Then random thoughts come into my mind as I start reading about what is going on in the world. Children are our future, children have limitless possibilities, it is our mission as parents to give them security and the basics, and then put them on a path to thrive. Anything else is a disservice, and to the extreme there are all kinds of abuse. I was reading an anonymous post about a mother who has found out from her toddler about inappropriate touching by her 5 year old relative, but the touching was specific and learned, where did he learn it from? The worst part about it is her husband did not believe it, these are not the instincts of children, I feel so blessed to have had an innocent childhood.
The potential of a child is so grand, just like everyone's unique individual purpose in this world, this could shed some light from a Jewish perspective,
Then I jump to the truth about Iran in the picture below, and how Obama completely ignores it, and uses inappropriate words that cause propaganda, like the wrong use of the word occupation,,7340,L-4656800,00.html. There is no occupation, there is no genocide, and there is no apartheid, the video below is from 1959, and it is as true now as it was then. Then Hamas talks about Isis not being in Gaza, whey isn't the world paying attention to all the horror caused by these extremist organizations? What is the world coming to? I don't get it,,7340,L-4657479,00.html.
I am going to think back to those fluffy white clouds,
Coach Yulia

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