This was the gorgeous view of the full moon last night while I was sitting in my car with my hazards on, nice cool breeze, my husband came and filled the empty tank, we always wait till its way past empty, no problem, all good, Thank God |
Most women I know including myself do not forget one thing, we are the ultimate lawyer, nobody will every win with our winning debate and evidence. Luckily we all wake up refreshed, friendly, and feeling good and of course I feel that each day is new and could be started fresh. There is a small part of me however that wants to bring up all the things to avoid, watch out for, be aware of to my husband and kids, so we do not fall into frustration, tantrums, and driving each other nuts. But I refrain, have hope that attitudes will be different, maybe something was learned, and hopefully we can all communicate openly and politely with no attitudes or ultimatums. Am I dreaming? I hope not, but I know for sure if I do bring up things that happened yesterday or the day before, that will get them present to it in this moment today, and it may affect their day and therefore my day as well.
So what do I do, I take a breath, and hope for the best. Today we are starting our chart and sticker system, and I am going to make it fun but be strict, and I have been telling them that whining and not listening will not earn a sticker. From what I hear this system really works with kids and I am looking forward to when I could really take a breath because everyone is cooperating, being polite, and getting excited about positive attention, recognition, and reward.
It seems like raising kids is like running a successful business, with some love and hugs mixed in, there need to be clear rules, enforcement of the rules, and recognizing a job well done.
Here We Go,
But first we rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
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