Discrimination is everywhere, opinions are everywhere, and Thank God in America everybody can say what is on their mind. In other countries you get killed for your own thoughts, speech, and action, I feel so blessed to live in a place where I can stand tall, loud, and proud for what I believe in.
Because Israel had no choice but to defend itself against Hamas, who has been firing non stop rockets, and then decided to kidnap innocent teenagers, there was no going back. Now the uproar is all over the world, it is so scary, there are synagogues being attacked, there are slogans that tell the Jews to go to the ovens, and the sad thing is the world stays quiet, but I will not.
Look what is happening everywhere, antisemitism, violence, and Thank God Jews are not being taken to slaughter anymore, we will fight against the discrimination and be victorious, Thank You IDF!
I cannot keep quiet, for some of you that have met me in my Yoga life, yes I am calm, yes I am happy, yes I am positive, but first and foremost I AM A JEW. My parents left the Soviet Union so that we could have a better life and I don't take it for granted. If this is not interesting to you or you have other political views I completely respect that, but I cannot pass on important events that are directly affecting my nation. In America we are white and it is a religion, but in the rest of the world there is intense hatred and feeling that we do not belong. Thank God Israel is the Jewish home, so we will use our amazing defense and technology to protect the citizens and this amazing country that is so special to many cultures, religions, and backgrounds.
I am not white,
I don't have Anglo-Saxon background,
My father was born in the Caucasian Mountains in Grozny, which is near Turkey and Iran,
My mother was born in Moscow, but her roots trace back to Ukraine,
All of our roots trace to our Jewish ancestors that have overcome time and time again,
Am Israel Chai,
Coach Yulia
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