Every Saturday I recharge, the world can wait, it is all about me, I read, I learn, and I contemplate the world and my life. I do not believe in regret or looking back, things are as they are, all we can do is learn from them and move forward. Everything I am reading about is a lesson in deciding how to deal, whether to run or to face. Some of these articles are specifically about the Torah, so if you want to take a peak at my thoughts please click and enjoy.
Go to page 17 about an in depth weekly lesson and guide on how to approach reality after the holiday high, http://issuu.com/jewishhomela/docs/la_jh_10-23-14_lo?e=7985120/9835782.
This article was so powerful about making sure we are setting an example of how we want to be treated, http://www.jewishjournal.com/torah_portion/article/the_problem_of_evil_and_us.
Before Shabbat there was an amazing post that I ran across on Facebook from a father of eight who had recently lost his wife. It is all about what if, and then realizing that things will be as they will be.
What If?
Two words come to mind as I catch my breath and reflect on the month that just passed with all the big Jewish holidays and events.
Two words: ‘What if?’
It was a busy month for many people but especially for rabbis. Add to that being a single father of eight children and things can start to get a little bit overwhelming.
As I reflected back this week, there were so many ‘what ifs’ floating in my mind, that I decided to share a small sampling of them with you. Everything seemed to work out at the end but I couldn’t stop wondering about what would have happened if……..
What if various family members and friends hadn’t decided to come from out of town to help with each of the holidays?
What if they hadn’t been willing to cook all the meals for us?
What if our domestic help would have thrown in the towel due to all the extra work?
What if my youngest child who is almost always clinging to me, hadn’t decided he wanted to be on his own just when I needed to go lead the services?
What if our wonderful dinner guests hadn’t joined us and enhanced our holiday meals?
What if my Yom Kippur fast wouldn’t have miraculously been headache free this year?
What if some kind friends wouldn’t have volunteered to come over and help put up our Sukkah
What if my neighbor hadn’t been available to watch the kids when I needed to run out for some last minute holiday errands and preparations?
What if my community hadn’t been so understanding of my little ones making noise during some of the Synagogue services?
What if, what if, what if……I have dozens more which practically speaking would have made it almost impossible for me to be both Rabbi and single Daddy during this busy season.
And then I realized that ‘what if’ is a silly question to ask because in reality none of those things could have happened. After all Hashem always provides the tools we need to be able to function according to our life circumstances, so obviously all those people would be there and just at the right time.
I am grateful for having been the continued beneficiary of G-d’s grace, and happy for my family and friends for having had the merit of serving as G-d’s agents
Shabbat Shalom
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Everything Will Work Out As It Should,
Coach Yulia
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