Thursday, July 31, 2014


The woman, the legend, my mom :)

I love how in the Jewish community that I am in the brotherhood is so strong, I love that my husband has amazing friends that are there for him no matter what.  What is even better is the sisterhood, beautiful, strong, caring, and giving women that support each other, celebrate each other, and bless each other all the time.

My mother and I have some powerful conversations, and she was saying that the women of Islam suffer so much, it is up to us to save our sisters from all over the world, support them, encourage them, free them, and only then when women are treated with respect and allowed to thrive, the savages will have no power.

This video is an amazing example of exactly this, lets focus on rescuing our women, and even children who are brainwashed from birth, and sold as brides when they are toddlers.

Sisters Standing For Sisters,
I Stand Against Terrorist Organizations,
I Stand For Israel,
Israel Stands For Tikkun Olam,
  1. Tikkun Olam
  2. Tikkun Olam is Judaism envisioning an ideal world. Often translated to mean 'repair of the world', and even as social justice, tikkun olamunderpins our religious way of life and perspective that works towards a time of peace – not just ending war, but a time of prosperity, health and justice for all.
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I was born in Moscow, Russia, and my amazing babushka is going to be 99 in September, God Willing.  It was important that my kids call my mom Babushka as well, and my father Dedushka. They call my husband's Israeli parents Saba for grandpa and Savta for grandma.  It is important to me that the kids know their roots, ancestors, history, every aspect, more important to me than sports, art, music, dance or any other education. The core of who they are comes from the family stories, and Jewish history, everything else they are open to explore at any time, whatever their interests are I support them.  A few things are a must, like swimming lessons for their safety and knowledge, but other than that the sky is the limit, but it will come as a request from them, not me running around taking them to every class under the sun.  I love when my kids just play, the games they make up are just out of this world, down time is as important as learning.

My mom is visiting for a few weeks, she has been to Los Angeles before, so this time we are just going to hang out and enjoy each other, no big agenda or trips.  We are however sharing amazing ideas, visions, and dreams, which will impact the world on a great scale, so excited!

Living is where its at,
Life is a celebration,
Live life to the fullest,
Living it up,
We Celebrate Life,
Every Morsel,
Even the lessons are good,
Be Present my friends,
Coach Yulia

my mom is relaxing in the background, my kids are having a snack

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Idiot Box

id·i·ot box
  1. a television set.

Have you heard this term? We keep hearing that children should not watch more than two hours a day, and luckily my kids are OK with us telling them when they can watch their PBS cartoons, and when to turn it off. They love to watch Calliou, Daniel Tiger, Cat in the Hat, Curious George, Wild Kratts, and Super Why. Sometimes a mom just needs a break, blank stares into the moving pictures, quiet mouth, and things can get done.  Other times the whining won't stop, and yesterday I just knew that it was time for the idiot box for an hour, I had to get work done.  What did I do with the whole day before we got home?  All the kids are with me now, they don't want to go to camp, so they went to my baby's speech therapy, which was a fun room with toys.  Then we dropped the baby at his afternoon preschool and I took the kids for the rest of the day to a cool park that we were randomly driving by.  We met some fun families, we first played with a football and a soccer ball, then my daughter found a girl with a whole bunch of beautiful Disney character dolls, they were in heaven.

Once we got home, I wanted us all to clean their room, they wanted to do other things, we had guests for dinner, and before they arrived things had to get done, thus the idiot box comes in handy from time to time.

Before our guests arrived, it was 6:30pm and my husband loves to watch World News, and idiot box took on a whole new meaning, the stories about Israel were biased, only showed one side, and unfortunately many people have as their only source of information.  All we can do is educate ourselves by social media, and family and friends that live in the areas of conflict, and spread the truth loud and clear.

You Tube is the most awesome creation ever, people from all over the world can let you know what is happening, and share it, even in times of conflict.  You can find fun kid friendly shows from all over the world, we love Jay Jay the Jet Plane and the one below, Masha and her Bear from Russia, usually there are more words, but this show is just so much fun!

Coach Yulia

Monday, July 28, 2014

New Moon, New Hope

Can you spot my kids?

Every month in the Jewish world there is a celebration, welcoming new beginnings, happiness, and reflection. Here is a little history on the grandness of this month,, so much happened, and it can teach us about what is happening today.  One way we can support is by living life, showing our children happiness, and to live their Jewish life openly and proudly.

We had a great time at the Annenberg Beach House,, so kid friendly, tons of open space, and so much to do.  We joined some good friends, enjoyed the gorgeous day, and the kids had a blast in the waves.  In the evening my husband was telling me that on the news there was lightning in Venice Beach, which was close to where we were, and some people got struck,  Makes me grateful that we were all OK, never to take anything for granted, count our blessings daily, and live life to the fullest.

At 9am Los Angeles Time, we will join Jewish people all over the world in reciting the Shma prayer, thinking of the IDF, and sending our positive energy and strength their way.  No matter who you are, your background, beliefs, you are welcome to join in today at 9am in the prayer along with the rest of the world.
I will be teaching a private Yoga class, will stop at 9am and recite it with my students.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Animals they are not

Photo: Ty has peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Seven years to the day that he walked through our front door.  He was the perfect dog.  17 years old.
One of my dear friends has lost someone very special, these are her words.  Ty has peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Seven years to the day that he walked through our front door.  He was the perfect dog.  17 years old.

It is amazing how much joy animals bring, and I admire the people that open their hearts and homes, I know they get so much, but it is also a great responsibility.  When we lived in Denver, we had a dog that someone had given to us, her name was Froshy.  She was named after the froth on top of beer because when she was a puppy she was a fuzzy ball of fur that looked like froth, and I guess it evolved into Froshy.  We had a few cats as well, and my parents mostly took care of them.  I always say I can barely take care of myself, and now throw three toddlers into the mix, I cannot imagine having an animal at this time.  Many of my friends fill their lives with these furry creatures, and my kids love when we visit.

I ran across this fun article about the unique animal characters in our lives,

Enjoy this video of my friend Roland doing his Bio Energetic Healing on animals, he even works with horses.

I keep on seeing the horrors happening all over the world, and the perpetrators being referred to as animals. ANIMALS THEY ARE NOT!  Savages, Monsters, Murderers, there are many other words to describe the oppressors who do not value life and glorify death.  These words kept on popping into my head, Hamas are not animals, there are no words, this is all premeditated, and focused on extermination.

Hamas/Isis (all terrorist organizations) will:





The Media:


Israel will:


Coach Yulia

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Did you miss me?

I was thinking that as much as I love to step off the world for 24 hours for the Day of Rest, many of you may also enjoy a day of quiet from my point of view :)  It's all good, what I am seeing that articles that I post get reposted by people that I respect, and that find it valuable to share.  I love to read articles and papers after a nice nap, while my husband is wonderfully taking all the kids to synagogue.  I want to post a few that really give an amazing perspective about what is happening in Israel.  Also many of you have been sending me articles, and I appreciate you passing them on with the knowledge that I will keep spreading the truth.

Last night we had some wonderful guests, and my oldest was proud to say a full blessing on the wine in front of everybody.  This is the first time, his father says the blessing for the table, and my son sometimes doesn't want to, or sometimes mumbles it, he was loud, clear, and proud.

Today the kids were overall listening, a few tantrums, but most of the time using their words.  I am planning to take them to the beach tomorrow and meet some friends.

Tonight was the first night that I sent my baby to the room with his brother and sister to go to bed, and he is listening.  They have a large room that they share, and he has fun with them, no more mommy to lay down with him, I do not think I will miss it :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Coach Yulia

Friday, July 25, 2014

40 Minutes

It's a hot day in LA, and I hear on NPR news this morning that people are on Facebook an average of 40 minutes a day.  I guess it is good that it is not more, but I know for myself I just can't get enough of social media for my world news.

Hanging out with the kids today while my husband prepares for our guests tonight for Shabbat.  I feel so blessed that my kids know peace, quiet, and a day free of the outside, non stop, electronic, and overstimulated world.

I am so grateful for my life, for my family, and that I can follow my calling to coach health, fitness, wellness, and support mothers in their journey of pregnancy, labor, birth, and taking care of mama after babies.

I have always surrounded myself with happy, positive, an creative people.  The amazing Jewish community in Los Angeles is exactly that, doing everything B'Simcha, with joy.  As our brothers and sisters fight for the right of Israel to exist and be a safe place to everyone who visits, we are sending our love, prayers, supplies, materials, food, and cash donations.  There are many ways to support, reach out to me or any Jewish synagogue or center, and support in the way that feels right to you.  I am using my voice, and standing tall and proud with my kids by my side, and together we say to the world, Am Israel Chai!

Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, July 24, 2014


I go throughout my day completely open to learning lessons and totally present to everything around me. This morning I had an amazing Pilates class, and some of my students clued me into some wisdom.  The video that I posted above is from the artist Sting, and it was during the time of the Soviet Era, his words are powerful, and it makes me think of Golda Meir, there are so many amazing quotes.

One student told me about the relevance of the Sting video, and another one was telling me how she loves that I focus on Fundamentals, and I just completely fell in love with that word.  I call it basics, which are form, alignment, and core.  Also each person clueing into their own body, and figuring out their own way of understanding it and doing it.

Fundamentals, however, is a powerful word.
plural noun: fundamentals
  1. a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
    "two courses cover the fundamentals of microbiology"
    synonyms:basics, essentials, rudiments, foundations, basic principles, first principles, preliminaries; 
    • a fundamental note, tone, or frequency.

There are fundamentals in loving our children, in wanting to see them grow up, wanting the best for them, wanting them to surpass our success.  Unfortunately some mothers celebrate when their children blow themselves up, and hurt others.  It just doesn't make sense in my brain.

I just came home from an amazing Pro Israel rally for children, it was so positive, focusing on sending positive energy to the Israeli Defense Forces.

God Bless Them,
Am Israel Chai,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Freedom of Speech

Discrimination is everywhere, opinions are everywhere, and Thank God in America everybody can say what is on their mind.  In other countries you get killed for your own thoughts, speech, and action, I feel so blessed to live in a place where I can stand tall, loud, and proud for what I believe in.

Because Israel had no choice but to defend itself against Hamas, who has been firing non stop rockets, and then decided to kidnap innocent teenagers, there was no going back.  Now the uproar is all over the world, it is so scary, there are synagogues being attacked, there are slogans that tell the Jews to go to the ovens, and the sad thing is the world stays quiet, but I will not.

Look what is happening everywhere, antisemitism, violence, and Thank God Jews are not being taken to slaughter anymore, we will fight against the discrimination and be victorious, Thank You IDF!

I cannot keep quiet, for some of you that have met me in my Yoga life, yes I am calm, yes I am happy, yes I am positive, but first and foremost I AM A JEW.  My parents left the Soviet Union so that we could have a better life and I don't take it for granted.  If this is not interesting to you or you have other political views I completely respect that, but I cannot pass on important events that are directly affecting my nation.  In America we are white and it is a religion, but in the rest of the world there is intense hatred and feeling that we do not belong.  Thank God Israel is the Jewish home, so we will use our amazing defense and technology to protect the citizens and this amazing country that is so special to many cultures, religions, and backgrounds.

I am not white,
I don't have Anglo-Saxon background,
My father was born in the Caucasian Mountains in Grozny, which is near Turkey and Iran,
My mother was born in Moscow, but her roots trace back to Ukraine,
All of our roots trace to our Jewish ancestors that have overcome time and time again,
Am Israel Chai,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Money Shot

I have been having so much fun getting all dolled up for my photo shoot with the amazing Jessica, her link is below my picture.  I wanted to post it here because not everyone has Facebook, and I wanted my mom and dad to see it, because this is the money shot.  I googled money shot and it means many hilarious things, but to me it means exactly what I pictured in my mind, we got it!  Love how my body looks, love my hair and makeup, it's a perfect full body shot.  God Willing it will all lead to Money Honey, I am ready for the success, bring on the Parnasa,,I am here to empower, and pour positive energy into my Coach Yulia services.

My mind is reeling from everything happening in Israel and hearing how there are rallies all over the world that are destroying Jewish businesses and antisemitic rants in Germany.

I am also working on teaching my children by using my words, although when I am approached in a calm manner, I answer quite civilized, but if the whining begins, my monster comes out, I am working on it.

Thank God for my problems,
Am Israel Chai,
Coach Yulia

Monday, July 21, 2014

Breakdowns Lead To Breakthroughs

I never know what I am going to write about, it is never planned, sometimes I get a thought that I really want to share and I write it down.  Most of the time something touches me and I need to get it out of my system. Throughout my day there are ups and downs, not the most amazing ups, and not anything horrible in the downs, but it is life.  Sometimes when driving and someone cuts you off, it is a moment of being annoyed, those are the kind of downs I am talking about.  The ups for me are mainly when I teach my classes, or am supporting a pregnant, laboring, or birthing mother.  It really gives me such a natural high to be present in that moment.  I am feeling so light today, so clear, yesterday had to happen for today to happen.

After yesterday's intense day of ups and downs, I feel calm today and once again am inspired to share with the world my support of Israel, and maybe even to educate those who have no background of the conflict. On my Day of Rest, I take a break from technology and love my quiet and my naps, and I also love to read. I read some amazing articles about Jewish history that I thought would be interesting to know, even I learned something new.  I was born in Moscow, Russia, where I know the struggles and triumphs first hand. The Jewish nation is all over the world with such a rich history, and I am always excited to learn more about my ancestors that have overcome hatred, jealousy, and genocide.  I love that the message that we learn from every situation is hope, faith, and always speaking out.

This is an amazing article about the Jews of Iraq, how they stayed strong and faithful through various conquerors, and Thank God there is almost nobody left there.

The Jewish community in Argentina,

I am in awe of Holocaust history, did you know that the Shtetl, the Jewish Ghetto was actually a successful business town before the Nazi's got to it?

The Nazi's used intelligent and artistic Jews for different purposes, it actually saved them from death,

I want to finish with an amazing video from a beautiful and powerful woman that was born in Lebanon, and her experiences in Israel, and how she is using her voice to speak the truth.  I hope you can get it if you are not on Facebook.

Thank you to everyone that is sending me stories and videos about Israel, I will include them when it fits the theme of my blog post, please keep sending, I am so honored that you feel I can spread the word, and hopefully the world will hear the truth.

For those of you that have done the Landmark Forum, you know the title of this blog.  Everything that happens in life personally and even on the world stage will have an end, and God Willing the world will have its eyes wide open to support what must be done.

When chaos has gone awry, there is a light.
Breakdowns Lead To Breakthroughs,  
Coach Yulia

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tonight made a big difference to change around my whole day.  Have you ever had a non stop day that was a bit stressful, decisions, financial considerations, and kids that were not too happy to be running around with us.

My mother in law brought a friend to see him, and I got my bio energetic healing treatment after them.  The moment I sat down in his chair, all of the tension of the day melted away, and he gave me the most amazing advice that completely made me refocus on the positive.  Although I mostly see the positive, sometimes in the middle of life, I have a moment of AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH, and he completely changed my perspective.  Not only did I physically feel amazing, but my whole mood was lifted, and I was looking forward to teaching Yoga, which was the end of my long day.  I love recharging with the amazing ladies that have committed to the community Yoga class.

If I may get personal here, all of the mommies that are having one or more babies and need help with strengthening the kegels, not only for strength but for function, all the going to the bathroom movements come from that area, he is able to work on that, no touch, clothes on.  I also told him I feel like my stomach is super stretched after three pregnancies, excited to work on that too!

Also after having my babies my teeth lost all their enamel, my gums became weaker and bleed, I have the beginnings of psoriasis on my knees, elbows, and inside my right ear.  My digestion has not been the best, and I keep on injuring my left ankle.  He addressed all of these areas, and I honestly feel so blessed that we recommended. Sunday is an opportunity for anyone to come and try it for themselves, please reach out to me for more information, or 323.377.0707.

I am exhausted, the beginning of my day was so intense, and now I feel good tired, ready to have the best sleep ever.

Do yourself a favor,
Put yourself first,
Take care of you,
It's not Selfish,
It's Self Care,
Coach Yulia

Good Night

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Recharge - Drain - Chill

My husband took the kids to synagogue, I got a nice quiet house and a nap.  I love my naps, that is how I used to recharge when I was single, I would run and be non stop, and the naps were a daily thing.  Now they are rare, and such a pleasure.  Once everyone got home, it was nice, I spent the day trying to keep the kids occupied with no technology or distractions, overall it was fine, but of course sometimes arguments, so that is where the drain come in.  It is not a negative drain, but I am counting the minutes until bed time everyday.

Once they are all finally asleep, my husband and I can chill out, either watching a show, or now I get to browse online and write my blog, this is my counterbalance.  While browsing I am getting updates on the situation in Israel, and I found something everyone needs to see who wants to know what is really going on. Thank God America is not getting in the way, but they are also staying quiet and unfortunately many reports skew their story against Israel.

The video below clearly explains why Israel is at war with Hamas, please share with anyone that doesn't understand.

Coach Yulia

Friday, July 18, 2014


I couldn't figure out how to embed this video into my blog, so here is the link, it is amazing, instrument and dance as one, I hope you can see if even if you don't have Facebook,

I spent my quiet afternoon while the baby was sleeping and the kids were in camp trying to figure out the link above and now my post will have to be quick, we have a full table of guests for Shabbat, and I have to get ready.

This morning I had an amazing private Yoga with a beautiful family, then I went to do a class myself with my 82 year old teacher and he started talking about emotion, and one of the phrases he always mentions is, Think of Nothing, Feel Everything.  So it popped into my head that in every motion, there needs to be emotion, and when it is connected, especially in dance or Yoga, it is magic.  I feel that if you connect to everything you do it would make a difference in your day, mind/body connect.  I have to put more thought into how I want to express it, but I love when words have words inside of them.

Running around like crazy today subbing classes, taking my kids to swim class, and now happy to be home, excited for the Day of Rest.

Am Israel Chai,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

As we usher in this Shabbat, we urge you all to say a special pray for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, who are bravely defending their citizens today by fighting Hamas in Gaza.

May they return home swiftly and safely.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Keep the Bad Stress Out of the Good Stress

All my lessons today have been about the body, and how to pay attention to our needs in the moment. We are different every day, some days we have energy, other days we are in slow motion. It is all good as long you stay consistent with nutrition and a healthy active lifestyle.  I just came back from a run with a friend, I ate a little too much about an hour and a half before, plus for some reason felt tired. For next time she suggested I have fruit before, and then to eat after, I actually just had a couple of hard boiled eggs and feel perfect.

This morning I was talking to my mom, she is an accomplished musician, graduated from Moscow Conservatory, sings, conducts choir, and plays piano, and is also very learned in Judaism, Torah, and Kaballah.  She is collaboration with my friend Roland as well,, and was telling me a very powerful thought.  In our physically obsessed society everybody wants that hot bod, and sometimes at a price, not focusing on what they are putting or not putting in their body.  As well as pushing themselves too hard physically and sometimes ignoring form, alignment, and core which leads to injury.  Many doctors separate the body into sections, most alternative medicine looks at the body as a whole.  What fails to be addressed is all the spaces in between everything in the body, which are as important, and when someone puts on excessive weight or gets sick, those spaces get squeezed or filled with something harmful.  From what I remember of our conversation, she was saying that spaces are as important as muscles, organs, and tissues, and when these spaces get compromised or disappear, the health begins to suffer immensely.

So today while I was teaching my Pilates class, I had all regulars, and I was enjoying getting deeper with them, not only in their workout, but in their understanding of their own body.  One thing I say over and over again, not only in class to my students, but also to myself when I am doing any kind of exercise is, are my shoulders down.  Shoulders are stabilizers, they are not meant to rise, and usually when they do it is stress, tension, or a super stiff area.  Very few exercises specifically have shoulders lifting, and in most it is important to keep them down to focus the workout on specific areas like arms, chest, and back.  Also in some dance moves shoulders could move up and down, but it is with total control and with a flow.

A thought occurred to me that especially when doing mind and body exercises such as Pilates and Yoga, where we focus on pushing the world away and giving ourselves our undivided attention.  Where being nice to yourself and feeling good actually gives you a better workout and a deeper stretch.  So I told the class to keep the bad stress out of the good stress.  I found an article that has some good points about good stress, and exercise is a healthy form of good stress.  

SHOULDERS DOWN (Please repeat throughout your day) Eventually it feels wrong for them to go up, once your neuromuscular system connects with where they are supposed to be.

Food For Thought,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What A Day!

Trying to give a good shot of my makeup from my photo shoot this morning, is so awesome.  I am working on my website and it was really fun to get professional photo makeup, collaborate on getting the exact shot I wanted, and to do some Yoga shots for fun, amazing rates, check her out.

That was this morning from 9:30am-12:30pm, then I had an interview at 1:30pm to teach physical fitness at an elementary, excited about educating young girls on the importance of keeping the body and mind healthy. Met an amazing friend for lunch, it was fun to really get to know each other, she has a Masters degree in Counseling and Psychology, and has worked with children from all walks of life.  She was telling me that pedophiles are unable to ever be treated, it is incurable, and the best thing to do is have them living far away from anything to do with children.  Also she was saying that for men it is a physical feeling, but for women it is something completely different, something that is mentally off.  I am not good at articulating what I do not really understand, but it was very interesting for me to hear from a Therapist, that this is a condition for life, and to keep our children safe it is very important that they register and stay far away.

Then I grabbed my kids from camp, was able to have a bite to eat at home and then ran off to my 3 night classes.

Got home a little while ago, and there is so much going on, and I still have to wash my makeup off, my thoughts are everywhere.  I forgot to put my Yoga mats in my car for one of my night classes, luckily I was nearby another friend that had extra mats, it all turned out OK, but it made me think that I need to keep on refining my new awareness.

1. I Am Clear
2. I Need to Pay Attention

Everything else flowed, but the second I was at home, I just let myself turn my brain off, and forgot the mats, next time I need to prepare for my day in the morning, put the mats in the car, especially on a non stop day like today.

Thank God For These Kind of Problems,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

This is the mentality from the other side made clear by videos from both sides

In the video above the Israeli Prime Minister clearly explains exactly what is happening.  In the links below are videos from Hamas,

Egypt and many Israeli Arabs support Israel against Hamas,

Terrorism is around the world, Nigeria and Central America are experiencing extremists and gangs, the international community must stand up together, it is happening everywhere, oppression, violence, and exploiting and kidnapping children.

For many people this is all hard to watch and hard to read,
From their heart they really want peace,
Unfortunately the people we are standing up against do not understand this concept,
They only know destruction and death,
There will be no peace until they are silenced for good,
Coach Yulia

Monday, July 14, 2014

The News Is Confusing

One of my friends posted on Facebook that she doesn't know where to get both sides of the story, where do you go for the news.  I saw reactions from both sides to that question, and I think that is the best thing to do, keep on accessing information from various sources so we can get at the truth.

What I am seeing is people feeling sorry for the people of Gaza, and what I also see is Hamas using them as human shields.  Also Israel still giving food, oil, and medical supplies to Gaza currently although they are in the middle of defending themselves not only from Hamas, but from all sides, see the links below.


While Hamas knocks out power plant in Gaza, sabotaging their own people,

Israel is prosecuting the savages that murdered that young arab teen,

What I am also seeing is that Jewish people are being targeted in government and as civilians, booted out of meetings and airplanes because people asked them to leave not to make things uncomfortable, HUH!?

One of the news sources my friend was told to watch was Al Jazeera, and she said that what she heard on there was "KILL ALL JEWS," so if you want the truth, here is the truth, straight from the destroyers of not only Israel, but of the rest of the world, remember 911?  They live by a different code, they glorify death, it is a different mentality, and there is no way to get it if you are a logical person who loves life.

Thank God we still have free speech in America, great example of this in the next article.

Meanwhile in France and Germany,

Am Yisrael Chai,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Average Faces of Women in Different Countries


Wow! I just ran across this and it is amazing how beautiful all the women are.  It is interesting to me that the word average is used, but I suppose they mean non celebrity, and then maybe the other extreme of poverty.  I love how all of these women do not look like they are posing, all of the eyes and smiles look very calm, and natural.  It feels like you can see into their soul, and when people communicate with each other from soul to soul, beautiful things happens.

In our world today there is conflict, there is fighting, there are people with different backgrounds standing up for what they believe in.  All we can do is keep talking, letting our voice be heard, gathering together, and hopefully surrounding ourselves with like minded people.

Ultimately we all want peace,
How to obtain that peace depends on the situation,
Everybody has a right to stand up for themselves,
Thank God my parents brought us to America,
Keep Educating Yourself and Your Children,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Headache Alternatives and Natural Products for Wrinkles and Removing Make Up

I love everything natural, I love that our body is made out of minerals and that on this earth exist herbs and plants as well as people that are vessels of healing.  One of those vessels is my friend Roland,  He is going to start workshops teaching his techniques, of course he has a powerful gift, but the movements of the Bio Energetic Healing, actually make changes in the body, no matter who is performing them.  I have learned a sequence for headaches, and would be happy to connect with people that have constant headaches or even once in a while, and want an alternative to pills, please reach out to me.  The movements are like a Yoga flow, or a dance, or even like a conductor of a choir or an orchestra.

My make up artist and photographer,, told me about the best way to remove makeup, with just a cloth, no oil, no makeup remover pads, so I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and bought the Wonder Cloth, for under $10 with my 20% off coupon.  I am excited to use it after my photo shoot on Wednesday.  She told me you can use it up to three times before putting it in the laundry, and on the packaging it says soft and good for babies!

The sales lady at Bed, Bath, and Beyond was so helpful, the male store manager had no clue what the wonder cloth was, but she took me right to it, it is in the Personal Care section.  She was also telling me about a Satin Pillow, and how you can get one on Amazon that is unbleached.  I haven't researched it yet, but she says it helps to avoid wrinkles when you toss and turn in bed, as well as good for your hair, she says the hair as it is moved at night on a regular pillow gets broken.

If you have any natural tips to share, I would love to hear them.
Have a great week everybody,
Coach Yulia

Friday, July 11, 2014


Today has just been flowing, and sometimes not in the planned direction, but it felt good not to be rushing, to reevaluate, and just follow the day as it went on.  This morning I dropped off the older kids in camp and had to get gas for my car, I was running a bit late for my Yoga class with my 82 year old teacher, and I had to drop of a letter, yes in some cases a letter must be sent.  I thought for a moment to skip the Yoga class, but was happy I decided to just get there when I get there and enjoy because I also had to run out a little early to make it to my next appointment.

The class felt so good, sometimes my body just folds into the poses, and today it was just flowing, my mind and body were connected, and I was so naturally wired afterwards and had a few powerful thoughts.  On the astrology chart I am a Libra, I think they are fun, I think we can make our own choices and are not bound by the characteristics.  I do believe however that everything is connected, and it really seems that sometimes the characteristics really fit if you are born on that sign.  The interesting thing about my sign is that it is a Libra on our current calendar, but on the Jewish Calendar that goes by the moon, I am a Scorpio, which totally makes sense to me, and that is a topic for another blog :)

So one of the characteristics of a Libra is being indecisive, and yes throughout my life too many choices boggled my mind, and sometimes nothing felt right, or even sometimes it did not matter at all to choose anything, I was open to see what the outcome would be.  I sometimes get in my happy, positive bubble, and am oblivious to what is right in front of me, for example parking signs, and then I get a parking ticket and it ruins my whole day, and I am mad at myself for not noticing it.  I am happy to report that I did not get a parking ticket, and have not in a while because now I carefully look at the signs, I take the time to stop, get a reality check, and pay attention.  I love also warning other drivers not to park in the spot where they will get a ticket, maybe I can start a business one day warning people, just to get back at those eager and hungry parking you know whats, but they are just workers doing their job, meeting their quota, its all good.

So two things became really apparent to me after my Yoga class today.



Sometimes we feel a certain way, but it is hard to put it into words.  I was so happy today to understand that I was clear, and now what I need to work on is being LOUD AND CLEAR, for others about what I am saying, because I AM CLEAR.  Also because paying attention has been working for me, I need to keep doing it, I can still stay in my happy, positive bubble, but I need to make a point to stop and pay attention at each point of my day, just to check in with what I am clear about.

Feels So Good,
So Ready For the Day of Rest,
Am Israel Chai,
Coach Yulia

As Shabbat approaches here in our Holy Land, I would like you to see this photo, taken last night, of one of the landmark Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv. The lights on the building spell out "Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad" (Hear O' Israel, G-d is our G-d, G-d is One). This can be seen by Israel's air force pilots as they fly out on their missions as well as the hundreds of thousands of motorists who pass by the busy highway adjacent to the towers. May we have a blessed, victorious Shabbat!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Governments are not able to fool their people due to Social Media

Everyone is passionate about standing up for their beliefs, views, nationality, and issues.  I am standing up for what is happening to Jewish people all over the world, just like it happened to my family in Soviet Union times.  A bomb was placed under my fathers car when we were granted permission to leave, in the middle of the night he went to see what was the light under his car, rolled it out, and then as he started walking away it exploded.  My family knows first hand Antisemitism, Discrimination, and being terrorized feels like.  No person or country should stand by and let this happen, and have a right to defend themselves.  Thank you New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for setting the record straight and being clear that Terrorism affects all of us.

Jewish people are being targeted all over the world, and unlike the times of the holocaust, we are not weak, we are not going to depend on anyone else, we are going to stand up for ourselves and fight for our people and our land.  Below are some examples of horrendous acts against innocent Jewish civilians all over the world, and they make no headlines anywhere else except for social media.  There was a time especially in the Soviet Union when the public only knew what they were told and shown, sorry governments all over the world, we can get our information from various sources and decide for ourselves what the truth is.

Did you hear that the murder of the three Israeli boys was premeditated, the U.S investigated,

A comedian in France openly bashing Jews,

Holland posts a picture that says it is "United Against Jews,

The U.S. is always contradicting itself, they say Israel has the right to defend itself, but to use restraint, huh?

The rest of the world is also threatened by extremists, not just Israel, read for yourself.  Terrorists are caught trying to blow up the Eifer Tower and other Landmarks in France.

There are terrorists among us in America,

Palestinian Authority advisor calls to murder Israeli's,

Egypt condemns Israels attack on Hamas,

Sweden, a man is beaten for hanging Israeli flag

Germany, an elderly man beaten at rally for murdered teens,

Some deny the holocaust, but now promise a holocaust,

and by the way, according to the United States and Germany, the Holocaust did happen ,

Ever Russia supports Israel,

Thank You Canada for your support,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Love Extremes

If you look really close you can see Gene Simmons on the monitor behind me
Last night my brother in law treated me to a rock concert.  I am a total rocker and in my late teens and early twenties, I cannot even count how many concerts I have been to.  When I was telling my fellow Yoga instructor that I was going to see KISS and Def Leppard, he said he liked quiet.  I love quiet too, there is nothing like quiet, especially on Saturday morning when my husband takes all the kids to synagogue, and I get silence and me time.

I love super quiet all by myself time, and I also love to be social, to dress up, and live on the wild side once in a while.  I could not do either extreme on its own, I cannot imagine always being in quiet, or always being in an over stimulated, sensory intense environment.

I had so much fun, saw a whole bunch of friends, current and some that go way back.

I love the phrase, excess once in a while is moderation.  Of course it is relative, but for me that hard rocking show was just what I needed, the sound quality, the stage, and these cool guys who have been rocking for so long, they are so appreciative that they can still do it, and they look good!

Love Bites, Armageddon it, Pour Some Sugar on Me,
Detroit Rock City, Love Gun, I Want to Rock and Roll All Night and Party Every Day,
If you do not know what this is in reference to, please you tube each one and enjoy,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Defense, Defense, Defense!

Israel is under attack now, and these are some of the articles that have been interesting for me to read and see that there is no choice but for defense.  No other country would put up with its citizens under constant attack, the rockets have gone as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

If you want to read please click below, the first link is a great overview of the situation.

and finally,

Stay Healthy,
Stay Positive,
Stay Caring,
Stay Supportive,
Speak Out For What You Believe In,
Coach Yulia

Monday, July 7, 2014

I am purple

I am just cracking up at my kids all the time, the way they interpret billboards so innocently, to mispronounced to misunderstood words, or funny grammar.  Today while we were getting ready in the morning, I was running around and my oldest boy was chasing me and he said something like I was silly, and I told him I was perfect, he understood that I said I was purple, and it cracked him up so much.  My daughter's favorite colors are pink and purple, so she was laughing and saying I was pink and purple!

I love the minds of happy, innocent children, I had a very innocent childhood as well and feel very blessed, so I am trying to keep it simple and fun as long as possible for them.

I feel blessed, I always remind myself to Thank God for my problems, big kids are in camp, baby was with us this morning on a few errands, we usually take him to his preschool but he fell asleep, so we decided to just let him sleep at home, since we have to work from home.  Tonight I have two private Yoga groups, so excited to do what I do.

I had a wonderful prenatal Yoga class today where we were talking about a doctor's bedside manner, and how the doctor is can affect a birth, and that goes for everybody, a nurse, midwife, or doula, even the husband or family of the birthing mother.  In labor and birth the goal is for the mother to feel open, uninhibited, connected, and mostly that she could just be herself and be honest.  That is what my Doula did for me, and without her I would not have known if the pain was OK and could be managed.  Please remember ladies, the doctor only comes for the actual birth, there will be nobody just with you, the nurses have shifts and many patients to see.  Do yourself a favor and get someone that is just for you the whole time, whether its family, a friend, or a Doula.  Please put yourself first in one of the most important times and experiences of your life, support is vital, even if just someone to assure you that you are OK.

I am working on my Prenatal Yoga cards, it is a project that is going to lead to many other wonderful opportunities.  Sometimes I feel overwhelmed at handling it all, but it is at times like this when I have a moment, to plan, to blog, to work, and I know my kids are happy, and we keep striving to bring our businesses and visions to the world, everything is just as it should be.

Stay Cool,
Especially to pregnant ladies that are around their due date, dehydration is often mistaken for labor,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, July 6, 2014

My time is valueable

Writing my blog relaxes me :)

Today has been another day of squeezing things in and me running, but it is all beautiful things.  I am so happy I get to plan Sunday fun days for my children, and get exhausted from good things.  My mother in law had her third session with, and I am so grateful to learn this amazing process and see her progress.

I know many parents agree with me about Los Angeles billboards, they are so over the top, gross sometimes like that strain eyeball one, and very sexual, but I cracked up today when my kids saw the one for the movie sex tape, it just has the man and woman in funny poses, and my son said, look they are doing exercise!

I love a child's mind, and I love how they view the world differently until they are taught the harsh realities.  It is so important we nurture our children's kindness, caring, giving, and work on those intense urges that are purely instinctual, but can be aggressive.  Today I am seeing stories non stop about the middle east conflict, and I just want to link a few of the articles and videos, if this does not interest you, please just ignore, but they are touching my soul, and giving me valuable information.

I am working on using my time wisely, saving my energy for my kids, husband, and my work that I love, everything else comes second to that.  I am going to slow down, schedule things a little further apart, so I have to to recharge, to sit down and blog! It makes me feel so good to express myself, and I enjoy hearing everyone's experience when they read my blog, please keep sharing with me, I absolutely love your thoughts.

So please use your time wisely, this is the end of the blog if you are not into the rest, but these few stories about the middle east conflict and the humanity of both sides is touching my heart, but there is also horrendous view points that are inhumane, just not OK, it makes me sad how people that have these thoughts were raised and treated as children.

The Jewish and Palestinian families comfort each other, both of their boys were murdered,

Explains the middle east conflict in detail,

An Egyptian woman who is a lawyer is proposing harassment of Israeli women,

This was written in response to the horrible killing of a Palestinian young boy,
Sorry. That's what the big word graffitied on Yitzchak Rabin's memorial says.

In 1995, the Yitzchak Rabin was shot by a fellow Jew, a fellow Israeli. The nation was stunned, we couldn't believe one of our own could be capable of something so horrific. The word "sorry" rings out to Israelis, to Palestinians, to the world, because we are in this together, and when a Jew acts despicably, we all need to apologize.

Today, we have discovered that it was a group of young Jewish, Israeli men, acting alone, who took the Palestinian teen and burned him alive. Despite the rumors, despite the sincere wish we had that it wasn't Jews who did this, the truth is clear: it was us.

Today, we need to say sorry again. We need to recognize and take responsibility for our people. We need to stop trying to find excuses, stop trying to blame others, stop trying to deny the truth. Stop with the conspiracy theories.

And we just need to say sorry.

Photo: Sorry.  That's what the big word graffitied on Yitzchak Rabin's memorial says.

In 1995, the Yitzchak Rabin was shot by a fellow Jew, a fellow Israeli.  The nation was stunned, we couldn't believe one of our own could be capable of something so horrific.  The word "sorry" rings out to Israelis, to Palestinians, to the world, because we are in this together, and when a Jew acts despicably, we all need to apologize.

Today, we have discovered that it was a group of young Jewish, Israeli men, acting alone, who took the Palestinian teen and burned him alive.  Despite the rumors, despite the sincere wish we had that it wasn't Jews who did this, the truth is clear: it was us.

Today, we need to say sorry again.  We need to recognize and take responsibility for our people.  We need to stop trying to find excuses, stop trying to blame others, stop trying to deny the truth.  Stop with the conspiracy theories.

And we just need to say sorry.
Let's keep learning,
Let's keep educating,
Let's keep speaking out,
Let's keep being an example for the world,
Coach Yulia