Even medical professionals, lawyers, and every other person out there gives their opinion based on their research, studies, history, and background. Many times when you go to a doctor, people say to get a second opinion.
Yesterday I was at my hairdressers and we always have enlightening conversations, I love her point of view. She has no background knowledge or connection to the Middle East conflict, so she told me to explain it in very simple terms, and then went on to say that how I feel is my opinion and that people standing for the other side feel as passionately about their opinion. I was telling her that I believed that there could be only one truth, but it does make sense that it can be seen through many perspectives. So it made me realize that all we can do is speak out on we feel feel right in our gut, and even better to get educated, hear all sides, and stand strong, loud, and proud for what we believe in. My parents left an oppressed society to give us a better life. Even today all types of people are being targeted because they are different. I cannot stand idly by, during the Holocaust many people were not aware of the extent of the horror, I will not let that happen again. I believe my voice counts, and I am so honored to be asked to be part of a fundraising and awareness campaign for Israel. What makes me most proud is that a non Jewish Yoga student that had taken my class and became a Facebook friend, saw my passion and information and wanted to know my opinion of Israel's perspective. People are listening, and I must keep talking.
This also flows into my Yoga and Doula services. Today I was getting my eyebrows done, and the woman that was working on me was pregnant with her second child. Her first is three years old, and was a C Section because after 29 hours of labor with no drugs, she just didn't want to come out. I asked her if she would consider a VBAC, and she asked my opinion. I told her I was not a medical professional, and I felt that a VBAC was completely safe, but ultimately her choice and she should talk to her doctor. Doctors are always focusing on caution and prevention, and the rupture that they scare women with, in my opinion, is very rare and a very small percentage, and its ultimately a personal choice.

This Sunday is a Pro-Israel Rally, with amazing speakers and entertainment, what a fun way to support!
My opinion matters,
Your opinion matters,
Listen to your gut,
Your inner voice,
The World Needs To Hear It,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
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