Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Challa" - ween, Thinking of Green

I may be purple in this picture, but my mind is on the green and how it affects our lives, "I got my mind on my money, and my money on my mind," is a line in a hip hop song.  If you take money out of the equation, are you happy with your life, you relationships, your work, your family?  I think this is a very important question to ask.  Thank God everything else in my life is a blessing, but like most of us, we can use a little more green flowing our way. 

Then my brain jumps to Haloween, I didn't know it as a kids growing up in a Jewish community in Denver, loved it in my single life for dress up fun, and now am oblivious to it in my current community, and am happy that my kids at their tender age are not wanting to be full of blood and gore.  I do miss the dress up, and luckily we have a Jewish dress up holiday that I get to let my creative side out once a year.

Yesterday I was part of an amazing event with 100 women baking Challah in memory of the couple that were killed in Mumbai.  It was also fun to eat fall foods and drink warm drinks, great to be in all of that feminine energy.  We were jokingly calling it Challa-Ween.

Feeling ready to work,
Feeling blessed for my life,
Ready to have it ALL,
Party Safe to everyone that is out tonight,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

God Bless My Husband

Today is one of those non stop days for me, not necessarily hard work or fun, but many errands all over town.  We got no sleep last night, Thank God I still look quite awake, probably because I just had a great stroller walk in the fresh air with a fabulous mom. 

My husband just left for his day with the baby, God Bless him, for being an amazing Abba (father in Hebrew) taking care of the kids at the drop of the dime when I need it, and on days like this for the whole day.

So much to do, so much going on, I like to keep busy, and its all good stuff.

Feeling Grateful,
Setting New Intentions,
I am ready to have more of a predictable schedule,
Excited for my current clients,
Excited for my future,
Excited for tonight to bake Challa with 100 women,
Join Us,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Allow Yourself

The next two days are really busy for me, today I have the baby all day, we had some activities in the morning, and now we are home.  When I laid him down for a nap, I decided to allow myself the luxury as well.  I heard my cell phone receive a text, there was nothing pressing to take care of, so I decided to close my eyes and doze.

We just woke up, I still have a couple of hours to finish some house things and this blog, feels so good to have a home day.

Have a couple of clients tonight,
Excited about many networking events coming up,
Excited for constant opportunities,
Please Plug in to my community workouts,
Let's Get Healthy and Feel Good Together,
Coach Yulia

Monday, October 28, 2013

Right Place, Right Time

I can feel it, that things are brewing, that I am exactly where I need to be, all I have to do is keep networking, inspiring, and promoting.  In the meantime while I am in my happy space, my timing and attention span have been off.  I had to go to the DMV today, and I finally decided to officially put my married name on the license as well as renew.  For some reason I thought they would want a copy of the marriage license, and I left the original in the copy machine at home.

Thank God I had an appointment, and got a kind soul that let me go home and get it in half hour, which wasn't around the corner, get what I needed, and now I am officially Yulia Medovoy Edelshtain.  I was hoping they would let me keep my picture, but they didn't so I hope it turned out ok, I had a bit of make up with me from my taping of The Doctor's show the other week.  The hair wasn't that great, but oh well, I guess I could have gotten all primped and fancy, but I really thought I could just keep the picture, so for future reference for anybody else out there, you have to take a new one when they say you do.  I think this is how I smiled, I hope it turned out a little bit like this :)

Then a few other things went awry ( random words pop into my head and I always like to see if the definition is similar to what I wanted to say, in this case the answer is yes.

adverb & adjective
  1. 1.
    away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss.
Some days I feel so productive, and other days I do not know where to begin, sometimes my schedule is changed, and I am able to modify on the spot, other days, I kind of feel like stopping completely and starting over tomorrow, today is one of those tomorrow days.
Finally the baby is napping, going to focus on the house until the kids get home in a couple of hours.
Happy Monday
Coach Yulia

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My brain told me to...

Sunday morning, boys in sleep wear, my girl wearing her favorite princess dress and crown that she could wear 24/7.  I have them watching some cartoons while I try to tidy up the house before our fun.  We just got back from their school picnic and it was great, they had an amazing magician that had the kids watching his every move, totally held their attention.  It was at a park, they all enjoyed running around.

Now baby is asleep, they are hanging out with my husband and I have a minute.  So with three kids, I find that one of them will act up about something that to us seems small but for them is the most important thing at the moment.  Last night my oldest didn't want to go to bed, we have a bed time of  7pm, we are flexible if its a little over to actually sleep, but in their room for sure.  There is always something that comes up and my son tells me, "my brain told me to get out of bed," and what can I say to that?  I remember my mom telling me when I discovered my brain talking and thinking, when I was reading a book, and I was so shocked that my mouth was closed but my brain was reading.

This morning my daughter could not settle on shoes to wear, it probably took a half hour of crying and negotiation to figure it out.  It's very interesting with my baby that we are being told that his understanding and knowing what he wants are at a two year old level, but the words are not there, so he gets really frustrated when he is not getting what he wants, and we are not understanding what he wants.

You know what they say, the first two years you are working on getting them to walk and talk, and then the rest of their lives we teach them to sit down and be quiet.

The joys of parenthood!
Enjoy your Sunday,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Role Model

Thanks Alley Zee for posting these on Facebook
Who is your role model?  Growing up I really admired my father, he is so intelligent and street smart, he could fix anything, and took risks for his family.  The best thing is he always gives great advice but lets you know its up to you to listen or not.  In our world today there are so many role models, and I feel really blessed that I am in a place in my life to be a positive influence on everyone I meet.

Then it makes me think of the word "model."

noun: model
  1. 1.
    a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
    "a model of St. Paul's Cathedral"
    "model trains"
    • (in sculpture) a figure or object made in clay or wax, to be reproduced in another more durable material.
  2. 2.
    a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate.
    "the law became a model for dozens of laws banning nondegradable plastic products"
    "the Canadian model of health care"
    • a simplified description, esp. a mathematical one, of a system or process, to assist calculations and predictions.
      "a statistical model used for predicting the survival rates of endangered species"
    • a person or thing regarded as an excellent example of a specified quality.
      "as she grew older, she became a model of self-control"
      "she was a model of patience"
      "a model teacher"
    • an actual person or place on which a specified fictional character or location is based.
      "the author denied that Marilyn was the model for his tragic heroine"
  3. 3.
    a person, typically a woman, employed to display clothes by wearing them.
    "a fashion model"
    • a person employed to pose for an artist, photographer, or sculptor.
      "an artist's model"
  4. 4.
    a particular design or version of a product.
    "trading your car in for a newer model"
    "the latest model of car"
verb: model
  1. 1.
    fashion or shape (a three-dimensional figure or object) in a malleable material such as clay or wax.
    "use the icing to model a house"
    • (in drawing or painting) represent so as to appear three-dimensional.
      "the body of the woman to the right is modeled in softer, riper forms"
    • use (esp. a system or procedure) as an example to follow or imitate.
      "the research method will be modeled on previous work"
    • take (someone admired or respected) as an example to copy.
      "he models himself on rock legend Elvis Presley"
    • devise a representation, esp. a mathematical one, of (a phenomenon or system).
      "a computer program that can model how smoke behaves"
  2. 2.
    display (clothes) by wearing them.
There are so many definitions, but I am specifically talking about runway, print, or any kind of modeling.  I dabbled in it and had a great time being fancy, and now I get to do it again next Sunday, so excited,
In everything I do I strive to be an example to my family, my community, and be fulfilled myself as well.
How can you bring some of that into your life?
Do What You Love,
Give Back,
Bring People With You,
Coach Yulia


Friday, October 25, 2013

Miss My Sleep

Sleep is my medicine, and lately it has been rare, rarer (is that a word?) than usual.  We took away our baby's pacifier about a month ago, and I am very happy about it.  Honestly for my family the pacifier was more for me than for the kids.  It was an easy way to chill them out, especially at night.

My oldest really needed it to just stop being on the go all the time, it was perfect for napping.  Luckily at 3 years old he understood when we really lost the millions that we had, and when we told him they were gone, he said ok and it was done.  My daughter at 9 months would just cry when it would fall out of her mouth at night, so I was done getting up for it.  I think she transferred her sucking need to pulling and playing with my hair as her comfort zone.  OY, I remember waking up and my whole head hurt, I didn't realize she was pulling my hair all night.  Luckily now at 3 I tell her that it hurts, and she is being gentler.

For some reason with my baby I want everything done sooner, mostly for me.  He is 18 months and only drinks from a cup, no sippy cup, no bottle for a long time now, he likes to mimic his brother and sister.  So when we forgot our only pacifier at someone's house during the holidays, I said it was a sign.  It was grossing me out how dirty it was, and it was really hard the first few nights, but now its much better, except to ease him out of it we had him in our bed.  Now for some reason he is waking up around 1am and coming to our bed, and the past few nights just tossing and turning, fully awake for a couple of hours.  He only gets one nap, and I try to make it an early one, hopefully slowly but surely he will just start sleeping longer.

I was a big n
apper before kids, and I love my sleep, I really feel that things get healed, your body gets recharged, I really cannot do without.  When I do not sleep enough, my father would always say my face looks green.  My brain is also more ditzy than usual, luckily in Yoga it doesn't get in the way to be floaty and a little out of it.

I always look forward to Shabbat to have a complete rest from the world, and Thank God for my husband who takes the kids to synagogue, so I can get just "ME" rest - oh the pleasures in life at different times of our life.

Everyone tells me all this toddler stuff I will eventually forget,
I say I won't miss it,
I will celebrate when we are done with diapers,
Thank God for these problems,
Everything Passes,
Focusing on Staying Present,
Have a Great Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Doctor's

Today I had to the opportunity to be one of, I was one of 30 women on stage in the conversation about Women's Wellness.  There were a few women that were featured, I was hoping I would get a chance to participate, but everything was very structured and organized, and ran very smooth.  I asked a good friend to help me get some makeup, I attempted to get a makeup artist, but when I found out the call was 7am, I decided I am not Oprah, so I should chill out, and just apply the basics, I think I did OK :)

I learned so much, it is amazing to be in the presence of smart, beautiful, and articulate professionals.  What I also loved was that everyone was so genuine and inclusive.  I did not find out yet when it will air, I am just looking good on the couch, but it was an honor to be there, and the best part, we all got a $100 gift certificate to Burke Williams, definitely worth my time and energy!

I pulled it all of on no sleep whatsoever last night, got home late from teaching classes, my baby woke up in the middle of the night, came to our bed, and tossed and turned his little body, I had to be up by 5:30am to get ready, not bad for no sleep, huh?

So when I got home I took a nap with him, now just finishing off this blog before I attempt to be productive before the kids get home in a couple of hours.

Life is so good,
Sometimes I am in the good mode so much, I step out of reality,
That's when the parking police are hunting,
Read the signs my friends,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Networking, Connecting, and Promoting

Messy Hair, Led a workout this morning, 3 classes coming up, hanging out with baby, getting some work done in between
I am learning so much from meeting people constantly, it is so amazing that now that I am free to do what I love, everything is appearing right in front of me.  Opportunities are everywhere, and it really is about being ready and being open.  I am so excited to be focused on women, and I am excited to start conversations with everyone that is also talking about health, wellness, and fitness.  Today I learned about a new website, and I want to share,

  1. Eat whole, natural foods.
  2. Eat only foods that will spoil, but eat them before they do.
  3. Eat naturally-raised meat including fish, seafood, poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats and eggs.
  4. Eat whole, naturally-produced milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as whole yogurt, cultured butter, whole cheeses and fresh and sour cream.
  5. Use only traditional fats and oils including butter and other animal fats, extra virgin olive oil, expeller expressed sesame and flax oil and the tropical oils—coconut and palm.
  6. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, in salads and soups, or lightly steamed.
  7. Use whole grains and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid and other anti-nutrients.
  8. Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments in your diet on a regular basis.
  9. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb or fish and use liberally in soups and sauces.
  10. Use herb teas and coffee substitutes in moderation.
  11. Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.
  12. Use unrefined Celtic sea salt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation.
  13. Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and expeller expressed flax oil.
  14. Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, dehydrated cane sugar juice and stevia powder.
  15. Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals.
  16. Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel.
  17. Use only natural supplements.
  18. Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light.
  19. Think positive thoughts and minimize stress.
  20. Practice forgiveness.

I think many of these seem so obvious, but do we do it, I know I don't even do it full on.  Relationships, learning, sharing, growing, that is my mission.  I am so blessed to be part of so many mommy connections, all kind of moms, all walks of life, tomorrow one of these connections is leading me to a women's wellness panel - Woo Hoo! Tomorrow, I will tell you all about it.

Even for fun, Network, get to know people,
You may make a special Connection,
Tell people who you are and what you do,
We can all Promote each other,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Yoga or Diva

I love to work it, I love looking good, I love makeup, I love getting mani/pedi, I love to be photographed, and I love to inspire and excite :)  That is my Diva side, and it comes out on different occasions.  Since I posted my new flyer, I have had such an amazing response, Thank You everyone for supporting and promoting.  One of my friends had only met me in my "Yoga" toned down, no makeup, easy, natural, comfortable side, and was surprised to see my photo was all dolled up.
I really like to be all or nothing, and that translates into everything in my life.  My children get 100%, my work gets 100%, my husband gets 100%, and I give myself 100%.  What do I recharge with? Good sleep, exercise, and my work gives me an amazing energy exchange, Thank God.  In my single life I was an adventurer and a free spirit.  I am enjoying the structure and tradition of married life, and for my personality, feel blessed to be where I am in life.
I enjoy in my day to day and in my work just hanging in my Yoga wear, and being active, no makeup, comfortable shoes.  Every Saturday, on our Day of Rest, my community dresses nice for Shabbat, so I love to wear a beautiful dress, and some heels, my husband loves the heels, and I enjoy wearing it for him.
A few days ago I went to a wedding, I put on some makeup, put on some new silver heels, something a little fancier, it was fun.  Coming up, I am super excited to be in a fashion show, I used to model and absolutely love it.  Check out the flyer below, it is an event for the women in our community, and it focuses on loving our body and loving ourselves.  I will be doing bodyfat testing, and giving nutrition and fitness tips before the fashion show.  Spread the word ladies, come out and play!
Coach Yulia

Monday, October 21, 2013

Everyone Finds Their Match


One of the reasons I was draw to teaching Yoga, was how good I felt after taking a class.  When my clients walk away feeling like they took care of themselves, it gives me such a sense of my purpose in this life.  Everyone needs something different, for some it is physical, maybe their back or a specific condition, or maybe to strengthen or enjoy a wonderful stretch.  For others it is emotional and sometimes spiritual, they really feel like their whole self is recharged and has released tension.

I love my Yoga teacher that I learned from the best, he is 81 years old, and I feel like I learn something every time.  Different people are drawn to different types of Yoga and different types of teachers, and that is the beauty of it all.  We all have our unique ways of doing things, and there will be people that will enjoy exactly that, there is really no comparison or competition.

I feel the same way about my Doula services, so far all of my clients and I just clicked, we were on the same page and had complete trust.  Anything could be said, anything could be asked, and ultimately its about excepting what was meant by God.  It is very important to me that the trust and connection is there, otherwise I will not work with that client.  Whoever knows my person, understands I am 100% invested and they have my undivided attention.  I drop my family, any of my other obligations, and stand by the mother.  Everyone else is mainly concerned with the baby, I know the baby is being monitored, so I am mainly concerned with the mother.  It is tough with family because they are very invested and it is sometimes hard to be objective, and the mother may feel like she cannot speak her mind.  My Doula was so instrumental in my births, I really relied on her and utilized her because I knew she was all about me, and we all deserve that.  My husband was amazing, but I really feel that since my Doula was there, he felt that a professional had it under control, and he could just tag team and help.

Thank God our society is realizing how important the right team is put together during labor and birth.  Maybe it is a dear friend or parent, or husband or partner.  For me my husband and my Doula, along with my amazing Doctor, made me feel empowered, that I can speak my mind anytime, and ultimately know that all decisions came from me, it is my body after all.

Hormones make us a little kooky,
It's so challenging towards the end,
But the body knows what to do,
The baby knows what to do,
and just in case we need some help,
our team is there every step of the way.
Coach Yulia

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Let My Day Unfold

My wacky web cam right before bed :)
Some people love their days totally planned, some like absolute freedom and flexibility.  To operate a successful business there has to be both.  Some days are booked, other days are free, and I really enjoy the days where part of it is booked, and the free part just happens as you go along.

Last night I had a wonderful time bonding with my sister in law, and today I was helping here do last minute things before her flight.  We were on our way to my mother in law, my baby fell asleep, my daughter wanted to hang out at her Safta's house (grandma in Hebrew.)  My sister in law wasn't ready, so it was the perfect opportunity to take my oldest son and myself shoe shopping - DONE.

Then in between helping her out, I took my kids to the Grove, they were having a whole fall celebration, we rode the trolley, my daughter told me she saw one of her friend from preschool.  Later on I saw her friends mom post on facebook, and her mom told me she saw my daughter too!

Then we finally got home, I ran to get my eyebrows threaded, went to the most amazing wedding, left my husband after the ceremony, the chuppa, which was full of so much energy, love, and spirituality, I was so charged up.  I ran to teach my Yoga class, had 10 amazing women, that were committed to taking care of themselves, taking time for themselves, treating themselves nice, and being present.

Just got home, let our good friend go, he watched our kids from 5pm, sent them nicely to bed, my baby took a late nap, was up waiting for me, as you see in the pic.

God Bless Good Friends,
God Bless Finding Your Other Half,
God Bless Being Reminded of My Own Wedding,
God Bless Being in a Community that Appreciates and Enjoys my classes and Doula services,
My baby is done.
Good Night.
Coach Yulia

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Mother is Born

My brother in law came to town for my father in law's ceremony, he is amazing, and single :)  At the ceremony we needed 10 men, a minyan, to say a special prayer, and we had nine, out of nowhere a man came to the cemetery to visit his grandfather who he had never met, but was named after him.  He joined the prayer and later told us that he visits every year, the timing was a miracle.

I have had quite an adventurous few days, ups and downs, luckily the fun keeps going, my sister in law and I are hanging out tonight, just us girls, and tomorrow evening we are going to a wedding of an amazing young couple in our community.

My thoughts are everywhere, I feel so blessed to be in my new role as a Doula, and it really feels like I was placed here in this community specifically to fill this need.  Today someone that I haven't seen in a while asked me, how is your new career? I had no idea what he was talking about, I feel like what I do keeps evolving, and it is just who I am.  So when he said, being a Doula, I said, wow, that is right, its going wonderful, but it really feels like I have been doing it all my life, and it is my purpose in this life.

Everyone always is so excited about a new baby, but especially when its a first time mom, the mother also is just born.  There is so much to process, so much to learn, and yes family and friends are there for physical help like food, diapers, and even letting new mom sleep.  The emotional and intellectual process takes longer, as well as the spiritual.  We must all reach out to new moms, and even moms with multiple children, be someone they can talk to, really talk to, no holding back, it is so important to heal in every way, not just physically.

Relationships are what life is about.
Even when its tough,
Even when big changes happen.
It's hard.
But its worth it.
Stay strong.
Find What Connected You, and Hold On Tight.
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Coach Yulia

Friday, October 18, 2013

Remembering Tuvia

It has almost been a year since my father in law's passing, today the whole family is in town and we put a commemorative stone on his grave.  He was a very special man, I know he is blessing us from above, and is now at rest.

Today I just feel tired, not much else on the agenda, the whole family is coming over tonight to eat, so I just relaxed with my baby, and kids just got home from school.  I want to take them out to play.

Now just getting the house ready,
Have a Wonderful Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Paper Cut

First thing in the morning, can you believe it?  Just gave my kids breakfast, had a drink in my hand, ran to the computer to turn it on, and my finger ran across some paperwork, SLICE!  OY, I guess that is what happens when we don't pay attention, when our brain is doing a million things at once.  Also that is what happens with injuries, twists, sprains, and many body pains when our mind is somewhere else.

Do you let this ruin your day?

I was analyzing this as I went through the rest of my morning, and thinking that so many things can make our mood go in either direction.  Family disagreements, bad hair days, not sleeping enough, financial woes, and the list goes on and on.

I noticed that my personality is fiercely present, whether to put up a good fight, or enjoy the serenity of a yoga class.  I guess it is a type of extreme in itself, because when I move on to something pleasant, I erase the bad stuff from my memory in that moment to deal with later.

I guess its all about just balancing anything that comes your way.  What was my amazing and uplifting activity of the day so far?  I was joined by three incredible ladies for a stroller walk in La Cienega park, and we all felt so good that we made the effort and felt recharged.

Next on my agenda, visit my new mommy in the hospital, so excited, get my hair done, meet with an amazing designer about the layout of my Yoga and Doula flyers, and finishing off with a Prenatal Yoga class and a private yoga with a wonderful couple.

I feel it is so important to enjoy all the good, and appreciate the good, otherwise we are just left with the other stuff.  I would rather deal with the other stuff when need be, but focus on the good in every situation.

Good Luck,
It's not easy,
but it's necessary for survival and balance,
Let's Boost Each Other,
I need you as much as you need me,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

You Can Do It!

I met with two amazing women today, we are all in the fitness and health industry, and have supported each other for over 10 years.  One of the girls has an amazing company called, Moon Bodies, she is on You Tube with amazing videos, and just opened up a studio right down Pico in Santa Monica.  I went to an amazing class today called Activ8r, it is a therapeutic ball that is used along with Yoga, Pilates, and therapeutic exercises to give an amazing, deep, and strengthening workout.

I love trying new things, and when me and these gals get together, I get so inspired by their knowledge, creativity, and drive.  We are all unique, and all are growing and really finding our path on keeping this world educated and enjoying leading a healthy active lifestyle.

They really are just doing it, they are following their gifts and their passion, and people are benefiting from their expertise and positive energy.  I was so inspired by the dinner I had last night with my husband, that was put together by Dr. Dan Rude, and was about encouraging people to take care of their health now.  Insurance should be called Sick Insurance because they only cover drugs, disease, and when something already is wrong.  We should invest in ourselves now, with nutrition, chiropractic, acupuncture, Yoga and fitness in general, so we don't have to go to the doctor.

That is how I feel about pregnancy and birth as well, Thank God for the Doctors and Hospitals for the rare occasion that it is necessary, but overall our body knows exactly what to do.  Time is our friend, and pain is progress :) 

In today's workout, Moon, the instructor, was also talking about how when you feel tightness, soreness, or pain, it is better to slowly work it out, find the reason, work on the source, instead of numbing it and going for the medication, which usually just lulls it for a little why, and some give side effects.

I like the best of both worlds, get checkups, but take care of you on a daily basis.  We take care of our kids, cars, and pets, and forget about ourselves.

It's not Selfish,
It's Self Care,
Put You First,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Right Moment

I don't have a set time to blog, I just have a goal of doing it once a day, and today I just kept waiting for inspiration to hit.  I was just about to head to bed, and thought, oh, I need to blog!  It is interesting about inspiration and the right moment, today was just a fabulous day.  I guess that is so awesome that there wasn't one thing, but there was everything :)

8:30am took all kids to school, my older two had class and my baby had a mommy and me that rocked

10:30am went by a chiropractor office to talk about doing Yoga classes there

11am went home, baby took a nap, I felt lazy and enjoyed the quiet, but managed to do the dishes

1pm husband came home, so I went to meet a friend for a workout in the park, we ran and did some upper body, lower body and core

3:30pm picked up kids from school, but before that started a project of cleaning out a supply closet, and was finishing it up before my next class

6pm taught mat Pilate's

7:30pm got a babysitter, joined my husband at a wellness dinner with his amazing chiropractor, Dr. Dan Rude, please google him and tell him we referred him, he is amazing, all about preventive maintenance and wellness, my kind of dinner

We got home a little while ago, just winding down, I am waiting on a Doula client to call at any moment, meanwhile feel very productive and excited about my path.

One of the things Dr. Dan talked about was doing what you love, whether its for work or for a hobby, and how that really affects your overall health, inside and outside.

To Health,
To Life,
Coach Yulia

Monday, October 14, 2013

Soup, Poop, and Goop

Did that title catch your attention? Those are three separate events that have happened today :)  When the weather gets chilly, and yes all of you in cold places, it is LA chilly.  I get inspired to make some chicken soup, so simple, so healthy, and so delicious, parsnips are a must!

My baby is 18 months, and he already lets us know when something is in his diaper, and he likes to sit on the potty that we attach to the toilet.  Hopefully he will get it sooner than the others, I am going to have a "no more diapers," party, stay tuned :)

and then there is:



a messy, slightly liquid substance, esp. one whose contents are not known:

This cracks me up!  I used this word because it rhymes, but yes I am cleaning today, and am finding exactly what the definition is, but I am also organizing all the kids clothes, and the kids closet - JOY!

Later on tonight I have my Bodypump workout at 8pm, kids go to sleep 7pm.  Tomorrow my workouts begin for the community, please get in touch for more details.

Happy Monday,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Enjoy the Destination

Learning, Growing, The Journey, The Process - We hear all about it, but in Jewish thinking, the destination is wonderful as well.  Every week we focus on a lesson, and the lesson of this week was about moving on to greater things, and if there are obstacles along the way, just know it's all worth it, because at the final destination it will be glorious.  Then again, it is not glorious forever, and such is life, always changing always testing, and I always say otherwise we would be bored.

What I love most is that yes the journey and process should be relished, but so should your present, your gift, your now.  Have Gratitude For Your Now.  The now may not last, so might as well fully embrace it and inhale it.

Many of my fellow Herbalife Coaches are at the yearly convention, Extravaganza, it is in Las Vegas this year.  I am so inspired by all of the coaches that made the commitment, even with kids and obstacles, it is amazing you know your path and your focus is clear.  I have gone three years in a row, and this year it just did not align for me, and I really feel I am exactly where I need to me.  My community needs me, and I need my community, I need the tradition, I need the energy exchange, I need the support, and my kids need me, and I need my Day of Rest.  It feels good to be clear.

I am building my future according to my priorities, and it feels right.  Sometimes we get so excited and inspired by what others are doing, it is so important to create and be clear about what is right for "ME," right for "YOU.

I wish everyone to dig deep, follow your gut, get uncomfortable, be genuine, and go after your dreams.

Coach Yulia

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Gift of Rest

My husband took the kids to synagogue and I just did some reading and took a wonderful nap.  My kids wake up daily at 6am, today they slept a little bit later because we had a wonderful dinner last night and got home almost 11pm.

I just really love quiet, I love me time, and we need "me" time.  It is part of the balance of life.  Our wonderful day of rest is all about that, as well as family time, community time, and spiritual time.

Just wanted to wish everyone a good evening, and enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Once the kids got home we did have some intensity, but that is parenthood, no way around it.

The big ones are asleep, and I am about to put the baby down, and I may fall asleep too.

Sleep keeps us balanced, repaired, and healthy,
Coach Yulia

Friday, October 11, 2013

What did I do today?

This was the most asked question of the day, because 41 years ago at 11pm I came into the world, my mom tells me I was the only girl born that night in a birthing house in Moscow, Russia.  Last year it was so busy, I wanted to be busy and have celebrations, I had a Zumba party, it was wonderful.  This year I just feel good, I am exactly where I want to be in my life, and I really didn't plan on doing anything big.

So what did I do today?

Baby started crying right as I was getting in my bed last night, so I decided to go to his bed and sleep with him for a while, I want to get him used to being in his bed only.  He usually walks on over to our bed in the middle of the night.  So I find myself being woken up by my daughter crying, the kids are all in one room, it was 5am, usually kids get up around 6am.  She doesn't stop crying until I have to run out of the house to get to work on time at 8:30am at their school, my husband takes them to school and baby for a checkup, God Bless him.

At school my son does not want to go to class when he sees me, I keep on wondering why it is not a magical day, after all, every day is a magical day, but everyday is a nutty day too, the nuttiness doesn't just stop.  I guess what is tough is when little things snowball, and it gets overwhelming.

I operate in a world of happiness and sometimes my own unrealistic la la land, and when that place gets interrupted, I am in a bit of a shock and it takes me a while to reset my batteries.  I don't know if this makes sense, but my happy place had a moment of everything happening at once, and now its all good.  It really always is all good, I feel so blessed, for my life, for my husband, for my children, for my work, and for my wonderful family and extended family that are always a wonderful support.

My brother always sings a very fun happy birthday song to all of us full of rhythm and fun, he called me this morning, I wanted it to go to voicemail, so I could enjoy it later, but accidentally picked up.  He heard my voice was quiet and instead of singing automatically asked if I was busy, I said yeah I really wanted to save his song, so he said no problem, and called back and left a message.  Thank you brother for knowing me and giving me the best gift of just being my brother.

So I came home, took a shower, washed the day away, picked my kids up from school, and we went to have ice cream with them asking "who's birthday is it?"
.  Tonight we are going to some wonderful friends for Shabbat, usually Friday nights we like to put the kids to bed early and have an early night ourselves.  I am looking forward to a change in the routine and some delicious food and great conversation, while the kids are happily playing.

Age is just a number,
I feel great,
Excited to just sleep tomorrow,
This Day of Rest stuff is what life is all about,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It is ALL Important

Throughout my 13 years in the fitness industry, I have come across waves of trainings, workshops, and the next big workouts.  Sometimes whatever worked for me at the time I would consider the most important part of a workout.  For example when I moved to Los Angeles in 2000, I was 27 years old and skinny fat.  On the outside I looked decent, but had no muscle tone, and had never done resistance training before.  That is when my fitness career began at 24 Hour Fitness, and I found Bodypump, which totally transformed my body, I was really in the best shape of my life.  I was convinced that weights were everything, even more important than cardio, and then I found Yoga, and I realized, it is the combination that is the key.

Find your combination, what cardio do you like?  Working out with weights is great, but good old pushups and Yoga activate your lean muscle and strengthen your bones.  Especially in our world today, where there are so many combinations and specialty workouts, there really are no excuses.

I just let a stroller walk, my baby indulged me by taking his nap at the perfect time, it was the most gorgeous day, hot sun and cool breeze.

So whatever it is that you do for your Healthy, Active Lifestyle, it is all good, but make sure it has aspects of cardio, resistance training, and stretching incorporated in there somewhere.  It is also great to always focus on the core in everything you do, just core is not enough, to get the layers off its all about 80% nutrition, the exercise is only 20%.  I would love to give anyone that is interested a FREE CONSULTATION, no matter where you live, on healthy eating habits and brainstorm on what would be fun for you to do for exercise.

Coach Yulia is on a mission for fitness and nutrition :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Finding Your Path

This is how beautifully made our world is, nobody is the same, and everyone wants something different.  There is really no competition or comparison, and we each have special connections out there, whether its friends or a partner to share a life with.

I am so grateful to be consciously aware of this as I keep growing in my skills and specialties and promoting myself as the unique person that I am.  Everyone that I come across will be the perfect fit for somebody too, we are all so different.

I am excited to join forces with all of the fitness and health leaders in our community, and to just spread awareness and refer to each other so that everyone finds the right fit for their needs.

There is so much need, and together we can inspire it, create it, and promote it.

Whatever your path is, trust it, go after it, embrace it, share it, nobody can steal it from you.  All the pieces just start to come together when you decide, it is magical.

I am in awe,
Ready to be an example of taking care of me,
Let me know how to take care of you?
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Hebrew Birthday

There are many beautiful traditions with Hebrew Birthdays, and one of them is to bless everyone we know and meet.  So I would like to bless everyone today with Health, Happiness, wonderful relationships, success, and enjoying life's blessings.
I took my baby to a wonderful mommy and me called Babyccino, it was at my children's school, Gan Chabad, he had a great time.  I had a great time meeting new mom's and seeing friends, and what I am most excited about is everybody is ready to get healthy and fit, and I am ready to figure out how to accommodate everyone's schedules and age of their babies, Thank God.
Below are a few facts about my Hebrew name and birthday.  I was born in Moscow, Russia during communist times when it was dangerous and not allowed to use Hebrew names, so Yulia sounded close.  I am named after my father's grandmother, who was a pillar of strength and tradition in her community in Grozny, Chechnya, near Turkey and Iran, Kavkazi, Mountain Jews, there are no Jewish people there anymore. 
My Hebrew Name is:
Yehudit means "praise." Yehudit appears as a hero of the Chanukah story who bravely killed the enemy general.
My Hebrew Birthday is:
4 Heshvan (5733)
The Torah Reading for that Shabbat was:
Noach (Genesis 6:9 - 11:32)
This Torah portion recounts the story of the Great Flood. Noah's Ark holds two animals of every species. After 40 days of intense rain, Noah sends out a dove to find dry land. The dove returns with an olive branch, known henceforth as the universal symbol of peace. God shows Noah a rainbow, as a promise not to destroy the world again. At the end of this Torah portion, mankind challenges God's dominion by building the Tower of Babel; God responds by dispersing the people and dividing them into 70 languages.
Reach into Your Roots,
It's Fascinating What Made You Who You Are,
Then Celebrate Just You,
Happy Birthday To Me,
Coach Yulia

Monday, October 7, 2013

Developing a 45 minute "no excuse" workout

Goals, focus, vision is so important, and I just became clear about the workouts and classes that I am running in the community.  I was picking up a friend for the Yoga class yesterday and she told me that its so great that I bring mats because nobody could say they don't have a mat.  I think it really clicked then, its all about making it so easy, affordable - only $5, and fun, that there really is no excuse.

Today I ran my first workout in La Cienega Park, and it was great, not crowded, and not too hot.  I figured out today that it would be best to do it for 45 minutes, 15 minute intervals of cardio and focusing on different parts of the body, and finishing up with some abdominal, mat pilates work.

The best part is I have to show up and I have to work out, and its fun with friends.  We just have to create our life how we want it, and it will be how we want it, its that simple.

Come join me ladies, lets be fit and healthy together, re energize together, share stories, share tips, and do something just for "YOU!"

Just had my protein after my workout, feeling good, on my way to pick up the kids from school, my husband was with the baby all day while doing his work.  We are figuring it out.

Reach out to me and tell me what times and days are good for you, what is your no excuse hour?  Everyone has 24 hours in a day - but I know how mommy world is, it has its own schedule, and for those of you in school, or have full time jobs, I know, its challenging, when is good for you?

Let's Go,
Fit For Life,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Everywhere around me I have people that are in gratitude, and I feel so blessed.  There is a saying that we are like the five people we hang around with most, and this is the characteristic in everyone close to me.  Life is going to happen no matter what, and its up to us to create the life of our dreams, be true to you, what feels good, what drives you, what motivates you, what feeds you, what inspires you, and where you feel you are contributing, giving back, making the world a better place. 

Thank God my positive view comes from past generations, my grandmother, who is 98, has lived through so much, but is always smiling, enjoying the moment, and spreading her happy energy to everyone she meets.  I hope my light shines as bright as hers, she has gone above and beyond all her life to help people feel taken care of, she is my inspiration, she passed it on to my mother who is the happiest person in the world. 

I feel happy feeling now, enjoying the moment, sharing energy, and feeling grateful for all the good in our lives.

We have two birthday parties, and then I teach my community Yoga class, I am so thankful to be able to bring our fabulous women together, and we all walk away feeling recharged for our week.

Shavua Tov,
Life is Good,
Coach Yulia

On my way to enjoy this beautiful day

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Good Samaritan Hospital

As a Doula, I get to experience many hospitals, doctors, midwifes, nurses, and everything else in the mix of labor and delivery.  It is so fascinating to my brain that no matter what training you have, or how many babies you have, no birth is ever the same, and the most important thing is to be present and feel now, and take care of mama.

So I had the pleasure of working with the midwife run labor and delivery at Good Samaritan Hospital near Downtown Los Angeles, and I feel this should be the model for every hospital.  I had beautiful experiences at Cedars Sinai for my three births, but I also had my dream team of my amazing Dr. Ghozland and my Doula Gilli, who along with my husband helped created an environment which let me let go of control while being completely in control.

So what I loved about "Good Sam" as they call the hospital, was that the doctor on staff, Dr. Chang, was the most calm, knowledgeable, caring, clear, and woman focused doctor that I have met to date.  He gave my client so many options, and ultimately a beautiful healthy baby.  If everything was healthy in the pregnancy, you can go upto 24 hours from the time the water breaks, freely, at home, with no worries, until checking in with the hospital.  In this circumstance, the hospital allowed them to just sleep there to monitor the baby, but with no interventions necessary for as long as it took for them to make another decision.

Bottom line is, it was totally the other side of our medically managed births of today, no deadlines, just really explaining to the parents in detail all of their options, and saying OK with no pressure to what was chosen.

Feeling so blessed to be part of the support team,
Had a Beautiful Shabbat with my family and our community,
So much to celebrate,
Birth is a Miracle,
Thank God this is my calling,
it is where I need to be,
educating and supporting women everywhere in choosing the direction of their birth process in the moment,
you can only prepare so much,
there is nothing like it in the world,
and it makes no sense,
we are designed to function so precisely,
trust your body,
trust your baby,
trust you,
Coach Yulia

He  is the only one still up, and now we are both saying, Good Night

Friday, October 4, 2013

What do you enjoy?

Ask yourself, what do you enjoy to talk about, to do, to read?  What are your favorite things?  I had such an amazing feeling today in my Yoga class of enjoying the conversations I was having in my work, enjoying spending quality time with my kids, and truly feeling blessed for following my gut to do what I love.

I know for some people they like to make a good living and do what they love as a hobby or on the weekends.  However you do it, bring what you enjoy into your life, it makes it all so rich and fun and exciting :)

I can talk about Yoga, Pregnancy, Birth, Feeling Good and being Fabulous all day!

Have a Great Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

I know it's blurry, but they are looking and smiling, still figuring out how to do all these photo things on my phone :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

That says Labor and Delivery :) love my Doula role and how powerful it is to support a mother in labor and birth.  We can plan, but labor is one of those things that really cannot be figured out, yes there are classes, yes there are opinions and research, but ultimately your body has a way of doing things, and the more patient we are, the more we know time is our friend, and pain is progress, the more conscious and empowering the experience will be.

I had a full day today, and had to keep informing my clients about my whereabouts, I was able to do most of the things I planned for today, but always checking my phone for updates.

It is really exciting to live in the moment of the natural high of "literally" life.  I got to do a few small workouts today, I walked with a fellow mom in La Cienega park, and then I did some pretty intense stairs in the Silverlake area to get my clients labor to progress, and worked up a good sweat in the process.

Feeling Blessed For Life,
Feeling Grateful For My Life,
Thanking God,
Being Present,
Enjoying Now,
Quality of Life,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

One Birthday Done and another around the corner

My Eli Tzvi turned five quite a while ago, but he knew exactly what he wanted, last year almost every week was somebody's birthday, there were 25 kids in the class, and there were certain similarities.  He wanted a bounce house, goody bags, and doughnuts that one of his friends had.  So I delivered, he is the one in the front bouncing away, the donuts were chocolate sprinkles instead of blue, and the goody bags became goody boxes as I was trying to accommodate the cool gifts I got in the Toy District in Downtown Los Angeles.  Feels good to be done, we have literally been celebrating his birthday since the summer when the Hebrew date was, we saw the movie Airplanes, we ate ice cream, right up until September 13, his actual birthday, but then the Jewish Holidays were a month long, so I told his teacher, right after the holidays I want to fulfill his wish for a party in his class - DONE.

Now it's my turn, I turn 41 on October 11, and I really feel quite calm about this one, last year I was all excited to bring in a new decade with a bang.  This year I want to be the example of a happy, strong, and inspiring woman as I juggle husband, kids, career, and taking care of me.

My baby is napping and I am going to lay down next to him right after I blog, I have a late night.  Private client, then a Yoga class, then I am going to join the class after for my own workout, and finishing off the night with a Private Yoga for the wonderful ladies in the community.

All I can do is commit to figuring it out day by day,
And I feel good about that,
I am still sore from the Monday night weigh workout,
But manageable considering how long its been,
So happy to be back on track,
Join us tomorrow in La Cienega Park 10:30am for our Stroller Walk,
Meet at the workout machines,
Please RSVP, so I know to look out for you,, or msg me on FB,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Third Time is a Charm - OCTOBER CHALLENGE

I am saying goodbye to "journeytofabulousat40" because this month I turn 41, and my focus, goals, and intention are different.  I am blasting off "coachyulia" by doing my own OCTOBER CHALLENGE on myself, and would love for everyone to join me.

I had two other times in my life where I lost a significant amount of weight and got in the best shape of my life, this time its for keeps.  I have been blessed with good genes and health, Thank God, but as we age, if we do not do preventive maintenance, and go through the joys of pregnancy and birth, things change, they just do.  All we can ever do is be our best NOW, feel your best NOW, achieve and exude the feeling of FIT FOR LIFE.   My Herbalife Nutrition Program has done so much for my energy and health, but now I am ready to add the workout full on, its only by combining Nutrition and Exercise can you achieve your ultimate.

When I started working on cruise ships at 24 years old, I was in decent shape mostly from good genes and just being an active person and eating healthy because I liked it.  I participated in sports but do not consider myself an athlete, just a person that likes to be fit and healthy.  I respect my fellow coaches so much in their athletic endeavours, who knows, I may get the calling one day, but for now I just want to look as good as I feel.

1.  So after working on cruise ships for three years, I was much "curvier" than usual, and decided to do what everyone was doing at the time, Atkin's for a month.  I lost 20 pounds, was very happy, but now in hindsight, its what we call skinny fat, no muscle tone, and potential health problems, not firm just thin.

2.  At 27 I moved to Los Angeles, and by a stroke of luck and following my gut started working at 24 Hour Fitness, where I met my Yoga teacher and found Bodypump, a low weight, high repetition amazing full body workout.  I got so lean, so firm, and going into my 30's was the best I had ever been, I looked good my friends :)

Everyone's story is different, everyone's timing and readiness is different, everyone's situation is different, you got to find what fits YOU.  I am committed to be FIT FOR LIFE, that is my motto, my vision, and my message.  What can you do to incorporate taking care of you, a bit of fitness, a bit of nutrition, little by little, or play full out, its up to you.

I'm ready to play,
Who is with me?
Coach Yulia

Height 5'7"
Weight 163 (right around 160 since baby #3)
Chest 37
Waist 31 above belly 38 at belly
Hips 39
Upper Right Thigh 23
Upper Right Arm 12
Send me yours!