I have had the most relaxing, amazing Shabbat, the kids have been magic all three of them playing together so nicely, our sticker system is in full effect. I was originally going to write this blog about things that make us feel so good, like heaven, because I had the most wonderful nap when my husband took the kids to synagogue, so much so that when I opened my eyes, I realized it was not night. It was a deep sleep, and although bright outside, I was in blissful darkness. Yes my sleeping posts will continue, but my brain is on something disturbing that is all over my news feeds on the internet. It kind of makes me think of the Soviet Union when the government was in charge of the television, people only saw what they wanted you to see and really knew nothing more. They really thought communism was the most amazing system and they were being taken care of, and the rest of the world was suffering.
The news that we get on our TV does not accurately tell the whole story, especially in reference to Israel, and I am deeply disturbed by a kidnapping of three young boys in Israel, one of them is American, and there are images of celebrations from the other side, and it makes me sick. It is not OK to hurt anyone but especially our children, and celebrating when children are hurt or kidnapped is really disturbing.
This article is especially disturbing because even though other countries are with Israel, America is silent even thought one of the young boys was American, just click on the following link,
http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/canada-condemns-pa-terror-kidnapping-but-obamas-silent/2014/06/15/ Thank God for our social media to spread the word, to pray together, and hear the truth.
There are extremes in every culture, nationality, and religion, and that is what everyone should work to eradicate together. Our voices should be loud and clear, as well as our prayers.
Coach Yulia
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