I do not like watching the news, it is always negative. My husband loves to watch world news, and it is more of the same, danger, sickness, and conflict. Recently I have been more conscious of what is going on because I am passionate about Israel. I am shocked how the world is so nonchalant about the extreme violence, beheadings, and treatment of women by ISIS. I think because of that this country has horror stories on all the time, why is that always the news, and why is it OK for people to act in that horrific manner. I will spare you details, but there was a three year old boy that was tortured to death by his mother and her boyfriend, it all started because he wouldn't eat his breakfast. We still hear about kids with guns all the time, and kids hurting other kids and even more extreme hurting just to hurt, like the Boston marathon bombing, WHY?
The reason why I just want to scream, I want to pray for the victims, tears want to come out is because of a story that I heard today about a little boy that got hurt, really hurt, and it is someone that I do not know well but my good friends know his mom, and she is a very special person, and she raised a wonderful son. I asked her if I can put her post on my page and haven't received an answer yet.
Her son had a friend that would come over to the house, they would have fun together, go out to eat together. I do not know his age, but maybe 7 or 8? So one day somehow he got his friends shoes muddy. The boy got so upset that he got an older boy to beat him up, and really beat him up, in the bathroom, on porcelain, he couldn't hear well, he is in the hospital, going through machines, and I cannot imagine how these things get into kids heads. Her son knows martial arts, and she asked him why he didn't defend himself and he said that he didn't want to hurt the older kid. She called him a gentle giant, and my son is a gentle giant too. His is sensitive, takes things deep, is really tall, and I am so happy I put him in Kindergarten to be the oldest, and he has had some Karate, but with him who knows if he will act the same as the other sweet boy who always thinks of others.
This makes me think of Israel too, although a small young country, its intellectual and military capacity could extinguish its neighbors with ease. They choose not too, they take so much criticism for defending themselves, and extremists like ISIS are ignored like a bad movie. There have been so many acts of terrorism there the past few weeks, babies and innocent pedestrians are targeted, and the world doesn't blink. Israel is gentle giant, and I will keep on raising my voice loud and clear about the truth.
Love You Israel,
May everyone have a peaceful Shabbat,
Coach Yulia
This is what the mom wrote me when I asked if I could share,
"you can share. I feel like awareness is key here. I NEVER in a million years thought I would be in this situation. My kid is BIG, years of martial arts under his belt, and is one of the kindest most loving souls I have ever met (I say that not as hi mom, but as a person). He is brought up in a Buddhist home, and we don't believe in violence, only in self defense, and I have to admit, I was almost angry that he didn't fight back. But when I asked him why he didn't, his answer floored me! He said "hurting them back is doing what they are doing, I'm not that guy". I was humbled by my 11 year old kid!!! My heart aches for the pain he feels for being betrayed by his friends. But more than anything, the reality that I cannot protect him from everything is a most disturbing. . . THANK YOU for reaching out." |