Saturday, June 21, 2014


Doula Support

The theme of support has been in the forefront of my life this past week, and it is at the core of everything that I do.  Today I was talking to a mother who has one cute 18 month old boy, and she was telling me that overall she had an amazing birth, but unfortunately her Doula was not supportive at a critical point of the birth, and luckily this mom was strong enough to make her own choices.  The role of a Doula is to support the mother from beginning to end, whatever her wishes may be, even if it is not something the Doula agrees with personally.  In my personal birth experience I chose not to have an epidural, and Thank God had short labors, babies facing in the right direction, and an amazing Doula that told me not to torture myself, and that was a good word for my personality, because I didn't feel tortured at all, and didn't want it even for a moment.  I am there to allow the mom and empower her to labor as long as she can, supporting her with different methods, but there is a difference between pain and suffering, and for some women, the labor is so long, that the epidural relaxes them, and everything flows smoothly from that moment.  I do believe that in many cases the epidural does prolong labor and disconnects the mother from the pushing since they do not feel the urge.  One doctor I worked with actually asked the mother if she wanted the epidural or she wanted the baby, and it was a good question.  She was so far along, the baby would have come momentarily, but whatever the mother needs for herself to stay calm, present, focused, and feel like she was in control of her birth and feels good about the whole experience no matter what happened, that is my goal in support.

Parental Support (I was so proud of my oldest son's graduation, it is a long program and amazing)

I had written this past week about my daughter getting shots, and not only that but since our favorite nurse wasn't there the week before, she was held down to try to get blood pressure and her height, and she was screaming.  I feel that checkups are very important, and children need to learn not everything in life is pleasant, but I quickly realized that those women although using sweet words, did not know how to connect to my child, so I requested to reschedule the appointment with our favorite nurse, and all the other tests were magic, but the shots had her so upset, and all I could do is hug her, and show her I was there for her, and tell her everything will be OK.  This is where being a parent is tough, but for me personally it is necessary to get them to understand that there are some things we must do.  I hate getting blood drawn even now, I look away, breathe deep like I do in Yoga, and know it will pass, that is what helped me through labor as well, I know it was one contraction at a time, and there was an end.  I also remember with my oldest boy at one month he had to have surgery for Pyloric Stenosis, all kind of tests were done until they finally did an ultrasound and figured out what it was, he was screaming and uncomfortable, but I was so relieved to know what it was and that it could be fixed, Thank God he is the tallest, healthiest, and the most full of energy five year old that you could meet.

WARNING: This will be exciting for parents only

My baby pooped for the first time today in a potty and it was kind of scary for him, he did it on his own, he is just over two, but he sees his brother and sister all the time.  He was crying, it must have been weird thinking about a part of himself leaving him, that is what I learned in a psychology class in high school. Mommy and big sister walked him through it and supported him with cheers and hugs.

Significant Other Support

Since I got married I have jumped into so many new ventures, none of it could have happened without my husbands support not only encouraging me, but staying home with our three babies whenever I have a conference or a class.  I have been blessed with a very hands on father, and a very grounded mentality that matches my zoned out happy, positive bubble that I live in.

Coach Yulia Support

I am so excited that all of the services that are under Coach Yulia share in common positive energy, genuine caring and support, and encouraging everyone I meet to allow happiness, pride, and putting themselves first in whatever they do, it is not selfish, it is self care.  Who will take care of them, who will be there for everyone and everything else in their lives if they do not take time to recharge, re energize, feel good, sleep, eat good, and live a healthy active lifestyle.

Be Happy,
Be Healthy,
Be You,
Coach Yulia

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