My amazing friend and Arasys professional told me about this quote, it is by Oscar Wilde, some of his quotes are hilarious, The quote above is so powerful, it is just plain truth, everyone is unique, there is nobody like you, just be you, dig into you, find you, look for happiness within you.
No matter what happens in my day, my conclusion is that it is a lesson, everything is a learning experience, God Willing something positive will come out of all the downs. I have nothing to complain about, all of my challenges are beautiful choices that I have made, and I own it, take responsibility, and keep moving and keep growing.
I had a beautiful French lady in my Pilates class this morning that proudly told me she is 67 years old and just got married, she was stunning and I am so inspired by her owning her truth, power, beauty, and gracing the world with her presence. We had a fascinating conversation about young people that are draw to fight in Syria. Their parents took them to a democratic country with opportunities, but for some reason, the children yearn for their roots and identify with the past. They have a passport as a double citizen, and after being trained can go back into the country they were raised and be an open and confident danger. My brain does not understand wanting to die and wanting to hurt. I cannot wrap my head around women wanting to be used and abused by choice. My parents brought us to America, and I am grateful everyday, they paved the way so I can share my light, it is about light, everything is about light.
I will be awake for a while, waiting on news from my Doula client. Life is a miracle, Pregnancy is a miracle. Birth is a miracle. Parenthood is a Miracle. It is such a blessing when the mother and the baby are healthy. Praying for all the parents who are expecting, wishing you a thorough checkup, and that that find that everything is just right. I always say I am happy that my plan was God's plan in my pregnancies and births.
I am present to the miracle of life.
I am present to the necessity of light.
Positive Thinking Creates Positive Outcomes.
Things change in an instant, our reaction is our choice.
As Jewish people approach our New Year,
We replay our life in the past year,
Grateful for the ups, praying for all the downs to be resolved,
Prayer is Gratitude,
We all do it in different ways,
Prayer is Awareness,
Conscious Connection,
Shine Your Light,
Coach Yulia
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