Tomorrow I am bringing my daughter, joining my mother in law, and a friend with her family at the women's event above. Last year I was a model and a vendor, this year it is FREE to all, and I just want to go, enjoy, and have fun.
On Friday we finally found the perfect bike, size and price for my now 6 year old. He is a tall kid, he has been riding on his own on his first bike, which was for a very short time with training wheels, the tiny ones 12 inches. For his 5th birthday I threw him a party, but the bike was the big gift, and I just couldn't find it. I think sometimes it is good to wait until the timing is right, he grew taller, became more skilled, and now has a cool 20 inch bike! The crazy thing is the next wheel size up is 26 inches and that is for adults. So tomorrow while I am hanging with girls, my husband and brother in law will take my boys to the park on their bikes. The little bike gets the training wheels put back on for my very tall 2 and 1/2 year old, and he is definitely ready to learn, so it really is just right that I just found it.
As we go through our stages of life, we live in the moment, and I know I have a very bad long term memory. We look at pictures of our kids when they were babies, and it is hard to believe that they were ever that little. Now that I have kids, and I am working with middle school girls, I am trying to think back what I was like. I am wondering if I was so head strong, independent, and standing up for myself. Maybe it is this world we live in, but I am learning so much from my own kids and from all the ages of children that I work with.
Even my little guy knows exactly what he wants, but then again my mom said I always knew what I wanted, and wanted to be the leader and everyone to follow. That is why I love teaching Yoga, people love how I lead, and they are so happy to follow and feel good. Everywhere else it is a fragile balance, with kids and with Doula coaching, because emotions are strong, and I am strong, but I have to stand back, listen, but also utilize the support all around me and trust my gut, and I always give my all, that is the only way I know how to operate.
Today in Synagogue the Rabbi told such an amazing story about Pope John Paul II, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_II , he was originally from Poland. There was a Jewish family was in the Ghetto during the Holocaust, and they gave up their two year old son to their Polish landlords to raise, otherwise he would have been killed. They had two requests, if they lived the child would be returned, and if they died, to contact the grandparents in America. They took a big risk in taking this child, they were childless, so they moved to another part of town, so everyone would think it was their child. After the war, they found out the parents were killed, and they decided to keep the baby and baptize him. Before John Paul II became Pope, he was a Priest, and this couple came to him to baptize the child and told him the story. He asked them what was the request of the Jewish family, and when he found out it was to return him to the grandparents, he would not baptize him. This amazing man was blessed, he became Pope and had a great impact all over the world.
I love connections,
I love to learn,
All I can do is breathe,
Taking it day by day,
Coach Yulia
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