckily all the cute objections I met with responses that satisfied him, he is becoming quite the talker. I take him to my Arasys appointment, then to his speech therapy, and then drop him off at his preschool before heading to teach PE for the afternoon.
If you want to know more about this machine please contact me and I will give you the info. I love to say that nothing works and everything works. Every person has to find what works for them at the right time. I do not go to the chiropractor often, but tomorrow I feel like I need to go, my neck is super tight after a very minor accident last week, I was hit while parked. Everything has its place, but I don't believe in to going to a chiropractor indefinitely, unless there is a condition like scoliosis or something else that needs a continuous treatment.
Baby is with me for most of the day, luckily all the cute objections I met with responses that satisfied him, he is becoming quite the talker. I take him to my Arasys appointment, then to his speech therapy, and then drop him off at his preschool before heading to teach PE for the afternoon.
The Arasys machine can be attached anywhere for circulation and/or activating muscle and burning fat cells. I really want to see if it can activate my belly that has been stretched from three babies in a row, it feels like an abdominal workout, no pain |
I have had a full day, went on a fun double date to a friends house to learn how to make sushi, and then ran off to teach my last class at 9pm. I glanced at my phone before class and read that my Doula client was making sure everything was fine with her doctor, I am ready when she is, it has been a full day.
It feels good reacting with calm,
It is nice to observe myself reacting with calm,
Tonight as well my kids didn't want me to run off, I calmly told them where I needed to be,
Bedtime is always a conversation in our home,
The energy of my kids blows me away,
Thank God for these problems,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Nag - Whine - Drain - and its way too hot
I always have an adventure for the kids, today was a big event for an organization called the Friendship Circle. Every year they have a walk around the park and then a full event with so much fun for the kids. My baby was so excited to do the climbing wall with no fear. My big boy loved running inside the ball, and my princess took my phone and enjoyed taking selfies.
What did I get out of it? Before we went my daughter decided she already wanted to go to another park and this would not be fun. Later on my baby was super fussy, and as soon as we left he fell asleep in the car, he was tired. On the way to the car, my big boy tripped and got upset, its all good he inherited the Klutziness from me. Overall today the kids helped cleand their room in the morning, and I am getting house stuff done and getting ready for my week.
I am invited to a Bat Mitzva today, and for some reason my daughter does not want to go. Oh well, I will go and have fun, and enjoy it being just me. Hopefully will get to bed early, and get some quality, deep sleep.
Boys who turn 13 get a Bar Mitzva, and Girls who turn 12 get a Bat Mitzva, get all the facts at the link, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_and_Bat_Mitzvah.
Have a great week everyone,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, September 13, 2014
A mother is born
September 13, 2008 my firstborn arrived into the world.
All the pictures that you will see below made me smile, but the one above brought me back, brought tears to my eyes, it was such an unbelievable moment. My brain could not comprehend how this
8 pound 15 ounce human being emerged from within me, no science can explain or describe.
Thank God birth happens all the time, and we are so blessed with a healthy baby.
It is taken for granted how it is just a miracle.
When a child is born, a mother is born as well, I took on a new identity.
I told my son, I am going to get to know you, and you will get to know me :)
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8 months pregnant |
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Eli Tzvi and Abba |
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3 months with Saba ( my husband's father) |
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8 months |
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10 months with Safta (my husband's mom) |
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one year old with my parents |
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2 years old wearing my husband's shoes |
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Almost three before we cut his hair |
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Best Big Brother 5 years old |
4 years old in a Chanukah play, he is a dreidel |
Happy Birthday Eli Tzvi,
I Love You,
Coach Yulia
Why I didn't get a chance to write a blog on Friday
6am Kids wake up
6:30am Breakfast
7am Showers for all three kids (something my OCD husband has to do, and I'm OK with it)
7:30am Lunches made, I take the two older kids to school
8:30am Appointment for an Arasys treatment, see the video below that tells you all about it, please get in touch for info on where to do it in LA, my friend is the great niece of the inventor!
6:30am Breakfast
7am Showers for all three kids (something my OCD husband has to do, and I'm OK with it)
7:30am Lunches made, I take the two older kids to school
8:30am Appointment for an Arasys treatment, see the video below that tells you all about it, please get in touch for info on where to do it in LA, my friend is the great niece of the inventor!
9:30am Yoga class with my 82 year old teacher, www.raghavanyoga.net
11am-1:30pm Teaching PE
2:30pm Picking up my son from school, taking him on his birthday Double Decker bus ride
6pm Finally got home, helping my husband set the table for our 13 guests for Shabbat
I just finished in time to take a shower and welcome our guests, life took priority, and it was OK not to release my inner thoughts and feelings because yesterday my birthday boy was the priority. Thank God my husband was with the baby all day yesterday, and my brother in law picked up my daughter from school. Today we had a wonderful time at our synagogue for Shabbat, our day of rest, and then went to a friends house to have ice cream for my birthday boy. Sorry to keep you waiting my friends, today's blog coming shortly.
Coach Yulia
Thursday, September 11, 2014
EXTREMISM - 9/11 was proof
This is an amazing article about the myth that the extremists of Islam are a small minority,
Also here is a powerful video that gives statistics how in Islam "the peaceful majority are irrelevant,"
The world’s current Muslim population is approximately 1.6 Billion. That is, 23.4% of the earth’s population. Security analysis from around the world estimates that 15%-25% of those 1.6 Billion Muslims are ‘..radical Muslims..’ that are actively participating in or connected to ‘..radical jihad..’
That translates to: 240 Million – 400 Million Radical Muslims on the earth today.
Also on the Jewish side, there is an extremist cult like group that has been running from the law from country to country. You can listen to the story when you click on the link below.
Below is a powerful message, please take the time to read and absorb it, it takes just one person to save a world, change the world, lets dig deep into ourselves, and be the light.
Coach Yulia
9/11 is tomorrow. I've put together some things to consider for both adults and children in terms of media consumption.
It is difficult to grasp. As we are on the cusp of another 9/11 anniversary having suffered on that day the greatest terror attack that America has ever experienced, it seems inconceivable that the world would actually be worse off today than it was at that time. Chaos. It’s the only way to describe the current state of affairs in the world today. Regardless of political orientation, it seems to be widely agreed that things around the world are rapidly spinning out of control in multiple countries as a result of the conflict in the Middle East. Images and sound clips of protests, army tanks, rockets, burning cars and flags, people beating other people, broken windows and ravaged shops. The scenes are burned into the memory banks of all who see them leaving an imprint that is not soon forgotten. These destructive and harmful images are difficult enough for most adults to stomach, let alone children. In addition, the entire circumstance raises questions about freedom of religion, freedom to defend one’s self and one’s country, what constitutes terrorism, and how terribly human beings can treat one another. Government agendas are noted and power plays are made. The media agenda is also noted with a mixture of fact and fiction reported from all corners of the world. There are no easy solutions and given the open access to mass media and social media it is complicated to minimize exposure. However, to avoid traumatic impact it is extremely important that adults and children alike take certain precautions when engaging with the current media coverage of world events. The following are some important tips to keep in mind in order to protect yourself and your children from over-exposure to the images and information being disseminated through the media.
• In order to keep viewers engaged, media will often sensationalize or dramatize the telling of events causing underlying fear and discomfort in the viewer. It is important to keep in mind that not everything you see, read, or hear is accurate information.
• Certain images get replayed over and over again. A great example of this was of the planes flying into the Twin Towers. Unfortunately, excessive viewing of these types of images can actually cause a mild form of trauma for the viewer which can result in an underlying anxiety or depression. It is one thing to see an image once or twice. After this it is recommended to move on to something else in order to avoid repeated viewing.
• Parents, shield your children from the media. Children age ten and under should avoid exposure to all media discussing and/or showing images of current upheaval in the world. Children over the age of ten may be able to view some mild images; however images of war, human injury, and mass destruction should be actively avoided. Conversations with children may delve in to very difficult territory such as, “What is going on?” “Why are people fighting?” “When and how will it stop?” Of course, your answer will depend upon your view point of the situation. However, regardless of your viewpoint, keep in mind that most children do not have the maturity or emotional capacity to deal with such grave subjects in a manner that will be healthy and productive for them. Best to keep your answers simple and somewhat generic.
• Step away from media for periods of time to give your mind and emotions a break. This includes your phone, computer, radio, and any other device that accesses reports of upheaval. Continuous and excessive exposure to negative media reports can be a trigger for those who have experienced some type of trauma in the past and can additionally cause decreased functioning in daily life via depressed mood and increased anxiety.
• Engage in life-affirming activity to keep yourself present and grounded in your own life events. Spend time outdoors, exercise, chat with friends, spend intimate time with your partner, and/or take your kids to a museum or show. Do things that make you, and your kids, happy.
It is, without question, important to stay informed and in touch with what is happening in the world. However when possible it is more important for adults and children to stay mentally healthy and balanced through responsible intake of mass and social media.
• In order to keep viewers engaged, media will often sensationalize or dramatize the telling of events causing underlying fear and discomfort in the viewer. It is important to keep in mind that not everything you see, read, or hear is accurate information.
• Certain images get replayed over and over again. A great example of this was of the planes flying into the Twin Towers. Unfortunately, excessive viewing of these types of images can actually cause a mild form of trauma for the viewer which can result in an underlying anxiety or depression. It is one thing to see an image once or twice. After this it is recommended to move on to something else in order to avoid repeated viewing.
• Parents, shield your children from the media. Children age ten and under should avoid exposure to all media discussing and/or showing images of current upheaval in the world. Children over the age of ten may be able to view some mild images; however images of war, human injury, and mass destruction should be actively avoided. Conversations with children may delve in to very difficult territory such as, “What is going on?” “Why are people fighting?” “When and how will it stop?” Of course, your answer will depend upon your view point of the situation. However, regardless of your viewpoint, keep in mind that most children do not have the maturity or emotional capacity to deal with such grave subjects in a manner that will be healthy and productive for them. Best to keep your answers simple and somewhat generic.
• Step away from media for periods of time to give your mind and emotions a break. This includes your phone, computer, radio, and any other device that accesses reports of upheaval. Continuous and excessive exposure to negative media reports can be a trigger for those who have experienced some type of trauma in the past and can additionally cause decreased functioning in daily life via depressed mood and increased anxiety.
• Engage in life-affirming activity to keep yourself present and grounded in your own life events. Spend time outdoors, exercise, chat with friends, spend intimate time with your partner, and/or take your kids to a museum or show. Do things that make you, and your kids, happy.
It is, without question, important to stay informed and in touch with what is happening in the world. However when possible it is more important for adults and children to stay mentally healthy and balanced through responsible intake of mass and social media.
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