Change is part of life.
Once we accept this, we just go with the flow.
Sometimes there are challenges, and other times there are breakthroughs.
Our body is designed to heal.
Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually.
Some people have harder homework from God (copyright Irene Medovoy, my one of a kind mother.)
Do you want to heal?
Are you paying attention to preventive maintenance, a healthy active lifestyle, sleep, and low stress?
I feel that it is a choice, we have to deal with our unique circumstances, accept it, respect it, and delve in deep how to assist the body and mind in the healing process.
A woman came up to me after a class, she was in her early 30's, and has severe migranes, so bad that when she sees the light, she knows they are coming, has to stop what she is doing, and wait until it comes and goes. Also she told me she had a shredded tendon, is going to physical therapy, but nothing is getting better, and for the migranes all she gets are drugs that don't work and have side effects. I suggested she look into alternative methods such as accupuncture, but also to talk to my friend Roland who does Bio-energetic healing, www.rolandhealinghands.com. She is at the end of her rope, western medicine has no answers. I was telling her that there are so many options out there, all we can do is try and see if it works for us. I like to say everything works, and nothing works, we just have to customize what resonates with our body and mind. There is no magic, order, answer, it is a constant journey throughout our life to figure out how to take care of ourselves.
My lower back is still not 100%, I overdid it again the other day, and have had to wear my back support in order to get through a non stop day of Doula support, Yoga, and Pilates classes. I am feeling a little bit better today, and know that sometimes we just have to stop trying to figure it out, because it just needs time to heal, not to interfere with the healing process. What most of us need, including myself, is patience, not rushing the natural process of healing, and not interfering with it.
I ran across this article and found it fascinating how we are an amazing machine which heals itself,
http://consciouslifenews.com/scientific-proof-heal/1172885/. This is the most powerful point,
"The body can only repair itself when the body is in a state of physiological rest. Whenever the body thinks it’s time to run away from the lion (or whatever chronic, repetitive perceived threat it believes itself to be under), it shuts down self-repair."
This is true about pregnancy, labor, and birth as well. If our mind is in a state of fear, it shuts down natural processes. With animals, if they are in the middle of birth and see a threat, their body will stop the process so they can run to a safer place, and will continue to birth. The challenge with the human mind, is whether it is real danger, or just our own thoughts, it does the same damage and gets in the way.
How can a woman and her partner prepare themselves?
- A Doctor that is on the same page as you, supportive, good bedside manner, knowledgeable, and ultimately listens to the choices of the mother and backs her 100%.
- Birth Classes that give an overview of what is possible, all the medical stuff is there for emergencies, why should we fill up our brains with procedures and what if's? www.supportedbirth.com has a clear, scientific, well rounded course, that gives a view into the history and science, while showing each woman that her birth will be a unique experience that will unfold as the baby and body know how to do. Gather tools, but in the moment surrender to the beauty of our design, and let the process unfold uninterrupted. Most people put more research in their strollers and registry, than their own birth.
- Have a woman in the room, it makes all the difference, whether it is your mother, a friend, a sibling, or a Doula, sometimes all you need is feminine energy telling you everything is happening just as it should. Husband's and Partners are wonderful, they also want to fix things and do not like to see you uncomfortable. My Doula really kept my husband calm, because he knew that she knew what was going on, and he trusted that everything was just fine. Who you have in the room with you will make a big difference, if parents are not a calm energy, tell them you just want it to be you and your partner, it will make all the difference in the world, do not feel guilty, stand up for yourself, it is your birth, you have the right to make all of the choices. I think it is scary to allow others to make the decisions for you. Do you let others make decisions in other areas of your life?
Things to ponder,
Coach Yulia
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