I went to teach my Pilates class and I always tell everyone that when they pee they should stop their flow, males and females same function. These are the pelvic floor muscles, kegel for women, perinium for men. When you are at a red light squeeze them, when you are at a green light, let it go.
My Yoga teacher says bodily functions should be pleasant, or something is wrong. All of the functions that should work right and we don't want to think about need preventive maintenance too. Pain and discomfort are not the way it should be, the body is an amazing machine and starts out knowing what to do. Especially for women after children, these muscles need to be restrengthened, and it is possible.
All of these adorable pictures are selfies that he took on his own with my phone, what a talent! He is such a pleasure, he knows how to say his name clearly, so everyone that is confused by it, sorry, if my 2 1/2 year old can do it, so can you :) When we are really done with diapers, we are having a party, I said I would, and I am going to do it. WOW! Before kids we only think of ourselves and our dreams and we should. Then when you first start having kids, all the new things are a whirlwind, and its all good, we are grateful, exhausted, and in awe. It is nice to see the end of the road with diapers, just like every milestone is so exciting. It is nice to let each child be their own individual trend setter, do things at their own pace, and thrive.
Coach Yulia
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