Sunday, August 31, 2014

Labor Day

I am always in awe of friends who work a five day, forty hour work week or even more.  Even if you are doing what you love, it is still intense and exhausting.  My husband and I have been blessed to be our own bosses, but that also calls for hustling, and throw in three babies, and we just hit our seven year anniversary, it has been non stop.  We are so lucky that we got to raise our kids ourselves, one of us has always been with one of the babies, now all of them are in preschool so we have some breathing room and are actually excited to really get to work.

I love to do a little bit of everything, so I will be teaching PE in a middle school in our community five days a week but only a few hours a day in the afternoons.  It fits in perfectly into my current schedule, I have private clients and classes in the mornings and evenings, and my afternoons have been open for errands and naps.

I am excited to delve in on Tuesday after Labor day, it will be my labor day, not the baby kind of labor, but a fuller work load.  Speaking of baby labor, I have a client delivering October 1st, so it can really be anytime this month.  I am also excited about two other potential doula clients that are referrals.  It feels so powerful and fulfilling to be doing exactly what I am meant to do in this world.

Knowing that all of that stuff is coming up, I feel like I can let my hustle down and just enjoy, I just feel light. Every Sunday morning my cleanaholic husband deep cleans both of our cars, so we have to wait to get out for the day.  I always say I would happily take that addiction over any other addiction, but it can really get intense sometimes, kids and mommies need to get dirty, it is good for us all :)  We took full opportunity of our time this morning to reorganize the childrens books and room, and they were participating so nicely, and even telling me when I was putting something in the wrong place.  I do have a love for organization, I am excited the kids are catching on.  We are not to the point of when they play with something they put it right back, so the room inevitably becomes messy, but it is so cool when everybody works together to clean it up and knows exactly what to do and where everything goes, love teamwork!

The we went riding on the metro train all day, we took it to our favorite shoe store, and then went to Ross where I found each one of my kids a perfect end of the month gift for completing their sticker charts for the month.  My daughter got nail polish, she is 4 1/2, and I told her when she stops biting her nails, I will let her have polish, finally those fingernails needed a proper clippings.  My big boy got a cool car set with a tow truck and a car, and my baby got a fluffy bat and ball.  We then took the metro to a park where we played for a while, and after the playground they caught sight of balloons and streamers hanging on a tree and were so engrossed trying to get it all untangled, it was fascinating to watch. 

I dropped them at home and went to my friend, he was having Sunday consultations, and I brought a few friends to check him out.  Tomorrow my husband has family in town, so we will have a big lunch here, but before that I have two private classes, a hustlers work is never done.

Life is Good,
Labor is Good,
The work kind and the baby kind,
Happy Labor Day Weekend,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, August 30, 2014


My family has moved so many times, and then I have moved non stop, I honestly would have to stop writing and figure it out.  What I love about my family is that we would just be open to get to know our neighbors, surroundings, culture, people, and lifestyle.  I was raised to get to know all types of types, be friendly, and really get to know people.

This is the first year my kids are going to public school, but they are friendly as usual.  I would always take them all around town to parks and events, and they would automatically make friends and find kids to play with.  I love how kids bond so easily, we could learn so much by watching kids.

What I also love is that my kids are strong in their Judaism and their identity.  They know their roots and respect that everyone has different roots, backgrounds, nationalities, experiences, colors, and traditions.  At our dinner table we have guests from all walks of life, so my kids see that my husband and I enjoy getting to know knew people and make friends from all over the world.

I have been blessed to attract amazing people into my life and thanks to Facebook I got back in touch with people from my childhood as well as from my travels and work all over the world.  We went to say hello to my friend Marcus who just opened an authentic New Orleans Market and Deli, it is in Chinatown and has a very inviting and friendly vibe, got some great reviews,

As I was heading to my Yoga class on Friday I really felt blessed to be surrounded by good people, and as I walked into the class I noticed there were people from all walks of life.  Yoga really is for everybody, to learn about their body, because there is nobody exactly alike.  There is a personal trainer in the Gym from India, and he was asking me if the Jewish community accepted Yoga.  I was telling him that the way I learned and teach is to tune up the body and relax the mind, anything beyond that is personal.  It is all about breath, and breath is universal, breath is now, in the moment, and Thank God it never stops.

What I love about the Jewish communities all over the world is that it is all about diversity.  Whatever country or culture the ancestors are from, those foods, traditions, music, and way of life is intertwined with their Judaism.  I read an amazing article about all the crazy things happening in the world today, and how the Jewish people around the world can relate and should stand up, especially what is happening right here in America in Ferguson, and all of those horrible shootings.

There was also another article about the development of ISIS, and I found it very clear and interesting how things can develop, one vicious leader is conquered and things are brewing all around.

Diversity is a beautiful thing when it is accepted and respected by all,
Forcing and Hurting people into new ways of life is not how it works anymore,
The international community must unite,
Let's keep learning,
Keep Sharing,
Education and Transparency and is key,
Coach Yulia

My baby was playing at our Keepa (Yarmulka, that Jewish men wear on their head) and Jewish book table

Friday, August 29, 2014

Judaism: Tradition, Culture, Ceremony, Way More Than Just Religion

The video above is an amazing description of how we all explain the roots of Judaism, and what it means to be Jewish, and his conclusion is as clear as day.

I love reading about Jewish history, this was during WWI when Matza was flown in for Passover for Jewish soldiers all over the world and they were excused from the field to celebrate, it was a grand event!

Recently Hollywood stood tall and proud for Israel, and it lists the 200 people who signed against Hamas, even Ziggy Marley is on the list, WOW.

One of the most wonderful philosophies that Jewish people are raised with is how everything is positive, even the struggle and the hard lessons in life lead to amazing things, so we must live for today, be kind, and shine our light bright.   "Jews, we always like to find a way to say “gam zu l’tova” (this too is for the good) even in the most difficult times."   The following story is the most amazing example, a bomb shelter creates the perfect place to break the ice.

Love my Jewish brothers and sisters all over the world,
Feeling proud to be a part of one big family,
Klal Yisrael (Hebrewכלל ישראל‎, likely literally: "The Whole of Israel"),
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Count to 10 before you speak

My kids are sensitive, they cry, and I would rather they let it out than keep it in

I went to an amazing training today as part of my orientation to teach PE at a middle school in my community.  I have been teaching for over 15 years, I have gone into classrooms, but this is my first time working for the school and teaching a variety of grades as the Physical Education teacher.  I am so inspired by the focus of the school and staff to instill the students with confidence, respect, and to really connect with each individual student.  In today's training there was a section about psychology, there was a study about how the brain makes a cognitive decision, and then has a reaction, and the brain does not calculate that emotional reaction for 10 seconds.  So if there is a situation in class or anywhere else in life where emotions flare up, if you stop and count to 10, you can focus on the positive, and address it from a different cognitive perspective, and it will change the way you respond.  I found this very powerful, here is a quote that seems similar to what he was talking about, I love the science of everything.

"One significant finding of modern studies is that a person's brain seems to commit to certain decisions before the person becomes aware of having made them. Researchers have found delays of about half a second (discussed in sections below). With contemporary brain scanning technology, other scientists in 2008 were able to predict with 60% accuracy whether subjects would press a button with their left or right hand up to 10 seconds before the subject became aware of having made that choice."

Read more at this link,

I find this so powerful because it can affect everything from family life to war, it can affect how we approach everything in life.  Education and Self Evaluation are the only way that each person can consciously commit to growing, learning, and treating everyone around them with respect, and really listening to one another.

I found it fascinating,
It is intense scientific research,
Our bodies and minds are miracles,
The most amazing part is we do have quite a bit of control over both,
Our genetics and environments do not seal our fate,
Think about that,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


There are so many definitions for HABIT, but these were the ones that are floating around my head today.
  • manner of conducting oneself
  • the prevailing disposition or character of a person's thoughts and feelings :  mental makeup
  • a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior <her habit of taking a morning walk>
  • a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance

  • an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary <got up early from force of habit>
Lately my shoulders feel tight when I wake up, so I am retraining myself to relax them down as soon as I shift positions, and eventually it becomes automatic and unconscious.  I remember at one time my tongue would press hard at my upper teeth, I think that it even could move the teeth eventually with all that pressure, like a lockjaw almost I guess, so I retrained myself to put my tongue at the top of my mouth, and then the pushing of the teeth stopped.  Anything and everything could be adjusted, modified, changed, all the patterns and habits in our lives are not permanent if we don't want them to be.

I had a new Yoga student today that has many areas that are unhealthy or have had surgery, even genetic challenges, but she is focusing on anything and everything before resorting to medication and surgery.  This Sunday she is going to see, and see what is possible.

Possibility Exists,
Habits can be changed in 21 days,
It is a choice,
This can apply to:
State of Mind
What is needed is a shift in perception,
Being open,
Trusting your gut,
Surrounding yourself with supportive and positive energy,
It's up to you to take care of you,
Who will do it for you?
It's up to you to put yourself first,
It is not selfish,
It is self care,
To recharge for everyone and everything in your life,
Strength and Energy,
Feel Good on the Inside,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Use Your Hands, Hearts, and Minds To Heal Not Hurt

It amazes me when people stand up for important causes close to their heart, use their gifts to help and heal, and are an example and a light for everyone around them.  Will and Jada are exactly this, and they are helping Africa with water.  I think it is so powerful to share your gifts and good fortune, especially to take care of your own.  It is amazing what Oprah is doing in Africa for schools for girls, it is so beautiful that she wants to give back and is so grateful for everything she has achieved, and is contributing in giving the less fortunate a chance to learn, grow, and shine.

My friend Roland has an amazing gift, we all have gifts, and his is a knowledge and understanding of the human body and mind like no other.  He is starting his workshops next month, all about how to use specific movements to target pain throughout their body. Anybody interested in meeting him beforehand or has any specific questions, just follow the link below and email him. I am joining him in the workshops to represent women and all of our unique aches and pains.  More dates coming soon, and Sundays for my Jews.

Speaking of my Jews, and I have been speaking of my brothers and sisters much and Israel as well. It is all in the vein of support, giving a voice to the truth, passing on information to those that might not have a background in that region or the people, and just pointing out the positive as much as I can. Unfortunately the negative keeps happening, and I cannot make everyone I know aware that this is happening today all over the world.  In Sydney, Australia flyers were passed out that said "“Wake up Australia,” reads the flyer. “Jews have been kicked out of countries 109 times through history. … Could it be that having them in a European country is harmful to the host?”  It shocks me that people cannot just leave each other alone.  I love living in the United States where we are allowed to live as we like, but it doesn't stop the hate.

From Coast To Coast:

New York,
to Los Angeles,

So Sad,
I suppose all we can do is choose to follow examples like Will and Jada,
and everyone else around us doing good for the world,
We can lead from the front, shining our own light bright,
That is what I plan to do,
Want to Join me?
Coach Yulia

Monday, August 25, 2014


Today started out with an amazing private Yoga class with a sweet family, and then I went to pick up my friends mom, and drove her to a very special ceremony.  My friend decided that Judaism was her path, and had a beautiful gathering of her closest friends and family to share in the special moment in her life.  The Rabbi used a word that I haven't heard before and it really resonated.  He was saying that in transitional periods of our lives, even though physically on the outside we may seem the same, something has shifted, such as in marriage or becoming a parent, and he used the word liminal.

  1. 1.
    of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
  2. 2.
    occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

The word that comes to my mind at first is subliminal, and when I write liminal it shows me that it is a misspelling, a word that my computer does not know.  Subliminal means unconscious, but liminal is a deep consciousness and awareness that you have become anew.  I believe this is a good description of the feeling that you get when you are following your gut, your inner voice, and after an amazing journey, the result is so awe inspiring, gratifying, and just feels right.

My big boy comes home early from school this week, so we had a chance to do his homework before the other kids get home.  He started cutting with scissors on a dotted line, and then I was trying to explain to him not to round the corners but to make it even, he was getting frustrated and got very upset.  All I could do is say I was sorry, and after he calmed down we had some lunch, went back to the homework, and I showed him what I meant, and he was proud to do it all himself.  I am so grateful that his teacher this year is also very humble, soft spoken, and even seems child like, totally on the kids level, and perfect for my ultra sensitive boy.  In our family we are all big, loud talkers, yes even me the Yoga teacher, I am calm in class, but everywhere else my energy is intense :)

I finished my day with a nap, a run with a friend, a nice dinner that my husband prepared, it is our Hebrew anniversary, Rosh Chodesh Elul, amazing that it has been seven years.

Thank God For It All,
Coach Yulia
my intense side :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Alarms and Helicopters

Big City Living!  Many people I know say they are tired of hearing the helicopters, there is an alarm at a nearby store that has been going off in the middle of the night a few times a week.  I cannot imagine living anywhere else, I like the pros of the big city and they outweigh the cons.  Since 8am there has been a helicopter circling really low around our block, and now there are police cars down the street, I have no idea what is happening, I am not scared, but I do not want my kids to go outside.

It makes me think of war zones where it is not even comparable, but children grow up knowing rockets and alarms, destruction, and extremists that are targeting their nations.  In our own back yard in Ferguson there are riots, I cannot even imagine the rage and destruction that has exploded there and the antisemitic attacks all over the world destroying businesses and synagogues.

People in Israel live with this reality, and the amazing thing is that it feels peaceful, they trust that they are protected from the heavens above and from the Israeli Defense Forces.  I have been to Israel four times, I have always felt safe, protected, and most of all the Jewish philosophy of living each day to the fullest.  This is a concept I teach in Yoga as well, be present, connect to your breath, and having gratitude of what is positive in our lives.

All we can do is our best,
All we can do is be ourselves,
Enjoy your family, friends, and community,
Be Kind,
Be of Service,
Share Your Gifts With The World.

Update of helicopter, just got home its 11:30am, our street is blocked off with yellow tape, helicopter above.
Just tried to take a picture of just me, but I guess when you are a mom it is not just me anymore 
On my agenda today:

Teaching two Yoga classes
Pro Israel Rally
Back to School Picnic for my big boy
Sending my husband to to recharge and heal,
Meeting with an amazing group of leaders to plan a Pro Israel campaign,
I am living my truth,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Attacks on Israel have increased, and on Jewish people all over the world


Four-year-old mortar shell victim Daniel Turgeman

Before Israel became the Jewish home, trouble was brewing, and what I find most amazing about this article is that Arabs protected Jewish families from angry mobs.

Also today Syria and Lebanon attack Israel:

On my Facebook I am posting every time I see another country having antisemitic words and violence, today was Turkey, London, and Canada.  I also just learned about two high profile artists that boycott Israel,

I am sitting here listening to Annie Lennox's, "Medusa," album. It's been a while since I've been able to listen to her music. And, she has been one of my all-time favorite artists. How do I feel? Super-guilty. Because, she refuses to give concerts in Israel. She is not the only one. Alice Walker does not allow, "The Color Purple," to be published in Israel, either. I don't get these people. Don't they realize that 1. You don't punish people for the actions and policies of their government. And, 2. Sharing your art can shed a light, add insight, or give meaning - possibly even change some of the perceptions that you are against.

Finally Hollywood is gathering together and standing proud Pro Israel,

Stand Loud and Proud Pro Israel,
Coach Yulia

Friday, August 22, 2014

It's Just My Opinion

Even medical professionals, lawyers, and every other person out there gives their opinion based on their research, studies, history, and background.  Many times when you go to a doctor, people say to get a second opinion.

Yesterday I was at my hairdressers and we always have enlightening conversations, I love her point of view. She has no background knowledge or connection to the Middle East conflict, so she told me to explain it in very simple terms, and then went on to say that how I feel is my opinion and that people standing for the other side feel as passionately about their opinion.  I was telling her that I believed that there could be only one truth, but it does make sense that it can be seen through many perspectives.  So it made me realize that all we can do is speak out on we feel feel right in our gut, and even better to get educated, hear all sides, and stand strong, loud, and proud for what we believe in.  My parents left an oppressed society to give us a better life.  Even today all types of people are being targeted because they are different.  I cannot stand idly by, during the Holocaust many people were not aware of the extent of the horror, I will not let that happen again.  I believe my voice counts, and I am so honored to be asked to be part of a fundraising and awareness campaign for Israel.  What makes me most proud is that a non Jewish Yoga student that had taken my class and became a Facebook friend, saw my passion and information and wanted to know my opinion of Israel's perspective.  People are listening, and I must keep talking.

This also flows into my Yoga and Doula services.  Today I was getting my eyebrows done, and the woman that was working on me was pregnant with her second child.  Her first is three years old, and was a C Section because after 29 hours of labor with no drugs, she just didn't want to come out.  I asked her if she would consider a VBAC, and she asked my opinion.  I told her I was not a medical professional, and I felt that a VBAC was completely safe, but ultimately her choice and she should talk to her doctor.  Doctors are always focusing on caution and prevention, and the rupture that they scare women with, in my opinion, is very rare and a very small percentage, and its ultimately a personal choice.
Photo: A rally this Sunday in support of Israel. I'll be there and speaking around 2:30. Hope you can join us.

This Sunday is a Pro-Israel Rally, with amazing speakers and entertainment, what a fun way to support!

My opinion matters,
Your opinion matters,
Listen to your gut,
Your inner voice,
The World Needs To Hear It,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Freedom of...

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Last week Cleveland hosted the 2014 Gay Games, with approximately 7,000 participants and 20,000 spectators. A large Israeli delegation was also present.
The Israeli team of 7 athletes won 10 medals:
4 Gold
4 Silver
2 Bronze
2 representatives of the Israeli LGBT task force presented on equality in Israel.
We are very proud of the Israeli delegation!

Thank you Israel in Philly , Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs , The Aguda - The Israeli National LGBT Task Force and the other organizations and people for supporting the Israeli delegation.
Your support made the Israeli presence in #GG9meaningful and surely brought results and much pride to the State of Israel.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East where there is equality for all, and now let's talk about freedom.

Freedom of Religion

God Bless my parents that risked everything, brought us out of a communist, anti antisemitic Soviet Union, with little English.  For the Jews outside of America it is beyond religion, it is our nationality, culture, who we are, descendants of our ancestors, Zionist, Hebrew, Jew, it is all the same my friends, everything is connected.  The article below is an amazing perspective about belonging, being different, coming from a country where you are not accepted, it really explains clearly about the identity of a Jew.

Freedom of Speech

Thank God in America we have freedom of speech, but unfortunately some people bring violence into it, and then it is not a freedom anymore, it is not a conversation anymore,

Freedom to Express Yourself

Mayim Bialik is an amazing, successful actress and proud Jewish mama, I love how she talks about the reasons for choosing her Emmy dress.  Her other blogs talk about loving to wear her Star of David, and even though it has made her less popular in the eyes of some people, she doesn't care, she stands tall and proud with Israel, go Jewish sister,

Freedom to Breastfeed

It is amazing to me that in our culture nudity is celebrated, and in my opinion it is to each their own, but breastfeeding is looked down upon.  Our body is a miracle, I was lucky to nurse all my three kids, and Thank God for formula for those who need it, but all those powders, bottles, and expense I was lucky to have very little to do with.  California just passed a law to put breastfeeding rooms at major airports, woo hoo!  There was a "nurse in" at an Anthropologie store that made a woman go and sit on a toilet to nurse her baby, disgusting, so easy to put on a nursing cover, and do what is natural, women have been breastfeeding since the beginning of time!

Nurse on my Sisters,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What Will You Contribute to the World?

I moved to Los Angeles 15 years ago with no plan, just following my gut, really trusting what clicked.  When I took my Yoga teacher's class for the first time, I knew it was going to be my life.  It is amazing to me what makes news and what doesn't make news.  Most of the Yoga that is popular today stems from one man, BKS Iyengar, and he just passed away at 95 years old.  Luckily I found out about it on the internet, and a few of my fellow Yogi's have written something about him.  Nowadays there are so many different Yoga's, especially the Hot Yoga that recently has become what people know.  Personally I feel Yoga should be done in a calm, gentle manner, even if the pose looks like cirque du soleil.  My Yoga teacher has incorporated Iyengar's teachings into his practice and training, below are the basics.

A form of Hatha Yoga, it focuses on the structural alignment of the physical body through the development of asanas. Through the practice of a system of asanas, it aims to unite the body, mind and spirit for health and well-being. This discipline is considered a powerful tool to relieve the stresses of modern-day life which in turn can help promote total physical and spiritual well-being.[2]
It can be said that Iyengar differs from the other styles of yoga by three key elements: technique, sequence and timing.
  • Technique refers to the precision of the body alignment and the performance of pranayama.
  • Sequence means the sequences in which asanas and breathing exercises are practiced. Following the specific sequence is important in achieving the desired result, because only the combination of certain poses and breathing techniques can ensure the expected positive effect.
  • Timing is the third key element which defines the time spent in each pose or pranayama.[1]

You can read more about him here,  He was one of the pioneers that made Yoga available, part of our culture and world culture, may he rest in peace.

He made the world a better place,
My Goal is to leave a mark of light, self care, and trusting the gut,
What will you contribute to the World?
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I am inspired by stories of people helping people

We all interpret differently in this world, it is so amazing when visions collide, creating harmony, focus, and possibility
There is so much going on in the world and in the United States, we are bombarded with it, excuse my pun, and over saturated, and I am one of the ones that cannot stop posting and talking.  I think it has to be talked about, and hopefully listened to.

What I am inspired about today is stories of different cultures, backgrounds, religions, beliefs, nationalities, and walks of life bonding, helping each other, working to understand each other, and showing we are all in this together.

Here are some of the stories, and maybe it will show some of you that are firmly on one side of a situation to consider the other side, the possibilities, start listening, and working together toward a common goal.

It seems like hate is bubbling, and people are jumping on the bandwagon, maybe social media intensifies and edifies, but it is in our faces.  I think this article captures that,

Below are stories of children of top Nazi officials that are converting to Judaism.  I found it interesting because people always ask if it is nature or nurture, genetics or environment.  I have met people throughout my life with many layers, but beneath everyone is a soul, and that soul has a choice.

Just Thoughts and Prayers,
Coach Yulia

Monday, August 18, 2014

Flavors of New Olreans, Mexico, and Thailand

Going out for our 7 year anniversary dinner tonight to
I live in the middle of Jewish heaven, there are Kosher restaurants of every ethnicity, one of my favorites are Mexikosher, you can read all about it, Since getting married we keep kosher, no mixing dairy and meat products, and throughout my life I have not been interested in pork and shellfish because I didn't grow up with it.

My friend Marcus however is all about pork and shellfish and so much more New Orleans style, he just opened his restaurant, The Little Jewel of New Orleans grocery and deli,  I am so happy for him, you can check the place out on Facebook as well,

There is also a great Kosher Thai place,  I used to eat at many different Thai restaurants, and this one is amazing, the coconut chicken soup, pad see ew noodles, and pad thai, YUM!

Food is a celebration,
All of these places are authentic and delicious,
Tonight we are going for steak,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Take a Breath and Count To Four

The following link is something we talk about in my house all the time and I even apply it to myself.

It is from the show Daniel Tiger, it is based on Mr. Rogers, which was an amazing show for kids.  We do baths in the morning, at night I just want my kids in bed.  One of the kids always wants to go last to the bath, it is always a conversation.  I run them around all day to fun places, bedtime is always a drama, but Thank God once they fall asleep it is for the night.  The Daniel Tiger episode above says, "When you get mad and you want to roar, just take a breath and count to four."  I always remind my kids of this, and I also take a moment to take a breath.  My kids are strong willed, independent, know exactly what they want, and stand up for themselves.  This will serve them in life, but as a parent it drains all of my energy and patience.  We start getting ready for bed at 6pm, and they are in their beds by 7pm, and hopefully asleep by latest 8pm, yesterday it was 9pm, but I will not budge.  I always praise how good sleepers they are, and they are proud that they are good sleepers.  Boo Boo's heal, they re-energize for the next day, and they always tell me in the morning that they slept good.

Today I double booked my fun, there was a Klezmer Yiddish music concert from 4:30pm-7pm, and there was an event that in honor of the memory of 25th anniversary of the passing of his father, our friend started the process of writing a Torah, and there was a kids program teaching them exactly how it was done, what it was written on, and exactly how they did it.  Then they gave kids feathers and ink, as well as a page with the Hebrew alphabet, and my son copied it below, I was so proud how good it looked.  It is in the wrong direction, Hebrew is written from right to left, but the letters are brilliant, I was showing it off to everybody.  It makes me so proud that my son knows his roots, his mother tongue, and is a natural at writing Torah, BH.  We were having so much fun, we ended up getting home after 6:30pm.  We will be able to hear music anytime, but this experience was very special, they will have the new Torah written by the 25th anniversary of his passing.

They are finally all asleep, they started school last week, it will be an early morning.  We are all busy with wonderful things, excited for all of us to grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, and to be physically healthy, mind and body.

Coach Yulia

Saturday, August 16, 2014

I've Fallen, and I Can't Get Up

Do you remember this phrase?  It was everywhere and always cracked everyone up.  Today while my husband took the kids to synagogue, before my nap, I am reading the Jewish Journal, and found out that phrase is created by Israeli's who had a successful business for the elderly who had a button to push if they needed help and were alone.

There are so many articles about amazing Holocaust survivor stories and accounts, and for me it is something that I cannot stop reading.  I am always amazed how people can go through such horror and be close to death, and then in an instant everything changes and they get married, have children and grand children, and thrive in business, it blows me away.

This was from the Jewish Home, page 34 "Eating Diamonds for Bread,

Then I am reading an amazing perspective on Gaza, and following that an article about how the safest place for Arabs is Israel.

There is so much history and background that affects regions, nationalities, and land, there is so much to know, it is so sad what is happening to the Christian ethnicities, and has been happening, but finally the world is taking notice,

Iran and North Korea are funding terrorist organizations,

This is my world right now,
There is still Yoga and Health,
There is still my family, friends, and community,
I am always looking to learn and grow,
Learn from every side of a situation,
Besides trying to tire my kids out after they get home,
God Bless their energy, but bedtime is always a mission,
That is my brain space today,
Coach Yulia

Friday, August 15, 2014

“Because thought is more important than lifestyle.”

“Because thought is more important than lifestyle.”

Jeanne Calment is officially the longest living person on record, and what I love the most is she was active, busy, and mentally alert until the end,  Here are some of her quotes and thoughts,

I always love the wise words and thoughts of,
Photo: Appreciating what you have

So one of the funniest men in America turned out to be not one of the happiest men in America.

This week many people were shocked to learn the tragic news that one of the most famous American comedians left this world and he went through a self created exit door.

How sad? Someone that seemed - at least to an outsider – to have it all, was in fact living a life full of pain and sadness that tragically led to the unfortunate ending of his life.

There was so much written this week about him and his depression that I won’t even attempt to add any more.

But as someone who tries to take a lesson in life from everything that goes on around me, I wanted to share the following brief thought. Not about him but about us.

There are so many times that we find ourselves looking with envy at others that seem to have more than us, a better life than us or things that we wished we had for ourselves. We never truly know what their real life is like, but we envy none the less.

There is a powerful teaching in the Hayom Yom (the very first book published by the Rebbe o.b.m.) that says that in material matters we should always look at people with a more challenging situation than ours and thank G-d for the kindness He has shown us, but in spiritual matters we should look at people on a higher level than ours and yearn to reach to their level

I try to live by this principle but it isn’t always easy. Human nature causes us to yearn for the level of the material achievers and wish we had what those ‘successful people’ have.  This week was another reminder of that Hayom Yom. Look at people slightly more challenged than yourself and thank G-d your life is better.

My children seem to have an easier time thinking this way. I know this because my sister-in-law overheard my children last week discussing amongst themselves about how lucky they are for the life they have (yes!) that they don’t have the challenges that some of their classmates do.

Shabbat Shalom

Appreciating what you have

So one of the funniest men in America turned out to be not one of the happiest men in America.

This week many people were shocked to learn the tragic news that one of the most famous American comedians left this world and he went through a self created exit door.

How sad? Someone that seemed - at least to an outsider – to have it all, was in fact living a life full of pain and sadness that tragically led to the unfortunate ending of his life.

There was so much written this week about him and his depression that I won’t even attempt to add any more.

But as someone who tries to take a lesson in life from everything that goes on around me, I wanted to share the following brief thought. Not about him but about us.

There are so many times that we find ourselves looking with envy at others that seem to have more than us, a better life than us or things that we wished we had for ourselves. We never truly know what their real life is like, but we envy none the less.

There is a powerful teaching in the Hayom Yom (the very first book published by the Rebbe o.b.m.) that says that in material matters we should always look at people with a more challenging situation than ours and thank G-d for the kindness He has shown us, but in spiritual matters we should look at people on a higher level than ours and yearn to reach to their level

I try to live by this principle but it isn’t always easy. Human nature causes us to yearn for the level of the material achievers and wish we had what those ‘successful people’ have. This week was another reminder of that Hayom Yom. Look at people slightly more challenged than yourself and thank G-d your life is better.

My children seem to have an easier time thinking this way. I know this because my sister-in-law overheard my children last week discussing amongst themselves about how lucky they are for the life they have (yes!) that they don’t have the challenges that some of their classmates do.

Shabbat Shalom

I am so inspired by what I am coming across today that I want to add my own list:

Happiness is:

My almost six year old started his first day of school.  It was the first time that I didn't have to stay and calm him down, or explain how good it will be, he was open to new experiences and new friends.  He told me he was excited to say good morning to his new teacher every day.

My daughter has a gift with small children, she is 4 1/2 years old and would keep her classmates calm when her teacher was busy, and now when my baby is crying and nobody can help, we tell her to do her magic.

My almost 2 1/2 year old boy took off his diaper, put the potty to stand on next to the toilet, and went pee standing up.  He is not fully trained, and we are not pushing, but he is inspired by his brother and sister.

My husband telling people yesterday it was our 7 year anniversary, and being congratulated by them, excited that he is happy to share our special day.

My kids starting school and me squeezing in a Zumba and Yoga this morning, taking care of mama!

Below is one more amazing view on celebrating success,
So important to be our own cheerleader,
Taking care of yourself is not selfish it is self care,
Allow yourself to feel proud, accomplished, and happy in the moment,
Tonight we keep celebrating our anniversary and my mother in law's birthday,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia

 Legendary producer Norman Lear stopped by the Pico Union Project the other day. He once said: “Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of these tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything” I think I just collected a small pleasure! Shabbat Shalom.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


My mom is 70, I will be 42, and today I am married 7 years, what do all of these numbers have in common? The number 7 is in every one, and it is amazing how my mom is in awe of how her life has had transitional years every seven years.  Thank God in the last seven years we have had three amazing children, and I really do feel that now it is time for me to keep growing in my own gifts to give back and serve.

In Judaism, there is also focus on the number 7, we work the whole week and on the seventh day we rest, we start our week on Sunday and rest on Friday night to Saturday night.  Also in agriculture there is Shmita, here is a brief explanation, I love how the article explains the many reasons it is good to take a break every seven years on many levels.

My mom was in town, and life is full, my husband reminded me a few days before that it is almost our anniversary, and today he offered to have lunch together, and we have just had a beautiful evening together. It has been a non stop ride, and today I feel appreciated, loved, connected, and complete.

Coach Yulia

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Just A Number

I am forever young and he is an old soul
Age is just a number in my opinion, I don't understand the obsession with youth and the conclusion that eventually you get old and sick.  I am forever young because of the examples of my grandmother who God Willing will be 99 next month, my parents, and my amazing 82 year old Yoga teacher,  I believe in living in the now, enjoying the moment, connecting mind and body, and staying present with your family, friends, work, and fun.  In Russia where I was born, a birthday is a reason to party and celebrate, nothing to do with a number and the way you should behave and live because of that number.

My mom is 70 and she is healthier than ever, and she was telling me that it is amazing how things can always change for the better, we can always improve.  Each person can seek what works for them, for my mother it was exercise in water.  She has inherited arthritis, and throughout our life I remember her weak, but now she is stronger than ever, we do not help her with her luggage when she comes from the airport, she rolls it out herself, and we pick her up at the curb.  I also dropped her off at the curb, she easily picks up my kids, stands up and down, and ran around town effortlessly with me for the past two weeks that she visited.  My father is 75 (don't tell him I told you, he looks much younger), exercises daily, and is the handsomest and strongest man I know.

I am turning 42 this year, I had my kids at 35, 37, 39, I had all those tests after 35 done when I was pregnant, and Thank God for good genes and a healthy, active lifestyle, all was working as it should. Dr. Oz said 40 is the new 20, and that is how I feel, nowadays in our culture exercise and nutrition are on people's minds, we live differently than past generations.

I do not want to go back to my high school years, I only get better and better :) Life must move forward in some way, shape, or form.  Nobody wants to be stagnant, so delve deep inside, what are your gifts, what are your passions, express the real you, we all want and need to see it.  If you do not become all that you can be, nobody else will do it like you could have done it, we are all unique, please share yourself, do not deprive the world of your essence, purpose, and light.

Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


My mom has talked about this for as long as I remember, this is what it takes to really connect to someone, all four must be there or something is missing.  I just dropped her off at the airport this morning, we all had a wonderful time and hoping for her to come back soon.  We were talking about health in all of its aspects this morning and it got me thinking that what applies to relationships also applies to health.


There are some people in my life that really think they know everything, from my young children, to family of all ages, and some friends as well.  My parents came to this country, trusted my brother and I to be adults at 5 and 7 years old and teach them about the language, culture, and anything and everything else they could absorb.  My parents are brilliant, they got the highest education in the Soviet Union where barely any Jews were allowed to get higher education, only the best got in.  My father would rather ask a question and not look so smart and keep learning, rather than have an ego and not know.  I do not understand the mentality of knowing everything, sure confidence is important, but so is being humble, respecting others, and always wanting to grow and learn.


Robin Williams was a genius, and he also had depression and mental illness.  My good friend who in her childhood suffered from bulimia and anorexia calls me a NORMIE.  I do not understand addictive personalities, I do not understand depression and wanting to kill yourself, it honestly does not make any sense to my brain.  In my way of thinking you just deal with life, and then move on, even if it hurts, even if you have to start over, just move forward, maybe what happened will lead you into a much better direction. I understand everyone is different and I respect everyone has their own struggle and circumstance.  This article about Robin Williams gives a glimpse into his head space, and this quote is really powerful, "Oh, my friend, if only you knew, I thought to myself.  If only you understood.  Williams did not make that choice.  If only you could grasp it.  It was not him.  It was his illness."  Here is the link,


I am always talking about connecting mind and body, being conscious of how we move and of our choices of food, exercise, and lifestyle.  My mom told me two very interesting facts today about water and grapefruit. When you drink plain water it goes directly to your kidneys and cleans waste, when you add anything to it, then it puts the digestive system to work.  I recently started to drink two glasses of water in the morning right after I wake up, first thing, I read that it helps to awaken and cleanse the organs.  She also told me that if you are on medications, avoid grapefruit, it can get in the way of what the medication is meant to accomplish.


My older kids have had an amazing Jewish education, and now it is time for us to move to public school for many reasons.  It is of the utmost importance to me that my kids keep learning our culture, history, lessons, and language.  So when my son is 13 and it is time for his Bar Mitzva, it is natural, flows, and exciting.  I was looking at my options and I found the most amazing program after his public school ends.  Anybody in the Los Angeles community check out this sponsored program, I feel so blessed.  For now my baby is in an amazing Hebrew, Russian, and English program, very homey and full of love.

Thank God,
I got all my bases covered,
Coach Yulia