I am in a constant state of self observation of how I operate and then analyzing whether it is a positive and helpful way to be or can there be another way to approach a situation. I once took a seminar about how people really want to feel good about themselves and things they do. So much so that they will maybe do something that is not being themselves, or something that is not helpful, lie or cheat in order to "trick" the world into seeing them in a certain way, they want to feel good so bad.
I don't know if any of this makes sense, but this morning I jumped in to help, and it wasn't to feel good or to get recognition, it was just because things needed to get done, and I had the time, and I knew what to do.
Every morning before my son's school starts they entice parents to get there early and kids to get their energy out with the Morning Mile. It is a one mile track, and once a child runs 10 laps, they get a food on a necklace. My son just got his 11th foot, and he loves this, there are a few parents that have specific roles. Some mark each lap, some give out the foot to each child, and other parents jump in to help move things along. Today the lady that gives out the foot was absent, and the mom that usually marks the kids as they run around the track had too much on her plate. I arrived super early today and noticed that things were out of place. Usually they lay all the kindergarten names out so they can be easily found, other classes are in bins, for some reason another class was laid out on the table but kindergarten was still in the bin. For some reason the kindergarten classes, there are four of them are the highest participants, and its harder for the little kids to look through a bin and find their name. So I took it upon myself to put all the kindergarten names clearly on the table, and as parents and children came to look, I assisted them in finding the name. Luckily an awesome kid, not sure what grade he was, knew exactly how to give out the feet, so he helped with that, and overall everything got done.
The mom in charge was grateful that it was over, and I was happy that I was in the right place at the right time and knew what to do and had time to do it. So it makes me think about things we do automatically, and then things we have to think about, things that we hesitate on, and things that we don't necessarily want to do but do to "feel good," or do out of pressure, or must do it, to make a living for example.
Here is another thing we have a privilege to do, VOTE, here are some suggestions from someone who knows his stuff.

Tomorrow is a very important date for voting. Please send a message to Washington (that you agree or disagree). Its a nationwide election and if you care about the issues (amnesty, Obamacare, foreign policy, Israeli issues, Judicial activism, etc) you need to vote.
I did not fill out parts of the ballot...some decisions you'll need to decide (e.g., Republican v. Democrat). Other parts are filled out, because party-affiliation is unimportant...what is important is the person or issue being run. PLEASE VOTE!
Please note: I am not familiar with many of the State candidates below. I took this list from a trusted source and we agreed on all other issues and candidates.
November 4th 2014
Lieutenant Governor:
Secretary of State:
State Controller:
State Treasurer:
Attorney General:
Insurance Commissioner:
Ted Gaines
District 33: U.S. Congress:
Elan Carr
Board of Equalization Member
District 1 - George Runner
District 2 - James E. Theis
District 3 - G. Rick Marshall
District 4 - Diane Harkey
Santa Monica City Council:
Terrence Later
Congressional Candidates
CD 23 - Kevin McCarthy
CD 26 - Jeff Gorell
CD 27 - Jack Orswell
CD 29 - William Leader
CD 30 - Mark Reed
CD 32 - Arturo Alas
CD 33 - Elan Carr
CD 37 - R. Adam King
CD 38 - Benjamin Campos
CD 39 - Ed Royce
CD 43 - John Wood
CD 47 - Andy Whallon
State Senate Candidates
SD 24 - William Morrison
SD 18 - Ricardo Benitez
SD 20 - Matthew Munson
SD 22 - Marc Rodriguez
SD 26 - Ben Allen
SD 32 - Mario Guerra
SD 34 - Janet Nguyen
State Assembly Candidates
AD 36 - Tom Lackey
AD 38 - Scott Wilk
AD 43 - Todd Royal
AD 44 - Rob McCoy
AD 45 - Susan Shelley
AD 46 - Zachary Taylor
AD 48 - Joe Gardner
AD 49 - Esthela Torres Siegrist
AD 50 - Richard Bloom
AD 51 - Stephen Smith
AD 52 - Dorothy Pineda
AD 54 - Glen Ratcliff
AD 55 - Ling-Ling Chang
AD 57 - Rita Topalian
AD 62 - Ted Grose
AD 63 - Adam Miller
AD 66 - David Hadley
AD 70 - John Goya
Superintendent Of Public Instruction
Los Angeles County Assessor
John Morris
Los Angeles County Sheriff
Jim McDonnell
Los Angeles County Supervisor
District 1 – Juventino “J” Gomez
District 3 – Bobby Shriver
Proposition 1 – No
Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014
Proposition 2 – YES
State Budget. Budget Stabilization Account. Legislative Constitutional Amendment
Proposition 45 – YES
Healthcare Insurance. Rate Changes. Initiative Statute
Proposition 46 – No
Drug and Alcohol Testing of Doctors. Medical Negligence Lawsuits. Initiative Statute
Proposition 47 – No
Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties. Initiative Statute
Proposition 48 – No
Indian Gaming Compacts: No Position
County Measure P - NO
NO - ABC Unified School District Measure AA
YES - Redondo Beach Measure CT
California Supreme Court
Goodwin Liu– NO
Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar– NO
Kathryn Mickle Werdegar– YES
Justice, California State Court of Appeal District 2;
Division 1
Frances Rothschild– NO
Jeffrey W. Johnson– YES
Division 2
Brian M. Hoffstadt– NO
Division 3
Lee Anne Edmon– NO
Division 4
Audrey B. Collins– NO
Nora M. Manella– YES
Division 5
Paul A. Turner– YES
Division 6
Kenneth R. Yegan– YES
Division 7
Dennis M. Perluss– NO
Division 8
Laurence D. Rubin– NO
Madeleine I. Flier– NO
Judge of the Superior Court; County of Los Angeles;
Office 61 - Dayan Mathai
Office 87 - Andrew M. Stein
Antelope Valley Healthcare District Board of Directors
Dr. Mukund Shah
Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency, Division 1
Shelley Sorsabal
Central Basin Water Board, Division 2
Noel Jaimes
Cerritos College Board of Trustees District 3
Dawn Dunton
Cerritos College Board of Trustees, District 7
Zurich Lewis
Pomona City Council, District 5
Ginna Escobar
Water Replenishment District, Division 3
Larry Andre
Just Thoughts,
Coach Yulia
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