Lately I keep finding amusing things online and want to share. Perspective is a big theme, and these three things below show it beautifully. Read the Worst Day Ever first, then check your holiday to do list, against the one in the blog today. Finally the video below is an amazing example of people from my old country, mother Russia, obviously in very poor circumstances. It makes me think of my uncle in Russia who lives in Moscow, but has a "summer house, aka dacha," not too far away. You can only go there in the summer because there is no electricity and no working plumbing, an outhouse to be exact. It makes them happy when they go, and the people in the video are showing us their world in a unique way, and they are awesome.
What can you think of that is positive in every situation you are in from now on,
Really makes a difference in your day and how you see the world.
Coach Yulia
Post by Maurizio Inzaghi.
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