take something personally
phrase of personally
- 1.interpret a remark or action as directed against oneself and be upset or offended by it, even if that was not the speaker's intention."I took it personally when he yelled at the class"
synonyms: take offense, take something amiss, be offended, be upset, be affronted, take umbrage, take exception, feel insulted, feel hurt "please don't take this personally, but I think the trim should be a shade darker"
When something happens to my family, my community, Jewish people all over the world, Israel, and even good friends, I take it personally. I want to talk about it, shed light on it, give an objective, researched perspective, and my own opinion. When other horrifying things happen in different parts of the world and in America, it makes me sad as a person, as a human being, that there is a disregard for life, attacking a group of people, instead of seeing each person as a unique individual.
Recently there have been so many tragedies, the latest one in Charleston, South Carolina. I cannot even imagine how a person gets to this place of hate and destruction, especially of innocent, kind people that did nothing to him, he didn't even know them, but in his point of view, he thought he was right. Just like Hitler thought he was right, and many people followed his logic, and did unspeakable acts systematically for their opinion of greater good. All of this has no good in it, it is the opposite, it is getting into a state of mind that justifies actions that most of us can never comprehend.
I see so many articles, but I found the following links interesting, because I take them personally, they attack my ancestors, my nation, my religion, my family, my way of being that makes sense to me in this world. Nobody should have who they are taken away from them, and shame on everyone in that murderers circle that didn't say a word, many innocent lives could have been saved.
This article talks about the Charleston gunman's manifesto, and he was against so many people, so sad how this was ingrained in his being and pointed him in the direction of hate and mass murder,
I was born in Moscow, when it was still the Soviet Union, before my parents and I were set for a new life in America, somebody put a bomb under our car. Luckily my father rolled it out, didn't know what it was, started walking away, and then it blew up, Thank God he walked away unharmed. I admire my parents, and am forever grateful for their strength and guts to take their little Jewish children to a free life, in an unknown country, without the full command of the English language, they risked everything for us, I wish them health, happiness, until 120 and beyond.
This is an amazing clear truth about why Jewish people will never keep quiet and be led to slaughter again, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/yair-lapid/on-the-holocaust-from-a-s_b_5735850.html?fb_action_ids=10152712323293594&fb_action_types=og.comments
This article shows how the world does not know how the Palestinians are treated by their own government, reminds me of the Soviet Union rules, laws, constant imprisonment, and no freedom of speech.
I will leave you with the Pope's message of disbelief of the actions of all nations of the world who knew human beings were being transported to their deaths and did nothing to stop it,
I enjoy reading about personal experiences and thoughts,
I feel it is the only way we can share and discuss our differences and beliefs,
Coach Yulia
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International Yoga day, :) |
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