I do not have a piano at home, and his teacher was telling me I can get a keyboard, so I was doing some research, and I really want to do it right, have him learn the classic, correct way to play. She was telling me that a quality, used piano would be $3000, so that is my goal for my Go Fund Me, campaign. I have never done something like this before, but this just feels right, I want to do this right for my potential musical genius. My mother graduated from the Moscow, Conservatory, has a beautiful voice with a wide range, conducts choir, and plays piano, it is in the genes, but skipped over my generation. What I love the most is it really seems to come naturally and easily to him, from understanding the keys, notes, sounds, and taking direction instantly, down to the curvature of his fingers and sitting position.
I figure if every other friend gives $5, I would easily reach my goal, and if I find the perfect piano for a little more, then my family can work together to make it happen. Deep down this feels right, I am so excited for this opportunity for my son. His elementary school has a choir and instrument program, this will set him on the right track to audition and qualify. I took him to his free trial lesson yesterday, and had to see and feel it in my gut if it was the right path for our family, and I feel that the right teacher can bring out the natural abilities and skills, and we have found her, Thank God,
Thank you for listening, thank you for following my journey as a woman, a wife, a mother, and a strong personality. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments when we talk and when I see you around town. Thank you for telling me that you enjoy reading my blog daily. Consider this $5 or more to fund "Piano for my future musical genius," http://www.gofundme.com/pianoforeli.
If it is not in your budget, then please just pass it on, maybe on your Facebook page or other social media, maybe in an email, maybe to someone that loves the arts and music, everything and anything will be a tremendous help towards our goal.

So excited,
Coach Yulia
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