My third baby came five weeks early, I was not even really sure that it was active labor, but it did not stop. It was on Shabbat, so there was nobody to call, my Doula's that I had put on call were not on call because it was not two weeks before. I felt calm, if there is such a thing as an easy labor, this was it, I just counted the contractions, in between told my husband to call our friend to watch our kids just in case this was the real labor. In between contractions I told my husband to get the camera and my laptop, and two hours later I was ready to go to the hospital because the contractions were getting closer and closer. I was so proud to tell the nurse that it was my third baby, the contractions have been coming for two hours, 5 minutes apart, one minute long, and I do not want an epidural, and she said OK. I was ecstatic to find out I was 7cm, and two hours later my healthy boy came on March 24th, 2012 at 6 pounds instead of nine and saved me a month of pregnancy.
This past Sunday there was an amazing event, I unfortunately had a previous commitment, but I had just heard a few things about it that I want to pass on. Jewish Community Watch,, was established by a young man that is passionate about preventing child abuse in Jewish communities, talking about it, and reporting it to the police right away. Empowering the victim to speak up, not be afraid, and let them know by sharing their story they are helping bring awareness and helping other victims feel confident to ask for help.

This makes me sick, it was in a Chicago paper, it is so ridiculous. I feel that Netanyahu is the only leader that can stand up to the international community, and speak in a clear and eloquent manner.
That's all,
Coach Yulia
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