My family has moved so many times, and then I have moved non stop, I honestly would have to stop writing and figure it out. What I love about my family is that we would just be open to get to know our neighbors, surroundings, culture, people, and lifestyle. I was raised to get to know all types of types, be friendly, and really get to know people.
This is the first year my kids are going to public school, but they are friendly as usual. I would always take them all around town to parks and events, and they would automatically make friends and find kids to play with. I love how kids bond so easily, we could learn so much by watching kids.
What I also love is that my kids are strong in their Judaism and their identity. They know their roots and respect that everyone has different roots, backgrounds, nationalities, experiences, colors, and traditions. At our dinner table we have guests from all walks of life, so my kids see that my husband and I enjoy getting to know knew people and make friends from all over the world.
I have been blessed to attract amazing people into my life and thanks to Facebook I got back in touch with people from my childhood as well as from my travels and work all over the world. We went to say hello to my friend Marcus who just opened an authentic New Orleans Market and Deli, it is in Chinatown and has a very inviting and friendly vibe, got some great reviews,
As I was heading to my Yoga class on Friday I really felt blessed to be surrounded by good people, and as I walked into the class I noticed there were people from all walks of life. Yoga really is for everybody, to learn about their body, because there is nobody exactly alike. There is a personal trainer in the Gym from India, and he was asking me if the Jewish community accepted Yoga. I was telling him that the way I learned and teach is to tune up the body and relax the mind, anything beyond that is personal. It is all about breath, and breath is universal, breath is now, in the moment, and Thank God it never stops.
What I love about the Jewish communities all over the world is that it is all about diversity. Whatever country or culture the ancestors are from, those foods, traditions, music, and way of life is intertwined with their Judaism. I read an amazing article about all the crazy things happening in the world today, and how the Jewish people around the world can relate and should stand up, especially what is happening right here in America in Ferguson, and all of those horrible shootings.
There was also another article about the development of ISIS, and I found it very clear and interesting how things can develop, one vicious leader is conquered and things are brewing all around.
Diversity is a beautiful thing when it is accepted and respected by all,
Forcing and Hurting people into new ways of life is not how it works anymore,
The international community must unite,
Let's keep learning,
Keep Sharing,
Education and Transparency and is key,
Coach Yulia
My baby was playing at our Keepa (Yarmulka, that Jewish men wear on their head) and Jewish book table |