There are some people in my life that really think they know everything, from my young children, to family of all ages, and some friends as well. My parents came to this country, trusted my brother and I to be adults at 5 and 7 years old and teach them about the language, culture, and anything and everything else they could absorb. My parents are brilliant, they got the highest education in the Soviet Union where barely any Jews were allowed to get higher education, only the best got in. My father would rather ask a question and not look so smart and keep learning, rather than have an ego and not know. I do not understand the mentality of knowing everything, sure confidence is important, but so is being humble, respecting others, and always wanting to grow and learn.
Robin Williams was a genius, and he also had depression and mental illness. My good friend who in her childhood suffered from bulimia and anorexia calls me a NORMIE. I do not understand addictive personalities, I do not understand depression and wanting to kill yourself, it honestly does not make any sense to my brain. In my way of thinking you just deal with life, and then move on, even if it hurts, even if you have to start over, just move forward, maybe what happened will lead you into a much better direction. I understand everyone is different and I respect everyone has their own struggle and circumstance. This article about Robin Williams gives a glimpse into his head space, and this quote is really powerful, "Oh, my friend, if only you knew, I thought to myself. If only you understood. Williams did not make that choice. If only you could grasp it. It was not him. It was his illness." Here is the link,
I am always talking about connecting mind and body, being conscious of how we move and of our choices of food, exercise, and lifestyle. My mom told me two very interesting facts today about water and grapefruit. When you drink plain water it goes directly to your kidneys and cleans waste, when you add anything to it, then it puts the digestive system to work. I recently started to drink two glasses of water in the morning right after I wake up, first thing, I read that it helps to awaken and cleanse the organs. She also told me that if you are on medications, avoid grapefruit, it can get in the way of what the medication is meant to accomplish.
My older kids have had an amazing Jewish education, and now it is time for us to move to public school for many reasons. It is of the utmost importance to me that my kids keep learning our culture, history, lessons, and language. So when my son is 13 and it is time for his Bar Mitzva, it is natural, flows, and exciting. I was looking at my options and I found the most amazing program after his public school ends. Anybody in the Los Angeles community check out this sponsored program, I feel so blessed. For now my baby is in an amazing Hebrew, Russian, and English program, very homey and full of love.

Thank God,
I got all my bases covered,
Coach Yulia
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