Saturday, November 30, 2013

Real Cars,Play Cars

On Thursday we went to the car show at the LA Convention Center, it is my husband's favorite birthday activity, and the kids had fun climbing in and out of cars.

Yesterday we spend the day at a Thanksgivukkah celebration that had girl Mariachi singers as well as other performers, and tons of Chanukah fun.

Tonight we went to the annual Chanukah party in our neighborhood and my kids couldn't get enough of the rides in the play cars which were fast, and the train was slow but still fun, too bad I didn't fit into either!

Now I am headed out to an all girls Chanukah party, I am hoping it is still going, just put the kids to bed, hoping they will sleep in, this morning they woke up at 5am!  Tons of energy, luckily my husband took them all to synagogue and I got the best nap ever.

Late nights like this make them all fussy, but it is worth it, I got to show them how to live it up :)

Enjoying all the Chanukah Fun,
Coach Yulia

Friday, November 29, 2013

Calm Candles and High Energy Souls

Last night we lit two candles plus the lighting candle, the kids made their own menorahs in their school, and ours is in the back.  I love watching them, once lit it took a while for them to settle down, but then they just seemed tranquil and beautiful.  The picture you will see at the end of my blog is my not stop kids, couldn't get them to be still, but then again life is never still, Thank God!  I feel blessed for my high energy souls, they are going to light up with world with their beautiful, fun, and brilliant energy.

It is raining now but supposed to be 70 degrees in the afternoon, we are going to a Thanksgivukkah festival,, and then looking forward a to a nice relaxing Shabbat.

Enjoy All The Brightness in Your Life,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I wish it was always like this :)

There is so much happiness and gratitude in the United States today, everyone is in that happy place.  Life isn't always like this as we all know, but I wish that we were all programed to keep counting our blessings.  The more we focus on being present and appreciating what we have, more of the same will come our way, I firmly believe that.

In our holiday season, people who may not have a place to celebrate or are not able to be with loved ones for many reasons, feel really sad at this time of year.  I am wishing happiness to every soul on this earth and beyond.  I feel blessed to have tools ingrained in me that always take me to a positive space, a place of finding solutions, and choosing to be happy.

We have a fun day planned because today is four reasons to be grateful and celebrate:

1. My husband's birthday
2. Chanukah
3. Thanksgiving
4. A year ago today my husband's father passed away, and is always in our hearts and minds.

It is our annual tradition to go the Los Angeles Convention Center for the Auto Show, my husband is a big car enthusiast, and it is also his business, so we are all going together later today after a nice meal with his mother.

There are Chanukah events going on all over town over the next week, I am so excited.  I also just went to the 99 cent store to get a soap dispenser, and got some coupons for the LA Zoo for kids, only 99 cents per child under 12, you can get up to three, and it is until December 24!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Everyone!
Coach Yulia

A little blury but I love it, it was our one year anniversary, August 14, 2008, I was 9 months pregnant with my first,
 Eli Tzvi, he was born September 13, 2008 and we just got home from having a delicious steak dinner, YUM!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah

I am not sure of the exact number of years that this will ever happen again, but its something like 74,000.  What is amazing about it is that America is relatively a new country, and so is Thanksgiving.  Usually Chanukah has fallen around the end of December, but this year it is an interesting combination of everything Jewish and everything American.  Every show on TV is talking about mixing all the traditional foods of both cultures to make some unique and delicious treats. 

Our kids made their own menorahs in class, and we all lit tonight, they were so excited, and it was beautiful.  My family was never into presents, I do not know if that has always been that way or it just became that way because of the holiday season.  We mostly spent quality time together doing fun things, and that is what I want to do with my kids.  I just read an interesting article that it is not presents you are supposed to give on Chanukah but money, because that way even the poor would have money to get menorahs and candles and be able to light.
(scroll to page 54 once you click on the link)
I love that Thanksgiving is about spending time with loved ones and enjoying everything wonderful and being grateful.  Chanukah is about spreading light into the world, and also letting the light bulb go on inside our own heads.  We get into our routines, and I find myself checking in with priorities, and really focusing where I spend my energy.  My kids deserve it all, and so do I, and why not?

Happy Thanksgivukkah,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Yehudit and Matityahu

This is my name in Hebrew, and how you pronounce my babies name in Hebrew.  My son is learning all about Chanukah in school and was telling me the story of Yehudit (Yehudis or Judith other variations.) You can read more detail here, but below is an overview, its quite graphic.

Plot Summary

The Book of Judith has a tragic setting that appealed to Jewish patriots and it warned of the urgency of adhering to Mosaic law, generally speaking, but what accounted for its enduring appeal was the drama of its narrative. The story revolves around Judith, a daring and beautiful widow, who is upset with her Jewish countrymen for not trusting God to deliver them from their foreign conquerors. She goes with her loyal maid to the camp of the enemy general, Holofernes, with whom she slowly ingratiates herself, promising him information on the Israelites. Gaining his trust, she is allowed access to his tent one night as he lies in a drunken stupor. She decapitates him, then takes his head back to her fearful countrymen. The Assyrians, having lost their leader, disperse, and Israel is saved. Though she is courted by many, Judith remains unmarried for the rest of her life.

I was named after my great, grandmother who was a Mizrahi Jew, born in Chechnya which is now over run by guerrillas, she was a very strong and wise woman.  She was born in Chechnya, which now is over run by guerrillas.  Their Jewish community dates back to the time of Purim.  So my baby was also born in the spring right after Purim,, but I named him Matisyahu because I loved the name, and he represented all the M's in both of our families.  Matisyahu was the father of the Macabees in the Chanukah story.  Both Yehudit and Matityahu saved the Jewish people from destruction.

So it occurred to me that both my baby and I, our names, stem from the Chanukah story.  He is the only one that looks like me, resembling my Mizrahi ancestors.  We definitely have a special connection and our namesakes are from strong and passionate characters, that would do anything to preserve their culture and traditions.

I Love Connections,
Chanukah is tomorrow night,
Thanksgiving is Thursday,
Also my husband's birthday,
Let the celebrations to begin!
Coach Yulia

Monday, November 25, 2013


The humor portion of this blog:  Are you paying attention?  For those of you who know how blessed I am, what do you see?
I live in the clouds, yep, I get it from my mother, she is the happiest woman in the world, she gets it from her mother.  For our state of mind life is just gorgeous, fabulous, fun, and no matter what happens, we just live in our happy space, or work on getting ourselves back to that happy place.

Life is not like this, and sometimes I get thrown out of my happy place, and I do not like it.  This is a public service announcement to everyone, please pass this blog on, it is so scary what could happen when we are not paying attention, what happened to me is minor, Thank God, but in one second everything could change.

I am in the process of getting new glasses, I need them for driving and to watch TV.  I see pretty well overall, things are just a bit blurrier, and I cannot read signs even in the daylight.  Yesterday I was tired, my baby has caught everyone's everything, and the sleep has been sparse.  I took my son on an hour long car ride visiting my friend for her baby shower.  Then I had a Yoga class at 8:30pm, I had fallen asleep with my baby while I was putting him to sleep, my husband woke me up at 8pm.  I got in my car at 8:20pm, my class is five minutes away.  Many of us had trouble finding parking for some reason, I tried to squeeze in to a couple of spots, but didn't want to risk hitting the car, so I kept looking.  I made a U turn really close to a car and knew I could make it and I did, but sometimes when we do things automatically that is when accidents happen.  One of my friends walked me to my car after the Yoga class, and I told her I didn't want to parallel park and hit the car, she knows my husband is a detailer, and said he could fix it.  I said, oh no, he would get very upset, he notices every scratch and fingerprint.

Then it happens, I need to park in our back spot, there are no spots on the street, there is a pole that I barely miss every time, I thought I had it and SCRATCH, I stopped right away, backed up, and then parked.  I right away told me husband, he got very upset, and I was just thinking how many people get in accidents a block away from their house, they are relaxed, it is familiar, it is automatic, and we stop paying attention.

We are looking at our phone while driving, then swerve a little, but then look again, what will make us stop.  I am guilty and I have to stop, Thank God it was just a minor scratch, this morning my husband said he could easily get it out, and I feel so grateful that it wasn't worse, and that I am OK, and my kids are OK.

To Me and To You,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Kids are so tough, An Adult couln't handle it

Until two years old there is so much growing going on, bones shifting, teeth coming in, not to mention a newborn feeling the first sensations of digestion and elimination, and especially if it is not working so good yet.  As adults we can explain where our pain is, there are so many options, even if sometimes it is mainly in our head :)  There are so many ways to manage pain, Thank God, and there is a big difference between pain and suffering.  I always tell my Doula clients, if you are suffering, please do what you must do. 

Thank God I am feeling better and so is my oldest, but my poor baby has got the whole gamut.  I think its a stomach virus on top of a cold on top of teething.  The poor guy was just tossing and turning non stop last night, my heart just went out to him.  He cannot explain exactly what he is feeling, and everything all at once must be so uncomfortable.  Thank God he is in good spirits this morning as I chase him around with tissues.

Everyone woke up around 5:30am, its going to be a long day, but I have some fun planned for me, I am just going to take my oldest, let the other kids rest.  My girl has a birthday party later for a friend from school, I want her to rest up so she can have fun later.

It was chilly last night, and our place felt cold this morning, the sun was out, so I brought out chalk and we found a spot to play and color for a bit, all their clothes got covered in chalk, its good it was before bath time :)  we do our baths in the morning.  First my husband is washing the cars, then the kids.

Have a Fabulous, Healthy Sunday
Coach Yulia
We were all having fun out there this morning, didn't want to get chalk on my phone, so now Matisyahu is my model

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Not Bad All Day Home With Sick Kids

I sent my husband off to synagogue alone, usually I crave and need my one day of a good nap, but not today.  I am getting better from my mini cold, and my daughter threw up last night, my baby had the worst of both ends, I think partially due to teething.  My big boy was a bit under the weather a few days ago, felt fine, but acted out, so I decided what's one more, and his consequence was he couldn't go with his Abba (father in Hebrew.)

Overall it was quite amazing, if there is such a thing as good sick, my kids are troopers.  Throwing up is a trip to the toilet, and then resting, no whining, no grossing out, it just is what it is.  Pretty strong little people they are, it is part of life, and all you can do is rest and wait it out.  The baby took a nap, the rest of us were just hanging out, being super mellow.  Once the baby woke up we ate, and then I decided to play right outside our door for some fresh air, it was pleasant outside.  That's when the wildness came out, my daughter starting running too far, and the baby followed.  She ignored my multiple attempts to tell her it was too far.  I was ready to go inside, then my oldest son came out and went right into a puddle with his sandals, and I was done.  We went back inside, luckily my husband came home not too long after that and starting reading books with them, so I got a little break.

The older two are in bed, the baby we will give a bath to shortly, I am actually feeling much better, Thank God.  I have a baby shower tomorrow, and then my daughter has a birthday party in the afternoon.

I needed to just stay home today and let my body rest and recover,
Thank God the kids were in the same mode for most of the day,
So ready to have a quiet and early night,
Has such an amazing dinner last night with friends at our place,
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Coach Yulia

Friday, November 22, 2013

Under The Weather

UNDER THE WEATHER - "Ik Marvel, a pseudonym that resulted from a misprinting of J.K. Marvel, was the pen name of American author Donald Grant Mitchell. In his 'Reveries of a Bachelor' Ik Marvel is the first to record 'under the weather,' which has been a synonym for everything from 'ill and indisposed' to 'financially embarrassed' and 'drunk,' and has even been a synonym for 'the discomfort accompanying menstruation." From "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).
To be under the weather is to be unwell. This comes again from a maritime source. In the old days, when a sailor was unwell, he was sent down below to help his recovery, under the deck and away from the weather.

You're right, that explanation sounds better. Here's a similar one I found: "Under the weather. To feel ill. Originally it meant to feel seasick or to be adversely affected by bad weather. The term is correctly 'under the weather bow' which is a gloomy prospect; the weather bow is the side upon which all the rotten weather is blowing." From "Salty Dog Talk: The Nautical Origins of Everyday Expressions" by Bill Beavis and Richard G. McCloskey (Sheridan House, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., 1995. First published in Great Britain, 1983).

This was the definition I found, it is so interesting to me where our daily expressions originate.  My baby and I are figuratively and literally under the weather.  Our LA weather has been damp, and poor thing has an upset stomach coming out of both ends (sorry for the visual.)  I always get a scratchy, dry throat, but yesterday started feeling some sneezes, watery eyes, and runny nose.  It occurred to me that as it rarely rains in Los Angeles, all the crud that is in our sky is broken down and spread out all over the place, and my sensitive nose and eyes feel it full on.

We just took a nap, missed an appointment because we slept too long, but I guess it is just meant to be.  I just need to stay in, rest, and recuperate - YUCK!  We have guests to night, so I hope we are all feeling a bit better to just hang out and enjoy the meal and the company.

Health is Everything,
Eating Chicken Soup,
Using Ricolla to soothe my throat,
Drinking Hot Herbalife Green Tea for antioxidants and energy,
and then all we can do is wait it out,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Deep in thought about what to write

When I lived in Miami, during the summer it rained non stop, warm tropical rain, but it was too much, sometimes it would be almost to the top of the tires of your car.  Miami is also extremely humid which is not too good for curly, poofy hair.  When I moved here, my hair was happy, except when it rained, I am so simple in my Yoga world, but when I am dressed up, ohhh I won't let a drop of water touch my perfect hair, LOL. 

Now after 13 years of living in Los Angeles, I really appreciate the rain, it is very rare, it is cool, it is refreshing, it really cleans our air, but there is one thing that becomes really out of control.  People's driving is so insane, in a tiny drizzle people drive like its a foggy downpour.  So this morning I had a Yoga class five minutes away, I gave myself 10 minutes, and because of traffic for a drizzle, it took me 15 minutes, OY!

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I feel so blessed to live in a community where we give thanks not only every day, but every Friday night and Saturday get together with family and friends with no outside world disturbances and enjoy each others company and enliven and enlighten each other.

I also appreciate our Kosher homes, with all of the scary stuff going on in the meat and fast food industries, I feel so blessed that each animal is checked thoroughly that it hasn't been sick for a year, before it is allowed to be ingested.  Processed food is so scary, Thank God for my amazing husband who could be a chef, and for everyone else in this community with their culinary talents and creativity.

I just got to work to help out at my children's school and they had a homemade lunch made by all the different teachers.  Baked salmon, Persian rice with dill, Fresh Salad with ranch or sesame dressing, and all kinds of cookies - YUM!

You are what you eat,
What you put inside shows on the outside,
Food could equal health or dis-ease,
Excess once in a while is moderation,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My baby is still waking up around midnight and getting out of his bed, sometimes he comes directly to our bed, sometimes he starts crying.  He is a little bit under the weather, so poor guy is a bit more fussy than usual.  About 1:30am my oldest guy comes to my bedside and tells me he needs a drink of water.  He is usually the deepest sleeper, but I figured I also feel this weather is really drying, so maybe his throat is dry as well.  He sleeps on the top bunk, and if he ever wakes up, he wants to transfer to the couch, so I bring him his water, pillow, and blanket and go back to sleep.

I hear a SPLASH, it was not like going to the bathroom splashing, I was thinking maybe he spilled his water.  Then I decide to go see what happened, and he threw up all over the coffee table and floor, and a little bit on the couch - OY!  So I get the supplies to clean it, I do not turn on the light, I just want to get it over with and go back to bed.  Luckily he is able to go back to bed - YUCK.

Everyone seems fine in the morning, the day before the boys ate some cookies, and maybe they were sitting out for too long, or an old batch that was bought in the store, who knows.  I kept them home to watch them to see if it was a stomach virus, because I hear it is going around, but luckily they both were fine.

It is a bit chilly today by LA standards, so my baby is at home with my husband, I am helping out at my children's school.  I hear a few other children were under the weather, so I hope mine just ate something bad and that was all.  Thank God I feel OK, just a scratchy, raw throat that I always get at this time of year because it is so dry, especially when I am also exhausted from lack of sleep.

In saying all this,
These are good problems,
Everyone I meet keeps telling me to treasure these early years,
Eventually our children will be too busy for us,
I was laughing with another mom of toddlers that I will be happy to check it of my list,
Toddlerhood is intense,
As I say in Yoga its OK to be intense, but not tense,

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thank You Jim Rohn

I was introduced to Jim Rohn's videos and audios through Herbalife.  He was a mentor to Mark Hughes who was the founder of Herbalife International, and now is one of the recommended Personal Development methods that Herbalife coaches do before they start their day to get in a positive and focused mindset.  Read more about,

One of his audios talked about always growing and adding to your skill set, it makes you more valuable in the marketplace.  I have been blessed to keep on adding pieces to my puzzle, and my most recent endeavour, the rebounder,, has really added value to my personal training.  I take it along to use with my Yoga clients, and it is amazing for pregnant women, the elderly, and children, ask me about it, it is so much fun!

Herbalife has been such a vehicle of networking for me, I have discovered and learned how to run programs, and done many types of personal development and enjoyed it immensely.  I am happy that is is one of the pieces that make up Coach Yulia.

What inspires you?
When you are in a head space that you need to get out of, what do you do?
Feeling Blessed for my Positive View,
Had so much fun at Babyccino, the funnest mommy and me in town,
My baby has a blast too, but I feel recharged as a mommy,
What do you do to recharge?
Check out the video above,
There are always Winters, and then there is Spring,
Coach Yulia

Monday, November 18, 2013

Memorial-Health-New Life

A year ago today my Father in Law passed away, I was so blessed to know him for almost six years. He was the first person my husband introduced me to from his family a week after we met, and we instantly clicked.  He cooked for me and my first baby, really delicious food, he was born in Romania, spoke seven languages, fought for Israel before it was Israel, and had three of the most amazing kids, along with my husband, I am so happy to have a new brother and sister.

My father in Law, my brother in law, my husband, and Rabbi Yemini who married us

In my life I have always needed balance, and luckily good genes started me off with good health, but it is something we have to actively maintain.  I feel so blessed to be the advocate of living a Healthy, Active Lifestyle in our community.  I firmly believe there is no one way, perfect way, or right way for every person, it is very individual, and I really believe that it all works, but we must find what works for us.  What works for me is Herbalife, and now I am changing up my program a bit.  The meal shakes have a soy isolate, which is the protein of soy, I feel energy, I feel good, and when I first got on the program after my daughter was born, I lost 10 pounds in one month.  For some reason I am not able to change the number on the scale.  I am so happy with my energy, how I feel, my strength, and my bodyfat.  I am doing many things to make my body healthy in general, I got my teeth done, yearly visits to the doctor or gynecologist, all of these are a must to make sure everything is working how it is supposed to.  So I have decided just to see if it makes a difference for me, to stop using the soy and use the Herbalife Allergen Free shake, which is made of sesame, pea, and rice protein, I will keep you posted.  I stopped eating dairy for a month and it made no difference, I love dairy so much, I am not eating it as much as I used to, but it is one of my pleasures in life, my kids love it too - YUM!

I was just visiting a good friend that has a new baby, she was telling me her birth story, and I wanted to share how amazing things could be if we just had patience, and watchful waiting.  This was her third, she had a C section with her first, and a Vbac with her second, and really wanted a Vbac with her third.  She was 10 days late, she really didn't want to be induced, Thank God her labor started on a Friday, went all through Saturday, and Sunday morning completely stalled.  Her Doula told her that when her brain and body is busy with her other kids, it cannot let go and focus on the labor.  So the whole Sunday she spent only with her Doula, walking, eventually driving in a car listening to music.  Then went home to take a shower and the water broke and her doula saw that it was time to go, at the hospital she found out she was 6 centimeters, wanted an epidural, but her Doula told her to order it but see what the body does.  She had a beautiful Vbac in an hour, from 6-10 in an hour.  It makes me so happy to hear that she had someone with her, coaching her, and letting her body birth.  Thank God for it all just in case, but I would like to think if we just stay home, breathe, shower, rest, eat, be comfortable, the body will be happy to progress.  Thank God all my babies were in the right direction!

Feeling Blessed,
Waiting for my baby to wake from his nap to meet a friend for a power walk,
Keep squeezing it in my friends, it is so gorgeous outside,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Matisyahu x 3 and 1930's

My one and only Matisyahu is named after all the "M" and Hebrew letter "MEM" names in my family.  This Shabbat we had the singer Matisyahu in our synagogue, I really liked the name, and I figured since he made the name famous, people would recognize it when I told them my sons name.  Chanukah is around the corner and the father of the Macabees was named Matisyahu, his sons saved the Jewish people, and his name means Gift of God.

I had a client this morning that was telling me that in the 1930's it was difficult for Jewish people to find a job because Hitler was popular, and that you had to hide that you were a Jew in Los Angeles, I was shocked.  I guess leaving Anti-Semitism in Russia for the dreamland of America, it really shocked me how there was such discrimination back then and still is in our wonderful U. S. of A.

He sang me a song from the play "South Pacific"

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

It really had an effect of me how in countries and cultures today the children are taught to hate from a very young age.  Our children really are the future, they are the light, let it shine bright.

Thank God in our world today in America we celebrate our culture, faith, nationality, race, etc. openly.  We finished off our day at the Zimmer Museum with Chanukah music and playing all around in the plane, theatre, ship full of blue balls that you could jump into, my kids had a blast.  I am finishing off my day by teaching a wonderful Yoga class later tonight, it really keeps me sane and balanced from the everyday challenges.

How do you stay sane and balanced?
Coach Yulia

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I do it once a week for my husband :)

I had a wonderful nap today, it is one of my pleasures, I used to nap all the time before marriage and children.  My husband indulges me on Saturday and takes the kids to synagogue and lets me sleep.  I usually join a bit later, and sometimes I just stay home and enjoy the quiet.

It is also the day that I love to dress nice, wear my heels, even though its about a 10 minute walk, we do not drive on our Day of Rest, about 5 blocks.  So as I was walking a woman in her workout clothes tells me that I am a trooper for walking in my heels.  I told her that I do it once a week for my husband, his favorite outfit is a business style pencil skirt with heels.  I indulge him once a week, and every other day I am in my Yoga pants and Birkenstocks :)

I am looking forward to a great week, enjoy the rest of your weekend, Shavua Tov.

Coach Yulia

Friday, November 15, 2013

How Japan made the heart grow fonder

Just got my eyebrows threaded
Squeezing this in before an early sundown, our candle lighting for our day of rest is 4:32pm, and  we turn the whole world off, I appreciate it so much.  I was writing about Japan in yesterday's blog, and wanted to mention a few more things about the timing.  I had met my husband on January 6, 2007, which is my father's birthday.  I had just taken a Yoga class, was in yoga clothes, hair all crazy, I figured if we click, I will dress up for him on the second date.  A nice lady from one of my classes told me about him, I had just turned 34 and they really wanted to "help me."  It was morning, and he invited me over to his place for tea, I thought nothing of it, it was daytime, I am a tough chick, and anyone that wants to serve me tea and anything yummy I am game.

We talked for three hours and made a second date.  I had also told him that in a couple of weeks I had already planned a trip to Japan with my girlfriends for a week.  We met, we clicked, and then I went away, we talked on AOL instant messenger, we missed each other, I feel it sealed the deal.  My roommate and good friend would always ask me how it was going, and I told her it was just going, nothing to talk about, no drama, it was flowing.  I told her in February that I would not be renewing our lease together, it was not official, but it was "IT."  We met in January, engaged in April, and married in August.

My husband has been busy the last couple of days, I have contributed to our home as much as I can and feel good to me a domestic goddess once in a while :)

Excited to have my brother in law in town and a few guests coming to dinner tonight,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, November 14, 2013


My oldest woke up at 4am, my daughter 5am, baby at 6am, he walked to our bed even earlier.  We played puppet show,
they love the pelican and the flamingo, my son's pelican was saying "go to" he hears it all the time on TV

In yesterday's blog I wrote about all the places I travelled, and I realized last night I forgot to mention Japan.  The main reason is because all the travels I wrote about were long ago in my high school, college, and my cruise ship years.  Japan was more recent, and a fun story, I love to travel and one day hope to see Australia, Africa, South America, and I would love to go to India.  I also was so excited to go to Asia and I got a chance right before I got married.  One of my girlfriends had already planned a trip, and me and two other friends had airlines miles, so the four of us went together to Japan.

We were mostly in Tokyo, and it was perfect to have the four of us, somehow we managed to see everything we wanted to see by pairing off.  Sometimes two of us wanted one thing, and then another two of us would want something else.  I was most excited to be there in January for the Sumo Wrestling tournament, it was so cool.  We got to sit really close to see the amateurs, then came a bit later to a full stadium to see the heavy hitters, and one of them was not even Asian, amazing strength, focus and control.  There was a cafeteria where you could eat what they eat, and it ended up being like a healthy chicken and vegetable soup.

We went to Kyoto by train for a couple of days, that is where the Geisha quarter it, it was more like being in the country as opposed to the big city feel of Tokyo.  What amazed me most is that in America we know Japan not only for the sushi but for their technology, and I assumed I could get by with my English, and maybe Russian and a bit of Spanish, NOPE!  All the signs were only in Japanese, I do not even know how we caught the train to Kyoto, by sheer luck.  We were headed to a restaurant and pointed to a tour book so the taxi driver would know where to go, it was closed.  He mumbled something in Japanese, I sat in the front, the other three girls in the back, I had no idea what he said, but with a straight face I told the girls that he said it burned down, they were shocked I understood him.  We ended up going to another place that was serving RAW HORSE and RAW CHICKEN, no thanks, I had the rice.  I remember I saw a food cart with Turkish kabobs in a pita, and it made me so happy.

Out of All my travels as a country I absolutely loved Italy, it just has so much oomph!  In their manner of speaking, their food and gelato, and their beauty.  We lived there for a month when we emigrated from Russia, I was seven and don't remember, but my mom said I was reading the Italian signs like I had lived there in another life.  My favorite place that I have traveled to is Santorini, Greece, the whole town is at the top of the mountain.  We came by ship, so the only way to go up was to walk, cable car, or donkey, of course I took the donkey.

I have been to Israel a number of times, once in a high school semester program, another time on the cruise ship I worked.  We were supposed to go to Egypt too, but there was a kidnapping of Americans, so we stayed overnight in Israel, and I got to spend time with my family.  I went with my parents a year before I got married in 2006 for my aunt's 70th birthday, it was a blast to see the whole country, took a bus by myself to Eilat to join relatives there.  Then I went with my husband when my daughter was two months to meet his family, and so he could meet mine.  We were so lucky that they didn't have the car we ordered and got a minivan instead.  God Willing we will go back again soon.

Such great memories,
Such great adventures,
I hope to do more once my kids are older,
I really want to see Hawaii,
Hopefully that is next on the list,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

He is the King, and I am the Queen

I recently posted an article about tips for a successful marriage, just click this link,

I love the saying that a good relationships is two independent people that choose to be together.  Is it easy? No.  I always say easy would be boring, and I love that the article talks about over communication and no negative words, good stuff.  Then children come in the picture and its a whole new dynamic, buttons are pushed, our nice demeanor with our friends and coworkers turns into that side that we never show anyone.  We are human, to err is human, and its OK to be you.  Be You! God Willing you feel comfortable being you, and expressing you.  I tell my husband he is stuck with me, we will go through it all together, I love to deal with what is thrown at me, I like to look at solutions, not always easy, when emotions arise, but on the other side is growth, understanding, and the connection that originally brought you together.

Here is a great video about parenting:

Everything that we have been through in our lives makes us who we are today.  A friend recently posted some fun facts about herself and challenged whoever wanted to play to post facts about themselves.  I have to put my thinking cap on to list mine, but I loved reading about hers.
4 Random Things about me:

1. I worked as a Nanny for many years in Los Feliz. Everyday, for about a year I would bring an entire meal and some coffee to a homeless man who waited at the Los Feliz exit off the 5 freeway. He always said thank you and smiled at me. He liked my moms beef and potato burritos. I never got out of the car, and the food exchange was very quick. One day, he just wasn't there. I don't worry about him, because I know he was happy to get those meals and our little friendship.

2. I used to work in the daycare center at Paramount Pictures. At the time Cheers was filmed there, and Norm and Cliff were always very nice men....

3. I am named after both of my grandmas. Digna and Ana.
I always thought it was because my mom liked Greek mythology. This is cooler!

4. I used to get tonsillitis a lot when I was a kid. My grandma used to me watch me on those days when I was sick. And my dad would pick me up from her house in his Arrowhead Water Semibtruck and take me on his "runs" to get water from the mountain springs. He used to let me talk on the CB and honk the horn to other truckers. Some of my greatest memories.

5. Aneiko, I make up my own I took my sleeping baby brother out of his crib and hid him from my parents and pretended not to know where he was. I've gotten over my disdain for him now.

The way this works, you like my status, and I will give you a number and then you do the same. Or you could be a rule breaker like me and do more or less or none.

She challenged me to write seven, OY!  I usually do not play, but I really enjoyed reading about her, and thought I would dig deep and find some fun, random facts about me.
1. I was born Yulia in Moscow, Russia. At 7 years old in America I became Julie in my Driver's License, High School Diploma, and my Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management.  I moved to LA at 27 years old, called all my credit cards and told them they spelled my name wrong, showed my passport to the LA DMV, and was reborn as Yulia.
2. I love to travel, in high school I had a semester in Israel, and in college a semester in Prague, which at that time was Czechoslovakia.  I worked on Norwegian Cruise Line for three years, saw most of the Caribbean, Western, Eastern, and Scandinavian Europe.  I went to Costa Rica with a few special friends from my ship life, it was so intense, we had a jeep and drove all around the country.
3.  My father got married at 33, so I decided I wouldn't even think about it until I was 33 and lived an adventurous vagabond lifestyle where I told everyone my minor in college was International Relations.  I actually started to study it, but realized it would be in politics with suits, and quickly switched to tourism and hospitality so I can still travel, use my Russian, and have fun.  At 33 I opened myself to meeting someone, and married at 34.
4.  The last ship I was on was brand new we were in Germany for one month getting it ready, the maiden voyage sailed to Quebec City, where it ran aground and so did my cruising career.  Until they decided what to do I partied in Montreal, met some fun people that made me realize there are Jews of all types out there, and when I asked God for a crazy Jew, he delivered, my husband is one of a kind and just right for me :)  When I got off ships it was either NY or LA, I lived in Miami at the time, I couldn't handle the cold, so I put all my stuff in my car and drove to LA with no plan, Thank God I found Yoga and met my husband, I always listen to my gut.
5.  My mother is writing her memoirs and I am so amazed at my family history.  My relatives were in the heart of the Holocaust running from Ukraine.  My parents suffered Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union, not to mention nothing to eat.  My mother had a lot of milk when she gave birth to me, I was a bad eater, so my mom pumped her milk for another baby.  My father got a bomb slipped under his car in Russia before we immigrated.  When we were ready to leave, I was seven years old and they checked my doll for jewelry or anything else I was hiding.  My mom was a musician, so she was allowed to take her piano, other than that we could take only a few belongings, and only $135 per family, yes you read it right.  Thank God for the American Jews that gave me the life that I live today. I heard we were traded for grain.
6.  I was lucky to have good genes and was overall active in my life but never an athlete.  My mother never put me into dance or gymnastics because she knew it would be very competitive, and that I would feel suffocated not to do things my way.  As a child I wanted everyone to follow what I did, and I would get upset if they didn't.  After cruise ships I used to do Jazzercise to get in shape, and I did Atkins to lose 20 pounds.  I realized that tourism and hospitality was a service industry where people were mostly complaining, and I couldn't say go away or cry, I didn't want to hear it anymore.  When I moved to LA a month later I found a job in sales at 24 Hour Fitness, and met my Yoga teacher there and knew that was going to be what I wanted to do for the rest of my life,  I have been there for 13 years
7.  Back to my topic He is the King and I am the Queen, that my philosophy of a healthy, peaceful home.  Marriage and Children is my newest adventure, and for the first time in my life, I am committed for life, and that is my biggest challenge ever.  Everywhere else once it didn't suit me, once I was done, I jumped off, and went on to the next adventure.  This is an inward adventure of growth, and I am ready to face it, deal, grow, thrive, and strive to be a supportive, loving wife, and an example of health, happiness, success,and fun for my children.
Just for fun,
Write down what is fabulous about you,
Feel Good In Your Skin,
You Are Unique,
There is no one else with your light and your message,
Show us your talent and gifts,
Let us grow and learn from your passion,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Full of Fuel/Out of Gas

I went to bed at 9pm last night, that was the best 3 hours of sleep ever...until my baby woke up at midnight, crying, I took him to our bed, he was tossing, turning, and making noises.  I actually feel quite refereshed and awake, I am going to try to go to bed by 10pm if I am not working, it makes such a difference for me.  I just came back from the most amazing mommy and me, Babyccino, it is all over town, but I go to the one at my kids school, Gan Chabad, at 9:15am on Tuesdays, Matisyahu has a blast, and so do I.  It is as much for the mommy's as it is for the kids.  Usually they are geared towards kids, maybe half an hour, and not much variety.  Menucha Levy changes the theme every week, brings all kinds of fun projects in that theme, has coffee and muffins for the mommies, and all kinds of fun songs, davening, and toys for the kids, brilliant!

I am running off to a private client, full of fuel, will finish this off later this afternoon.

My last sentence was writing around 11:15am, I ran out of the house to my client that is around the corner at 11:30am, and then...


When I was single, I was always running around just like I am today, and sometimes would push off putting gas in my car, and ran out a few times.  Now that I am married, my husband likes to put the gas, and he always likes it to be on empty, and wait for the gas prices to drop.  I wasn't going far so he told me I should make it, and this is the first time since we got married that I didn't make it.  I just turned from La Cienega onto Olympic going west, and I felt the car slowing down, once I realized it, I was lucky to be able to pull into a street, but stopped in the middle of the street.  I was looking for some big, strong men to push the car into a parking spot, it was 10:55am and my class was at 11am.  I let my client know what happened and that I would keep her posted. 

A nice lady tried to give me an orange juice container to put gas in at the gas station around the corner, I was thinking there might be a chemical reaction with the plastic, no thanks.  Then I saw a tall, young man walking out of his place, and I asked him to help, and was wondering if he knew of anyone else that could help, he felt he could do it on his own, I have an SUV.  Luckily another man drove by saw that we needed help, they both got me into a parking spot.  I was ready to run a few blocks to my client, but then an angel came.  A man with a huge truck offered to get gas, he had a container, he offered to pay for it, put it in, I told him I had a class, I told him I had to go, he said he will do it for me no problem, God Bless Him.  I told my husband to keep it at quarter tank from now on.

My client wanted an hour session instead of half hour.  One of my Herbalife Business partners decided to take her business to the Next Level and get her 50% discount and become a supervisor, it will be my first business partner since I started four years ago, she is so inspirational.  Women from my community are ordering the Herbalife Kosher Parve shake for their meals and post workout because its yummy.  A Prenatal Yoga client told her friend who is not pregnant at the moment to come to my Prenatal Class and I just talked to her, and she will be coming to my regular class that she will enjoy and benefit from immensely.

Thank God for my purpose,
Thank God for my community,
Thank God for my family,
Thank God that I can enjoy it, recharge, and keep plugging people in,
Let's Be Healthy Together,
Coach Yulia

Monday, November 11, 2013


The kids had a blast yesterday at the Friendship Circle event, so many fun activities, shows, and friends.  Today I had a lot of activities planned, and moment by moment my schedule kept changing, which I actually do not mind at all.  As long as I could get things done, and be accessible with my smart phone, and reschedule and schedule, I am happy.  I really like to be reachable, and it is so weird in our high technology world where we cannot get instant gratification either on the Internet or by text, Facebook, or phone.

The mind spirals into how to fill those minutes, what may have happened, what to do if it doesn't work out.  Luckily all is good, I squeezed things in, dropped things off, threw in a workout with a friend, and now home writing about my adventures before I have to go get the kids from school.

We are going straight to a Brit Mila, a circumcision ceremony, I am so excited.  One of my prenatal Yoga clients and good friends had a beautiful baby boy, and told me because of our classes together, it helped her have an amazing birth experience, Thank God.

I am a little tired, my body is trying to stay strong through our cold mornings and nights, and hot days.  Also from lack of sleep due to baby, my weak spot is my throat, and its so dry outside too, my lips, scalp, and skin are feeling it.

Drank my amazing Herbalife Green Tea Concentrate, it is so powerful for the immune system with all the antioxidants, also burns 80 calories per cup, and is a great natural energy with no drop.  I just came back from my power walk and workout at the park with a friend of mine, we are committed to it because it makes us feel good.  Even though my throat is a bit scratchy and I am tired, I figured fresh air, sun, getting my blood flowing by raising my heart rate, and some great girl talk is just what I needed.

After the celebration this evening I am treating myself to an early bed time, ahhhh looking forward.  In my calendar I have to go to bed at 10pm daily, it doesn't always happen, but I recently read that every hour of sleep you get before midnight, is like getting double for that hour.  Especially since it is getting dark early it is throwing our systems off.

Happy Day,
Happy Night,
Be Happy My Friends,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, November 10, 2013

My Identity

My kids wake up everyday at 6am, my nights have been sleepless because my baby, the weather has been hot and cold.
Yesterday I felt my sore throat, started drinking my Kosher Herbalife Green Tea Concentrate, I feel great, drink hot or cold.
 I am your Community Herbalife Coach, please ask me for more information about Health, Wellness, and Nutrition. 

This weekend are two huge memorials, and I have been reading articles and seeing posts on Facebook, and it is really touching me deep inside about how our veterans are treated in America, and how Jewish people are treated all over the world.  The Jewish Journal this week has some amazing articles about Kristallnacht,  The theme in all of the articles is that people survived and thrived.  This amazing victim of the Holocaust became part of the U.S.A. Allied forcers and went back to fight and liberate Jews from the horrors of World War II.  If you pick one up or go online, it is pages 18, 19, 20, and 21, blew my mind!  One of them talks about the star of Fiddler on the Roof, he was just honored in Austria, where he was born.  His family fled to Israel after the Nazi's annexed Austria in 1938, they were strong Zionists.

I was reading that after Kristallnacht, the rest of the world basically looked the other way, and many historians say this was the beginning of the Holocaust.  There was a young Jewish boy that lived in Paris, he fired a weapon into the German Embassy, and the crazy part of it all is that nobody cared, and he was given over to Germany, he stood up for the Jewish people and is a hero.

Here are a few more articles that were really interesting, informative, and touching,

What is my identity?

I am Jewish first
A Woman Second
An American Third
A Russian-Jewish Immigrant Fourth

In Russia, Judaism was my nationality, In America it's my religion, we all have to find who we are to ourselves.  I feel so connected to my ancestors and my roots and to God, life is such a blessing.

and Treat our Veterans and Survivors with Respect, and learn from them,
Coach Yulia
(The article below I couldn't find online, I scanned it, so powerful for Veteran relations, he is a hero)


Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Brain is Bursting

It was just an amazing day!  My husband took the kids to the synagogue, but instead of sleeping, I hopped around saying hello to my friends, and made a few good connections.  I am so blessed that my life and business are one, I love to meet new people, I love to be friendly, and I am so grateful that my husband supports me to do what I gotta do.  I have so much to say, but I will save it for tomorrow, because...

I am about to throw a sexy dress on and go out with a wonderful girlfriend, Thank you husband.  We all need "ME" time, and whatever that is for you, DO IT!  No excuses, squeeze it in, no matter what.  I remember in my single life when I was going to college and bartending late, I don't know when I actually slept, but sometimes getting yourself out and staying out a bit later than usual resets me in some way.  Not all the time, but I am definitely a bit tired, but as soon as I get dressed and picked up, I will be "on" and ready to enjoy myself.
Tomorrow is a full day of fun with the kids, tonight is my recharge.
(This is random, but I just posted on my facebook the most amazing thing I learned about pomegranates, check it out,
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Woo Hoo!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friendship Circle

Join me and my kids on Sunday afternoon for an amazing cause and tons of family fun,

I am so excited that in our community there is always so much celebration and support going on all the time.  I am looking forward to a nice relaxing day of rest, it starts super early today because of the time change, observant Jews everywhere will be home turning the world off just after 4pm, so nice.  Tomorrow there are celebrations at the synagogue, looking forward to mingling and delicious food, as well as spiritually uplifting lessons.  Then I have a date with one of my girlfriends on Saturday night, excited to dress up and have fun together.

Just took an amazing Yoga class with my 81 year old teacher, feel so good, taking my kids with me to get my hair done and theirs.  I am getting color and flat iron, my son is getting a short stylish cut that can grow in nicely until it is too long and time to cut again.  My daughter at 3 1/2 is getting her first trim, her hair is gorgeous blonde goldilocks, and my husband washes and brushes it daily.  It is a nice style that is out of her face, but my hairdresser told me the ends are getting dry, so here we go.

I have the best hair girl in town, we go to her house, she has cute doggies, and my kids enjoy watching some cartoons.

Last night I actually got some deep sleep, although baby woke us up at 5am, I feel pretty good, and Thank God this is a day of pleasure, pampering, and taking care of "me!" It's not selfish, its self care.

Have a Great Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

I gotta get my roots did, and he is not getting his haircut until 3, so excited to see how it grows

Thursday, November 7, 2013

God Help me Get Through This Day

The day is actually full of amazing enjoyable classes and meetings, but I am exhausted.  I attempted to write this in the morning before my day began, but now I have a break before my night classes, kids are watching a show, and I can indulge in blogging.

Last night was sleepless, my 19 month baby, God Bless Him, is transitioning from 2 naps to one, and on top of that we took away the pacifier, it was good timing for us, he was only crying when it would fall out at night, no thanks!

So we have him in his bed, sometimes I go lay down with him if he cries, and sometimes I bring him to my bed when I don't want to get up anymore, and sometimes he walks to my room.  Last night he was a bit fussy, so I decided to lay down next to him and let my husband sleep, I was so uncomfortable, probably a few hours later he was rolling all around and I was done, so I took him to our bed, and he just kept saying "mmma" that is his version of eema, mother in Hebrew, it was 5:30am.

10am Yoga class
11:30am meeting, where I saw 7 week old twin girls, what a miracle life is!
12:30pm Private Client

Finally got home around 2:30pm and asked my husband in advance to please take the baby on his errands so I can attempt to nap before the kids got home at 4pm.  I didn't really sleep deep, but it was nice to lay down in my bed and close my eyes in a quiet house.

I had the kids help me clean their room, and now while we are waiting for dinner to be ready they are watching a show.  I am grateful for the energy exchange with adults while my kids are at school, and baby is with my husband, Thank God.

What's next?

7:30pm Prenatal Yoga
8:45pm Private Client, that told me since we started Yoga his migraines are gone, and he doesn't need to spend ridiculous money on medication - I am always in awe of the power of preventive maintenance.

Feeling Grateful,
Feeling Groggy,
Thank God in my line of work it is OK to be a bit zoned out,
Bon Apetit to me :)
Have a Fabulous evening,
Coach Yulia  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mercury Retrograde

I think everything affects everything, yes we can make our own choices, and yes its God's plan, but the path we take is ours, and sometimes things get wacky, and I guess it is good to have a reason, or maybe it is just an excuse :)

So this whole week things are just a bit off, I wrote about it yesterday, not horrible, definitely can be figured out, Thank God not life altering.  Today it continues, I had the most amazing stroller walk wit moms in my community, and even some moms that are done with strollers joined us.  Some moms made new friends, and a few of us stayed later just talking.  When it was time to go I went to my car, took my baby out of the stroller, and while I was putting him in his car seat, he was so squirmy, and fussy, and I knew he was tired.  So when I finally buckled him in, I jumped into the car and drove home, what did I forget?

So luckily the park is less than five minutes from my home, I park and look to see what I need to take into the house, and then start to wonder where the diaper bag is, and then it hit me, or actually I was not sure, did I put the stroller in the trunk?


I put the car in drive and sped back and Thank God the park was busy, it was light, right before I saw the stroller, I saw a group of guys walking and started to panic, and worse than losing the stroller would be explaining to my husband what happened.  I am forgetful with my keys, phone, sunglasses, but Thank God not the baby!!!

It was there, I saw a few ladies and said, can you believe it I forgot my stroller, and they laughed and also said it was good I at least had the baby. 

Mom's cut mom's some slack,
we have each others back.
We walk around the track,
and love to hear each other yack!

For those of you that are close to my husband, keep this quiet, I know you are laughing, but he doesn't read this thing, and I know his friends and family do, LOL.

So I keep on seeing people post about Mercury Retrograde, and here are the dates for it this year:

February 23–March 17 in mystical Pisces
June 26 to July 20 in responsive Cancer
October 21 to November 10 in super psychic Scorpio

Basically people say that things are just off, and sometimes not so great, and here is a good description, and a link below if you want to read more.

"A major cause of stress at Mercury retrograde is frustration from mishaps, things breaking down, computers going black. But if we know it's cycle, this makes it feel less terminal. If things go pear-shaped, see what's there to see. Take a break from the usual routine."

I just took an amazing self defense class yesterday, and most of it was about awareness of our surroundings, listening to our instincts, and that yelling and running away actually surprise the attacker, they want easy targets and to cause the least amount of attention possible.  The best thing to yell is "fire" instead of help or no, it definitely gets attention.

So the whole point of the blog today is that life is always flowing up and down, so it is all a lesson, and we have to get up and dust off  and move on.  Also it is important to be aware, and especially for me to double check that I am leaving with what I came with.  That is why we are here on earth to be challenged and to grow, and my mother says, different people get different homework from God.  All I know is Thank God I got my stroller!

Coach Yulia


Message to Self: Wake Up Girl!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

In the Clouds

Do you have days like this?  I really feel like little things are escaping my consciousness, my husband likes to call it "common sense."  To me when there are a million things going on at once, the best thing to do is plan ahead, but then plans change in an instant. 

Yesterday I was going to have a nice day of organizing and doing a walking group, and then I decided to reread my email about an interview I had.  It said Tuesday, November 4, and all I saw was Tuesday.  I originally emailed them and asked what time on Monday November 4, and when she emailed me back Tuesday, I took it for a Tuesday.  So literally a couple of hours before the interview, I cancelled any other plans, and was trying to figure out what to do with my baby.  I cleared the schedule for Tuesday, but yesterday I was with him all day, my husband was working.

I reached out to a few friends that said that they would love to help, but that day and time they were already out and about, and then an angel came to my rescue.  She wanted to join me for my walking group, and I told her that nobody RSVP, and that I realized I had this interview, and maybe she would want to come with me and watch the baby and we could walk after.  The walk never happened but she came with me, and it was a group interview, and it was definitely not a good fit for me, but that led to me finding the perfect fit today.

I have worked at 24 Hour Fitness for 13 years in various positions, the company is wonderful with letting people grow and go in the direction they need.  They have a wonderful kids club at a location near me, and now are offering group training sessions.  So its like a class, but also like personal training, and the best part is that I get to make my own hours, develop the format of the class, and bring my baby, so excited!

So yesterday besides that interview I went to a clients house that I always bring Yoga mats too, without any because my husband and I switched cars, totally blanked, but luckily I live close by so I just went home and got them, its all good :)

Today I also was a bit in the clouds about my schedule, but honestly, sometimes when something doesn't work out its for the best, and that is how I see life.  As long as you own up, be genuine, do your best, give 100% (or as much as you have at the moment) to your family and your work, then it is what it is.

I am on my way to teach a Pilates class and then go to an awesome Krav Maga Self Defense class for women, recharging my batteries!

Have a great evening,
Coach Yulia

This was from a while ago, I don't even know how it captured me trying to find the perfect web cam shot,
cracks me up, and gives me a little headache, LOL