My voice is my weak spot, whenever I overuse it, am tired, or even at the beginning of getting sick, my throat lets me know to start taking it easy and taking extra care or else. I really think the extra sleep I have been getting is overwhelming my body with goodness, I keep on feeling tired, and so ready for bed at night, I think my body is taking all it can get. My kids are all in school all day, are sleeping good at night, and I have to find a new way of being after almost eight years of baby mode.
I have also been teaching extra classes, so I am using my voice more, so it is definitely a combination, my days are sometimes from 6am when the kids wake up, until 11pm when I finally come home from my last class. They are not always that long, and I do have breaks in between, but still my day is never done in my mind until it is done.
So grateful for change, for progression, for experiencing new things, for conscious living with nutrition, family, and self. It all comes together on Shabbat, that is exactly what it is about, nutrition, family, and self.
My husband took out a chicken for my soup, it was free range, organic, and kosher, I honestly had a wave of pleasure going through my whole being. I respect the non animal eaters out there, your choices and reasons. I feel good knowing that I am eating the best possible meat, happy, healthy, and prepared in a way that it does not suffer, so the stress of the animal does not go into my body.
The holiday after Shabbat is actually a holiday of dairy, everyone is making cheesecakes, we are going to have ice cream in our synagogue, here is a little more detail on that tradition,
I am signing off until Monday evening,
Ready to party,
Extended family is coming tonight,
We have a table of 11,
My favorite number,
My kids are excited,
They look forward to our guests every week,
Grateful that I can openly and happily celebrate my holidays,

Baruch Hashem,
We live in Beverly Hills Adjacent,
The Chood,
I call it the Jewish Downton,
I love Los Angeles,
Chag Sameach,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
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