So excited to go with my family tonight! This is a big party day in the Jewish world, this is the day when it is allowed to have weddings, hair cutting ceremonies, birthdays, and music. Here is a bit of history and details about the counting between Passover and Shavuout, and Lag B Omer in between, http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/679300/jewish/What-Is-Lag-BaOmer.htm.
The theme is about respect, light, and learning from our history. When I think about light I think of it in a few different ways.
1. Shining your own light
2. Listening to your light within
3. An actual light, like the sun or fire
4. It also means the opposite of heavy, (physically, spiritually, emotionally heavy)
Listening to your gut, your intuition, especially as a parent is really the only way to function in my opinion. There is so much information, especially with the internet, and of course we always hear how something we thought was good is now bad, and vice versa. A friend of mine had a positive pregnancy test, but when she went to the doctor it was negative, so she kept on taking tests, and it turned out to be positive. Then she went in to hear a heartbeat, and the doctor sadly told her there was no heartbeat. My friend started counting, and realized it must be too early in her pregnancy to hear a heartbeat, and she was right! TRUST YOUR MOTHER'S INTUITION.
Also as your children grow, there are so many statistics, and bell curves, and charts. I just don't care about those charts, I always trusted what felt right with my own children. Such a powerful post below, and it is so true, we all feel like something may be wrong, and our children should always be tested, nobody gets to develop at their own pace anymore. But in saying this, if you really feel your child needs specific services, seek them out, trust your gut.
It saddens me to no end that parents are placed in such fear over their children's natural development. Weekly, and it feels like almost daily, I come in contact with a parent who has been "advised" to get help, usually it is OT/PT, or to see a Speech Pathologist because they are not crawling or walking soon enough, or for the 2 year old boy-child is not talking yet, and ALWAYS for the preschooler who won't "sit down and listen". With HB 985 lingering, where teachers in schools with no formal development or neuroscience education or background will be able to "diagnose" your children with mental illness - I have to say, this is getting ridiculous and dangerous! We get children at OTB all the time who are misdiagnosed with autism or ADD, when really what was going on was some sort of "sensory disorder". My point being, if the DOCTORS are misdiagnosing (which they ARE!), then what is going to happen here with the teachers? The children in this country are already WAY over-medicated (from birth) with antibiotics, vaccines, etc. I see a disaster on the horizon if this bill goes through in Texas. The truth of the matter . . . something is always developing in the brain. It may not be "timely" for crawling, but that is the one kid who has advanced fine motor skills! Boys often talk later because they receive, process and archive data differently than girls do, and that impacts speech development! Young children are always NOT going to want to sit, be quiet and pay attention - they aren't made that way. We need to be the "advocates" for our children. WE ARE ALL THEY HAVE IN THIS LIFETIME.
You Know What You And Your Children Need,
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