My baby found a sandbox filled with kernels of corn, played there forever, and when I changed his diaper later, somehow a few ended up in there, not digested or eaten, he must have been rolling around all over the place! I just sat back in a shady spot where I had a view of all of them, and marveled at the creative souls that think up this simple, creative, and fun way to appeal to every person from every walk of life. I saw people of all colors, faiths, nationalities, races, styles, sizes, and personalities.
Everyone was enjoying our perfect Los Angeles weather of warm sun and cool breeze, happy to be having a day out with the kids, all kids, something everyone can relate to. What I love the most is that my kids are growing up seeing the world we live in as diverse, but what I love even more is that they know 100% who they are, where they come from, their history, their identity, and their roots.
I have also grown up in big cities, with all types of people, and I love meeting new people, and learning about their background, culture, and stories. It is so special that I have my own stories, and so will my kids. I am in awe of Jewish stories because they come from every corner of the world. I posted this on my Facebook, and I also want to put a link here for my parents and friends that go to my blog directly. It is so powerful to me that Jews come from so many different cultures, traditions, and nationalities, and this story is amazingly about Pakistan,
I love the Fall season,
It is the birthday months of my big boy, myself, and my husband,
So many celebrations,
Great weather,
It just feels good,
Coach Yulia
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