Monday, June 30, 2014

3 Young Boys Murdered

18 days ago, three teenagers left school to go home for the weekend. They were kidnapped by terrorists ONLY because they were Jews. They were murdered by terrorists ONLY because they were Jews.

Israel mourns her boys tonight.
We stand with the families.
Our hearts are with you.

What happened to Eyal, Gilad and Naftali:

Photo: 18 days ago, three teenagers left school to go home for the weekend. They were kidnapped by terrorists ONLY because they were Jews. They were murdered by terrorists ONLY because they were Jews.

Israel mourns her boys tonight.
We stand with the families.
Our hearts are with you.

What happened to Eyal, Gilad and Naftali:

A part of me wants to join the Israeli Army and exterminate, another part of me is feeling deeply for the families of the murdered young boys.  Thank God for Social Media, everyone what is going on as soon as it happens and everyone has a voice.  Today I was going to write about the Holocaust and why many people were not aware of what was going on, and it is more important than ever to show this video.  Today everybody knows whats going on, and we are demanding our governments to stand up for their citizens, but most importantly we are standing up for ourselves.  I feel so bad for those Nigerian girls that were missing, and even though everyone knows who did it, there are no clues and no searches, and it is so sad.  Why children? Leave children out of your attacks, out of harms way, but why would you if you use your own children as bait?

I am so relieved that their bodies were found so they could have a proper burial, and all of Israel and Jews all over the world are in mourning, because we are all brothers and sisters.  I found out about this in the morning from a friend who was crying, at first I felt revenge, then I felt a deep sadness, and now I keep on reading details, thoughts, and reactions and I am happy people are talking.  Even Secretary of State John Kerry had a very extreme reaction,

Let's keep talking and opening the eyes of the world around us to terrorists and extremists, and unite together against them.  Please take time to watch the video below, it is fascinating how people only know what is presented to them, and it made me think of Communist Soviet Union era, I was born into a time where all the news and propaganda was from the government only, and the joke is the newspaper was named Pravda, Truth in Russian.

Let Us Keep Speaking Truth,
Let Us Keep Speaking Out,
Let Us Keep Hope, Faith, and Trust,
Let Us Bond, Unite, Gather, Inspire, Motivate, and Reach People Deep Inside,
Let Us All Keep Spreading Light,
Do not be afraid to speak your mind,
We all want to know how you feel,
May the three souls have peace,
May their families have comfort,
I will leave you with wise thoughts from the Rebbe who is celebrated tonight,
it is the 20th anniversary of his passing,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Glamour, Family Fun, Healing, Yoga

This was taken with a cell phone to send to my husband, the rest was professionally done, hair, makeup, and photos, and I am excited to see all the shots when they are ready.  I am working on completing my Coach Yulia website, and I met the most amazing and talented photographer and make up artist today, that also can flat iron hair flawlessly.  Check out her FB page,  She has a gift for customizing her work to each individual, she also does infant and family photography and parties.

That was the start of my day, the shoot started at 9:30am and did not end my day until 9:30pm.  I ran home after the shoot and grabbed my kids to meet a good friend at the beach.  I didn't bring towels or bathing suits because I planned just to dip our feet in the ocean and hang with my friends and play with sand toys. My kids had other plans, they rolled all around the sand in the waves with all of their clothes, and the rest is too crazy to write about!  I always want to squeeze everything in, and think that I can get everywhere in five minutes, and then I hit traffic.  My husband had to run to the airport, I was running late to my next appointment, luckily we got it all figured out thanks to my knowledge of all the backstreets, and I was only 10 minutes late after picking up my mother in law and taking her to my friend Roland for her second healing session,

Then I dropped her off, ran home to get ready to teach the community Yoga class, and now I am ready to crash.  Sometimes squeezing things in feels good at the end, but in the moment it is a bit strenuous, and makes people all around nervous and tense.  Tomorrow a class got rescheduled, so I think I will take it super easy, until I have to take my baby to speech therapy and then drop him at his preschool.  Then I am meeting a good friend for lunch.

and then,
and then,
and then,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, June 28, 2014

I don't want to be ON all the time

I am just finishing a fantastic day off of the world, and I look forward to it every week. No phone calls, no appointments, nowhere to be, and sometimes I even sleep in as my husband takes the kids to the synagogue. Today I decided to take my kids all around to see friends, and then we met my husband for a celebratory meal for a new baby girl.  I love that my kids understand how important a Day of Rest is, and that they enjoy dressing nice every week, walking only, no driving, and a complete day off of electronics, it really feels like a break from the world.

I love being on stage, I love being listened to, I love being a leader, I love dressing nice, I love leading a class, I love attention - when I am ready for it, and I want to be on.  I remember before marriage and children, I would be on most of the time, and then I would just take a lot of naps to recharge.  Since naps a a rare luxury, I really make an effort to take time for myself, and luckily I do recharge when I teach my classes and support my Doula clients.

I watch my kids and kids in general how they are really on all the time, and I guess it depends on the age as well.  It is just so amazing to me that they can be in camp from 8am-6pm, and then come home and still be full of energy, and it is a good thing, Thank God for their energy, but boy do I count the hours until bedtime.

When my kids were in school, I would always be in awe of the high energy of the kids when they were on the playground, in the classroom they would listen, but then when they were set free into the wild, wow!  I just cannot imagine operating in ON mode all the time.  I have always been into the concept and practice of balance, and a little bit of everything, and excess once in a while is moderation.  Also when they are in an environment that they have to listen and have structure, coming home is an unwinding, letting go, release, lucky parents!

Tomorrow I start out my day with a photo shoot  for my website, ohh how I love getting serviced, and getting my makeup done.  I am ready to work it! After that I am taking my kids to meet a good friend that is in town in Santa Monica, on the sand, we have a lot of new sand toys we have not used yet.  Then running home and taking my mother in law for another session with my friend roland,  She had surgery on both feet and has had unbearable pain since December, she has not been able to sleep, after one session she told me that 75% of her pain was gone.  Please message me or get in touch if you want to know more about him or if you know anyone that is not well or has health issues.

Feel Good My Friends,
Coach Yulia

Friday, June 27, 2014

We are not Robots

This was a great in between face when I was pressing the webcam over and over, but eyebrows look good :)
It is always amazing to me that in toddler world one second is paradise and the next is chaos, but they are operating from unfiltered, genuine feelings that get expressed and that is a good thing.  Holding things in is not healthy, and we are not robots, we do not have mechanical ways of feeling, and there is not one person who is exactly the same as another person in every single way.

I just ran across this article which may shed light on the toddler mind and heart, just click the link  It is like that saying you hear all the time, until kids are two we are so excited to teach them to walk and talk, and the rest of their lives we teach them to sit down and be quiet.

The sticker system is good, but their emotions are still their emotions, I am trying my best to listen, but sometimes I just want to close my ears, especially to whining and non stop crying.  I always joke with them that I am off duty, and that I am off the clock.

Hopefully camp was good today,
The house is quiet, my husband is out running errands for Shabbat,
My baby is napping, I fell asleep with him for a little while and now here with you,
Have a Peaceful and Fun Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Israel is...

The video above is one of the many amazing inventions that Israel has created to make this world a more comfortable place.  Today's blog is about the real Israel, not what you may hear in the news, but the land that is so special that anyone who visits walks away anew.

Below is a post from Facebook that gives some amazing facts and a description of Israel being of service all over the world. 

Thanks CUFI: Isaiah 49:6 tells us that the Jewish people will be a light unto the nations and a brief look at Israel’s humanitarian actions around the world prove the truth of this prophecy!
Israel is a light unto the nations… Israel is the world’s first responder to natural catastrophes and humanitarian crises. Over the last few years, Israel has sent humanitarian, medical, recovery, and security teams to Haiti, Japan, Turkey, South Korea, India, the Philippines, and even to the USA after Hurricane Katrinathe USA after Hurricane Katrina, Super Storm Sandy, the floods in Colorado and tornadoes in Oklahoma.
Israel a light unto the nations… Israeli innovation is saving and improving lives around the world. The list of Israel’s technological advances is endless, but among the many: An Israeli bandage that stops intense bleeding has saved the lives of American troops in Iraq as well as Congresswoman Giffords. An Israeli baby breathing monitor has protected over 600,000 babies from SIDS. And a new Israeli medical device can detect an oncoming heart attack
Israel a light unto the nations… While Christians are being attacked and murdered throughout the Middle East, Israel is the only country where the Christian population is safe and flourishing. Israel’s Christian population has increased from 34,000 in 1948 to 140,000 today. The truth is that the safest and freest Christians in the Middle East are the Christian citizens of the Jewish state.

Here is an article of a special program for Palestinian children with heart conditions,

In this article, "It's a 27-year-old stereotype-buster: a charming, feminist, smart, open-minded and observant Islamic woman named Mais Ali-Saleh who grew up in a small village outside of Nazareth, in Israel's Galilee."

Amazing article about the bedouins of Israel who volunteer for the army, and now are helping the search for the three kidnapped teenagers,

Israel is also an international, democratic hub for people from all walks of life to express themselves,

God Bless Israel,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I love your Energy!

This is the best compliment that anyone can ever tell me, and I just met an amazing fellow Doula and Lactation Consultant, she just sent me an email with those fabulous words,  My brother always cracks up and asks me how is my energy, he things it is a funny thing how I am so obsessed with the energy concept.

I know it is real, it is revealed to me every day from the people I meet, to things I feel, to things that happen, how everything is connected, and how to keep on feeling good, being open, and let it seep into every area of your life.

In saying this, even though energy is everywhere and it cannot be created or destroyed, there is positive and negative energy, and I have always been able to tap into feeling where the positive is, and distance myself from the negative.  It is not always easy, especially if there emotional attachment, but ultimately it is so important to connect with the deepest part of ourselves, connect to God or the energy of the universe, whatever works for you, and let the good things flow, because they will.  If challenges arise, meet them head on, be open to support from friends, family, and community and even professional assistance.  Be genuine, truthful, real, just be you and be proud, no apologies or excuses, stand  tall, stand up for what you believe in, and most importantly feel grateful for what you have, it is that feeling of connection that opens the gates to more of that feeling.  Trust that feeling, that is your intuition, that is your gut, you are right about you, you know best about you, there is NOBODY, like your body, do what feels right for you.

I am very sensitive to practical jokes, to people who like to get under the skin, say comments that they know will irritate just to get a reaction.  I do not like vulgarity, yes everything has its place, but not in front of children, let them be innocent as long as possible.  I need to be appreciated, celebrated, recognized and rewarded by the people that I love, those I care about, those I do things for.  I am putting all of this out into the energy field, I am working on being clear, I am working on expressing what I feel on the inside, isn't that what we teach our children?

Coach Yulia

My husband and son eating breakfast 
I wish my taking picture intuition was as good as my sensitivity to positive/negative energy, they both looked at me and I knew that was the shot, but when I got my camera ready, my husband wanted to eat. I do not want a camera attached to me, but wouldn't it be nice when our brain saw a picture perfect moment it could be snapped?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I am so tired, but it's all from good stuff

Bed Sweet Bed
I went to bed too late last night, its 9pm now, I wanted to be in bed already, but I am so excited with my collaboration with my good friend Roland, and networking with fellow Doulas, Birth Centers, Lactation Consultants, it is amazing how everything is clicking and fitting now that I have time to work because the kids are all occupied.  Except for today that is, on Tuesdays the camp that my kids are at takes field trips, it is an all day trip, and it was too overwhelming for them last week.  Today it was to a water park, and I cannot cancel my classes and clients to go with them, so I decided to take them with me to 24 Hour Fitness to the kids club with my baby, then drop off my baby to his afternoon preschool and take my kids to swimming lessons.

This was my day, after going to bed too late, but sleeping great, because my magic baby just self soothes, goes to bed by himself, and doesn't come to our room anymore, Thank God!

6am Crack of dawn my kids always wake up and the day begins

6:30am Breakfast for kids, I had two cups of water first then coffee with almond milk

The morning wasn't rushed because they didn't have their usual 8am camp, and I was taking them all to my class with me, but before that we cleaned their room, put away laundry, and kids had another snack

10:30am Teaching Mat Pilates at 24 Hour Fitness

11:45am my husband meets me takes the kids to lunch and I have a private client at my studio

1pm run home, grab all the kids, to drop off the baby at his preschool and take my kids to swimming class

2:30pm swimming class was awesome

4pm, we are home, and I am ready for my husband to get home and make dinner while I pick up my baby

5pm pick up my baby and head home to have dinner

6pm Teach Mat Pilates at 24 Hour Fitness

7pm make amazing phone calls and connections, have emails to send, luckily all kids in bed

As you see I am still blogging it is just after 9pm, this is the last thing I have to do, goal is to be in bed by 10pm.

This is what contributed to my tiredness today:

1. Went to bed too late last night, almost midnight, just enjoying me time and browsing online, no more!
2. Not prepared with food today, we ran out of eggs and cottage cheese, I didn't want anything else that we     had, so I really didn't eat until after 1pm, I usually do not do this, but as you see by my schedule I didn't       have a moment, and of course I had snacks for the kids.  I do not want to eat junk, so I have to make    sure I have healthy choices around and ready for the next day, or you have an energy drop from not eating    and an energy crash after finally putting something in your system.
3. I feel like I was driving around in circles today, and it is exhausting

Thank God I got everything that I wanted done, and need to work on scheduling my time and food better, and the kids had a blast!

Coach Yulia

Monday, June 23, 2014

WOW! Have you experienced the "easy" child

Thank You God for giving us our easy child as our third, I cannot even imagine starting out easy and then having high energy, strong willed, and super high maintenance kids.  My baby was two end of April, and a few days ago on his own without anyone training him he went poop in the potty, and today I was showing him how boys stand and pee, and when I went out of the bathroom for a minute, he was saying pee pee, and when I walked in, he was on his own on top of the stool going pee pee in the toilet.  Then he flushed it and said "bye bye pee pee." I am in awe, with my other kids it was at three that they were even considering potty training, and it was a constant focus.  My friend was telling me yesterday that with poop it is good for them to understand that it has to be flushed and we have to say bye bye, it was a little intense for him the first time, but without me even explaining that concept he waived bye bye to his pee pee today.  It is as if it was transmitted into his consciousness, and he just knew what to do.  Of course he sees his brother and his father, but this awareness is so new to me and such a joy.  The best part is no bribing is necessary, he is so excited with our reaction and is so proud.

In every way he has been like this, since he was a baby, just a calmer manner, just a sweeter approach, never complaining, whining, just telling us what he needs.  Even my intense, Israeli husband melts in his presence, and laughs when he drives his toy car into the wall, and calmly communicates with him.  I think my husband and I have similar personalities, if someone is nice we are nice back, if someone comes at us, our dukes are up and we are on the defensive.  Yes my friends, this friendly Yoga gal is a tough cookie inside, and that is why I surround myself with happy people, good energy, and genuine folk, because otherwise I would not be such a nice person.

My baby is in speech therapy, his words are not clear sometimes, but he kindly, calmly takes our hand, shows us what he needs, he is just such a gift, and I cannot believe some parents only know this.

I will admit that just like in Yoga when the poses are challenging, it is actually a positive thing, it helps us face ourselves, helps us grow, communicate, thrive, and be so proud on the other side.  I would not trade any of my experiences before and after marriage and children for anything, and I do not believe in regret, it is a waste of energy.  That is living in the past, and also "why worry in advance," that is fearing the future, its good to reminisce, it is good to set goals, but it is essential to enjoy every step of the way, or at least breathe through it.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Every Little Step You Take

The radio was on and this song was playing, and when we were getting out of the car my oldest son
is still singing the chorus, it is amazing what they absorb.  We had a fun day today, took them on the metro to the Grand Park splash pad in Downtown LA.  It is such a perfect activity for all, I sit in the shade, they run around and have fun, come back to snack, it is hot in the sun for the water and cool in the shade for mama, perfect!

Just got back, my husband is making some lunch and then I am off on an adventure to learn something new. We are always creating and learning, and I am about to jump into a venture that will enhance my life in every way.  More details to come, but I am excited that now I am ready to birth my talents and share them with the world, now that I am done birthing children.

I always get so many wonderful compliments about my children, and I am basking in them, they really are listening nicely, and understanding when something was not so nice and knowing why they didn't get a sticker.  I am just so happy that conversations are happening, even with my two year old, it is amazing that I can always include him in all of our conversations and activities, and he knows exactly what he wants and makes it clear, even without too many words.

This is the first day of the rest of your life,
Coach Yulia

Snacks at the Splash Pad, Easy, Free, and Fun

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Doula Support

The theme of support has been in the forefront of my life this past week, and it is at the core of everything that I do.  Today I was talking to a mother who has one cute 18 month old boy, and she was telling me that overall she had an amazing birth, but unfortunately her Doula was not supportive at a critical point of the birth, and luckily this mom was strong enough to make her own choices.  The role of a Doula is to support the mother from beginning to end, whatever her wishes may be, even if it is not something the Doula agrees with personally.  In my personal birth experience I chose not to have an epidural, and Thank God had short labors, babies facing in the right direction, and an amazing Doula that told me not to torture myself, and that was a good word for my personality, because I didn't feel tortured at all, and didn't want it even for a moment.  I am there to allow the mom and empower her to labor as long as she can, supporting her with different methods, but there is a difference between pain and suffering, and for some women, the labor is so long, that the epidural relaxes them, and everything flows smoothly from that moment.  I do believe that in many cases the epidural does prolong labor and disconnects the mother from the pushing since they do not feel the urge.  One doctor I worked with actually asked the mother if she wanted the epidural or she wanted the baby, and it was a good question.  She was so far along, the baby would have come momentarily, but whatever the mother needs for herself to stay calm, present, focused, and feel like she was in control of her birth and feels good about the whole experience no matter what happened, that is my goal in support.

Parental Support (I was so proud of my oldest son's graduation, it is a long program and amazing)

I had written this past week about my daughter getting shots, and not only that but since our favorite nurse wasn't there the week before, she was held down to try to get blood pressure and her height, and she was screaming.  I feel that checkups are very important, and children need to learn not everything in life is pleasant, but I quickly realized that those women although using sweet words, did not know how to connect to my child, so I requested to reschedule the appointment with our favorite nurse, and all the other tests were magic, but the shots had her so upset, and all I could do is hug her, and show her I was there for her, and tell her everything will be OK.  This is where being a parent is tough, but for me personally it is necessary to get them to understand that there are some things we must do.  I hate getting blood drawn even now, I look away, breathe deep like I do in Yoga, and know it will pass, that is what helped me through labor as well, I know it was one contraction at a time, and there was an end.  I also remember with my oldest boy at one month he had to have surgery for Pyloric Stenosis, all kind of tests were done until they finally did an ultrasound and figured out what it was, he was screaming and uncomfortable, but I was so relieved to know what it was and that it could be fixed, Thank God he is the tallest, healthiest, and the most full of energy five year old that you could meet.

WARNING: This will be exciting for parents only

My baby pooped for the first time today in a potty and it was kind of scary for him, he did it on his own, he is just over two, but he sees his brother and sister all the time.  He was crying, it must have been weird thinking about a part of himself leaving him, that is what I learned in a psychology class in high school. Mommy and big sister walked him through it and supported him with cheers and hugs.

Significant Other Support

Since I got married I have jumped into so many new ventures, none of it could have happened without my husbands support not only encouraging me, but staying home with our three babies whenever I have a conference or a class.  I have been blessed with a very hands on father, and a very grounded mentality that matches my zoned out happy, positive bubble that I live in.

Coach Yulia Support

I am so excited that all of the services that are under Coach Yulia share in common positive energy, genuine caring and support, and encouraging everyone I meet to allow happiness, pride, and putting themselves first in whatever they do, it is not selfish, it is self care.  Who will take care of them, who will be there for everyone and everything else in their lives if they do not take time to recharge, re energize, feel good, sleep, eat good, and live a healthy active lifestyle.

Be Happy,
Be Healthy,
Be You,
Coach Yulia

Friday, June 20, 2014

Disgust and Hope

Is this my brother? I got asked this question today when I was hanging out with one of my closest friends and partners, we have worked together in everything from Yoga to performances.  We have recently reconnected on an amazing project, excited to collaborate and explode onto the scene.  I love how my baby popped in last minute, and my husband is cooking delicacies for tonight's Shabbat dinner, we have a ton of guests, so excited.

So what is my post about today?  Three things that are in the forefront of my mind, since I read about them online today.  First is the kidnapping of the three Israeli boys, I am lighting three more Shabbat candles in their honor, please join me, especially if you have never lit before, they really do light up the world.

I am disgusted by terrorists and extremists targeting innocent civilians and children, but I have hope that the world is aware, it was on the local news last night, prayers are happening all over the world, may they come home safe immediately.

I am disgusted by this post that I read about female mutilation, and when people say its the same thing as circumcision, and when people compare the modest dress of religious Jewish women to others.  Everything is done to celebrate the woman, to hold her in the highest respect, and I love what my friend wrote about this horrible article.

For anyone who wishes to equate Islam with Judaism, please know that this rampant, horrific, barbaric practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is completely antithetical to Torah. In fact, Judaism teaches that a husband must first give pleasure to his wife before his own pleasure. FGM deprives a woman of ever having any sexual pleasure. Think about the insanity such barbarism breeds.
What was so shocking and disgusting to me was our food industry in this following article, it is so gross what is added to the food we it.  My amazing friend in the picture above is an amazing alternative bio energetic healer with great knowledge in nutrition and can tell you everything about your body and mind inside and out. Check him out at  He was telling my mom and me about our food being injected with scorpion, bug juices my friends, because it is a pesticide that keeps all other bugs off, but we still ingest it.

Eeeeewwww, Thank God I keep Kosher, this is scary stuff,, I do have hope that this makes the public aware and conscious about what they are putting in their body.

So happy for my Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I'm Anise

Did you know that at a four year old doctors checkup the following is done for the first time, blood pressure check, pee in a cup, eye test, hearing test, and shots.  Not only was my daughter shocked at all of these new procedures, but the usual wonderful nurse that we love was out for the day, and the receptionist is not as friendly.  We ended up rescheduling our appointment for when the nurse the kids like was working, which was today.  We were prepared this time, overall it was amazing, I didn't prepare her for the shots, once we got everything else done, I was telling her that I just went to the doctor and had shots, and she cried, and we also got an order for blood work, not sure when that will happen.  I remember my oldest son had the same situation, he had his shots, and then told me when he was ready for blood work, and he was amazing, didn't cry, and today he was telling his sister to close her eyes.  Thank God my brother in law came in town today, so right after her appointment he took her to ice cream and they visited her Safta, grandma in Hebrew.  She told me later she doesn't like shots, and I was explaining to her that it is only once a year that we need to go to the doctor to make sure everything is OK, then we do not have to go back again for a long time.

We were eating fennel and some people say it is anise, my daughter says I am a niece, here she is with the best uncle
These are the times in life when it is not pleasant, and there is no way to make it better for our kids, we just have to stand by them, hug them, let them know that we are there by their side.  I told her to pee in the cup and she said she only wanted to pee in the toilet, which makes complete sense to me.

So happy tomorrow is Shabbat, we have many friends coming for dinner, looking forward to enjoying my kids the whole weekend. 

Sometimes the unpleasant is necessary,
Preventive Maintenance,
Check ups,
Healthy Active Lifestyle,
Treating yourself as good as you do your cars, material possessions, and pets,
Take care of you or who else will do it for you?
For now I will stand by my kids as they go through these unpleasant times, and make them understand that these are the ups and downs of life that everybody goes through,
It is the downs that makes us appreciate and be grateful for the ups,
It is really all good,
I am proud of my beautiful, strong daughter,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I'm snacking on the cookie bars that I made a few days ago, it definitely needs work but they are yummy and quite filling.  A friend had asked for the recipe, and when I googled that I wanted no flour and no sugar it directed me to pinterest and had so many options I don't remember for sure the one I did or the portions.  I can tell you what is in it.  3 ripe bananas, i/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and cinnamon, 1/3 cup applesauce and 1/4 cup almond milk, and then I put too many dark chocolate chips, note to self, more is not always better.  At first they tasted too sweet, but now after being refrigerated, and I am hungry for a snack, they taste pretty delish.

So as I am thinking of what to write I am trying to remember if as a kid things overwhelmed me or if I had anxiety.  I am told that I was very strong willed and a leader and wanted everyone to follow the games I wanted to play, sounds like my kids!  My mom did tell me that I was a bad eater, and at a preschool in Russia they poured yogurt on my head because I wouldn't eat, and they promptly took me out of that school for good.

As my kids embark on brand new, large adventures with new people and without their friends, teachers, or parents. I can feel their hesitation, anxiety, fear of the unknown, but it is not all horrible.  Is it great? not really, is there light at the end of the tunnel, I think so.  The first day my son told me was fun, he made a good friend, showed me his projects and enjoyed himself.  Yesterday they went on their first field trip in huge buses, my husband said they were clinging to him not wanting to go to somewhere they weren't sure of and probably not sure if they were coming back.  At the end of the trip we were told that they cannot go on any more trips unless we chaperon, I think it was just too much, probably a long day, not enough snacks, also over stimulation of the millions of things to do.  Probably many authority figures commanding all around them, I feel for them.  So I told them that today would be like the first day, no more trips, and it makes me a bit sad.  For me the trips were the funnest part, I love meeting new people, I love going to new places, so I have to just let them have their own experiences, and encourage them to try new things and use their words.

I really am enjoying every moment,
or trying to anyway,
I really am looking for an amazing adult relationship with all of my kids,
This nurturing, breathing through the new experiences, and trying my best to be in their shoes is tough for me,
My goal is that they work on overcoming their fears and anxieties, breathe through it, try new things, have new experiences, is that too much to ask for a 4 and 5 year old?
Such is life,
I am the mom they got in this life,
They will live it to the fullest,
They will be proud to be a unique individual who stands up for themselves,
but uses their words and follows the rules,
I'm hoping for the best,
These are good problems,
One thing passes the next one begins,
I'm going to have another cookie,
Have a great day,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

the good, the bad, and the ugly

There is so much as I glance at the Internet today, so much swimming through my brain, and my own personal adventures as well.  The good is that I am always inspired by my friends all over the world, their lives, their stories, and their thoughts.  Yesterday my wonderful friend hung out with my kids and my husband and I went to a really fun wedding.  Such beautiful energy, happiness, and friends, I enjoyed dressing up and schmoozing, even had a margarita.

The bad is not that bad, but my kids are having a new adventure this summer, we put them into a large camp with tons of kids they don't know, and they get to go on a trip each week to fun places all over town.  The first day was yesterday, one had a breakdown in the morning but then had a great day, and the other had attitude toward the teacher in the afternoon, so no sticker for the afternoon.  The stickers really work, and today they were excited to go to Boomers, I am actually most excited that they get schlepped around to all of these high energy places, and I get to be busy with my day and not do the schlepping.

verb: schlepp
  1. 1.
    haul or carry (something heavy or awkward).
    "she schlepped her groceries home"
noun: schlepp
  1. 1.
    a tedious or difficult journey.
  2. 2.
    another term for schlepper.

The ugly is the reports I keep seeing about the three young boys kidnapped in Israel and that the only place I heard about it other than the Internet was NPR, nothing from our government, and the reactions of children celebrating just makes me sick!

Please keep them in your prayers,
Coach Yulia

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Healthy Cookie

I am working on taking all processed foods out of our home, especially for kids snacks, I know it is a tall order, but I think in some areas I can make a dent.  I googled no flour, no sugar cookies, and it was interesting how many options there were.  Most of them called for bananas, which is what I made in this pic with oatmeal, applesauce, cinnamon, vanilla and almond milk. I am happy that now I know what to do with bananas that are about to go bad, but I think it makes them too sweet, and oh yeah I forgot to mention the dark chocolate chips, yum.

Just dropped the kids off on a new adventure for the summer, it is much bigger and more diverse than they are used to, besides the fact that we have very sensitive personalities, but it does look like a lot of fun, and I hope that at the end of today they both come back happy with wonderful adventures to report.

All I can do is think positive, everything is a learning experience, and ultimately kids need to learn to respect their teachers and parents, and make the best of it.  Also an important lesson is that everything is temporary, everything will pass, enjoy the moment, enjoy making new friends and exploring new places.

I think that is the spice of life.
Happy Monday,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

I am one of those people that used to be very anti hallmark holidays, it is just another reason to shop, why not celebrate your parents, and love everyday.  Now that I have a family and little kids, it is fun to have millions of reasons to celebrate, and luckily in the Jewish community that we are in, it is rare that a day goes by without some kind of celebration.

I am excited to do something small but fun with my kids and my husband, so we are going to just get some ice cream and pizza for lunch, that will be fun for the kids too.  Then I will do him the best gift and let him have his day and take the kids to fun around town.  The flyer above has Sunday fun all summer, I like to go to different places all the time, we haven't been to the Grove/Farmer's Market in a while, and the free trolley ride is always a win with the kids.

Have fun whatever you are doing today,
Happy Father's Day to my amazing Papachka and My Wonderful Brother,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, June 14, 2014

My personal political opinion

Photo: Brilliant words from a brilliant leader! - Israel

I have had the most relaxing, amazing Shabbat, the kids have been magic all three of them playing together so nicely, our sticker system is in full effect. I was originally going to write this blog about things that make us feel so good, like heaven, because I had the most wonderful nap when my husband took the kids to synagogue, so much so that when I opened my eyes, I realized it was not night.  It was a deep sleep, and although bright outside, I was in blissful darkness.  Yes my sleeping posts will continue, but my brain is on something disturbing that is all over my news feeds on the internet.  It kind of makes me think of the Soviet Union when the government was in charge of the television, people only saw what they wanted you to see and really knew nothing more.  They really thought communism was the most amazing system and they were being taken care of, and the rest of the world was suffering.

The news that we get on our TV does not accurately tell the whole story, especially in reference to Israel, and I am deeply disturbed by a kidnapping of three young boys in Israel, one of them is American, and there are images of celebrations from the other side, and it makes me sick.  It is not OK to hurt anyone but especially our children, and celebrating when children are hurt or kidnapped is really disturbing.

This article is especially disturbing because even though other countries are with Israel, America is silent even thought one of the young boys was American, just click on the following link,  Thank God for our social media to spread the word, to pray together, and hear the truth.

There are extremes in every culture, nationality, and religion, and that is what everyone should work to eradicate together.  Our voices should be loud and clear, as well as our prayers.

Coach Yulia

Friday, June 13, 2014

Take a Breath, Start Each Day Fresh

This was the gorgeous view of the full moon last night while I was sitting in my car with my hazards on, nice cool breeze, my husband came and filled the empty tank, we always wait till its way past empty, no problem, all good, Thank God
Most women I know including myself do not forget one thing, we are the ultimate lawyer, nobody will every win with our winning debate and evidence.  Luckily we all wake up refreshed, friendly, and feeling good and of course I feel that each day is new and could be started fresh.  There is a small part of me however that wants to bring up all the things to avoid, watch out for, be aware of to my husband and kids, so we do not fall into frustration, tantrums, and driving each other nuts.  But I refrain, have hope that attitudes will be different, maybe something was learned, and hopefully we can all communicate openly and politely with no attitudes or ultimatums.  Am I dreaming? I hope not, but I know for sure if I do bring up things that happened yesterday or the day before, that will get them present to it in this moment today, and it may affect their day and therefore my day as well.

So what do I do, I take a breath, and hope for the best.  Today we are starting our chart and sticker system, and I am going to make it fun but be strict, and I have been telling them that whining and not listening will not earn a sticker.  From what I hear this system really works with kids and I am looking forward to when I could really take a breath because everyone is cooperating, being polite, and getting excited about positive attention, recognition, and reward.

It seems like raising kids is like running a successful business, with some love and hugs mixed in, there need to be clear rules, enforcement of the rules, and recognizing a job well done.

Here We Go,
But first we rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's Hard to say NO

who needs water

I want to do it all, I want to squeeze everything in, I want to make everyone happy, and sometimes I can accomplish this.  Most of the time the running around itself is stressful, but it feels so good to get it all done. I am working on being really clear with everyone about their day and time and then scheduling my day. Most of the time I am super flexible and actually love last minute stuff, if I can do it, why not, whatever it is, sub a class, pick up a gig especially if I can bring kids along if they are with me.  For some reason this week has been full of appointments for me, graduation for my big boy, dentist and doctor check ups for the kids.  For some reason it has also been the week where I was unable to accommodate last minute requests because it would have completely thrown off my day and my plan.  It is so hard for me to say no, I really want to figure out how to say yes, but ultimately it felt good to get done what I planned, and just to be clear, honest, and stay in touch.

This was the last day of school for my kids, we went after to a store to buy charts and stickers, we are starting tomorrow.  I have been explaining to them all week how it works, we will see how it goes, I feel like my communication with them has become much better, Thank You Joanna Bekhor Missry, she has such a gift with kids, find her on Facebook or give her a call for a consultation, 323.696.1826.

Then we went to a dentist checkup for my older two, and then ran home, and off to my class in the evening.  On the way home I ran out of gas closeby, luckily it all worked out, the night felt good the moon was beautiful, and I felt grateful no kids were with me, and I was done with everything and on my way home.  Very little cars on the road where I stopped, easy for them to go around me, on the main road there were a lot of cars, and only one person asked if I was OK.

Home Now,
Tons to do,
Home with kids all day,
Friends coming over for Shabbat dinner tomorrow night,
Seriously all these problems are good problems,
Feeling grateful,
Coach Yulia 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Did you know that kids just want attention

I have heard it a million times before in different formats, but today it all made sense.  There really should be Masters Degree programs for parenthood.  I have been blessed with amazing parents, but once I became a parent I didn't realize that it is a whole different ballgame then dealing with adults.  It is so easy to quit, to walk away, to start fresh, to find yourself when its just yourself.  None of this is possible with kids, because they are with you for life, and deserve our undivided 100% attention, but then how do we balance that with taking care of ourselves and staying sane?

So proud of my big boy graduating from Pre1A at Gan Chabad,  he got a Siddur, prayer book, and put on a great show!
This is what I am learning, and I see that it is working, and of course in the different stages of life and a child's age different rules apply.  Different moms also value and need different things, I was reading recently advice on how to have makeup on and always look fabulous even with toddlers in the home and parent life in general.  Some women said they woke up 45 minutes early to get ready, that wouldn't work for me because that loss of sleep would literally ruin my whole day, it all depends on what makes you feel best.  Luckily my husband doesn't like makeup, and I love to dress it up and be all dolled up for occasions, but on a daily basis, I just want to be me and not putting on a show.  I know some women that feel so good with the makeup that enhances their features and makes them look ready for the world.  Just like everything else in life to each their own.

However, kids needing and wanting attention from their parents is universal.  I remember when my oldest was maybe around 3, I learned that the nature of my business has me always on call, so even if I am doing something fun, I will always take a call because it could be a client.  I made an effort to maybe glance at who was calling but not give priority to the phone, and my son said to me, "Eema you are watching me!" and he said it with such happiness, it shocked me what an effect it had on him and how excited he was that I was paying attention.

Today was a perfect example of this, my kids were all ready for school, they took their backpacks and my daughter said hers was too heavy, my son took her backpack to carry it for her.  My daughter in her four year oldness has been quite a handful and everything is a big deal, whining for what seems to me little things, and overstating things are too hard because she doesn't want to do them.  I could have focused on her whining, but instead I focused on the Mitzva, good deed that my son had done by offering to carry her bag for her.

My lesson is that focusing on the positive that happened will ultimately teach them that is what I am paying attention to, and only that, whining, tantrums, and all that disruptive, over the top drama will not be tolerated.

Woo Hoo!
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's Going Around

Blissful uninterrupted sleep I had last night, and this morning I hear the whole story.  For many reasons my usual busy Monday got rearranged and I had the night off, I didn't get to bed probably until almost 10pm.  I was exhausted and did not rouse until about 5:30am this morning when I felt like I had no room in my side of the bed, looked over and saw my baby, I had no idea he was there.  My husband said he came to our bed about midnight and stood on my side just looking at me, I usually hear him or feel his presence, wake up and put him in the middle of the bed, but I did not stir.  My husband said he stood there for what seemed like 5 minutes, and then my husband helped him onto the bed.  If you are thinking 5:30am is early, for our family it really isn't, my husband is in synagogue every morning by 6:30am, and my kids wake up from 6am-7am, so that sleep straight through was the magic.

What is going around you ask?

Nothing specific, but in general many people not feeling good.  Mine hit last Tuesday afternoon and now I hear others have had other versions of what seems like a stomach virus.  Other friends due to stress are having infections of all types.  Thank God I am feeling like myself again, I have been in my favorite state of non stop the last few days getting many things accomplished and feeling clear.  I am very blessed to have good genes, and live overall a healthy, active lifestyle.  When you throw kids, no sleep, and hormones in the mix, we all do the best we can to take care of ourselves, most importantly our strength and energy.  So when I feel off, I am really in a fog, I feel drugged, out of sorts.  The usual million of things that I could handle is traded in for a dazed and confused getting through the day, trying to function, and hope for the best.  Last Tuesday I had a class to teach at 6pm, not only was it the evening of our holiday and we had a table full of guests, the kids got out of school early, and since I am so lucky that my husband does all the food and house preparations, my job was to handle and entertain the kids.  Put not feeling good on top of that, and my husband running late, my baby being fussy when I got the call why I didn't show up for class, I said, oh no! I forgot.  Next time I will get a sub when we have a holiday and guests, and try to remember that my usual squeezing in of everything usually drives me nuts even if I get it all done.

I went to that 6pm class tonight and profusely apologized for my mommy insanity, and they were just happy I was OK, and we had an amazing class.  I felt so good that I went to my 7:15pm scheduled run with my friend and realized that instead of our usual half hour we were running and walking the hills of Beverlywood for an hour. Then I had my final class to teach at 9pm, just got home, feeling good, like myself again, excited to get a fabulous sleep.

Got my running shoes on and my brace, my ankle is happy, I wasn't wearing it when I retwisted my ankle, feel good now
It all goes back to sleep lately,
I just love it so much,
When I was a night person,
I loved my naps during the day,
Me and sleep have a relationship,
We truly love each other,
and miss each other,
hopefully soon we will be together more often,
now that the baby is sleeping better,
Thank God,
Coach Yulia

Monday, June 9, 2014

Medical - Somewhere in Between - Home Remedy

I am deep in thought with my chamomile tea with honey in hand, thinking about the range of choices we have in our world today.  We are so blessed to have choices, and I love representing the middle, nothing too medical, nothing too home based, just whatever direction feels right to my gut depending on what we are talking about.  A good friend of mine just had her fourth baby, it went quick, and Thank God our body knows what to do.  I was blessed to have all my babies pointing in the right direction and with my Doula and my Yoga breath I was able to do drug free, all natural, vaginal births for all three.  Thank God for the medical side, as a working Doula I see the need for all of it depending on every unique situation, but please ladies if you opt for the pitocin, please do not torture yourselves, its like you are at 10cm the whole labor, and that is not the way it naturally goes.  Once on pitocin it is not natural anymore, please do not suffer and do not feel guilty to use the pain management options available.

My baby has had fluid in his ears since January, after three rounds of antibiotics did nothing because it wasn't an infection just fluid, I tried different things.  Chiropractor, talked to a homeopath, and also went to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor, and I am probably going with tubes.  My baby is having speech problems already, these are the most important developmental ears, I am not going to stop all dairy, gluten, and sugar. I just want that poison out of his system, the doctor said his eardrum is not moving and it is probably like glue.  Everything has its place and its time, each mother has to decide what is right for her children, listening to advice and suggestions, but doing what she feels is best.  I have a few other options to explore, we will see.

We are consulting with a Therapist, just to learn how to teach and model for our kids how to be in this world. I am learning so much, we are so blessed with healthy children that are not in need of anything more but our attention, love, discipline, and reward.  I cannot imagine the families that have to face the decision of whether to give prescription drugs to their child, but once again it is completely the parents view and choice that has to be respected.

I am not Medical, I love the preventive maintenance, the before getting sick and needing a hospital, the before getting stuck with machines and drugs.  On the other hand the old world Russian in me thinks I am always OK, and could take something lightly that may be more serious, chicken soup does not solve everything.

Overall I am somewhere in between,
Looking at each situation,
deciding what is unique and necessary,
We are all different,
Every situation is different,
Every pregnancy, birth, and baby is different,
Be present to your own experience, and trust your gut,
but be open to support from your family, friends, and community,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Right Side of the Bed

It seems like all that is on my mind 24/7 is sleep, the lack of, how good it is, how the kids finally get to bed, today I want to talk about how my kids love their sleep.  Everybody wakes up on the right side of the bed, so sweet, cuddly, and its actually a good time to bond and talk about whether they were good listeners or where they could improve.  Our mornings are our connection time, it is not crazy and rushed because usually they wake up between 6am-7am and we have time to marinate.

I always love the origins of phrases, and usually it is said that someone wakes up on the wrong side,

GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED - "The wrong side of the bed is the left side, according to a superstition that goes back to the time of the Romans. People have been saying other people 'got up on the wrong side of the bed,' 'awoke surly or grouchy,' for well over three centuries now, usually not knowing the real meaning of what they are saying, but the equally old expression 'got up left foot forward' tells the story. The supposedly sinister nature of the left is reflected in many English superstitions and expressions, such as the belief that it is unlucky to put your left shoe first, or to walk into a house left foot first. The Romans, especially Augustus Caesar, were very careful that they got up on the right side of the bed, but there is no evidence that they were less grouchy than anyone else." From "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).

(idiomatic) To feel irritable; to be in a bad mood; to have a bad day from the start, for no particular reason.

The wrong side of the bed is the one that leaves you grumpy and unsociable first thing in the morning (my own has two wrong sides). There are many similar expressions that begin the wrong side of ..., of which the original seems to be wrong side of the blanket for a child born illegitimately. Some others are getting on the wrong side of somebody, the wrong side of the law, laughing on the wrong side of one’s mouth, and on the wrong side of forty (or thirty, or fifty, or almost any age, really).

All express the idea that there are good and bad aspects of any situation. A well-known American example, the wrong side of the tracks, is the only one of the set that seems to be based in a real, physical location.

Some writers say there was once a superstition that to get out of bed on the left side, the sinister side, led to bad luck, but this sounds like a well-meaning attempt to explain the mysterious. If there ever was such a belief, it’s not reflected in the recorded use of the expression, which is actually not that old; it seems to have been derived from another phrase of similar type.

Also in Jewish law the right side should go first, it is an interesting read, just click the link,

My older kids especially are the best sleepers, getting them to bed is the challenge, but once they are asleep it is deep, nothing rouses them.  The baby is still a work in progress but Thank God once he is out, he is sleeping well, and the best part is they all wake up calm, content, and happy to start their day.

In the mornings I feel especially blessed,
I have never been an early morning person,
but once you are a parent it is inevitable,
Overall I don't want to miss an ounce of life,
so starting off early is all good,
its just those naps I miss,
I am a napper,
will never stop dreaming of naps,
some countries take a few hours off in the middle of the day,
Spectacular Siesta,
Coach Yulia

The siblings are so sweet with each other, my son build a track with a heart in it for his sister, bottom left