Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Everything is like labor!
I recently read that labor is just another part of life, and if we view it that way, we can get through it, just like we get through all other ups and downs. I would like to offer a different perspective, everything in life is like labor!
- We need to be patient, watchful waiting, the result will come no matter what
- We need to find ways to cope, deal, get through, figure out, get support
- As long as things are moving in the right direction, everything is fine, feel proud for each step along the way, one at a time, keep looking forward
- Once we have done the work, and get the result, it is so rewarding and feels so good
As I focus on promoting and building my Coach Yulia business, there are some things that I am good at but do not love to do. Such as office work, accounting, feeling pressure from making a living instead of just flowing in the direction that feels right. Right now I am working on my promotional materials, I am good at figuring stuff out, but the process takes time, energy, and is exhausting. Some people have the funds to hire somebody, part of me really feels good doing it myself, and love that the finished product was all me. You will see the fruits of my labor soon!
Coach Yulia
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Tired from good things, keeping busy doing what I love, letting my hair be wild and free, in our hot Los Angeles summers |
Monday, July 27, 2015
I love to keep learning and growing
I like to learn from everyone and everything, I like to make my own decisions and choices, but be open to what is out there. Some days I blog from personal experience, and other days I get inspired by people, pictures, or quotes. Today a friend posted this from the Old Testament, and I really related to it.
Courageous, G‑dfearing, truthful, and money-hating.
- Torah’s requirements for a judge, Exodus 18:21
When I think of a judge, the first word that comes to mind is objectivity, then knowledge and deep connection to what feels right or wrong. In the quote the first three completely make sense for a Jewish judge, and the fourth "money-hating" makes even more sense to me. Besides bribery, and monetary needs and goals, I feel it is really seeing that although money may may life easier, more comfortable, it is not happiness, and it is not essential to have everything you ever want in life. It would be great to have everything you want and money, and many people use their success to be of service and give back to the world. It is interesting that it uses the word "hating" it is a very intense, severe aversion to money. I come from an immigrant family who came to this country with nothing, I value hard work and becoming a self made success. I also value family, connection, relationships, and striving to find what you love to do, being an inspiration, a light, and I really feel when you do that, money will come.
Coach Yulia
Summer Fun |
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Resting and Waiting
This has been an intense weekend of celebrations and today many Jews fast for 25 hours from the night before. I was looking for an interesting article to share about this day, and found one that also talked about Yoga,
Yoga has made me a calmer person, with better reactions, and physically I am healthy and full of energy. My Yoga teacher is 83, my inspiration, and an example of what is possible when we approach Yoga scientifically. We tune up the body, and relax the mind, then we can function at optimal capacity, and in the Jewish world focus on Torah and Mitzvot, instead of sickness and stress.
I met my husband after taking a Yoga class, with unkempt hair and my yoga wear, and thought that if we clicked, I would dress up for him on our second date, and the rest is history. Then I met the Jewish community and or Rabbi's family, and across the street from our synagogue is a Kundalini Yoga center, where the sikhs wear all white, as well as a white head cover or turban. For some when they hear yoga they think it is a spiritual path or philosophy, and for some people it may be. I have always been strongly connected to my Judaism, and loved that my teacher was all about the scientific approach. In the final resting pose of class, I do not want to tell people what to feel, if they feel something great, it is very personal, it is all about quieting the mind, focusing on the breath, which is human and universal.
I just feel tired, and so today, now, I get to rest, unless my Doula services are needed, so I need to rest for that too.
Going to sleep now,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Being-in-Labor is a continuation of your life, not a separate event.
What an amazing week and weekend, doing what I love, celebrating with family today, and finishing reading Birthing From Within. This quote really jumped out at me and it is the truth,
"Being-in-labor is a continuation of your life, not a separate event. Labor is a continuous series of activities, including waves of emotional and physical stress (not just sitting relaxed in a chair)."
Just like everything else in life, there are ups and downs, and everyone deals with it in different ways. Pain and love are two words that have a wide range of meanings, so why is there automatic fear and escape when it comes to labor? Especially when you don't even know what it will be like, why think the worst, why not get informed, get support, and see how it goes, really be in the moment?
There was an amazing chapter on Doula's and statistics on not only having the support, but even a Doula just sitting in the room observing, lowered the epidural and cesarean rates. I am going to share some of the fascinating research and facts below.
"All mothers in the Houston study were healthy, first-time mothers giving birth at term. There were 412 women randomly assigned to one of two groups. The first group (212 mothers) were assigned an active doula, whose support included touching, suggestions, and verbal encouragement. The 200 mothers in the second group were assigned an observing doula, who sat quietly in a corner taking notes throughout the labor, but did not touch or talk to the mother. The control group consisted of 204 women who birthed at the hospital without a doula."
Just having a woman in the room makes such a huge difference in the labor and birth experience. I had an amazing Doula that kept my husband calm, and I knew she was in control so I could let go of control and just get through it one contraction at a time, using my Yoga breath. I went to the hospital with two of my babies at 8cm, water broken, needed no intervention, and gave birth in less than two hours.
"In a study of 189 first-time mothers (Hofmeyer, et al, 1991; Wolman, 1993) in Johannesburg, South Africa, researchers investigated how the presence of a doula influences a couple's relationship during and after birth. The women, randomly assigned to doula and no-doula groups, reported no significant differences in satisfaction with their partner before or during pregnancy. Immediately after giving birth, however, only 30 percent of women in the no-doula group reported their relationship with their partner was better, while 71 percent of those who were attended by a doula felt their relationship has improved. By six weeks postpartum, 85 percent of the mothers in the doula group reported increased satisfaction with their partners, compared to only 49 percent of the no-doula group."
Wishing Everyone a Wonderful Weekend,
A Meaningful Fast,
Coach Yulia
"Being-in-labor is a continuation of your life, not a separate event. Labor is a continuous series of activities, including waves of emotional and physical stress (not just sitting relaxed in a chair)."
Just like everything else in life, there are ups and downs, and everyone deals with it in different ways. Pain and love are two words that have a wide range of meanings, so why is there automatic fear and escape when it comes to labor? Especially when you don't even know what it will be like, why think the worst, why not get informed, get support, and see how it goes, really be in the moment?
There was an amazing chapter on Doula's and statistics on not only having the support, but even a Doula just sitting in the room observing, lowered the epidural and cesarean rates. I am going to share some of the fascinating research and facts below.
"All mothers in the Houston study were healthy, first-time mothers giving birth at term. There were 412 women randomly assigned to one of two groups. The first group (212 mothers) were assigned an active doula, whose support included touching, suggestions, and verbal encouragement. The 200 mothers in the second group were assigned an observing doula, who sat quietly in a corner taking notes throughout the labor, but did not touch or talk to the mother. The control group consisted of 204 women who birthed at the hospital without a doula."
Just having a woman in the room makes such a huge difference in the labor and birth experience. I had an amazing Doula that kept my husband calm, and I knew she was in control so I could let go of control and just get through it one contraction at a time, using my Yoga breath. I went to the hospital with two of my babies at 8cm, water broken, needed no intervention, and gave birth in less than two hours.
"In a study of 189 first-time mothers (Hofmeyer, et al, 1991; Wolman, 1993) in Johannesburg, South Africa, researchers investigated how the presence of a doula influences a couple's relationship during and after birth. The women, randomly assigned to doula and no-doula groups, reported no significant differences in satisfaction with their partner before or during pregnancy. Immediately after giving birth, however, only 30 percent of women in the no-doula group reported their relationship with their partner was better, while 71 percent of those who were attended by a doula felt their relationship has improved. By six weeks postpartum, 85 percent of the mothers in the doula group reported increased satisfaction with their partners, compared to only 49 percent of the no-doula group."
Wishing Everyone a Wonderful Weekend,
A Meaningful Fast,
Coach Yulia
Friday, July 24, 2015
My husband lost 7 pounds with Arasys Inch Loss!
I think my husband went to only one of my Yoga classes when we were dating. Other than that the only exercise he gets is when he washes the cars or deep cleans the house every Friday for Shabbat. I am grateful for his cleanaholic addiction instead of any other addiction, but over the almost 8 years that we are married, his belly has expanded along with mine. You would not be able to tell, he is tall and slim everywhere else, and cleans up nice in a suit. We have a big family wedding coming up, and after starting his Arasys Course, which is 10 sessions, 30 minutes long, his pants were fitting better.
He has not even finished his 10, he has two more left, he has not exercised, he has not changed how he is eating. Today he stepped on the scale and couldn't believe that from 180 he all of a sudden is 173. He says he doesn't really see it yet, the belly does not just go away, this is not a magic trick and it is not surgery. It is a lymphatic detox, breaks up cellulite and fat, tightens skin, and equivalent to 530 crunches in a 30 minute session. The best part is that you are laying down, you cannot hurt your back or have bad form like in regular abdominal exercises, and there is no sweat, no pain, and no side effects, just results.
I also have men taking my Yoga classes privately and at 24 Hour Fitnesses, and I have had the amazing opportunity to teach couples in our community. My husband needed something to kickstart his body, it's like going to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or any other treatment that activates the body in a healthy way.
Invest in your health,
Preventive Maintenance,
Guaranteed Inch Loss,
Contact me for more information about a group demo,
Come to my home and take a look,
Looking forward to balance with my Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Talent and Skill
I am in awe of raw talent, and people that have amazing gifts, when you pair that with skill, it is a win, win combination. On the other hand you have people that are skilled, but not connected, gifted, or talented in the field that they choose. There is no passion, they are cold, it is just a job, and I really think it is the talent and gift that sets people apart. We feel when somebody really loves what they do, and it is almost magical how it is beyond just a service, some people have it and some don't.
The amazing woman in the video above has a brilliant voice that she has trained in such a unique way, I am in awe. I have been so blessed to keep connecting with unique, talented people that have so many beautiful gifts, and they are openly sharing them, offering them, living their purpose in this world.
Everything from music, to art, fashion, writing, law, medicine, and especially in alternative medicine, there really needs to be a deeper connection and understanding.
I call it gut.
I feel everything in my gut.
I follow my gut.
I trust my gut.
I enjoy being present, that is my gift, I am fully present in every moment.
My chosen profession of fitness and health goes hand in hand with a mind and body mentality.
I enjoy learning new skills from everybody I meet, but ultimately I follow my own flow, and weave in new information, customize, and allow my clients to really connect deep within themselves.
Ultimately I cannot teach anybody anything,
Unless they are open to learn about their own mind and body.
One day your neuro-muscular system just gets it,
Be Patient,
Feel Good,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Model and Muse
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http:// “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” ― Albert Einstein |
I was lucky to model for Brienne Michelle, that is the profile picture on my Facebook, she posted this amazing quote today along with the stunning photo, it is underwater, and I am in awe of her artistry. I love to be photographed, I love to be a canvas, transform, become the vision of the artist. Some people sing, dance, draw, paint, and my creative outlet is being different versions of myself, not of my own creation, but becoming, in the moment what fits the energy of the work.
- (in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences.
- a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.noun: muse; plural noun: muses
synonyms: inspiration, creative influence, stimulus;
formalafflatus"the poet's muse"
I love to be a muse, and I have been lucky to connect with many talented artists and photographers, who are looking to have fun, to create, and enjoy that I am a blank canvas that is open and following their vision and direction.
It makes me happy to write and think about this, since marriage and motherhood, this has been my creative outlet. I used to act, runway model, dance, perform on stage, and I honestly do not miss it. What I miss and crave is dressing up, meeting creative people from all walks of life and connecting for a project. I keep on finding photographers that are looking to promote or create, and are happy to have a willing participant. I love stepping out of my wife and mother role for a photo shoot, and going from Yoga to Diva.
In my everyday life, it is so nice to wear no makeup, yoga pants, comfortable shoes, and be the example of just feel good and be you. When I dress up however, I like to go all out, full face, fabulous outfit, and adding to the scenery, letting everyone enjoy the view. Yes there is an exhibitionist inside of me, and I am blessed the my husband enjoys and supports his wife going all out and having fun.
What gets your creative juices flowing?
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Slowly but surely I am getting better than before baby body. The best part is that I really feel good, strong, full of energy, and now onto the last frontier, my belly. Before kids I was a performer, in amazing shape, but I never had a completely flat belly, just firm, and I was good with that. After three babies in a row, I still have my strong core, and I don't sneeze and pee, but I just feel super stretched out. In between the stretches there is fat that is trapped, and everything just needed a kick start. I feel that it is healthy to once in a while go to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage, or any other body work that will reset your body differently than from your every day routine. It is not a luxury, it is a necessity and a necessary investment in your own health. If you don't invest now, you will invest later in hospital bills and medications.
Arasys has been that reset for me,, it is the only system that targets the exact area that needs the focus on your body. For me it was strengthening my abdominals and skin tightening, as well as cellulite reduction. I also enjoyed it on my arms, glutes, inner and outer thighs, and back. After my first ten sessions, I lost 5 pounds and 5 inches total, each baby gave me 10 pounds to keep, and that 30 pounds would not come off for three years, no matter what I did, I was stuck. I just finished my second course of 10, and those are my results in the picture above, I cannot believe my skin is tightening along with the strengthening. I lost one inch in my waist, 3 inches across my belly button, and two inches in my hips/love handles.
Once I lost that first five pounds, I decided to jump on board. I am the Head Arasys Technician in Beverly Hills, the holidays are around the corner, get healthy and feeling good my friends!
In my opinion there are three things that determine how we deal with and go through life:
7 Questions To Ask Your Parents Before They Die
I always say in Yoga class that we are tuning up our body, because when it feels good, we just go about our day, we do not think about it when it works right. We are also there to clear the clutter from our mind that lives rent free in our brain. Anxiety is thinking of the future, Depression is thinking of the past, so important to keep on focusing on the present, feeling grateful. A friend posted this specifically about wealth and success, and I feel it relates to everything in life.
Coach Yulia
Slowly but surely I am getting better than before baby body. The best part is that I really feel good, strong, full of energy, and now onto the last frontier, my belly. Before kids I was a performer, in amazing shape, but I never had a completely flat belly, just firm, and I was good with that. After three babies in a row, I still have my strong core, and I don't sneeze and pee, but I just feel super stretched out. In between the stretches there is fat that is trapped, and everything just needed a kick start. I feel that it is healthy to once in a while go to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage, or any other body work that will reset your body differently than from your every day routine. It is not a luxury, it is a necessity and a necessary investment in your own health. If you don't invest now, you will invest later in hospital bills and medications.
Arasys has been that reset for me,, it is the only system that targets the exact area that needs the focus on your body. For me it was strengthening my abdominals and skin tightening, as well as cellulite reduction. I also enjoyed it on my arms, glutes, inner and outer thighs, and back. After my first ten sessions, I lost 5 pounds and 5 inches total, each baby gave me 10 pounds to keep, and that 30 pounds would not come off for three years, no matter what I did, I was stuck. I just finished my second course of 10, and those are my results in the picture above, I cannot believe my skin is tightening along with the strengthening. I lost one inch in my waist, 3 inches across my belly button, and two inches in my hips/love handles.
Once I lost that first five pounds, I decided to jump on board. I am the Head Arasys Technician in Beverly Hills, the holidays are around the corner, get healthy and feeling good my friends!
In my opinion there are three things that determine how we deal with and go through life:
- Genetics
- Environment/Upbringing
- Your unique soul and purpose in this world
We all come from such different circumstances, but some people overcome great obstacles, and others have everything, but just cannot get out of their head, literally out of their mind. Mindfulness is a science and a study, and I found the following article from the Huffington Post by Ann Brenoff very powerful, maybe if we delve into who we really are, and form good relationships with our family, it may help to ease our mind, and live a full, healthy life full of purpose and being of service.
7 Questions To Ask Your Parents Before They Die
Much has been written about living wills and medical directives, yet there is a huge gap in our knowledge about other things that involve our parents and other elderly relatives -- knowledge that is important for us to have. Here are seven questions to ask them now.
1. Who are all these people in the old family photos?
There is no better time than the present to gather up all the print photos and make sure they are dated and everyone is identified. Once that's done, make digital copies of them. Paper doesn't last forever, nor do our memories of events. And wouldn't it be nice to know the last name of "Sam" and what he and Grandpa were laughing about in their old Army uniforms? Was that old black and white photo with "summer, 1950" written on the back taken by the lake in upstate New York where Great Aunt Sadie lived? That photo of Grandma pregnant: Was it with Mom or her sister?
2. Where did we come from?
No, not the birds and bees talk! Many of our families immigrated to the countries we presently call home. But where were they before? Gather as many details as you can about your family history from your aging relatives while you can. Were they from the city of Kiev or a farm 100 km to the north? How did the family get to America and who sponsored them? Was Jones really your last name or was it changed at Ellis Island? Your chances of compiling an oral family history diminish daily.
3. What family history has been edited?
Every family has a few skeletons in the closet -- the uncle who went to jail for being a cat burglar, the aunt who ran off and eloped when she was 15. When the events are new, they are often too raw for discussion. But 50 years after the fact, emotions mellow and the events still shaped your family's history. It's time to learn the missing details. We have a friend who recently learned that her uncle had been married previously and that she had two older cousins she'd never met.
4. What were the best of times?
We recently heard someone speak fondly of living through the Great Depression. It forced the family to be closer and appreciate what they had, she said. They shared with neighbors and people helped one another. "Not like it is today," she lamented. Ask your relatives for their specific memories of the good times, when the family was its strongest, its best. You might be surprised by the answers.
5. And what were the worst?
The deaths lost to diseases for which there are now cures, the babies lost to miscarriages who today would have lived, the soldiers who didn't return home from war. Your family's losses are part of its history. Make sure you know the losses.
6. What does your family street map look like?
Just because Dad has been a lifelong Cubs fan doesn't mean he actually ever lived in Chicago. Get specific street addresses, as best as your relatives can remember. One day you or your grandchildren might want to drive by the house he was born in. A 60-something friend last December knocked on the door of what had been her first married home 35 years ago. There had been at least three owners since she and her husband sold it. The current owner invited her in and showed her all the changes that had been made. The Christmas tree was in the same spot, she said.
7. Can you fill in the blanks on our ancestry tree?
The devil is in the details. One missing great-great aunt and you may have an entire branch of relatives you didn't know about. Press for specifics.
I always say in Yoga class that we are tuning up our body, because when it feels good, we just go about our day, we do not think about it when it works right. We are also there to clear the clutter from our mind that lives rent free in our brain. Anxiety is thinking of the future, Depression is thinking of the past, so important to keep on focusing on the present, feeling grateful. A friend posted this specifically about wealth and success, and I feel it relates to everything in life.
It is important to understand that financial independence has nothing to do with how much money you earn. It has everything to do with how you manage it when you get it. This directly correlates to how high it is on your hierarchy of values (what you perceive to be most valuable in your life). Look at the seven areas of life; social, physical, financial, vocational, family, spiritual and mental. Now put them in order of importance. If building wealth shows up low down on your list (e.g. number 7), it is unlikely you will build wealth. However, there is a simple exercise you can do to boost wealth on your rankings. Just link it to what you love.
Coach Yulia
Monday, July 20, 2015
Drink Some Wine And Try To Sleep
I completely agree with this! Without sleep I cannot function, and it definitely has been a challenge in the last 8 years with non stop babies. Now they are all sleeping, and I am slowly but surely really finding myself again. I used to nap all the time, would be on the go from the break of dawn until the wee hours of the night, and always find time to recharge with a nap.
(The definition of wee hours are the hours very late at night or very early in the morning. An example of wee hours are the hours between 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM.)
I recently was with a woman with a very long early labor. Her doctor's advice, as well as my advice was to drink some wine and go to bed, because she is going to need her energy for active labor. She was told to drink wine quite a few nights in a row!
This is an article about Arianna Huffington, and the link to the Parade article is in the story above. Sleep my friends, it is the best medicine you can give your body.
Coach Yulia
(The definition of wee hours are the hours very late at night or very early in the morning. An example of wee hours are the hours between 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM.)
I recently was with a woman with a very long early labor. Her doctor's advice, as well as my advice was to drink some wine and go to bed, because she is going to need her energy for active labor. She was told to drink wine quite a few nights in a row!
- In a prodromal labor, the early phase of labor (cervix dilates from closed to approximately three-to-four centimeters) is prolonged with contractions that do not increase in intensity. Prodromal labor can tire you out and use up the energy you will need for active labor and delivery.
This is an article about Arianna Huffington, and the link to the Parade article is in the story above. Sleep my friends, it is the best medicine you can give your body.
Coach Yulia
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Join Us!
This July marks the Lenny Krayzelburg Swim Academy's 10th Anniversary
at the Westside JCC and we could not be more thankful for
a decade of love and support from our community.
To show our appreciation, we are throwing a FREE epic Pool Party on Sunday July 19th at 2:30pm! All ages are welcome and parents are encouraged to swim. Expect food, fun and festivities!
The first 30 kids will receive a free Anniversary T-Shirt and an opportunity to participate in some fun swim contests. Don't forget your towels and bathing suits!
- Free-swim with Lifeguards provided
- Fun swim contests
- Delicious BBQ food provided by "Lets Have a Cart Party!"
- Moonbounce
- Basketball Shoot Out
- Airbrush tattoos
- Professional photo booth
- Bubble Zone
- Sidewalk chalk art
What a wonderful weekend so far! Friday night guests at our home for Shabbat, Saturday at synagogue with good friends, celebrations, and delicious food, and Sunday is funday! Join us for some free swimming, check out all the info above, it feels like I am in Miami, FL. Los Angeles is rarely hot and humid like today, and swimming sounds like the perfect activity for the kids. I already taught an amazing Yoga class, brought a good friend, now just showed Arasys to clients, and getting kids in their bathing suits. My husband is coming too because of the BBQ!
Family Day,
Cool in the Pool,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Birthing From Within
This is a very popular birth book, and it fell into my hands a few weeks ago. I recently finished reading HypnoBirthing, and even more so I feel that it is one tool that may work for some women, but definitely not an absolute or one way that would fit in every situation.
Birthing From Within by Pam England and Rob Horowitz begins by exploring your journey and incorporating art. I love performance art, and listening to music and really appreciate artists, but drawing or painting is just not a form of self expression that works for me. This past week was a beautiful whirlwind of the possibilities of a natural birth, I am in awe of how it it supposed to work if everybody just supports yet stays out of the way so the mother can find her own way to get through it.
I am getting to the second half of the book which powerfully demonstrates this point, and I want to share my favorites.
"I feel the most important thing the birthing woman does is to listen to her own body and find out what her body is telling her she needs to do. And that neither the partner, nor the midwife, nor the doula, or whomever, should be giving orders, "Now do this' or 'Now do that' because that interferes with what she is really trying to get from her body." -Marsden Wagner, MD.
If you pick up this book, you have to read chapter 19, it is the most important chapter and it was almost not written because it is called Home Birth. It is about how birth should be period, not about just home birth, but about choices, and how each woman today has amazing options to birth her way.
"In 1927, 85 percent of all births in the United States took place at home. Even in the mid-1940's the majority of births still occurred at home (55 percent). Incredibly, by 1973, 91 percent of babies were born in the hospital." - Anthony Reading, Psychological aspects of pregnancy (1976).
- Because pregnancy and birth are natural physiological events, normal birth does not belong in hospitals.
- The natural course of labor is already perfect, and should be interfered with as little as possible.
- Pain is part of an essential and healthy feedback mechanism in labor, which women can learn to cope with, with proper encouragement and support.
- Medical management of pregnancy and birth should be limited to those which are medically complicated.
- Unnecessary medical interventions complicate normal labor, creating additional risk and the need for more intervention. (page 102).
Chapters 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 really show you tools, techniques, and amazing stories and perspective on how to think about your own birth.
Great relaxing Shabbat after a week of Doulaing,
Excited to be on call for the next beautiful soul,
High From The Miracles Of Life,
Coach Yulia
Friday, July 17, 2015
I Stand Corrected
All we can do is talk from our own education and experience, it is our outlook, our unique perspective, opinion, and view of the world. I have had the most positive pregnancy, labor, and birth experiences myself, and also attending births as a Doula.
Here are a few Doula and Midwifery terms:
Watchful Waiting
Pain is Progress
Natural Birth means no drugs at all, no interventions, and vaginal
I was blessed to have a Doula by my side, and had relatively short, manageable labors which started out slow and only got super intense when it was time to give birth. Everybody is different, and I am grateful for the medical side in case of emergency, suffering, or when intervention is necessary to help labor progress.
Pitocin is used to activate and maintain contractions, and my original stance was that once taken, it is not a natural labor anymore because it makes contractions super intense. In a natural labor, contractions are gradual, so when taking pitocin I figured why suffer and just get an epidural. Today I was proven wrong, I supported a strong, amazingly focused woman who after a very long labor was not progressing, and went the rest of the way with just a little pitocin, no epidural, and had a beautiful vaginal delivery. I stand corrected, as everything else in life, each experience will be unique, there is not one way, there is no perfect way, there is just your way.
What helps is a doctor who is completely on the same page as you. A Doula or some other support other than family which sometimes cannot be objective, wants to save you or help you, and may bring a different energy than you need in labor and delivery. With a healthy mom and baby who have taken birth classes and have an idea of the birth they want, there is no need for intervention, the baby and body knows what to do.
Soooooooooooo ready for my Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Here are a few Doula and Midwifery terms:
Watchful Waiting
Pain is Progress
Natural Birth means no drugs at all, no interventions, and vaginal
I was blessed to have a Doula by my side, and had relatively short, manageable labors which started out slow and only got super intense when it was time to give birth. Everybody is different, and I am grateful for the medical side in case of emergency, suffering, or when intervention is necessary to help labor progress.
Pitocin is used to activate and maintain contractions, and my original stance was that once taken, it is not a natural labor anymore because it makes contractions super intense. In a natural labor, contractions are gradual, so when taking pitocin I figured why suffer and just get an epidural. Today I was proven wrong, I supported a strong, amazingly focused woman who after a very long labor was not progressing, and went the rest of the way with just a little pitocin, no epidural, and had a beautiful vaginal delivery. I stand corrected, as everything else in life, each experience will be unique, there is not one way, there is no perfect way, there is just your way.
What helps is a doctor who is completely on the same page as you. A Doula or some other support other than family which sometimes cannot be objective, wants to save you or help you, and may bring a different energy than you need in labor and delivery. With a healthy mom and baby who have taken birth classes and have an idea of the birth they want, there is no need for intervention, the baby and body knows what to do.
Soooooooooooo ready for my Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, July 16, 2015
- a person's state of mind or mindset.
I just realized today that this is my specialty. My goal is that in everything I do, my clients find a zone, a focused space in which to operate. It takes practice, and it is only attainable if one is a willing participant, the mind can easily run away from us. Mind and body have to connect, breath is one of the factors, and also just acknowledging when thoughts come in, and tell them to come back later. I always have the positive view, there is always something good to take from every situation.
Tell everyone and everything in your life to come back in one hour, this is YOU time, it is not selfish it is self care. You will have a more effective workout, a deeper stretch, and really feel like you stepped of the world for an hour. Think of Nothing, Feel Everything.
The breath in is gentle, the breath out crunches your core from the inside. Stay with your breath, pay attention to your breath, let the breath lead the way, never hold your breath, we cannot live without our breath, we cannot move without our breath. Holding your core correctly and staying with your breath will work you deep inside, keep you in the right form and alignment because you are tuning into how to do it with your body, and prevents injury. You should never feel your back in anything, stop immediately and activate your core. When we are standing the core is working, but it is not actively being worked out until we engage it. Make all the power come from the center, your core.
In all Yoga it is about finding your own body's way and especially in Prenatal Yoga it is about listening to where you need the stretch, being gentle and kind, not pushing or having any discomfort. Your baby is getting a nice hug and massage, and you are taking care of mama.
After getting informed and having the support ready to go, it is time to surrender to the moment, and know everything is just as it should be, trusting your gut and what feels right completely. You will know.
Inch Loss, Cellulite Reduction, Muscle Building, Skin Tightening, it is all possible, each setting is customized to the individual. Arms, Legs, Glutes, Obliques, Abdominals, you can target your specific area, while relaxing, not compromising your form, and also letting toxins drain though the lymph system. Sometimes our bodies need a kickstart, something between just working out and surgery, especially after having children,
We can choose our headspace,
It also helps to surround yourself with positive energy,
From Inside,
From Positive Waves and Results,
From Positive People,
From Inside,
From Positive Waves and Results,
From Positive People,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The Body Heals Itself All The Time

Change is part of life.
Once we accept this, we just go with the flow.
Sometimes there are challenges, and other times there are breakthroughs.
Our body is designed to heal.
Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually.
Some people have harder homework from God (copyright Irene Medovoy, my one of a kind mother.)
Do you want to heal?
Are you paying attention to preventive maintenance, a healthy active lifestyle, sleep, and low stress?
I feel that it is a choice, we have to deal with our unique circumstances, accept it, respect it, and delve in deep how to assist the body and mind in the healing process.
A woman came up to me after a class, she was in her early 30's, and has severe migranes, so bad that when she sees the light, she knows they are coming, has to stop what she is doing, and wait until it comes and goes. Also she told me she had a shredded tendon, is going to physical therapy, but nothing is getting better, and for the migranes all she gets are drugs that don't work and have side effects. I suggested she look into alternative methods such as accupuncture, but also to talk to my friend Roland who does Bio-energetic healing, She is at the end of her rope, western medicine has no answers. I was telling her that there are so many options out there, all we can do is try and see if it works for us. I like to say everything works, and nothing works, we just have to customize what resonates with our body and mind. There is no magic, order, answer, it is a constant journey throughout our life to figure out how to take care of ourselves.
My lower back is still not 100%, I overdid it again the other day, and have had to wear my back support in order to get through a non stop day of Doula support, Yoga, and Pilates classes. I am feeling a little bit better today, and know that sometimes we just have to stop trying to figure it out, because it just needs time to heal, not to interfere with the healing process. What most of us need, including myself, is patience, not rushing the natural process of healing, and not interfering with it.
I ran across this article and found it fascinating how we are an amazing machine which heals itself, This is the most powerful point,
"The body can only repair itself when the body is in a state of physiological rest. Whenever the body thinks it’s time to run away from the lion (or whatever chronic, repetitive perceived threat it believes itself to be under), it shuts down self-repair."
This is true about pregnancy, labor, and birth as well. If our mind is in a state of fear, it shuts down natural processes. With animals, if they are in the middle of birth and see a threat, their body will stop the process so they can run to a safer place, and will continue to birth. The challenge with the human mind, is whether it is real danger, or just our own thoughts, it does the same damage and gets in the way.
How can a woman and her partner prepare themselves?
- A Doctor that is on the same page as you, supportive, good bedside manner, knowledgeable, and ultimately listens to the choices of the mother and backs her 100%.
- Birth Classes that give an overview of what is possible, all the medical stuff is there for emergencies, why should we fill up our brains with procedures and what if's? has a clear, scientific, well rounded course, that gives a view into the history and science, while showing each woman that her birth will be a unique experience that will unfold as the baby and body know how to do. Gather tools, but in the moment surrender to the beauty of our design, and let the process unfold uninterrupted. Most people put more research in their strollers and registry, than their own birth.
- Have a woman in the room, it makes all the difference, whether it is your mother, a friend, a sibling, or a Doula, sometimes all you need is feminine energy telling you everything is happening just as it should. Husband's and Partners are wonderful, they also want to fix things and do not like to see you uncomfortable. My Doula really kept my husband calm, because he knew that she knew what was going on, and he trusted that everything was just fine. Who you have in the room with you will make a big difference, if parents are not a calm energy, tell them you just want it to be you and your partner, it will make all the difference in the world, do not feel guilty, stand up for yourself, it is your birth, you have the right to make all of the choices. I think it is scary to allow others to make the decisions for you. Do you let others make decisions in other areas of your life?
Things to ponder,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Let's follow the example of these women who are changing our world
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Today we remember Mary Fields, also known as Stagecoach Mary. She was the first African-American woman employed as a mail carrier in the United States, and justthe second American woman to work for the United States Postal Service. Even though she was about 60 years old when she applied, Mary was hired because she was the fastest applicant to hitch a team of six horses. She never missed a day, and her reliability earned her the nickname "Stagecoach." She was Born a slave in 1832 and died a legend in her own time in 1914.
Thank You for the doors you've opened and the boundaries you've broken
Malala Yousafzai just turned 18. This is how she celebrates: "Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner, helps open school in Lebanon for Syrian refugee girls while calling for 'books not bullets.'" Honoring all students, and teachers in tough environments! <> Join: Enlightened Society
I love supporting women, I love being a woman, I love representing women, I love standing up for and standing side by side with women, Woman Power! Coach Yulia |
Monday, July 13, 2015
My Excuse: I Am On Call
My weekend was overall relaxing, no running around, had an amazing Day of Rest, and Sunday running some errands, but overall just an easygoing day. My phone is always by my side because it has my schedule, I love to be reachable for all of my services, and I am 24 hours on call for my Doula clients two weeks before the due date. One thing that I try to be conscious of is not to have it around when I am taking time to hang out with my kids, if it rings or texts I still have to check it, but I am not on it 24/7 while I am with them.
This article really struck a chord because in our world, the phone is always visible, on the lunch table, even in an important conversation, our glance is always diverted to double check a status or a text.
I always like to be the exception, have a reason why I can do something different than everybody else. Even on Shabbat, the Jewish day off of technology, when I have Doula client about to go into labor, my phone is close by. As my non stop week begins, I am arranging and rearranging my schedule, always flexible with my clients, and I am blessed they are flexible with me.
Today was a magical day, not too busy, getting through it, classes getting rescheduled miraculously so I could be available and support as a Doula.
Love when my Doula style is an energy match, it is so powerful, keeps me even more present to the unfolding miracle. Labor is a lesson in watchful waiting, not interfering, and trusting the mother completely.
How much do you love/need/want/desire/can't get enough of YOUR PHONE?
Coach Yulia

This article really struck a chord because in our world, the phone is always visible, on the lunch table, even in an important conversation, our glance is always diverted to double check a status or a text.
I always like to be the exception, have a reason why I can do something different than everybody else. Even on Shabbat, the Jewish day off of technology, when I have Doula client about to go into labor, my phone is close by. As my non stop week begins, I am arranging and rearranging my schedule, always flexible with my clients, and I am blessed they are flexible with me.
Today was a magical day, not too busy, getting through it, classes getting rescheduled miraculously so I could be available and support as a Doula.
Love when my Doula style is an energy match, it is so powerful, keeps me even more present to the unfolding miracle. Labor is a lesson in watchful waiting, not interfering, and trusting the mother completely.
How much do you love/need/want/desire/can't get enough of YOUR PHONE?
Coach Yulia
Sunday, July 12, 2015
My friend and therapist Elsa Rebekah Monterroso posted THE FIVE MAJOR EMOTIONS the other day, and I wanted to pass it along. It is human, it is who we are, they are going to happen, but it is how we handle them, learn to react to them, so powerful how emotions can take over if we let them.
There are five basic emotions, which resonate with our body energies at a very deep level. In moderation these emotions act as motivational energies that stimulate organs and keep them and us healthy.
Anger relates to the wood element that includes the organs of the liver and gall bladder, the muscular system and the immune system.
When anger is in a state that is harmful to the body, it can weaken and break down the immune system and we have difficulty fighting off disease particularly viruses.
Anger was used in past times as a motivating force as a means for survival i.e. in battle or as a motivating force when hunting, whereas today it usually expresses itself in work and life stresses. It is rarely an emotion / energy that is used creatively and almost always manifests destructively
Long term suppressed anger can also lead to the formation of gallstones (condensed anger) and migraine headaches. The liver is also associated with our ability to plan and make decisions. As a result if a person is in a state of chronic anger his / her decision making abilities are diminished. We are ‘livered’ and cannot think straight. Generally a loss in quality of life occurs as we are attracted to violent situations as a way of releasing this emotion.
Fear is the emotion of the water element and has specific relation to the kidney and bladder organs, the central nervous system, reproductive system, and endocrine system. Fear is a necessary emotion as it provides the ‘fight’ or flight’ response necessary for survival however living in a acute or chronic fear can have serious effects and far reaching ramifications in many areas of the body.
A typical state of chronic fear is a perpetual reaction to the world around us and feelings of being overwhelmed and our inability to cope. This includes concepts such as fear of coping with our relationship, health, our job or our financial situation. These reactions often become imploding and internal creating ‘time bombs’ which build up over time. We produce a mask (keeping up a front) for the world to see while inside the inner fear of handling difficult situations is damaging our nervous system. We literally scare ourselves to death!
Worry effects the earth element that relates specifically to the stomach, spleen & pancreas. The effect particularly when reacting with intense worry to the stomach is one of acidity and ulcers. We are unable to digest and process life’s situations. Also the pancreas cannot produce the required amounts of enzymes that enable proper digestion of food. This in turn can lead to sugar handling disorders as regulation of levels is irregular.
Grief relates to the air / metal element that specifically effects the lungs and large intestine. Imploding grief i.e. grief that is not expressed in a healthy manner, will often manifest itself as fluid on the lungs and can lead to chronic or acute lung disorders which impair our breathing. This in turn has a ‘knock on’ effect as it is our ability to breath properly which determines our overall health, (see Self-link for further information about breathing)
SADNESS (without JOY)
Joy is the energy of the five elements that effects the heart, circulatory system and small intestine. Joy has a positive effect on the overall SadnessBody / Mind but when it is absent it manifest as sadness.
This Sadness is ‘heartache’ or depression, as opposed to grief (that is grieving over something specific). Chronic sadness effects the heart, arteries and veins and can impair the absorption of food and emotions through the small intestine.
Both of these emotions are combinations of the 5 basic emotions:
Guilt is a combination of anger with fear or worry.
Jealousy is anger and fear and is often fueled by very low self-esteem.
I have been reading "Birthing From Within" this weekend, and some of the words really resonated with me. In our day to day life, and in birth, we can choose to be strong and connected to our gut.
'Anthropologists Sjoo and Mor remind us that 2-3 million years of human survival can be attributed to women's physical strength, noting that "the human race couldn't have survived...if women had been as physically weak and mentally dependent during those hard ages as we are supposed to be today."'
'Even when a woman believes SHE has chosen her birth place, there are unseen, powerful forces narrowing the parameters within which she has chosen. Adrienne Rich, author of OF WOMEN BORN, observed, "One does not give birth in a void, but rather in a cultural and political context. Laws, professional codes, religious sanctions, and ethnic traditions all affect a woman's choices concerning childbirth."'
'Michel Odent is a renowned French Obstetrician and author of the instant classic, Birth Reborn. He decided with his wife to birth at home, even though she was 38, first baby, was diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis 11 years earlier, and blood pressure has always been high. "Michel strongly believes that the higher risk the woman is, the less she should be disturbed while giving birth...As for the birth. It was fast and easy--the midwives arrived only just in time. Labor was only three hours from first contraction to deliver, with no complications."'
"Through knowledge, the unconscious is robbed of its fire." - Carl G. Jung
Coach Yulia
'Anthropologists Sjoo and Mor remind us that 2-3 million years of human survival can be attributed to women's physical strength, noting that "the human race couldn't have survived...if women had been as physically weak and mentally dependent during those hard ages as we are supposed to be today."'
'Even when a woman believes SHE has chosen her birth place, there are unseen, powerful forces narrowing the parameters within which she has chosen. Adrienne Rich, author of OF WOMEN BORN, observed, "One does not give birth in a void, but rather in a cultural and political context. Laws, professional codes, religious sanctions, and ethnic traditions all affect a woman's choices concerning childbirth."'
'Michel Odent is a renowned French Obstetrician and author of the instant classic, Birth Reborn. He decided with his wife to birth at home, even though she was 38, first baby, was diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis 11 years earlier, and blood pressure has always been high. "Michel strongly believes that the higher risk the woman is, the less she should be disturbed while giving birth...As for the birth. It was fast and easy--the midwives arrived only just in time. Labor was only three hours from first contraction to deliver, with no complications."'
"Through knowledge, the unconscious is robbed of its fire." - Carl G. Jung
Coach Yulia
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