The big secret is, everybody has to find their own answer, and do what works for them. How we get to that place is the challenge. There are so many tools, exercises, meditations, workshops, you name it, it either exists or is in the process of production. How come some work for certain people, and other people are creating new one? Because we are all unique, there is not one way, there is no perfect way, there is just your way.
I am blessed to live in a happy bubble, thanks to my grandmother who just turned 99, and my amazing mother who shines her light wherever she goes. When that bubble gets popped, however, I am in awe, don't know what to do with myself, it takes me a minute to realize I have to refocus on the downward wave of life. I know 100% that the upward wave is close behind. This morning I ran to the store to get cottage cheese, all I had with me were my glasses and my card to pay. I get everything I need and realize I don't have the card with me, a panic sets in. If it was just me, I would have just figured out how to get a new one, but since I always lose and misplace things, my husband would not be happy, and that is an understatement. He was busy washing the cars outside, I drove home, luckily the store was around the corner. Did my detective work, I am such a good detective, usually I retrace my steps and get to the gold! I did recently have my glasses disappear on me, and I swear they are looking right at me somewhere :) My card was nowhere in the house, so I decided it had to be in the car, not there, so I went back to the store to look where I walked when I first got there. So when I got there there were boxes in the way of the cottage cheese, and when I tried to move the boxes, I didn't realize I dropped the card. Thank God I asked the guy who had helped me move the boxes, and he had the card in his hand. So grateful for honest people, and I will pat myself on my back for my detective work, it worked! I was so out of my happy space in that experience, but once it was over, life goes on, I don't dwell, I do not analyze, I stop thinking about it. I think that is the root to staying positive and happy, worrying in advance makes no sense either, we start thinking and we stop breathing. Worrying takes our breath away, literally.
Today I had an amazing private Yoga class, and was asked how I keep my calm nature? She was also wondering if I have been calm my entire life. It makes me think of people running and stressed into a Yoga class, in order to absorb the calm and step off the world for an hour. I told her I was always living it up, I love to travel, I love to meet people, I love to experience life to the fullest. Yoga calmed me down, and I feel that my reactions are more clear, really got me in touch with myself, and projecting myself. Life is not calm, nor do we want it to be. Ups and Downs are all positive flows of this adventure called life. I think we need to take our calm when we can get it to recharge for all the amazing intensity in our lives. With my family I am not calm, my buttons are pushed, and I totally get out of my Yoga calm and happy space sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
My work is my balance,
Thank you for the energy exchange,
I love adults,
I am looking forward to adult relationships with my children,
For Now I Will Savor Each Intense Moment,
I love to say in Yoga,
Intense but not Tense,
Coach Yulia
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