Saturday, February 28, 2015

What do you believe is the truth?

I am reading some articles this weekend that just boggle my mind.  In the medical world and in war, it is important to get all the facts, research, educate ourselves, and stand firm on what you believe.

I believe everything has its place, and it should be each person's decision to make, what is the right path for them.  This following article is appalling, because doctor's recommended all kinds of drugs based on research of the day, and not knowing enough of side effects, until they were deemed illegal. It is scary that at one time in America, it was thought best to put women completely out in labor, episiotomy, reach in get the baby, and then the woman wakes up not knowing what happened, they felt it was medically best at the time.  Here is the article about all these crazy drugs that were big money makers for the pharmaceuticals, and recommended by doctors, just click on the link,

Then there are countries that cry wolf, but are paying their citizens to hurt others, rewarding them and their families, read the article under the heading Israel, Bombers: The more they kill, the more they get paid It just drives me crazy about the "facts" that are on the news.  The article above and the article below are about countries and situations that are Anti-Israel, and in my opinion have so many distorted accusations, and horrid actions, it is hard to believe that everyone in the world doesn't stand together against extremism period,

My question is what do you believe?
Do you believe your doctor 100%?
Do you believe one countries words over another?
Are you listening to every side of every situation and circumstance?
I know where I stand,
Less medical intervention and drugs,
Israel has the right to exist,
Coach Yulia

Had a great Shabbat with the kids, let my husband rest at home, now taking care of mama, massage time

Friday, February 27, 2015

I am energy

Rest In Peace Leonard Nimoy, I remember it from my childhood on TV,

We all give off an energy, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, sometimes open and sometimes closed.  I am in tune to this in myself and in others, and I think for some it is a breath of fresh air and for others it is an "odd" way of experiencing the world.

I feel that this awareness of energy all around me is beneficial in my Yoga and Doula services.  I am able to connect to the present moment, and connect to each individual, creating a space where everyone can be themselves.  I always emphasize how important it is to give undivided attention to ourselves, the full 100%, everything else can wait.

This energy connection has also guided me throughout my life, I completely trust my gut, and for me it is a deep spiritual connection.  For some it is the law of attraction, to others it is G-d, each person has to find "it" for themselves.

It is important to have energy, but we must be recharged, just like our phones.  We must be refilled, just like gas in our cars, or for those of you with electric cars, plugged in.  For humans this recharge is actually to stop the non stop, it is not easy.  We love the non stop, we love the hectic, crazy, intense high of life.

"if you don't take time for rest and recreation, you eventually have to take time for illness."

I met a woman in one of my classes that hurt her rotator cuffs, which are in shoulder area, from a spinning class!  In any exercise, it is very important to focus on form, alignment, and core. Everything is connected, so if an exercise is done incorrectly for a period time, eventually the body will get injured.

What is my point?

Pay Attention,
Give all of your attention when you are doing something, makes it more effective, prevents accidents,
Take time off,
How about 24 hours,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spock+Drake+Indiana Jones=Jews

Lately there is so much in the news about Israel and Jewish people, and it is interesting to me to read everyone's perspectives.  It is also interesting to see amazing public figures like Marco Rubio in the video above standing up for Israel, as well as others from writers, performers, and celebrities from all over the spectrum describing Judaism from their point of view.

Leo Tolstoy


Katy Perry

Ivanka Trump

Then there are also Jewish celebrities sharing their experiences growing up, it is amazing to find out Spock, Drake, and Indiana Jones all have Jewish backgrounds, click the link below.

There is hope,
People from all walks of life can learn about each other,
Respect each other,
Stand up for each other,
Support each other,
Proud Jew,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I love your face, I love your hands

I love what comes out of the mouths of babes, it is so fun to listen to the thoughts and wording that children say.  Whenever I lay down with my almost three year old to put him to sleep, I tell him I love him, and he told me yesterday, "I love your face, I love your hands."  It was so sweet to hear the details of his thoughts, I think even sweeter than from a significant other.  I am not a mushy person, and my daughter is a smotherer, I hope she finds a husband that loves unlimited hugs and kisses 24/7. I tell my daughter I need a break and to go play! I do make an effort to give them big hugs and kisses especially when they wake up at the crack of dawn, we are not in a rush, so I lay around with them and take turns.  My sister in law had told me about giving 20 second hugs really transfers energy from one person to another,

Ohh the things I keep learning as a mother, as a woman, as a wife, as a person.  I am always in awe of how it is important to be open because creation is always happening, we are always birthing our creative ideas as well as babies.

Take the time to listen to the magic, genuine, unconditional words of your children, they say it with an innocent truth without asking anything in return.  Unless of course they are a bit older and want to watch a show, or buy an outfit, or go somewhere fun.

Never a boring moment!
Coach Yulia

one more month and we cut this cuties hair, not sure who took this picture, that is the kids towels drying from their morning shower, yes they all take a shower every morning, pros versus cons, cleanaholic household, I'm the messy one

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


My kids have music in their genes, thanks to my mother, who graduated from Moscow Conservatory.  She sings, plays piano, and directs choirs, and my kids love to sing and play with instruments.  I have an opportunity to have my son try a piano lesson and my daughter, a singing lesson, so excited to see if they like it.

I love music, but I do not own many albums or have any music on my phone, I love to just listen to it wherever I am.  I have recently started learning about Jewish artists, since that is the only music I can play in the school that I teach.  There are some really good songs out there, look up Gad Elbaz, amazing dance music, and this one below by an artist called Describe.

The singing voice, musical instruments, and the language of music did not get passed down to me.  I understand movement and beats, and especially love dance and teaching Yoga, because everyone looks like they are creating their own unique dance and there is no perfect way to do it, just their own individual expression of the pose.
It is amazing how musicians keep creating something new and different, from their soul.  It is a beautiful language and I want my kids to speak it.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow


It was a day full of "to do's," parties, and running into everyone, everywhere I went.  In the morning we went to a house of a mom that was selling little heart containers that would be perfect for the gifts kids give each other on the Jewish holiday Purim, that is coming up next week.  That was our first stop, then I went to return the Iron man costume that I got, because I had asked where to get low price costumes, and a mommy I knew had picked a whole bunch up after halloween!  It was 1/4 the price and had muscles, woo hoo.  Then we went to a new 99 cent store that has branded everything, I got Frozen plates, napkins, and figurines.  My gorgeous daughter is turning 5, so I am adding touches to all the fun things I plan on doing for her.  Then we went to the mall, it has a fun and free kids play area, we needed an hour to pass before the birthday party that we were invited to was going to start.

I ran into four families that I knew, from all different areas of life.  One was my kids teacher and our former neighbor, another was a new Prenatal Yoga client.  The other two were people that I had seen in synagogue or at friends houses, so fun to catch up, exchange info, and network.  We ended our day at a fun party for a three year old boy, my older two kids got a chance to cut a few pieces of his hair and were thrilled.  I ended my day by teaching a Yoga class, what a wonderful, accomplished day.


Had the morning off, spent the day catching up on office work, folding laundry, and getting ready for the rest of the day.  Took my baby to a few appointments and dropped him off at his school and went to work, it was a good day.  Finished up at home by helping my big boy do his homework, and made some Borscht, my mom's recipe of Russian beet and cabbage soup, I make mine vegan, but love to eat it with sour cream.


9:15am Prental Yoga
10:30am Pilates
1:30pm PE
6pm Pilates
7:15pm business meeting

and of course in between that getting the kids ready for school, to school, from school, and to bed.

Good night,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What is a Semite?

Because of her Jewish heritage, she was denied the opportunity to be part of UCLA student government,

I was born in the Soviet Union, my parents left because there was discrimination against the Jewish nation, on our passport, under nationality it said Jewish.  We come to America, the land of diversity, and this is the first time since I moved here with my family over 35 years ago that I have lived here do I feel discrimination against Jews happening in the United States and all over the world.  I am shocked when innocent Jewish people are attacked automatically because someone is Anti-Zionist.  My mother always tells me that the Semitic nations cannot be Anti-Semitic against each other.  I think the following articles really makes a good point.

"One council member made a point of saying Palestinians are Semites just like Jews, meaning divestment cannot be anti-Semitic. The fact is that while it contains a derivative of “Semite,” the term anti-Semitism has only ever meant hatred of Jews alone. Twisting this meaning is an abuse of language that minimizes centuries of anti-Jewish racism in Europe and the Middle East. Divestment against Israel is tied to hatred and anti-Semitism, as we saw at UC Davis where a student senator wrote “Israel will fall” on social media and swastikas were spray painted on the AEPi house."

Read more:

The good thing about the university system is that there is a freedom of expression, conversation, and taking action about what students believe in.  I respect and want to hear everyone's side, but I will stand firm, tall, and proud in support of Israel.  Luckily in UCLA the Chancellor rejected the vote for divestment,  In Stanford originally there was a vote against divestment, but I just read that they voted again,

This morning in my own family there was a conflict between the children.  When they were younger sometimes we would need to send them to their room or give them a time out.  Now that they are older, I love to reason, debate, mediate and resolve the problem that will make everyone happy.  Most of the time I am able to do this.  Those are my children, the issues I am talking about in this blog are about adults acting like children, no reason, anger, hurting innocent civilians for a cause. 

I agree talking doesn't solve everything all the time,
I send my husband in to lay down the law if my talking is going nowhere,
The more people that make their voices heard,
The more will join in the conversation,
Look at this beautiful example of Semites joining together,

Am Yisroel Chai,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, February 21, 2015

WORRY is useless


I find this tree so beautiful and true no matter where you come from, what you believe, it is just truth and facts.  The best part is that each section has so many options, than anyone from all walks of life, background, nationality, race, and upbringing can find what fits their lifestyle and flow.

I had the most wonderful Day of Rest, our guests for last night's dinner were so fun to talk to.  As I get back to the digitally connected work the realty of the craziness of the world is right in front of me and tons of fun stuff to plan for the month of March continues.  I am not going to go into details, but I am on electronic overload.  I am watching a show with my husband, writing my blog, chatting with five people, and have my phone nearby, that's how I roll!  That is also why stepping away from it all is so necessary for my mind, body, soul, and sanity.

I did not know what to write about to day but the beautiful tree above appeared before me as well, click on the link below it to read the 18 teachings.  18 is a very powerful number in Judaism, every letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a numeric equivalent, and 18 means life.  My mom reminded me the other day that the opposite of death is birth, life is the in between.  I had titled one of my blogs birth and death, referring to my Doula work and to the horrors happening around the world by ISIS and other terror organizations and extremists.

Choose Life,
Worry is useless,
Why let it live rent free in your brain,
Coach Yulia

Friday, February 20, 2015

Revealed Good

Your Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom:
It’s not that there are two forms of matter, the physical and the spiritual. Rather, to each thing there are two faces, the more tangible and the more abstract.
Our senses grasp that which is tangible, and we call it “physical.”
Our mind’s eye is able to grasp the more abstract—each according to his level—and we call that “spiritual.”

This is such an amazing month for me for so many reasons.  First of all in the Jewish Lunar Calendar, it is the month of Adar, where we strive to be happy every day.  One of the reasons we are happy is because of the holiday of Purim, it is all about enjoying life, celebrating our history, dressing up in costumes, and non stop parties.  I love that in our multicultural world there is always a New Year, so I want to wish a Happy Chinese New Year to all of you who celebrate, I know there are so many fun events all over the world.  All of the astrological signs start mid month, so they are lunar as well, so the Jewish month of Adar is mid February through mid March.
For me personally the month of March is a month of birthdays, first my daughter and then my baby. I love planning all the fun that we are going to have all month, we don't do one birthday celebration, there are many, from the Solar birthday to the Lunar birthday, and everything in between.
Lately many interesting and wonderful things have been happening, and in this month of happiness, which is my favorite state of being, I feel fully present to all the magic around me.  In Judaism we are always wishing each other revealed good and revealed miracles, meaning that it is something that we will clearly see, appreciate, and fully be aware that miracles happen all around us. 
Here is a list of these opportunities to be of service and manifestations:
1.  I was in a rush to pick up my son from school, I had no time, as I am running out of work a friend of mine asked me to take some food to another mother that was completely on the other side of the building.  She had her kids in the car, I knew it was food for a mother that just had a baby, I figured why be late, and this would really make her take a breath and smile for the rest of the day.
2. I got a flyer for Disney on Ice, and it was perfect, a good mix of boy stuff and girl stuff, I am trying to figure out what to do for my daughter for her birthday, and then a friend of mine puts me in a group where they are giving away free tickets to that exact show and I won!
3. I was running late to teach my Yoga class at the Hollywood 24 Hour Fitness, and one of my regulars stops me and asks me to help her with her membership, she only spoke Russian and I figured I will be a little later to class, but I will help this older woman take a deep breath and translate for her so she could freeze her membership until she feels better.
4. Today I was driving my car and noticed that the lights dimmed when I went under a dark bridge, adjusting to the light, and got brighter once I was back in daylight, completely more comfortable for the eye.  Feeling so grateful for modern technology, operates automatically, thinks for us, I love my backup camera and navigation.
5. So our dress up holiday is around the corner, it is as big as Halloween, in the Jewish world there are so many parties, kids parties, adults parties, and everyone dresses up.  My daughter is obsessed with Elsa from Frozen, but luckily she is not stuck on the branded stuff.  I let them watch You Tube, and there are different versions of Elsa, there is one in a red dress singing "let it burn," and my daughter tells me there is a purple, and some other colors.  So I noticed a red velvet dress hanging in back of her closet, it is a little big but perfect for the costume, so I showed it to her and she is so excited to be "Red Elsa," and all I have to do is create a cape.  I am proud of me.  I love being creative with my kids, I just helped my son in Kindergarten build a police station out of a rubber gloves box, a paper towel roll, and a broken plastic box that we used for wipes, no need for it since my baby got out of diapers. It turned out so awesome, they are creating a city in school, and everyone was assigned a building.  He had the idea that it could have police boats, so we built a police dock, and put boats in.  The paper towel roll is a light house with a top of a mouthwash bottle as the light.

Take Notice,
It is happening all the time,
Be careful what you wish for,
Be conscious of what you wish for,
You can have it all,
Shabbat Shalom, 
Coach Yulia

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Headstand and Shoulderstand

Some of you that are on Facebook saw me "like" this article, and I have more thoughts about form, alignment, core, and YOU!

Ultimately there is just you, your body, your genes, and how you are feeling that day.  We live in a world of extremes, everyone want "it," whatever it maybe be, and wants it NOW!  What is now anyway, now changes every day, we change everyday, we want different things in different stages of our lives.  What we all want, however, is health, and of course to be fit, strong, and fabulous.

This article talks about how students may want to progress quicker than their body is ready, or maybe for their body some poses may be dangerous.  Many large classes are fun, but the teacher is not able to watch each person closely, and many times people do not know how to watch themselves, or they do not know the form, or they are pushing themselves in their mind and ignoring the body. Sometimes there is a teacher that is performing instead of instructing, and even encourages the students to go for it, and I see it all the time, all kinds of injuries in classes that are supposed to keep us healthy, fit, and strong.

The following link is about how squats are different for everybody.  That is why it is so important to get an individualized program, keep learning and listening to how your own body works, and find what you like to do so you keep doing it.  Of course nutrition, sleep, and happiness play a big part on how we look on the outside.

I will leave with some good advice from a woman in her 90's,

Take an interest in YOU,
Take care of YOU,
Be Fascinated and Keep Learning about You,
It is not Selfish, It is Self Care,
If you don't do it, who else is going to do it for you,
We need Strength, Energy, and a Break for the Mind From The Everyday,
Very Important to Balance and Feel Good,
So we can give our all to everyone and everything in our life,
Coach Yulia

Give Yourself A HUG!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Even Hospitals Do Not Want Early Labor, They Send You Home

Surfing your birthing waves

I always tell my clients and in my own experience that you have a choice, you can labor at home, in
your own clothes, eat whatever, rest, watch a movie, take a walk, take a shower, or you can labor in the hospital connected to machines and in some cases bedridden.  Every situation is different and I respect everyone in their personal choices and preferences.

Recently there has been a shift in thinking, women are actively seeing support and methods to manage labor.  I feel it is so important to understand that every woman has to make the choices for herself, we are blessed that there is complete freedom of choice.  I always tell my Prenatal Yoga and Doula clients not to listen to stories, or watch shows that sensationalize the extremes, the internet is confusing enough.  There are amazing birth classes, as well as Yoga and Hypnobirthing among other tools that will really click in the moment.

I emphasize the moment, because each birth is so different, a different tool might feel better for one than for another.  What I have noticed is that women that go into it with a positive and trusting attitude of the birth process are usually mentally and emotionally prepared to make conscious decisions and feel good about them in every scenario imaginable.

I also advise women to reach deep inside themselves into a place of acceptance of what will be, for some it is God, for others it is more of a trusting the universe or Buddhist approach.  This mindset helps keep the laboring woman focused on what is happening instead of worrying in advance.

What are tools of labor? Let's start with one you may not have thought about in the link below, at home or in the hospital.

For me personally it was standing still, no movement and focusing on my deep Yoga breathing to get through one contraction at a time.  As it got more intense, my Doula would do pressure points on my back which felt so good and were an amazing mental distraction from the labor.

Pain can be managed, but suffering is unnecessary, my advice is to labor at home as long as you can, and if it becomes too much, listen to your gut, why suffer?  I have had three epidural free and drug free births, with my Doula's help and my Yoga breathing, I honestly did not have one moment where I wanted it.  It wasn't a walk in the park, but getting through it one contraction at a time really helped.

My Doula clients have been diverse, and I support whatever their needs are.  Many have liked the birthing ball, a shower or bath, walking, and I am sure I will keep on learning more in this beautiful work I am blessed to do.

What is important to really internalize is that there is no perfect way, there is not one way, there is only your way.  Your experience will be unique, be present, it will be a ride, but at the end of it all you are a mother and a new life is in your arms.

The moment a child is born...
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Science and Judaism on Vaccinations

My friend posted this the other day, and it is definitely how I operate. 

~ the essence of Jewish thought is gei veiter, always move forward.~

There is so much going on in the world, my whole week of blogs is already booked! I feel like I am a talk show :)  Here we go again on the topic of Vaccinations, yes my kids are vaccinated, no I do not do the flu shot.  For myself I do not like to take medication, I prefer the natural route and letting things pass.  For my kids living in our international world, Los Angeles to be exact, and planning to travel to see every corner one day, I felt it was the best choice for my family.  I like how this next scientific perspective explains it.

Kimberly Mulligan

Hi mamas! Scientist here. I decided to write a long post about vaccines to help shed some light on how vaccines work and, hopefully, bring some clarity to topics of debate. The amount of misinformation about vaccines feels a little out of control to me. And no matter what you think about vaccines, it’s tough to wade through this information without a scientific background. FYI, my science background: PhD in developmental biology from Stanford University, postdoctoral research at UCSF on the molecular basis of brain development with an emphasis on a group of genes implicated in autism and other neuropsychiatric disorders, and I just joined the faculty at CSUS this January where I teach molecular cell biology and will have a research program focused on the molecular basis of neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric illness. Ok, on to the fun stuff. (It’s long because I wanted to be comprehensive and address all of the questions I usually get about vaccines.)
First, I ask that you read this with an open mind. Having an open mind is an integral quality of good scientists – it is the only way to objectively analyze data. (Open minds are wise minds!) I also want to add that this debate gets nasty, but in the end we all love our kids and want what’s best for them (as a mama of two, I get that). I am not judging, I do not feel that is my place as a scientist – my place as a scientist is to arm you with information and help you better understand that information.
Important vocabulary: pathogen = disease-causing bacteria or virus
Q: Ok, so what are vaccines? (I feel like this very basic question is often not clearly answered.)
A: Usually they are viruses or bacteria that have been modified so they cannot hurt you, but still look like pathogens to your immune system. That part is key. When a weakened pathogen (or “acelluar” pieces of a pathogen) enters your body your immune system responds by making antibodies that will bind specifically to that pathogen, and target it for destruction. Here’s the really cool part – our immune system makes cells called memory B cells that will stay in our body for a really long time (depending on how strong the vaccine is). These memory B cells are primed to make antibodies specific for that pathogen if you were to get infected again. This is important because our immune response can take a long time - long enough for pathogens to have debilitating and sometimes lethal consequences. If you have those B cells ready to go, your body makes specific antibodies that will get rid of the pathogen before it hurts you.
Q: What about the other scary sounding stuff in vaccines?
A: They are all there to make sure the vaccine stays safe and effective. And while they sound awful, they are all actually totally safe in the amounts present. For example, formaldehyde sounds scary, but did you know that it is a normal metabolic byproduct that your body produces in small amounts constantly? You produce more formaldehyde over a matter of minutes than you get from a vaccine. Another fun fact: there is 4-15 times more formaldehyde in a single apple than any one vaccine. And your body simply processes it and gets rid of it (again, it knows how since you are always producing it). Aluminum? Present in things ranging from organic pears to natural breast milk. One of the first things biochemistry students learn is that dose matters. Yes, large amounts of aluminum and formaldehyde are bad…but large amounts of water can be lethal. Oh, and mercury-containing thimerosol is no longer in early childhood vaccines because it was removed due to public outcry. However, there is still zero scientific data to suggest that thimerosol has any detrimental effects. In fact, the type of mercury in thimerosol is ethyl mercury, which is readily flushed from the body. The bad mercury that our body has a harder time getting rid of is methyl mercury (found in tuna).
Q: Why should you trust a big pharma who profits from vaccines?
A: My first answer is that you don't have to. There are a lot of scientists who have published research on the safety of vaccines that are not affiliated with big pharma and do not profit from the results of their findings. They are people like me – who became scientists because they wanted to help learn more about biology in order to diminish human suffering. We work for academic institutions, not big pharma. We ask questions without a vested interest in the answers. These are the scientists that can provide you with unbiased information. You can do a search for yourself on the largest database of scientific journals here:
You will find that when you search for studies on autism and vaccines, of the hundreds of studies conducted, there is still no scientific data to suggest a link between the two. For example, every epidemiological study conducted on populations of children living in the same community has shown autism occurs at the same rate in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
Q. What is currently thought to be the cause of autism?
A: It is currently thought that autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that often begins in utero. A number of the autism risk genes identified affect how the brain develops during gestation. There were actually a couple of papers very recently published indicating specific mutations in a large number of candidate risk genes for autism. There has also been research showing the influence of environmental factors like maternal antibodies that are present in the womb, which were identified by scientists at the UC Davis MIND Institute. Autism is a very complicated disorder, and we certainly don’t have all of the answers! But, again, there has been an overwhelming amount of time and money dedicated to investigating a potential link between autism and vaccines, and every study has come back with the same results: there is no data to suggest a link between autism and vaccines.
Q: Back to the big-pharma-makes-a-lot-of-money-argument.
A: Yes, they do. They make money on every drug they produce. I have opinions on big pharma’s business practices that I won’t go into now because it actually has nothing to do with the argument about vaccine effectiveness or safety. For better or for worse, our entire medical system is profit based (our entire economy is, actually). The people at the forefront of the anti-vaccination movement also make a lot of money. That is not why I don’t believe them, though. I don’t believe anti-vaccination proponents because of the absence of scientific data to support their claims. As a scientist, I only believe what the scientific data supports. I read research, not opinions. (That is not meant as a slight to anyone! I am simply stating my practices. I know that reading primary research papers can be like reading a different language if you do not have a science background, so I would not really expect any non-scientist to have this practice. It’s the same reason I don’t read economics papers. Bleh!)
Q: What about vaccine-related injury?
A: The overall risk is something like 0.003%. And the VAST majority of those 0.003% have minor allergic reactions. Severe allergic reactions can occur, though they are extremely rare. There have been a few cases of autoimmune disorders being triggered by a vaccine. It is not entirely clear whether the vaccine was actually the trigger because it could have been triggered by any pathogen. Importantly, people who are immunocompromised, meaning they have a weakened immune system (chemotherapy patients, HIV patients, genetic immune deficiencies, etc.), cannot be immunized because their immune systems are so weak that even the weakened virus might hurt them. All of these people fall into the class of people who should not get vaccinated and for whom herd immunity is so important!
Q: What is herd immunity?
A: It’s kind of basic math. Viruses cannot replicate on their own. They need to infect a host cell in order to replicate. If they don’t make it into a host cell, they will eventually die. Here's an easy example: a person infected with a virus walks into a room where there are 20 vaccinated people separating him from a single unvaccinated person. That virus cannot move from the infected person and replicate in any of the vaccinated people because once it gets into their bodies, those memory B cells start pumping out antibodies that kill it before it can replicate and spread. Therefore, those 20 vaccinated people make it harder for the virus to make it to the single unvaccinated person. If half of the people were unvaccinated, that virus would get to have a replication party in all of their cells and would have a much easier time surviving, multiplying, and spreading. Herd immunity is just a basic principle about how infectious pathogens spread. If someone tells you it doesn’t exist, you should be wary of any other scientific information they give you because it means that they have never taken or studied immunology or microbiology and are not qualified to have an educated discussion about those topics.
The tricky thing about vaccines and herd immunity is that herd immunity really only works when a high percentage of the population are vaccinated. If not, then viruses have an easier time spreading around our communities, putting at risk our neighbors who cannot be vaccinated (newborns, cancer patients, etc.), and who are also much more likely to die as a result of infection. That is why the scientific community is so scared. We feel that even a single death from a vaccine-preventable disease is a tragedy.
Q: Isn’t natural immunity better than vaccine-induced immunity?
A: Well, the immune response is stronger because the pathogens are not weakened, so if you make it through the illness you will, in theory, have a great supply of those memory B cells. The problem is that a lot of these vaccine-preventable pathogens can cause blindness, deafness, brain damage, paralysis, or death. I know of a mama who has a sister who contracted rubella (i.e., German measles) while she was pregnant. Her baby was born blind and deaf because of the infection. So, yes, she now has great immunity to rubella. But she would give anything to have had vaccine-induced immunity prior to her pregnancy.
Q: Why do some vaccines not give lasting immunity?
A: Each vaccine has a varying degree of effectiveness. By effectiveness I specifically mean the quantity and quality of memory cells that will stick around in the immune system post-vaccine. For example, the smallpox vaccine gave immunity for 65 years whereas the pertussis vaccine only lasts for about 10 years. This is the purpose of boosters. Boosters essentially tell your immune system that it is still important to mount a defense against the pathogen, and replenishes your stock of memory cells.
Q: I heard a lot of adults are to blame for the current measles outbreak. Should adults get vaccinated, too?
A. Absolutely! If you are unsure of your immunity, you can talk to your medical provider about checking your titer (a measure of your immunity), or you can just get a booster. Even if you’ve had a booster, but can’t exactly remember when and your provider doesn’t do the titer test, getting another booster cannot hurt you.
Q: Why do babies often get fevers after being vaccinated?
A: Part of the natural immune response is the release of molecules called chemokines, which cause fever. As a mama, I know how scary it can be when your little one has a fever, but a post-vaccine fever is indicative of a robust immune response and means they are making great memory B cells. That does not mean you shouldn’t treat your baby’s fever! (Please consult your pediatrician on when you should treat your baby’s fever.)
Q: What’s up with vaccine shedding?
A: Vaccine shedding is something only possible with a live attenuated virus. This is different from the pertussis vaccine, for example, which is an acellular vaccine, meaning it contains various pieces of the pertussis bacterial molecules and is not infectious at all, cannot cause illness ever, and cannot shed. Again, a live attenuated virus is a weakened virus that reproduces so slowly that a normal immune system will take care of it before it causes any harm. If a person is immunocompromised, live attenuated vaccines cannot be used because their immune system might not be able to handle even a weakened virus. The nasal spray flu vaccine does have a risk of vaccine shedding because the vaccine is administered directly to the mucus membranes of the nose. Therefore, if that recently immunized person were to sneeze onto an immunocompromised person, there is a theoretical possibility that the attenuated virus could give that immunocompromised individual the flu. This is why it is recommended to stay away from immunocompromised individuals for a week after getting the nasal spray flu vaccine. Other live attenuated viruses are injected into muscle. Some of the weakened virus will get into the lymphatic system, which is where all that good immunity will happen (production of specific antibodies, effector cells, and memory cells that will stay around for a long time). From there, some of the vaccine can enter saliva and mucus, although it is going to be a much lower amount. I think this is why the CDC only has the recommendation to steer clear of immunocompromised individuals in the case of the nasal spray flu vaccine. BUT, and this is critical, the virus that would potentially be shed post-vaccine is the attenuated (weakened) virus that does not cause illness in a person with a normal immune system. This is why vaccine shedding does not cause disease EVER in a person with a normal immune system. It would essentially be like getting an ultra-tiny dose of a vaccine (not enough to even cause an appreciable immune response that would lead to acquired immunity). This is anecdotal, but when my daughter was newborn, my husband did not realize this about the nasal spray flu vaccine when he took our 2 year-old to the doctor…and he got him the nasal spray form of the flu vaccine. I’m happy to report that my newborn daughter did not get the flu. I actually wasn’t really worried; it’s a very minimal risk….but when a person is severely immunocompromised it is important to worry about any potential risk.
Q: If I have a baby that is too young for MMR, could a booster given to a breastfeeding mama give the baby passive immunity through antibodies present in the breast milk?
A: Passive immunity is the transfer of active antibodies from one person to another. This happens during pregnancy when antibodies present in mama cross the placenta to the developing fetus. I recently spoke to an immunologist friend about passive immunity through breast milk. I myself was considering getting the MMR booster to help my 7 month-old baby girl, but he said (sadly) it probably would not boost her passive immunity an appreciable amount (for a virus as strong as measles, anyway). There are five classes of antibodies (IgA, IgG, IgD, IgE, and IgM). The type that is most effective in preventing infection from something like the measles is IgG. These antibodies cross the placenta during pregnancy and give passive immunity to the baby when it is newborn. The primary type of antibody that gets into breast milk is IgA. It provides some protection, but it’s just not as great as IgG.
Q: If newborns get passive immunity from mama during pregnancy, why are they susceptible to illness?
A: Passive immunity only lasts for a short time. That’s because antibodies tend to not survive very long (a few weeks to a few months, on average). Unfortunately, the effector cells and memory cells that are responsible for making the antibodies in mama do not cross the placenta. The memory cells are the cell types that stick around for years to provide lasting immunity. I read a study that indicated 88 percent of babies of vaccinated mothers have passive immunity to measles at 4 months, and that number dropped to 15 percent by 8 months of age. Although, and this is important, the amount of antibodies acquired through passive immunity may not be sufficient to protect the baby from a strong pathogen.
Q: What about the alternative vaccine schedule versus the CDC recommended vaccine schedule?
A: I've never found evidence to support the alternative vaccine schedule. It is my understanding that it is something to make parents feel more comfortable. There are a lot of factors taken into account for the CDC schedule, which have to do with considerations like when the acquired immunity will be best. For example, MMR is not given until 12 months because they want to make sure that all passive immunity acquired from mama during pregnancy is gone by the time the vaccine is administered because those circulating antibodies would decrease the immune response to the vaccine. So MMR can be given at 6 months, but is better at 12 months...and I recently read a study indicating even a little tiny bit better at 15 months; but, you could possibly do the initial shot earlier than 12 months and then get the booster early if you are concerned about measles in your community (of course, talk to your doc about these decisions).
I hope this was helpful! Again, I have no financial interest in this debate. As the mama of a 7 month-old baby girl who is not old enough to have MMR, a 2 year-old little boy who only now has partial immunity, and as the stepdaughter to a wonderful man who spent his final 9 months severely immunocompromised due to chemotherapy, I am certainly emotionally invested in the debate. But as a scientist who has read thousands of pages of scientific research, I only want to help spread knowledge and quell fear. Feel free to leave any questions! I work full time and have a 2 year-old and 7 month-old, so I’m apologizing in advance for any delays in my response time 

Here is the perspective of Jewish Law,

Just thought I would pass it on,
Coach Yulia

Let's educate ourselves and make informed choices that are right for each family

Monday, February 16, 2015

Lets Clear The Air

It is amazing how air affects us, in Los Angeles many think we have the perfect weather.  Yes we are never satisfied, we want Hollywood perfect all of the time.  One thing that is not so good for me is how dry it is.  My throat, scalp, lips, and skin are really feeling the effects of the dessert heat.  My kids are also experiencing chapped lips, and my baby has the worst of it.  I am so grateful for the effects and difference that the humidifier makes.  It is just clearing the dry air, and adding moisture, its just water, and now he doesn't dry cough at night.  It made me think of all of the ways we can "clear the air."

clear the air

1. to get rid of stale or bad air. Open some windows and clear 
the air. It's stuffy in here.
2. to get rid of doubts or hard feelings. All right, let's discuss this frankly. 
It'll be better if we clear the air.
3. Eliminate confusion, dispel controversy or emotional tension, as in His letter has cleared 
the air; we now know where he stands.
4. if an argument or discussion clears the air, it causes bad feelings between people to
 disappear. The meeting didn't solve anything, but at least it cleared the air.
5. to explain something that someone disagreed with or did not understand To help clear the
 air, Mills will meet with all employees todiscuss the new contract.
6. to remove any doubt about something that happened An investigation may be needed to 
uncover the facts and clear the air.

The only way I know how to clear the air is to tell the truth.  Here is what I see going on around the world.











I know that all the amazing organizations that are continually promoting visiting Israel, and speaking the truth about all the amazing aspects of Israel, Thank God even if our President may not be our voice, we can be our own voice.

Below is a video of the Copenhagen attack when it just happened, so sad that innocent lives are
constantly attacked all over the world.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Focusing on Weekly Lessons

My brain is full of everything that is going on around the world, but I choose to pass on the beautiful lessons that I learned in the past two weeks.  Every week we study a different section of the Torah, and understand it based on our own circumstances, age, and it is infinitely applicable as we read it year after year.

Two weeks ago was my favorite Parsha, lesson of the week.  I identify with finding something that fits after living a life of going with the flow, happenstance and experience it all mentality.  What I love the most as I learn it every year, I learn something new, and this year it reaffirmed why it is my favorite, because it is about my favorite topics of balance and self care.  It really humanizes our amazing leader and sage and is relateable to our life and relationships today.

This weeks lesson is about how important it is to get along with each other, and it was the lesson that I heard from the Rabbi yesterday in the synagogue.  It is so important not to force religion or beliefs on anyone, it does exactly the opposite, it turns them off and scares people away.  I am blessed to be in a community where everything is about celebration and doing everything 100% because this is an amazing way to live a full, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and a very fulfilling physical life. Healthy intimate relationships, amazing food and drink, truly enjoying earthly pleasures in a conscious, focused, elevated state of mind.

I will be getting to all the craziness going on in the world this whole week,
I had to recharge with goodness first,
Still in my pajamas, getting the thoughts out before my fun day with kids begins
Coach Yulia

Saturday, February 14, 2015

International Shabbat Full of Trust

I had many countries represented at my Shabbat table this Friday night, Russia and Israel from our family, then South Africa, Belgium, and Ireland. I love meeting people from all walks of live and learning about them, and also introducing them to my traditions and lifestyle. Shabbat is so friendly and delicious, it is a great way for everybody to get to know each other.

My daughter also had a blast having a friend over from her school, and today was another amazing experience. I love taking my kids all over our Jewish neighborhood, I call it the Jewish downtown, so many amazing Kosher restaurants, all of our friends out and about. On Saturdays we go to different synagogues, all in walking distance, we do not drive, and so excited that my almost three year old walks along with us, no more stroller!

I ran into someone from the neighborhood that I have met a few times, we always had great conversations, she has two kids a little younger than my older two. We sat together for the meal and our daughters clicked. This is a day with no outside anything, so once home parents really have to figure out how to entertain their kids until sundown. It is always fun to have play dates, and anyone ready that is in my hood and wants to play date on Shabbat, please let me know :) So she asked if we wanted to come over in the afternoon, and without hesitation I let my daughter go home with her, while I took the boys home to tell my husband our plans, remember there are no phones, notes, or any other way to reach our fellow Jews on this day. It is amazing that even though we do not know each other well, we have friends in common, are part of the same way of living an honest, spiritual, and happy life.  I ended up putting my boys on their bicycles and joining my daughter at her play date, had an amazing afternoon all getting to know each other.

If this seems like a fantasy world,
We create it every Shabbat,
I am so happy this is what my kids know,
No fear,
Open and Friendly with everyone they meet,
I am happy to get back to the real world, makes me appreciate our "Day of Rest" even more,
Coach Yulia

Trying to squeeze in a picture while my husband and brother in law chat, not bad

Friday, February 13, 2015

If only...

If only there would be less tolerance for blatant hate, segregation, and discrimination,

If only everybody would be on the same page as #all lives matter, how about innocent lives matter!

If only there was more of this, communities standing against hate and helping each other:

The most powerful words are from our leaders, if only all the leaders in the world would follow his lead, in the video below, it would be a world of peace.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Passing it on

I am reading some interesting perspectives and amazing groups forming, wanted to pass it on:

(passing it on from a fellow mommy)

From my brilliant friend at UCLA, Dr. Liana Apostolova, who happens to be a top notch neurologist and researcher as well (for those of you who are debating, please consider)
"On measles:
When I came to LA some 12 years ago I joined a mommy blog to learn more about good day care places. Little did I know how difficult finding a good daycare could be in LA. As I was reading the blog a lively debate on vaccinations sprung to action. In my infinite "wisdom" of the physician educator I got involved. Little did I know what was coming. I was immediately bombarded by a whole army of anti-vaccine mommies. Trying to reason with them was quite impossible. At some point one even told me -- why do I care - aren't my children vaccinated. Ahem, they are, I said, but some kids never develop immunity and then immunity can wear off so it is not like their choices can't hurt the vaccinated kids. Then came the supremacy comment - why should we care; we don't live in some god forsaken third world country; there is no measles, rubella, mumps anymore in the US! I called this ignorant false sense of security - in this era of global travel we are mere hours away from the not so fortunate countries and all measles, rubella and mumps can fly right in. That was it for me; I left the blog.
A decade later I see my predicament becoming reality. There is a measles outbreak in the States. One that not only affects their children but also puts mine and yours at risk. What about the newborns and little crawlers and toddlers - they are not old enough to even get vaccinated and have to brave the measles outbreak with whatever immune system they have. The mortality is highest in babies. One in every 20 children gets pneumonia. One in 1000 gets encephalitis (the brain, that's right, gets infected with the measles virus). Then the unfortunate unlucky "lucky ones who make it" and develop subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 7-10 years later! A deadly progressive brain condition that kills every person. I am a neurologist. I haven't seen a case and now that will change thanks to the ignorant false sense of untouchable-ness!
This was not meant to happen - the measles virus was defeated 1963 when the vaccine came to be! Until now. What a shame!"


More and more people are asking about Doulas, it is becoming a norm :)


A support group for women survivors of sexual abuse is starting in Brooklyn/Crown Heights.
This group is carefully structured, and has been created and endorsed by professionals knowledgeable and trained on the topic of sexual abuse.
Confidentiality is a fundamental component to the functioning of the group.
Please message me if you may be interested in joining this group.

Have an amazing day!
Coach Yulia

Thank God I am feeling better today, here are a few tips from my mom about dryness, throat, and cough:
Fresh pineapple and pears help soothe the throat, chicken broth, adding ginger root helps too