Sunday, May 31, 2015
What is your mix?
Recently I have been writing about how much I love and stand for Israel. This was one of the responses I received, and some of the points are universal. I always like to hear every side of the story, and keep the lines of communication open.
Rahil Mumtaz
What I will say is that things are much more complicated now as there are at least two maybe three generations of Jews who have been born and bred in the state of Israel and they haven't experienced anything different. So if they were to be evicted then they would have the same feelings that the Palestinians had in 1948. The biggest issue is injustice. I honestly believed that if Israeli government had treated the Palestinians properly then much of the issues they face now would knot exist. It's their treatment of them which is causing the rest of the world to turn against them. In the past the news media was easily controlled however with social media everything is exposed and so the world has started to wake up. What we know from history that oppression doesn't last forever. Look at Hitler, Stalin and even the Ottomon empire when they left the righteous path and even South Africa with Nelson Mandela. Unless Israel takes the path of justice I don't think it will survive in the long term. I want justice for all, no matter what race or religion they belong to. That is why I comments above. No human should experience terror on their way to worship.
I was so happy to meet my husband, he is 1/3 Israeli, born in Israel, 1/3 Russian, raised by a Russian mother, and 1/3 American, grew up in the USA since he was a teenager. It was the perfect mix for me, not too much of one thing! I speak to his mother in Russian and love her food, she was hoping for a Russian girl. In other ways I am so not Russian, by Russian standards I am dark, and could pass for Chechen, my parents left the Soviet Union because my brother looks 100% Jewish. Amazing article about Jews and genes,
I love meeting people from all walks of life and hearing about their personal story, background, where their parents and grandparents are from. Blessed to live in a country where everyone is from everywhere, and the only way to survive is to accept, respect, and live together.
Coach Yulia
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Life IS a Bowl of Cherries!
What is heaven for me? Eating a ripe bowl of cherries. In Jewish thinking, it is important to live fully and righteously in the present. Learning from our history, and leaving a legacy that future generations will benefit from, remember, and be inspired to shine their own light.
Yesterday I wrote about how Jewish people are not safe anywhere in the world except Israel. In 1948 the State of Israel was born, to deny this is to deny history. The following article in my opinion really gets to the root of the conflict, talks frankly, has a great explanation, and possible solutions.
I also came across this project that is bringing people of all faiths together, getting along, respecting each other, I enjoyed reading about the vision, check it out below.
Open Minded,
Proud of our heritage, roots, ancestors, history, people, and homeland,
I love Israel,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia
Friday, May 29, 2015
There are guards protecting my Jewish neighborhood today
Today started out fun, my son had a "field day" at his school, all day there were races and game, I had my morning free, and it was fun to watch the kids have a blast. I live in the Jewish Downtown of Los Angeles, and I teach PE at school in the neighborhood, today there were two guards at the door. There was a warning going around that threats were received, and the police were taking it very seriously, informing the Jewish community and telling everyone to be aware and careful.
Yes this is happening in America TODAY, and I want everyone to know, I want to spread the word loud and clear. I feel safe, I know my children are safe, I know we will be OK, but it is just sad that my parents left the Soviet Union so my brother and I would not experience persecution and discrimination. The only place where a Jew can feel safe 100% is in Israel, and this article really states how today people proudly proclaim they are anti Israel, they feel it is their freedom of speech, and I will say right to their face that I am pro Israel, I am a proud Jew, and I will stand up for my people and my homeland. This article talks about how once we were quiet, and unfortunately, it is uncomfortable in all situations to make our voice heard, I have no problem feeling uncomfortable,
Thank God my son wears his keepa to his public school along with many other kids, we walk as a family to synagogue, tonight we are having guests for Shabbat dinner. It makes me have pride and happiness in my heart that for my children this is the norm. I will leave you with beautiful thought,
Shabbat is an act of faith. The world will be fine for a day without our effort, our work, our worry. And it is an act of repair-- for though the world will be stable, our souls will be even better.
Shabbat Shalom.
Coach Yulia
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Today my boy was supposed to wear a college shirt, I do not own a college shirt, I like wearing plain colors, and most of my son's stuff is plain or a few stripes. The shirt that he is wearing in this picture was on sale and it was fun, he was learning about George Washington in school, and he has headphones on, and it says George Rockington. So I told him to wear it today to represent George Washington University in Washington, D.C. We moms have to improvise, and my creativity of how to figure stuff out has always been on an all time high. I didn't want him to feel left out, and I know it would make the adults smile.
I love being creative, in my clothes, in my style, in my hair, in my projects, in my writing, in my blog, and in my classes. I love to feel the vibe of the group, and find the flow, maybe put in some humor, or find a way for everyone to let go of it all and feel good.

Find What Fuels You,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
A Child is a Whole World
"I am a black man who grew up without a father, and I know the cost that I paid for that. And I also know that I have the capacity to break that cycle, and as a consequence I think that my daughters are better off…For me to have that conversation does not negate my conversation about the need for early childhood education, or the need for job training, or the need for investment in infrastructure or jobs in low-income communities." —President Obama at the Georgetown University #PovertySummit:
Posted by The White House on Tuesday, May 12, 2015
No matter what your opinion is of President Obama, he is an amazing example of what is possible. I was lucky to have an innocent childhood, with very open minded parents, that treated us like adults, even if they didn't understand it, they let us find our path and supported it. My one of a kind mother has a birthday today, she has always been and continues to be a light on to everyone she meets. I am so grateful to have her as an example of womanhood, wifehood, and motherhood.
On the other side of things, hearing all of the horrible stuff that happens to children all over the world is horrifying. One of my good friends recently traveled to Africa to teach about the harm of Female Genital Mutilation, many of the people have been doing it for generations, didn't realize the harm, and how unnecessary it was. Jewish Community Watch, has brought into the open keeping abusers accountable, I am so grateful to them, and cannot imagine a child being taken advantage of in that way. Yesterday I just found out that someone I knew had lost their baby in very sad circumstances, there was no wrongdoing, the baby just didn't wake up, only a few months old. We have to treasure our children, and as challenging as the day to day is, I always remind myself, to Thank God for their health, energy, vitality, stubbornness, and intensity because these are all good things.
The following comic is a statement on how kids can come out different, I feel that it is such a combination of factors, my immigrant parents overcame so many obstacles, my family got no handouts, and we just persevered and thrived. I think it is part genes, part upbringing, circumstance, and environment, and also each person's inward drive and light. You can read all about it here, I like one of the responses to this comic, it really gets my point across,
“Overly simplified and probably designed to troll.
I don't like this because I come from a family that started at box 1 (my grandparents, father, mother and uncles all lived in ONE room above a restaurant when they were young).
But by box 5 they expected nothing but high expectations from us 3 children - A-grades were expected and no expense was spared to get us good education.
Now, we as adults could be considered the left column story. We are all professionally qualified, mingle with those of a similar stature and work in industries which stereotypically command above average salaries.
But still, my parents only retired last year from their working class jobs albeit ones they worked hard to eventually own their own. My mother only finished high-school, my father not even that.
This is an insult to all those hard working, poor, underprivileged, working class families that value the family unit, espoused hard work and high expectations - now we are probably considered as a family in the left column and would be vilified under this article for it but why? We as a family lived and worked under the same obstacles and we rose above it and we also know many from our past that did the same, this is something to be PROUD of and not made to feel ashamed of what we have achieved.
Hard work and high expectations does pay. My parents worked 14 hour days when I was a child but still never let the TV babysit my childhood, neither did they have the education to help me with homework but they found other means.” — Jon
My Yoga teacher once told me that our mission as parents, is to support our children to find their path, and let them fly. They are meant to go out into the world and make their own unique contribution.
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Forget about the Due Date, it should be the Due Month!
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Thank you so much for the perfect shot! |
I am grateful for the best of both worlds, that women have complete choice in how their birth is today, and also the guidance of our doctors and medical team in case of emergency, their expertise in emergency situations is a blessing. This article is very powerful, explaining how in every other area of our life we stand strong for our rights and control of our decisions and our body, but when it comes to birth we feel inadequate and think everybody else knows better. The truth is only YOU know what is right for You,
I was excited to read about pioneers of the natural birth movement, even when I was a young girl I heard of LAMAZE, one of the founders just passed away at 100 years old,
I was just talking to a woman who gave birth around 1970, when the medical world was in charge, they would drug the woman in labor completely, give an episiotomy, take the baby out, and they thought this was the safest and most hygienic way for mom and baby. Sadly many mothers did not bond with their babies right away, woke up with no memory of the experience, felt disconnected, and the healing was rough. She told me for her second baby she took Lamaze classes, and although it did not take away the pain, nothing will take away the pain, we are meant to connect with our baby, there is a difference between pain and suffering, Thank God the medical side exists, but in most cases it is unnecessary and overused.
French Doctor Michele Odent said a very disturbing statement which unfortunately is the truth,
"Women risk losing ability
to give birth naturally" feel that everybody is so concerned with the baby, many times the mother is not even an afterthought. A mother is born as well, her birth experience will affect her for the rest of her life. It can be an empowering and spiritual journey that will show her she can do anything. Unfortunately h our society is so focused on a due date, which nowadays changes every time you go to your doctor's appointment, that the doctor many times starts speaking from the medical perspective of prevention, puts worries, not facts into a mother' thoughts. It is so hard that last month, the last thing you need is someone telling you what else can go wrong. Read the reality of a five week range of due date,
I will finish with this, things change all the time, research keeps changing, one day one thing is good and the next day it is not so good. I found this article interesting about automatically putting hats on babies, In the medical world, once there is a procedure that everyone is trained on and used to, it takes a long time to undo it, Thank God, birth in America is changing, and the focus is the mom, as it should be. We all work together, Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Doulas, and Interns, supporting mom.
Coach Yulia
Monday, May 25, 2015
![]() | KNOW YOUR HISTORY: Memorial Day was started by former slaves on May, 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp. They dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting for their freedom. They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black children where they marched, sang and celebrated.
Thanks to Abstrakt Goldsmith for this nugget of history that most of us never learned in school. |
I love to learn the roots, the history, of how things were and came to be. This year Memorial Day weekend coincided with the Jewish holiday Shavuot, the celebration of receiving the ten commandments and becoming the nation of Israel. Before this event in history, the Jews were tribes, from the twelve sons of Jacob, who was honored with the name Israel, and we are all his descendants, his children, the Jewish people are one big family.
I was reading an article about a time in history, 1915, one hundred years ago, where fighting between Germans and Russians affected the Jews in Lithuania and Latvia. They were thriving communities, that worked peacefully and proudly with the government, lies were told, they became the scapegoat, and had one day to evacuate their homes. The beauty of this story is that the Jews in neighboring communities welcomed them with open arms, and this powerful message,
"We have faced other difficulties before. Someday this too shall pass. Now, let us say the Hallel prayers."
Here is the full article,
Unfortunately these kind of instances are starting to happen again all over Europe, but Thank God Israel is the Jewish homeland, is strong and can defend itself and its people who hail from all over the world and all walks of life. Israel has support from all over the world, and all the Jewish families that live abroad that love, support and stand up for their homeland and the nation of Israel.
Even in America, on our college campuses today are scary examples of Anti-Semitisim, luckily this article shows that in California, Universities are taking a strong and legal stance, and
This video illustrates how many Israeli citizens today were forced out of Arab countries throughout the years, and make up a large percent of the population in Israel today.
I am grateful that my family was able to come to the United States of America, and all of the soldiers that have allowed it to be a safe haven for people coming from persecution of all types.
Thank You,
Coach Yulia
Unfortunately these kind of instances are starting to happen again all over Europe, but Thank God Israel is the Jewish homeland, is strong and can defend itself and its people who hail from all over the world and all walks of life. Israel has support from all over the world, and all the Jewish families that live abroad that love, support and stand up for their homeland and the nation of Israel.
Even in America, on our college campuses today are scary examples of Anti-Semitisim, luckily this article shows that in California, Universities are taking a strong and legal stance, and
This video illustrates how many Israeli citizens today were forced out of Arab countries throughout the years, and make up a large percent of the population in Israel today.
10 Facts About the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Posted by I support the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria on Monday, May 25, 2015
I am grateful that my family was able to come to the United States of America, and all of the soldiers that have allowed it to be a safe haven for people coming from persecution of all types.
Thank You,
Coach Yulia
Friday, May 22, 2015
Since this a Jewish holiday weekend, I am off of work today, and everyone is running around our neighbor"chood" shopping for Shabbat and Shavuot. My husband has started preparing the meat dishes, and I threw together some eggs, bananas, and cinnamon for a morning treat, it was good, I saw it in a video, but a bit too sweet for me, there was no extra sugar. I am much more of a savory person, and will make some chicken soup right after I am done writing this blog today.
My voice is my weak spot, whenever I overuse it, am tired, or even at the beginning of getting sick, my throat lets me know to start taking it easy and taking extra care or else. I really think the extra sleep I have been getting is overwhelming my body with goodness, I keep on feeling tired, and so ready for bed at night, I think my body is taking all it can get. My kids are all in school all day, are sleeping good at night, and I have to find a new way of being after almost eight years of baby mode.
I have also been teaching extra classes, so I am using my voice more, so it is definitely a combination, my days are sometimes from 6am when the kids wake up, until 11pm when I finally come home from my last class. They are not always that long, and I do have breaks in between, but still my day is never done in my mind until it is done.
So grateful for change, for progression, for experiencing new things, for conscious living with nutrition, family, and self. It all comes together on Shabbat, that is exactly what it is about, nutrition, family, and self.
My husband took out a chicken for my soup, it was free range, organic, and kosher, I honestly had a wave of pleasure going through my whole being. I respect the non animal eaters out there, your choices and reasons. I feel good knowing that I am eating the best possible meat, happy, healthy, and prepared in a way that it does not suffer, so the stress of the animal does not go into my body.
The holiday after Shabbat is actually a holiday of dairy, everyone is making cheesecakes, we are going to have ice cream in our synagogue, here is a little more detail on that tradition,
I am signing off until Monday evening,
Ready to party,
Extended family is coming tonight,
We have a table of 11,
My favorite number,
My kids are excited,
They look forward to our guests every week,
Grateful that I can openly and happily celebrate my holidays,
Not Beverly Hills,
Baruch Hashem,
We live in Beverly Hills Adjacent,
The Chood,
I call it the Jewish Downton,
I love Los Angeles,
Chag Sameach,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
My voice is my weak spot, whenever I overuse it, am tired, or even at the beginning of getting sick, my throat lets me know to start taking it easy and taking extra care or else. I really think the extra sleep I have been getting is overwhelming my body with goodness, I keep on feeling tired, and so ready for bed at night, I think my body is taking all it can get. My kids are all in school all day, are sleeping good at night, and I have to find a new way of being after almost eight years of baby mode.
I have also been teaching extra classes, so I am using my voice more, so it is definitely a combination, my days are sometimes from 6am when the kids wake up, until 11pm when I finally come home from my last class. They are not always that long, and I do have breaks in between, but still my day is never done in my mind until it is done.
So grateful for change, for progression, for experiencing new things, for conscious living with nutrition, family, and self. It all comes together on Shabbat, that is exactly what it is about, nutrition, family, and self.
My husband took out a chicken for my soup, it was free range, organic, and kosher, I honestly had a wave of pleasure going through my whole being. I respect the non animal eaters out there, your choices and reasons. I feel good knowing that I am eating the best possible meat, happy, healthy, and prepared in a way that it does not suffer, so the stress of the animal does not go into my body.
The holiday after Shabbat is actually a holiday of dairy, everyone is making cheesecakes, we are going to have ice cream in our synagogue, here is a little more detail on that tradition,
I am signing off until Monday evening,
Ready to party,
Extended family is coming tonight,
We have a table of 11,
My favorite number,
My kids are excited,
They look forward to our guests every week,
Grateful that I can openly and happily celebrate my holidays,

Baruch Hashem,
We live in Beverly Hills Adjacent,
The Chood,
I call it the Jewish Downton,
I love Los Angeles,
Chag Sameach,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, May 21, 2015
I am tired from all good things, had a couple of wonderful classes, connected with amazing people, and happy that my night is free to go to sleep super early for a long weekend of fun. We are going to start with Shabbat tomorrow night, then a couple more nights of the Jewish holiday Shavuot, One more post tomorrow, and I will be signing off of the world until Monday night, disappearing into a remembrance, a celebration, of receiving the ten commandments and becoming a nation.
I came across two powerful pieces of writing that correlate to this holiday. The first one is a timeline about how the Jewish people and Israel have been one, and Jerusalem has only been the capital in Israel, and always the focus of the Jewish people.
Todd Harv Simon
Below is proven by Archaeology all over Israel: 1. Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE, two thousand years before the rise of Islam. 2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel. 3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years. 4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE lasted no more than 22 years. 5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit. 6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran. 7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem. 8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem. 9. In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier. 10. The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution, and slaughter. 11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the same. 12. Arab refugees were intentionally not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own people's lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey. 13. The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won. 14. The PLO's Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them. 15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths. 16. The UN Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel. 17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel. 18. The UN was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians. 19. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives. 20. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. David Nolan"
This next one is very powerful for me, I want my children to know their roots, love diversity, shine and lead, and keep the Jewish story going. I am so blessed my parents instilled in me how important it was to know, remember, teach, and stand for Jewish people, teaching my children to live among the nations of the world, and also keep our unique identity, history, traditions, and culture.

Have a wonderful, peaceful night,In Russian we say spokoyniy nochi,Wishing a calm, and peaceful night,Coach Yulia
I came across two powerful pieces of writing that correlate to this holiday. The first one is a timeline about how the Jewish people and Israel have been one, and Jerusalem has only been the capital in Israel, and always the focus of the Jewish people.
Todd Harv Simon
Below is proven by Archaeology all over Israel: 1. Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE, two thousand years before the rise of Islam. 2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel. 3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years. 4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE lasted no more than 22 years. 5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit. 6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran. 7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem. 8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem. 9. In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier. 10. The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution, and slaughter. 11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the same. 12. Arab refugees were intentionally not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own people's lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey. 13. The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won. 14. The PLO's Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them. 15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths. 16. The UN Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel. 17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel. 18. The UN was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians. 19. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives. 20. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. David Nolan"
This next one is very powerful for me, I want my children to know their roots, love diversity, shine and lead, and keep the Jewish story going. I am so blessed my parents instilled in me how important it was to know, remember, teach, and stand for Jewish people, teaching my children to live among the nations of the world, and also keep our unique identity, history, traditions, and culture.
(Ledor Vador Family dav'ar Torah):
What happened to the Israelites "that didn't leave" with Moses and stayed in Egypt?
The Midrash says, during the splitting of the Red Sea. There were three days of darkness and within those three days. The Israelites who stayed in Egypt - disappeared from Planet Earth.
What's the difference between the Israelites that stayed versus the ones who left Egypt? simple. one group of Jews received "God law for all of humanity" (Torah) and the others didn't.
It's almost like the Midrash is saying.. without receiving (following) the laws of Torah, nothing is passed down from generation to generation (Ledor Vador )
without such a tradition, entire families, communities will assimilate into the secular world (God forbid) thus "vanishing from the Book of Life"!
without such a tradition, entire families, communities will assimilate into the secular world (God forbid) thus "vanishing from the Book of Life"!
- Mordechai ben Avraham

Have a wonderful, peaceful night,In Russian we say spokoyniy nochi,Wishing a calm, and peaceful night,Coach Yulia
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Yoga is for everybody
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Was told today by a good friend that wavy hair makes me look younger than straight hair, hmmm, I like the waves for every day, but I love the straight and sleek for dress up |
Busy in the afternoon with PE, almost summer!
Then finished off with two more Yoga classes, one for the entertainment industry in a studio, and then back at 24 Hour Fitness for my weekly evening class, what an amazing group, I was having fun challenging them tonight, also 18 came.
Each class is so different, always a different energy and a different dynamic, I walk in as a blank slate, absorb the energy in the room, and create a space where each person figures out how to do everything their own way.
I have been going through this week with a pulled muscle in my back. How did I do it you wonder?
1. I am not domestic
2. I cannot fly like a superhero
I am blessed to share household duties with my amazing husband, I load the washer, he puts the correct mixture of detergent and then I load the dryer and fold. He does a million other things like deep clean our house and cook amazing dinners. So we have a stackable washer on the bottom and a dryer on top, the dryer sheets were super high, and I got the notion that I could maybe jump high enough and reach them with my hand. That did not happen, but I started feeling pain in my back, and of course I had to wear heels the whole day, I had a bar mitzvah, and was a speaker in a class, and had a photo shoot, that was Sunday. Luckily I got a massage the next day, it is still not 100%, but I really need to stop attempting to fly and not delve into domestic life too much either :)
I am so happy to be home, going to bed early, busy day tomorrow, and another wonderful Jewish holiday coming up, Shavuot, more on that later.
Sweet Dreams,
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The Jewish Homeland
Israel is a unique place on earth. Lately I have been coming across beautiful examples of connection, freedom, democracy, diversity, and love of the Jewish homeland and the Jewish people. It makes me smile and it makes me proud, and anybody that stands for freedom of speech, support and opportunity for all walks of life, should stand up for Israel loud and proud.
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Elizabeth Taylor was a superstar American actress and model. She converted to Judaism after the death of her Jewish husband Mike Todd. According to biographer Kitty Kelley, Taylor felt empathy for Jews after their persecution during World War II, and felt “attached” to the Jewish heritage.
After her year long process of conversion, Taylor took the Hebrew name Elisheba Rachel. Elizabeth’s Jewish identity proved to be an obstacle during the 1962 production of the movie “Cleopatra”, when the Egyptian government announced that “Miss Taylor will not be allowed to come to Egypt because she has adopted the Jewish faith and supports Israeli causes.” Ultimately, the ban was lifted and the movie was filmed in Egypt as planned. Elizabeth further established her voice as a Jew by publicly condemning the UN’s “ Zionism is Racism” resolution in 1975. She affiliated herself with Jewish organizations, and raised a great deal of money for Jewish and and Israel-related charities. She also narrated a Simon Wiesenthal Center film about the Holocaust. One of Elizabeth's most memorable actions was linked to the 1976 Operation Entebbe. After terrorists hijacked an Israeli flight, and made outrageous demands, Taylor offered to help by trading herself for the kidnapped passengers. The Israeli Ambassador politely declined her offer, but told her that the Jewish people will never forget her generosity. Amen! (To learn more about the incredible story of Israel's 1976 rescue operation in Entebbe, see After Elizabeth died, Rabbi Jerry Cutler followed her instructions to begin the ceremony 15 minutes late, so she could be late for her own funeral. Elisheba Rachel, yours is a unique and stylish soul! May you be wrapped in the bonds of eternal life, and your memory always be for a blessing! With thanks to Tali Chais
As a mother and an immigrant, coming from a place of open Jewish persecution and hatred, I really relate to this vision and mission.
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My friend Pam Cedar's mom passed away a month ago. A family member read this note she wrote to her family that is contains wisdom we can all learn from. Rest in peace Sidi.
Gay Marriage in Israel!
This final article is about Chabad, and how open and amazing it is, how much they help communities all over the world, and one woman's journey, growing up secular and becoming a Rebbetzin.
The video below really captures how Jewish people are all a family,
We come from different levels of observance, nationalities, races, cultures, and backgrounds,
Brothers and Sisters,
I want my kids to connect to this truth,
Coach Yulia
Monday, May 18, 2015
In my performance life before husband and kids, I loved to transform into different versions of myself. I love the look, but cannot imagine having such an intense look on a daily basis. So grateful that Yoga is my daily state of being, it is OK to wear nothing on the face, to let the hair naturally fall, and wear comfortable, simple clothes. I am either Yoga or Diva, rarely in between. It was fascinating watching the makeup artist get excited when I changed dresses, add a different palate, and make me look like a cruise ship performer, full on, star of the show, that is what you see in these pictures.
The photographer was doing everything manually, measuring the light, positioning me to get a first a soft look, then more dark, with shadows. Very interesting to watch the creative process unfold, loving being the instrument everyone was playing with and tweaking.
Yesterday was so much fun with family, then I rocked my birth class, as I spoke all about trusting your parents intuition but getting informed about all the options out there. Throwing in some Prenatal Yoga, and getting the partners to participate in some belly dance moves and pressure points for their pregnant beauties.
Coach Yulia
Sunday, May 17, 2015

It's all about family, so excited to celebrate with extended family.
That is my goal as I meat with pregnant moms and their partners, introduce all of their options so they can choose to birth their way, and also stay open to what is meant to be.
I love to be creative, I love to be photographed, I love to be a canvas.
Since I found Yoga 15 years ago, it has made me calmer, have better reactions, be fully present in all areas of life. So happy to share energy and create a space where people can find this for themselves.
This sums up what I love to do and what I am doing currently in my life.
Coach Yulia

It's all about family, so excited to celebrate with extended family.
That is my goal as I meat with pregnant moms and their partners, introduce all of their options so they can choose to birth their way, and also stay open to what is meant to be.
I love to be creative, I love to be photographed, I love to be a canvas.
Since I found Yoga 15 years ago, it has made me calmer, have better reactions, be fully present in all areas of life. So happy to share energy and create a space where people can find this for themselves.
This sums up what I love to do and what I am doing currently in my life.
Coach Yulia
Saturday, May 16, 2015
All of my life I have been open for the next thing to present itself. Sometimes I would go for things, and when they didn't work out I would let it go, and other times I was just looking all around me to see what felt like a good fit. I am in that place right now, the tides are shifting, I am ready to birth, be creative, dive in, give fully to my purpose in this world. While I am being open, I am also figuring out how to fully focus on my business, my schedule, Thank God my kids are exactly where they need to be. In this refocusing I am a bit off, getting more sleep, and feeling high from the extra energy in my body. One of my students told me I need to find my rhythm again, and he is right. Slowly but surely it is happening.
This is how I face the world and deal with life.
New information
Let it really sink in and figure out my next move.
Get advice, collaborate, ask questions, make decisions.
So excited for the next chapter,
Offers are coming in,
Things are brewing,
Woo Hoo!
Trust what feels right,
Coach Yulia
noun: rhythm; plural noun: rhythms
- a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
"Ruth listened to the rhythm of his breathing"
- a particular type of pattern formed by rhythm.
"guitar melodies with deep African rhythms" - a person's natural feeling for rhythm.
All of my life I have been open for the next thing to present itself. Sometimes I would go for things, and when they didn't work out I would let it go, and other times I was just looking all around me to see what felt like a good fit. I am in that place right now, the tides are shifting, I am ready to birth, be creative, dive in, give fully to my purpose in this world. While I am being open, I am also figuring out how to fully focus on my business, my schedule, Thank God my kids are exactly where they need to be. In this refocusing I am a bit off, getting more sleep, and feeling high from the extra energy in my body. One of my students told me I need to find my rhythm again, and he is right. Slowly but surely it is happening.
This is how I face the world and deal with life.
New information
Let it really sink in and figure out my next move.
Get advice, collaborate, ask questions, make decisions.

Offers are coming in,
Things are brewing,
Woo Hoo!
Trust what feels right,
Coach Yulia
Friday, May 15, 2015
Waiting For Baby
Watchful Waiting is a term used in midwifery, there is no due date, there is no plan, the negative connotation terms are not overused, failure to progress, baby is too big, there is no timer,it is not a preventive management medical approach. Someone I know is in midwifery training and her post was "waiting for baby," I love that it is from the perspective of the baby, nothing is wrong, let the baby and the body lead the way, what would the baby want to do, let the woman labor, let the body birth, let go.
I have always been a B student by choice, I have been blessed to inherit some good smart genes, but in my aim for balance, have always preferred to make having fun and enjoying life a priority. Of course if a goal is more focused like medicine, law, or many other career choices, one must dive in head first. I could not imagine doing one thing, my "thing" has been changing constantly, and I embrace that change. Some folks want more security, a good paycheck, and they do have a talent and skill where they are grandly contributing to the world. I prefer a feel your gut, go with the flow, feel open, do what I love mentality, because for me, if it does not fit, I wither, I go dark, I wilt, but I will try it all, and if it does not fit, I easily say goodbye and move on. With everything except marriage and children of course, that is my old world, Russian Jewish, just deal, unconditional, we are together for life way of being. Just like any family, you love each other, but there is stuff, and sometimes you don't like each other, that is normal, and all you can do is balance yourself by doing what you love, so when you are with your loved ones, you miss them, you give your all, you are present. Hats off to stay at home parents, I really admire how you really do it all.
As much as medicine and law fascinate me, and I actually did very well in those classes, I cannot commit myself to filling my brain with just that, and also my energy connection is so pure and present, I don't want anything getting in the way of that. I love the medical side, and feel proud to work side by side, and the most beautiful thing is happening all around the world. The medical side is realizing how important the energy side is, they are welcoming, embracing, and suggesting to their clients and especially mothers to learn about homeopathy, Doulas, oils, massage, hypnobirthing, because it all works, it is scientifically proven.
As a Doula, the goal is to support the mom, that is all, but beyond that there is presence, energy, connection, and this quote below can refer to many areas of life, but as a Doula it is exactly what happens.
No matter what the outcome, labor give such benefits to the baby, oxytocin, squeezing the fluid out of the lungs, healthy bacteria for immunity, even if there is a cesarean section, especially if it is scheduled, see if it is OK to labor anyway, you are giving such a gift to the baby.
I had posted recently that in Maryland, they are legalizing home birth, and someone responded that why would someone choose that instead of western medicine, and this was my response.
birth is not a disease, there is no need for intervention, but Thank God the western science exists for emergency only, I labored at home until 8cm water broken with a doula, I wanted to give birth in the hospital with my amazing doctor who did not bother me, I never got any drugs, had my almost 9 pound baby without any complications, the body and the baby know what to do, but to each their own, I am all for choice, it's up to the mother to decide not the government
I am so passionate about what I do,
Education and Information is the key,
Each family can choose their path,
My goal is to present all options,
In the moment, to feel, connect, breathe, and ultimately let go,
Letting go is the challenge in many areas of life,
Even Watchful Waiting, is so intense when labor is intense, and you are so ready for baby,
Stepping off the world is a choice,
For me it is a way of life,
Without it I would not have balance,
So Grateful,
Thank God,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
I have always been a B student by choice, I have been blessed to inherit some good smart genes, but in my aim for balance, have always preferred to make having fun and enjoying life a priority. Of course if a goal is more focused like medicine, law, or many other career choices, one must dive in head first. I could not imagine doing one thing, my "thing" has been changing constantly, and I embrace that change. Some folks want more security, a good paycheck, and they do have a talent and skill where they are grandly contributing to the world. I prefer a feel your gut, go with the flow, feel open, do what I love mentality, because for me, if it does not fit, I wither, I go dark, I wilt, but I will try it all, and if it does not fit, I easily say goodbye and move on. With everything except marriage and children of course, that is my old world, Russian Jewish, just deal, unconditional, we are together for life way of being. Just like any family, you love each other, but there is stuff, and sometimes you don't like each other, that is normal, and all you can do is balance yourself by doing what you love, so when you are with your loved ones, you miss them, you give your all, you are present. Hats off to stay at home parents, I really admire how you really do it all.
As much as medicine and law fascinate me, and I actually did very well in those classes, I cannot commit myself to filling my brain with just that, and also my energy connection is so pure and present, I don't want anything getting in the way of that. I love the medical side, and feel proud to work side by side, and the most beautiful thing is happening all around the world. The medical side is realizing how important the energy side is, they are welcoming, embracing, and suggesting to their clients and especially mothers to learn about homeopathy, Doulas, oils, massage, hypnobirthing, because it all works, it is scientifically proven.
As a Doula, the goal is to support the mom, that is all, but beyond that there is presence, energy, connection, and this quote below can refer to many areas of life, but as a Doula it is exactly what happens.
No matter what the outcome, labor give such benefits to the baby, oxytocin, squeezing the fluid out of the lungs, healthy bacteria for immunity, even if there is a cesarean section, especially if it is scheduled, see if it is OK to labor anyway, you are giving such a gift to the baby.
I had posted recently that in Maryland, they are legalizing home birth, and someone responded that why would someone choose that instead of western medicine, and this was my response.
birth is not a disease, there is no need for intervention, but Thank God the western science exists for emergency only, I labored at home until 8cm water broken with a doula, I wanted to give birth in the hospital with my amazing doctor who did not bother me, I never got any drugs, had my almost 9 pound baby without any complications, the body and the baby know what to do, but to each their own, I am all for choice, it's up to the mother to decide not the government
I am so passionate about what I do,
Education and Information is the key,
Each family can choose their path,
My goal is to present all options,
In the moment, to feel, connect, breathe, and ultimately let go,
Letting go is the challenge in many areas of life,
Even Watchful Waiting, is so intense when labor is intense, and you are so ready for baby,
Stepping off the world is a choice,
For me it is a way of life,
Without it I would not have balance,
So Grateful,
Thank God,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Fluffy White Clouds
This morning the sun was shining, and the clouds where so fluffy, I wanted to jump right into them. Beautiful nature makes me happy, connect to the child in me, simple happiness, think about how you feel when you see a sunset or sunrise, or are in the mountains and cannot see anything else just beauty.
Then random thoughts come into my mind as I start reading about what is going on in the world. Children are our future, children have limitless possibilities, it is our mission as parents to give them security and the basics, and then put them on a path to thrive. Anything else is a disservice, and to the extreme there are all kinds of abuse. I was reading an anonymous post about a mother who has found out from her toddler about inappropriate touching by her 5 year old relative, but the touching was specific and learned, where did he learn it from? The worst part about it is her husband did not believe it, these are not the instincts of children, I feel so blessed to have had an innocent childhood.
The potential of a child is so grand, just like everyone's unique individual purpose in this world, this could shed some light from a Jewish perspective,
Then I jump to the truth about Iran in the picture below, and how Obama completely ignores it, and uses inappropriate words that cause propaganda, like the wrong use of the word occupation,,7340,L-4656800,00.html. There is no occupation, there is no genocide, and there is no apartheid, the video below is from 1959, and it is as true now as it was then. Then Hamas talks about Isis not being in Gaza, whey isn't the world paying attention to all the horror caused by these extremist organizations? What is the world coming to? I don't get it,,7340,L-4657479,00.html.
I am going to think back to those fluffy white clouds,
Coach Yulia
Then random thoughts come into my mind as I start reading about what is going on in the world. Children are our future, children have limitless possibilities, it is our mission as parents to give them security and the basics, and then put them on a path to thrive. Anything else is a disservice, and to the extreme there are all kinds of abuse. I was reading an anonymous post about a mother who has found out from her toddler about inappropriate touching by her 5 year old relative, but the touching was specific and learned, where did he learn it from? The worst part about it is her husband did not believe it, these are not the instincts of children, I feel so blessed to have had an innocent childhood.
The potential of a child is so grand, just like everyone's unique individual purpose in this world, this could shed some light from a Jewish perspective,
Then I jump to the truth about Iran in the picture below, and how Obama completely ignores it, and uses inappropriate words that cause propaganda, like the wrong use of the word occupation,,7340,L-4656800,00.html. There is no occupation, there is no genocide, and there is no apartheid, the video below is from 1959, and it is as true now as it was then. Then Hamas talks about Isis not being in Gaza, whey isn't the world paying attention to all the horror caused by these extremist organizations? What is the world coming to? I don't get it,,7340,L-4657479,00.html.
I am going to think back to those fluffy white clouds,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Nice Jewish Girl
We live in such a diverse world, and I find myself always learning something new about the cultures and traditions all around me. I keep on running across people in life and in my classes that do not have any background on Judaism, and have never lived around Jewish people. So the most basic things that popular culture knows, are not common sense to everybody. Since I got married I have become more observant, what does that mean? Many Jews call themselves cultural, holidays, food, and traditions, but not any more than that. Most observant Jews will keep Kosher, keeping specific dietary laws, keep Shabbat, Saturday is the day of rest, many rules of what not to do on that day. Also keeping the holidays fully, not driving, going to synagogue, and following specific rituals and traditions.
Today I was trying to make an appointment, and the only day they had available was a Saturday, and the gentleman I was talking to had an accent, I didn't want to go into a whole story about why I could not make it on Saturday. So I told him it was my family day, and I am a Nice Jewish Girl. Then I started thinking what that actually meant to me and to others, especially those with no background of the practices of Jewish people.
I am definitely nice. Today when I was going to take my teacher's Yoga class, I noticed two ladies carrying their babies, there is a kids club where they can leave their kids and go work out. I held the door open for them, and other people were behind them, so with a smile I just kept on holding the door. The last lady told me she wanted to hold the door for me, and with a laugh I went in first. I like being positive, bringing silliness and happiness everywhere I go.
I am 100% Jewish from both sides, named after my great grandmother on my father's side, Yehudit, but in Soviet Union times, you were not allowed to to use Hebrew names. So Yulia was the closest Russian name, and I like having an outer me and an inner me, but I am definitely Jewish inside and out.
I like the world girl, it has a "young" connotation, and I feel strong, fit, full of energy, and not with ego I say beautiful. I am 100% me and want to inspire everyone around me to be 100% genuine and free.
I decided to google, Nice Jewish Girl, and didn't get a specific answer, but found a whole bunch of interesting stereotypes in different time periods,
All I know is that we are all unique no matter what our background is,
Shine bright from within,
Live with pride, show your roots,
Be open and respect people around you from all walks of life,
That is what I am teaching my kids,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Investing in Yourself

This is such a powerful statement, and it is the truth. Life is not easy, through the challenges we breakthrough and find joy. I try to stay away from all medications, because I want to feel, even if there are downs, I want to be conscious, aware, experience EVERYTHING. No flatlines for me, until it is my time.
I always talk about self care in my classes, and the tide is shifting, people are taking time to focus on nutrition, exercise, balance, rest, and doing things in their life that make them happy. We must invest in ourselves, who else will do it for you?
Excited to now be able to focus more on me, getting myself healthy, fit, and full of energy, so I can be the example to my kids and clients. My job is to take care of me, I need to practice what I preach, and I hope it will inspire others to take care of themselves. How are we supposed to take care of everyone and everything in our life if we do not recharge, we must put ourselves first.
Taking my teacher's Yoga class tomorrow morning, that is the only to do in my morning schedule, and it is an important part of my week, it is not a luxury, it is a necessity. I have incorporated regular massage into my life, so grateful, so important, investing in my self is the most important way to I can thrive and survive.
What can you start doing today that is just for you?
One Thing,
Nothing Stressful,
No Pressure,
Just One Thing,
Think about it,
Coach Yulia
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