The class felt so good, sometimes my body just folds into the poses, and today it was just flowing, my mind and body were connected, and I was so naturally wired afterwards and had a few powerful thoughts. On the astrology chart I am a Libra, I think they are fun, I think we can make our own choices and are not bound by the characteristics. I do believe however that everything is connected, and it really seems that sometimes the characteristics really fit if you are born on that sign. The interesting thing about my sign is that it is a Libra on our current calendar, but on the Jewish Calendar that goes by the moon, I am a Scorpio, which totally makes sense to me, and that is a topic for another blog :)
So one of the characteristics of a Libra is being indecisive, and yes throughout my life too many choices boggled my mind, and sometimes nothing felt right, or even sometimes it did not matter at all to choose anything, I was open to see what the outcome would be. I sometimes get in my happy, positive bubble, and am oblivious to what is right in front of me, for example parking signs, and then I get a parking ticket and it ruins my whole day, and I am mad at myself for not noticing it. I am happy to report that I did not get a parking ticket, and have not in a while because now I carefully look at the signs, I take the time to stop, get a reality check, and pay attention. I love also warning other drivers not to park in the spot where they will get a ticket, maybe I can start a business one day warning people, just to get back at those eager and hungry parking you know whats, but they are just workers doing their job, meeting their quota, its all good.
So two things became really apparent to me after my Yoga class today.
Sometimes we feel a certain way, but it is hard to put it into words. I was so happy today to understand that I was clear, and now what I need to work on is being LOUD AND CLEAR, for others about what I am saying, because I AM CLEAR. Also because paying attention has been working for me, I need to keep doing it, I can still stay in my happy, positive bubble, but I need to make a point to stop and pay attention at each point of my day, just to check in with what I am clear about.
Feels So Good,
So Ready For the Day of Rest,
Am Israel Chai,
Coach Yulia

As Shabbat approaches here in our Holy Land, I would like you to see this photo, taken last night, of one of the landmark Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv. The lights on the building spell out "Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad" (Hear O' Israel, G-d is our G-d, G-d is One). This can be seen by Israel's air force pilots as they fly out on their missions as well as the hundreds of thousands of motorists who pass by the busy highway adjacent to the towers. May we have a blessed, victorious Shabbat! http://
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