Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Power Of Words

This Passover video is about one of the songs we sing, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dayenu.

In our modern American culture there are words that have a negative or morbid connotation, and we say them lightly, and do not pay attention to what we are actually telling ourselves or others.

In my Yoga class I hear these constantly:

It's hard
I can't
I'm not flexible
I'm scared

My response is to get those words out of their vocabulary, the moment you utter them it becomes the truth.  Just tell yourself that you will try, do your best, and see what happens.  I always explain that in life in general the only way we learn is by doing, not by watching, reading, or listening, but by actually doing something our neuro-muscular system learns it for life.

In life the morbidity or the words we say to each other are shocking when you stop and think about it.
Especically when you are about to tell someone big news or something exciting:

You are going to die!
You are going to have a heart attack!
Looks that kill
You killed it

I am not sure where these phrases began, but I choose not to have them in my vocabulary.  Especially the word die, could also be dye, as in color, and in Hebrew the word with the same pronunciation means STOP.  Also how about the phrase, "hey you guys," it is everywhere and it means everyone, male, female, you name it.  I hear it all the time, they say it has its roots in movies about Italians in New York.


Be Open,
Use Positive Words.
Give everything a try and a chance.
It's OK if something doesn't work, figure out what does work for you.
Keep Learning.
Keep Growing.
Be You.
Coach Yulia

Monday, March 30, 2015

Stand Back and Watch

Yes it is important to plan, organize, have goals, dreams, ambitions, and go for it with all you got, and once you get there, focus on the next step, never give up, and keep going. What is missing in all of that is enjoying the journey, stepping back and smelling the flowers, appreciating your path, and self observing along the way. I am blessed to have a flexible schedule, things are constantly changing, and I love that. I love how my day morphs as I go along, and realizing that is what was supposed to happen at this moment. EXAMPLE: As we are getting ready for Passover, the best way for me to clean every nook and cranny is focus on one section at a time. Not even a room, but a table, dresser, or closet, otherwise it gets overwhelming, and I love piles, piles look messy, but once everything is in its place, then it is easy to sort where it goes. Yesterday there were three areas that had a lot of stuff on them, and I had a plan to clean all three that morning. It took me a while, the kids needed a million things as usual, there was breakfast, showers, getting ready for our fun birthday party of our friend yesterday, slowly but surely I got it done. So the areas were clean but the piles are all over the place, I am OK with that because this whole week is about eventually getting to everything, so other things will go in those piles, and by Friday I will know exactly how to distribute all of them, that is the plan anyway. I don't feel pressured by this plan, many people in the Jewish world are going nuts, this is serious deep cleaning my friends, I am also lucky that I am the organizing and my husband is the cleaning.

Then my kids had a blast at a friend's party, and once we got home there were a few errands and 2 classes that I had to teach that evening.  My big boy decided to ride his bike while I walked to run my errands close by, and I decided to take that opportunity to take a nice walk, let him ride, we went by the park, and he had a blast riding fast, and then waited for me at each light, and then took off again. We ran into my neighbor and she said it was so nice that my son and I were having quality time, and I thought, wow, yes we are, it wasn't conscious, it wasn't planned, but the moment was there so I went along for the ride.

Then I arrived at my first class, there was a misunderstand, we got the time mixed up, and I had a class right after in the valley, so instead we had some tea and had time to talk about some things that we were going to meet for tea and talk about.  Then at my second class, which we had to squeeze in before Passover, right after one of the ladies had a question about Shmura Matza, it is the handmade Matza, and the Rabbi basically gave us a private shiur, a class, all about why it is best to at least to the Seder with Shmura Matza, and there is a great video how they make it below.  It is not only handmade, but with the intention that it is only for Passover and special blessing is made.  Here is part of the fascinating story that made Matza so popular that machines were used to have enough for the demand of all kinds of people moving west in America, not only Jews, but everybody wanted this non perishable, easy traveling treat, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manischewitz.  Another fascinating fact is that Manischewitz was not his name given at birth, he was escaping from Czarist Russia, and used a passport of someone deceased, and once he came to the United States, he had to use his new name.


Passover is a whole world,
Sometimes the lines of good and bad are blurred.

We live differently for eight days,
Remembering when we were slaves.

Becoming a nation of codes and morals,
To shine a light, be a daily example and avoid quarrels.

How you like my rhyme?
Coach Yulia

שלב אחר שלב • המצות הללו שאנו אוכלים. http://bit.ly/PdTpAX (צילום: יעקב לדרמן) .
Posted by ‎חדשות כיכר השבת‎ on Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sunday, March 29, 2015


My little man was so excited to get his first
Tzitit, he gave it a big hug, and I had to have
him do it again, for the pic, so much love!

The fun Passover video above sings about "Matza Man," and some of you may be wondering, what is Matza? Here is the history and details, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matzo.
Basically all the stuff kids love to eat, bread, pizza, cookies, cakes, pasta, and anything made out of grain is not allowed for the eight days of Passover.  Think of it as our gluten free experience, and we eat Matza instead, with cream cheese, with chocolate, its like a cracker.  Some people do not eat matza with anything because they do not want any moisture to alter it and make it like leavened bread.

I love that my ancestors, the Israelites, did this since they were a nation, and my family has been doing it for generations, and my kids are excited for all the Passover fun.

Here is Madonna's take on being Jewish and the nation of Israel, 

"The tribes of Israel existed before the religion of Judaism existed, so you have to do your history . . . So, am I Jewish? I mean, some people would say, well, you do a lot of things that Jews do, but I would say I do a lot of things that people did before Judaism existed. And I believe what I practice has to do with something deeper than religion, that it embodies all religions, including Judaism. And Christianity. And Islam."  Read more at this link, 

Happy Cleaning,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Diversity is amazing, I love living in a country where there are people from all over the world, so nobody can tell anyone get out of the country, and saying you don't belong here.  The video above is from Israel, where every Jew, no matter where they are from is welcome, and also all of its citizens also enjoy the democratic and open minded culture that they live in.  I was speaking with someone I met today about the Soviet Union, and she was surprised that there were Russian Jews, and I was telling her that Jews are all over the world, but in America we are just Caucasian.
I am happy to teach my kids our traditions, but also learn about everyone else around us.  Accept how other people celebrate and live, and share how we live our lives.
We are all in Passover mode, starting full on tomorrow, I am excited to get rid of things, and excited to celebrate with friends.
Coach Yulia

Friday, March 27, 2015

The End of an Era for my not so little baby three year old

More birthday celebrations at Gan Simxa, we are so blessed to have found this preschool

So nice to have a full day off, running around with my big three year old, he had his first dentist appointment this morning, did great!  Then we ran a few errands, got some cupcakes and celebrated on his last day of preschool.  We are going to enjoy the Passover holiday, and then he will be ready to go to school with his sister.  

He will wear his new Tzitzit, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzitzit, he does have a keepa, http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/607780/jewish/The-Kippah-Skullcap.htm, but it will probably fit better and he will want to wear it after his first haircut next week.  I am going to get all fancy right before the holiday, and my hairdresser will have him looking his best too.

Getting everything done,
Feeling grateful.
Here are some Shabbat thoughts,

Repetition refines us. Rereading goes deeper than reading, Knowing someone well means learning them over and over. Once more, it is Shabbat, a chance to discover newness in sameness. Shabbat Shalom.

Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Today was my last day of work where I teach PE, we get off a full week early to start cleaning for Passover.  I was excited to have my vacation, but everyone I asked was telling me it was not going to be a vacation for them.  This whole week is spent deep cleaning, removing every crumb from the home, and then the first two nights and days are huge events, one of my friends is having 40 guests. We are going to spend it with family, so excited, lucky that my husband is helping to cook, there will probably be 15 of us.

I feel that now I have some time off I can get a lot of things done.  Things have really piled up all around the house and I am looking forward to organizing, throwing away what we don't need, and cleaning deep, thanks to my husband.

I feel exhausted, I think my body can finally rest from a busy week, an amazing busy week.  Looking forward to a wonderful weekend, celebrating a close friends upcoming birth, enjoying a birthday party of good friends of ours and my kids, and just enjoying that I have extra time on my hands.

Recently somebody reminded me that if we tell ourselves that we have no time:

to eat
to clean
to workout
to exercise
to do what we love

Then we really do not have any time, our brain has made the choice.  Instead, let's be open, and see what's around, try different things, if it doesn't work try other things.  It is amazing when you get an idea and then it manifests, that happens to me ALL THE TIME.

Allow yourself to dream,
Allow yourself to create,
Allow yourself to clean house,
Physically, Emotionally, Intellectually, and Spiritually,
May the cleaning commence!
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Events, Parties, Passover


There is just so much going on, and I want to pass it on, check out the flyer above, the event is tomorrow night, with a beautiful fashion show, champagne, and appetizers.


The parties have been non stop this month, and they are not over yet.  I love how a birthday is not just one day, there is one more place to celebrate my baby turning three, at his preschool tomorrow.  Also one of our good friends is throwing a fun birthday party for one of their boys, so excited to hang out and for all the kids to have a blast.


Every Jewish community is abuzz with Passover, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passover. Every year after we spring forward, we are focusing on spring cleaning, and I mean super deep.  I actually love this part of getting ready for the holiday, I love purging what we do not need anymore, and starting fresh.  We are trying to figure out all of our plans for the holiday, I will update you as we go along, I am excited for my kids to really understand all of the traditions and customs this year.

Life is Good,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Easy Baby

My third baby came five weeks early, I was not even really sure that it was active labor, but it did not stop.  It was on Shabbat, so there was nobody to call, my Doula's that I had put on call were not on call because it was not two weeks before.  I felt calm, if there is such a thing as an easy labor, this was it, I just counted the contractions, in between told my husband to call our friend to watch our kids just in case this was the real labor.  In between contractions I told my husband to get the camera and my laptop, and two hours later I was ready to go to the hospital because the contractions were getting closer and closer.  I was so proud to tell the nurse that it was my third baby, the contractions have been coming for two hours, 5 minutes apart, one minute long, and I do not want an epidural, and she said OK.  I was ecstatic to find out I was 7cm, and two hours later my healthy boy came on March 24th, 2012 at 6 pounds instead of nine and saved me a month of pregnancy.
This past Sunday there was an amazing event, I unfortunately had a previous commitment, but I had just heard a few things about it that I want to pass on.  Jewish Community Watch, http://www.jewishcommunitywatch.org/, was established by a young man that is passionate about preventing child abuse in Jewish communities, talking about it, and reporting it to the police right away.  Empowering the victim to speak up, not be afraid, and let them know by sharing their story they are helping bring awareness and helping other victims feel confident to ask for help.
This makes me sick, it was in a Chicago paper, it is so ridiculous.  I feel that Netanyahu is the only leader that can stand up to the international community, and speak in a clear and eloquent manner.
That's all,
Coach Yulia

Monday, March 23, 2015

Finally Got Back To Working Out!

There are so many factors that get us committed to a workout.  It has to fit our time, health, energy, and also I think it should be fun.  At different points of our life what has worked before, just does not fit anymore for one reason or another.  I still love workouts I have done before, and may get back to them eventually, but now, with three toddlers, and everyone's different schedules, it has been a challenge to find exercise time.

Thank God I keep on meeting different people, who introduce me to new things.  I met an amazing personal trainer that holds a women's workout boot camp at a park in West Hollywood.  It was not easy, with everything else we were doing, the running was the break in between and we looked forward to it, and core was a major focus.  It is at a park with all kinds of people, but our group is specifically women, so if you want to know more about it, please get in touch.  I know I am going to be sore tomorrow, the good kind of sore, and it felt so good to feel good to work out.

I keep on writing about all the happy things in my life, especially since I am feeling 100% better after my horrible sinus experience.  There has been a tragedy that has struck our community, it happened in New York, in a big house, with only a smoke alarm in the basement, it was night time, the father was out of town.  It was a family of 8 children, 7 died from the smoke, and the mother and one daughter jumped out the window and are in critical condition.

The children were buried in Israel today, with hundreds turning out. Read the full story-->http://www.jspacenews.com/hundreds-attend-jerusalem-funeral-7-kids-killed-brooklyn-fire/
Unfortunately tragedies happen, it is hard to understand, it is so sad, but ultimately it reminds me to be grateful for my blessings and stay present.

Life is Precious,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, March 22, 2015

From this to that

From This:

What an eventful day, Thank God we celebrated my son's third birthday, and it was a great success,
short but sweet with good friends, good food, and a bounce house.  We have let his hair grow, and it was the hair cutting ceremony as well as a birthday, he had a great time, and was very patient as everybody snipped a little bit off.  Before Passover he will come with me to my hairdresser and get a proper LA style :)

To That:

There was an amazing event for our Rabbi's birthday, it was so fun, great food, great friends, and a total surprise for him.  Just got back, exhausted from fun, ready for bed, and to have another great week.

Good Night,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What A Day!

Today was a huge celebration for a young lady in our community, she turned twelve, and in Jewish culture that is a Bat Mitzva, http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1918218/jewish/Bat-Mitzvah-What-It-Is-and-How-to-Celebrate.htm.  She is the oldest grandchild on both sides of the family, so it was a huge event at our synagogue, so fun, so delicious, so much love and celebration.  It really feels like we are all one big family, and God Willing we will all keep rejoicing together.

Today my little guy turned three, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, his Hebrew Birthday, planning a few fun events for him, have to figure out what we want to do with his curls.  So excited my kids are growing up with all of this tradition, knowledge, and way of life.  I ran across the video below, and I love how it explains the Day of Rest.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia


Friday, March 20, 2015

What A Great Week!


First Full day back at work in the afternoon, happy to have a light morning and night,
loving my neti pot


First day my head feels clear, and back to a busy non stop day

8am drop kids at school

9am Private Prenatal Yoga

10:30am Group Mat Pilates

1:30-4:30pm PE

5pm pick kids up from school

6pm Group Mat Pilates

7:30pm parent/teacher conferences for PE

8:30pm Private Prenatal Yoga


Another busy non stop day, similar to Tuesday, lucky to squeeze in a movie premier,
http://www.trialoflabor.com/.  Dr. Berlin has produced an amazing film about birth stories, specifically about having a VBAC after a surgical birth.  It was so personal, full of amazing facts, so excited that in our world today we are having conversations about what is right for each woman.  It is an individual experience, so important to be informed, have support, and know at the end you were in it every step of the way.  I was lucky to be an extra in the movie, you cannot see my face, I am in a surgical scene, and I feel honored to have my name in the credits.


A little bit lighter of a day, last day of antibiotics!  I really appreciate every breath I take, I literally feel the air flowing through my brain.


I look forward to this day all week, it is beyond TGIF, I know in the evening the world will stop, my family will get my undivided attention, and all electronics, troubles, creations, everything will cease to exist, I will be purely in the moment.  I just ran across this article, and I know I am guilty of it, at least one day I know I am fully present with my family.


I will leave you with a festive song,
It is a remake of a classic,
Shabbat Shalom,
Have a wonderful weekend,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I Stand With Israel and Netanyahu

3 years ago today, an Islamist terrorist killed 4 people in Toulouse, France outside of a Jewish school. Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, 30, and his two sons, Gavriel, 3, and Aryeh, 6, were killed.  8-year-old Miriam was killed in front of her father. Rabbi Sandler had tried to shield his little boys from the attacker.
 May their memories be a blessing. 

As I listen to the coverage of the elections in Israel, all I know is I am happy with the outcome, Netanyahu clearly explains, and I agree with him about protecting our Jewish homeland, and I admire him for standing up to the world.

Here are a few articles of different points of view which were interesting to read.  The bottom line for me is that the "International Community" needs to band together against militant Islam, that is what Israel faces everyday, that is the truth, that is the reality.

Interesting view of the future after the election, http://www.timesofisrael.com/king-bibi-and-his-divided-people/.

Here is an article from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Abunimah, a Palestinian-American journalist, http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/why-im-relieved-netanyahu-won. It is well written and lists the things I always here on the opposing side and as a Jewish person the argument makes no sense.  Jewish people themselves have been through genocide, using that word about the middle east conflict makes no sense in my opinion, and also using apartheid or ethnic cleansing does not apply.  Jewish law is about equality, doing good deeds, and truth.  Also the BDS movement in my opinion is a failure, and luckily the international community as a whole is not jumping on board.

An article about moving forward as a nation and a people, http://hevria.com/ahavaemunah/elections-behind-us/.

What do you think?
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My Doula Philosophy

I love to talk, and thanks to blogging, my free flow of thoughts can be put in writing for the world to see.  I love to share my knowledge, but I also love to learn.  My father is one of the smartest people I know, and he is the first one to ask a question, even if it feels weird, he would rather keep learning, and so would I.

I love my world of supporting women in their motherhood journey.  I was teaching a Prenatal Yoga class yesterday, and a first time mom was telling me that I am the first person to tell her to stay home as long as she can handle it, so once she gets to the hospital, she is progressing, and there is no need for intervention.  Even if she chooses an epidural, God Willing the movement is on a roll, while she can take the edge off.  She also was surprised that when she told her friends about staying home, they told her yes that is a good idea.  It is interesting that the first thing people want to tell you about is "their personal experience," which may not have been so positive, and unfortunately put paranoia and worry in the brain of a new mom, who is going to have a completely unique experience of her own.  I always tell moms not to listen to stories, to tell people that their doctor said not to listen.

I recently ran across a few articles that really articulate my own Doula philosophy.  I feel that it is so important to learn as much as you can, put as many tools in your toolbox as possible.  Ultimately in the moment is when it is important to stay present and see what works best, there really is no plan, you are going for the ride of your life, and creating a new life.  The birth plan is good to have an idea of all the options and choices that will be presented, but listening to your gut, trusting your body and baby knows exactly what to do, and experiencing the moment consciously, with support that helps you stay in your zone is the key.

One thing a Doula does is she allows the mom to feel what she is feeling, surrendering to whatever will be will be, feeling safe to voice her choices, and trust the process.


There is not one way, there is no perfect way, each experience is unique, for the mom and for the Doula, I keep learning and being open with each amazing experience.  Also, whatever happens is beautiful, its a new story, and Doula's support the mom to feel good about all of her choices and outcome.


This one is so powerful, birth is powerful, not only is a baby born, a mother is born.  Allow yourself to be victorious, ride the waves, orgasmic for some, ecstatic for others.  I wouldn't call my own experience pleasurable, but intense, real, raw, and I wouldn't change a thing.


Enjoy Beautiful Moms,
Even with our 2nd, 3rd, and more babies,
Each one is a new adventure,
Be Present,
Feel Good,
It's a miracle,
Our body is an amazing machine that births and heals,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Two Weeks!

This morning I took my kids to school, and it is really the most gorgeous day, the sun shining through the scattered clouds, my daughter said it looked like a sunset.  I explained to her that it is a sunrise, and I was complimenting everyone, and liking everything, and my daughter tells me, "you like everything."  I thought about it for a minute, and I realized I was back!  Fully back, my head is clear, I can breathe, the stuff is leaving the building, and the spaces in between everything in our body that are so important have room to breathe, flow, and conduct energy.

Two weeks ago I laid down on my couch and couldn't get up because of a pounding headache and dizziness.  I am so grateful for everyone's wishes for health, I think it really helped.  So blessed that I was able to take over a week off of work, Thank God for sick days.  Modern medicine is so important and has a place, happy I got all the machines to check me out and tell me nothing else was wrong, and the antibiotics working on the sinus infection.  Also the ancient medicine that has always worked and still works, the neti pot made such a difference, my antibiotics started last Tuesday, and now a week later I finally feel like my head is light.

I'm wearing green along with my kids today, it's fun to embrace Irish day, my son had to build a leprechaun trap, I had to google it, knew nothing about it.  Have a fun one everyone who is celebrating.

It feels so good to feel good,
Coach Yulia

Monday, March 16, 2015

3 years and a sinus infection

Everyone wants to know the secret of losing weight, my body has finally found it.  I tell you, each person, body, circumstance, situation, is so completely different.  I think since I had three babies in my row, my body was keeping some extra fat on for the next baby.  My baby is turning three next week, I did it all you can imagine, exercise, shakes, and a few other things.  I think they all kept me healthy, but nothing kicked me over my plateau, maybe it was hormones, I did get them checked and everything was fine.

I hope you know that I am being sarcastic, of course it is nice to finally lose a few pounds, but I have always said being healthy, strong, and full of energy is my priority.  Even now I don't have my appetite back like I did before, so I am trying to put healthy and nutritious food throughout the day to give me energy and keep my body working right.  Eggs, fruit, vegetables, and this morning I had some Russian hot cereal, buckweat, my kids love it in the morning with cottage cheese.

I would say I am feeling 80% better, but the head is still a bit stuffy, I am doing my Neti Pot every morning and before bed, and it helps a lot.  Going to try a few other things friends have recommended.  Health is the most important thing in our lives, how can we enjoy everything else without it?

Luckily it will be less and less hot this week, going to try to rest between work, but take it easy overall, let myself heal.

Stay Healthy My Friends,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Taking it Easy

Sunday is the only day to do stuff, and the only day all of us are home during the day.  Usually there are birthday parties, or other events going on, so it is always a fun, non stop day.  This Sunday is like the calm before the fun begins again.  We went to get my daughter's birthday gift first thing in the morning, everything Elsa, bicycle and helmet, lucky for me today it was $20 less.  Then we came home, and the kids played and I just had to lay down.  Even though I am feeling better, my body is tired from healing itself I suppose, also it was another hot day, so nice to be able to just lay down and rest.

During the week we are all busy with school and work, Saturday we stop everything, no outside contact for 24 hours, except going to synagogue, there are no electronics, events, or to do lists, just a break from the world.  So Sunday is the only day to do everything that we cannot do during the week, and usually I love to take the kids on adventures around town.  Happy that today was a low key day. Finished it off by making some of my mom's recipe, vegetarian Borsht, Russian beet, cabbage, and vegetable soup. Taught a Yoga class to friends, and came home with their Beef Sweet and Sour Borsht, from the freezer.  I love to taste everyone's version of this soup, it is one of my comfort foods.

I just ran across the video below, and it is such a brilliant idea.  Being a parent gets us back to our inner child in many ways.  There are never enough swings in the park, and my kids get mad at me if I want to swing too.  This is such a genius idea, but then again, there would be a line a mile long, what do you think?

Just fell asleep putting my baby to sleep,
Had to get up and blog,
Now going back to sleep, in my bed,
I love sleep,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Feeling Like Myself Again

Thank God feeling much better, just in time for my brother in law's engagement party.  I am so grateful and in tune to the process of healing, and also the process of listening to our body when its talking to us and not doing well.

Usually after Shabbat I have so much in my brain from things I have read and learned, but because my head has been stuffy for almost two weeks, it feels good to have it back again, and I don't want to fill it up too much yet.

So grateful for good friends watching my kids, so happy for my brother in law and his beautiful bride to be.  Also blessed for an amazing community that makes it possible to celebrate all of our children's milestones with so many options.

Last night right before Shabbat my headaches went away, it was the first decent sleep I had in a long time, excited to sleep and breathe easy.  Not the best way to get in shape, but I shed a few pounds since I had no appetite, now to make a plan to keep it off for the wedding, and for life.

Just all fuzzy, happy stuff today,
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Coach Yulia

Friday, March 13, 2015

It is never one thing, but I found relief

What is that cute little blue new love in my life?  It is the Neti Pot, they can have various shapes, but it basically looks like a little teapot, and on Oprah they called the nose bidet, you can watch the video below to see how it works.  I have heard about it for a very long time, it has been used for ages, it is from India, and especially teaching Yoga, I have learned about it, but never used it until last night.

It is funny how most people have no problem popping pills, we don't know what's in the pills, but we just don't think about it, or even food that we put in our bodies.  Our brain feels weird about sticking something in our nose, and it is actually helps the body work and cleanse like it was designed, I hesitated for a very long time.  Last night I felt frustrated because even though I am on antibiotics and taking other things, my head still felt clogged, and I just wasn't feeling better.  I bought it last night, and I right away feel a little relief, I am going to do it again after I write, and then tonight before bed. I know there is tons of stuff in my head, so it will take a few times, but I really feel a little lighter than I have for over a week.

I took the whole week off from work to get better, so ready to finish up my resting this weekend, and go back full force next week.  It is never one thing that makes us sick or makes us better, it is a combination.  The body gets overloaded, we get exhausted, and on the road to healing, everything helps it along the way, the Neti Pot is my cherry on top.

Thank God our bodies heal,
Have a great weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why I Blog

My blog has become part of a daily routine for me, when I am busy throughout the day and remember that I forgot, I drop everything and let my thoughts flow.  That is what it's about for me, letting my thoughts flow, and it could be about absolutely anything.  Sometimes it is life events, politics, motherhood, something spiritual that touched me that day, labor and birth to name just a few.

I have been blessed to lead an adventurous, social, and full life.  I have always liked to write my though flow, but until blogging came along, it was not an appropriate or correct way to write.  I have attempted to write a book and a play, but never got the team that I needed to do it in the preferred format.  Only blogging gives me the freedom not to think, to explore, just to be me, and I need this release and exposure, I enjoy having the world see me and my thoughts.  I feel that I have a unique voice that reaches people from all walks of life.

I would like to inspire conversation about labor and birth choices.  I would like to be a comfortable place for all kinds of people to ask about Israel and Jewish questions.  Many may not have any background, and would feel uncomfortable asking.  Right now I am probably the sickest I have been in my whole life, I am unable to work, and it is a struggle to interact with my kids, and do basic things like get them ready in the morning.  My husband has been amazing, I feel bad it is all on him, but I know I am on the road to recovery.  I have always been brutally honest, have nothing to hide, and feel that maybe if I put out there how things really are, maybe other people will have the courage to speak up too.  Maybe there is a mom out there that feels bad taking care of herself, because she has to be there for her family and her work, but what happens if she gets sick, so important to listen to our bodies, get a check up, and take care of ourselves.

I am blessed to have good genes and a healthy, active lifestyle, I really don't know how to be sick. Usually when I feel a little off, I just drink water, eat chicken soup, drink hot tea and honey, and maybe take a throat lozenge.  So this is a foreign feeling to me, but I am happy that I know what it is, and know it is on its way out.

I read recently that journaling is really healthy for our person, it is good to get things out of our heads. For some people it is their private thoughts, but for me it is just thoughts.  Of course I do not use people's names unless I get permission, everything personal on this blog is about me and my family. I guess nowadays people watch reality shows, and the news gives us every details of everyone else's life. I don't feel like my blog is an expose, I feel that it is a woman, wife, mother, and everything else that I am, just being real, and know that many of my readers are my friends.  I know I love knowing what is going on with my friends, and I get to do that through Facebook.  I have said this before, I love that my readers enjoy the blog, but honestly I need to write it, I need the release, I am grateful that people relate, it really feeds my soul.

Have a wonderful day,
not 100% yet, but know I will get there
Stay Healthy,
Stay Happy,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Images make us laugh and make us think

This cracked me up this morning, and it hurt a little to laugh with my cough and pounding head, but it was worth the laugh.  I have been stuck home recovering, and keep running across hilarious picture and videos.  It is funny what comes out of our brains.  There are also political cartoons that really hit the nail on the head. This one in my opinion exactly explains what is happening in today's Anti-Semitic environment all over the world.  It is not politically correct to outwardly hate Jews like it used to be, but the world around us finds it completely fine to bash Israel and not bat an eye when innocent Jews are killed because of this bashing.

The story below is what happens in Israel on a daily basis, and again the world just goes on.

This is the Fogel family. Exactly 4 years ago today, they were murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the Itamar Massacre.
The Mom and Dad were Ruth Fogel and Udi Fogel. The children were Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, who was just 3 months old. They are survived by the children Tamar, Roi, and Yishai.
Tamar has vowed "I will be strong and succeed in overcoming this. I understand the task that stands before me, and I will be a mother to my siblings."

'This is the Fogel family. Exactly 4 years ago today, they were murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the Itamar Massacre. 

The Mom and Dad were Ruth Fogel and Udi Fogel. The children were Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, who was just 3 months old. They are survived by the children Tamar, Roi, and Yishai. 

Tamar has vowed "I will be strong and succeed in overcoming this. I understand the task that stands before me, and I will be a mother to my siblings."'

The situation in Israel today is something that many people do not understand, and when they see signs like the one below, they will make ignorant assumptions, and jump on the hate wagon.
'On the fwy today'

There is a documentary coming out that will shed light for the people that do not know, it is from http://www.thomaswictor.com/the-false-choice-jew-haters-always-present/.  As it develops I will keep you posted.

Netanyahu said it in his speech,
Whether people stand by the Jews or not,
The Jews will not stand quietly,
They will fight,
Israel has a right to defend itself,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My head is full of it

I subjected myself to almost 12 hours in ER yesterday, and in hindsight, it was exactly what was needed to be done.  I wanted every high tech hospital machine to analyze me and tell me nothing was wrong.  I do want to warn everyone that if you choose to go to ER, Monday evening apparently is the busiest of the week, so it take twice longer.

I had blood drawn, urinated in a cup, chest x ray, EKG, and a Cat Scan.  Extreme you say?  Well I figured it this way, whatever was invading my body had me unable to function or work for a week, it felt like it literally came out of nowhere on my very healthy, active body and lifestyle.  Also people I know personally have recently died from the ages of 30's-60's, all of a sudden, with no warning.  I felt I owed it to myself to get thoroughly checked out, and what  learned is that my brain is fine, everything is fine, but I have a severe sinus infection.  I am now on antibiotics, still feel woozy, but now realize it is not dizziness but a head full of "it."  My brother told me that if something like this goes unchecked it could lead to walking pneumonia, and the crazy thing my head stuffiness just started yesterday, I didn't feel it over the past week.

I feel grateful that I am able to miss work, everyone is very sweet and supportive, and the best part, I know I am on the road to recovery.

Coach Yulia
Another sweet face to brighten my day and yours, on Sunday she had a friends birthday as well as her own, Kitty facepaint

Monday, March 9, 2015

This is the way life works

I rarely get sick, and as sick as I have been for almost a week is so rare, I really have no choice but to listen to my body when it tells me I cannot move and need help.  I stay present, wake up in the morning and evaluate, and today it was not so good and a little better.  I feel like my cough is more productive, but my head is still spinning, and I feel weak.

Besides all the holiday and birthday musts that have been happening last week, my brain is always refocusing on how to stay positive, even though I am not happy about missing work and not being able to enjoy all the good things in life, because I literally cannot function.

So it got me thinking about how we want life to be and how life is.  Last week was not good for me physically, but in every other way it was amazing, my kids had a wonderful time and my birthday girl felt special.  A friend of mine asked if I could help pick up her son from school, and after helping her I asked for help deciding how to plan my almost three year old's birthday, and the answers came pouring in.  When we are genuine, when we are open, when we give without wanting anything in return, then things will come our way exactly when we need them as well.  I am blessed to be around like minded people, pure hearted, giving, real, but most of all honest, its such a blessing.  My point is if someone helps you, just say thank you, people feel good when they are able to help, it is enough, nothing more has to be done.  Of course every situation is different, but I really believe that if you do something to help someone, one day when you need help, someone else will help you.

Many times people feel very powerful because they have amazing health and a great body, or tons of wealth.  Nobody is invincible, economy takes a downturn, a flu season can hit super hard out of nowhere even if you are the healthiest person in the world.  Such is life, things get thrown at us all the time, and the good news is that change is inevitable, growth is essential, and dealing with our own ego and how to move forward is the healthiest approach to setbacks of any kind.

The movie Imitation Game had so many powerful themes, so many life lessons, and a shocking view into how history can be changed in an instant.  It was about World War II, Germany had the most sophisticated piece of equipment for communication, and they believed they were the best and unbeatable.  What is interesting to me is that dictators, terrorists, extremists, or anybody else that thinks that their way is the only way, prey on the weak first, and when the world does not care, does not react, then they get bolder and plan to take over the world.  Sounds eerily similar to what is happening with Militant Islam groups in Africa and the Middle East, and Obama refuses to acknowledge it, although the rest of the world stood together in France after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

When you feel you have all the power, there is someone smarter than you, and in the Imitation Game, Alan Turing created a machine to beat the German machine, which later evolved into the computer that I am writing on right now.  He was Gay and in those times in England it was Illegal, he was subjected to hormones in lieu of going to jail. Whatever your stance on gay rights, it is not OK to ruin a persons life by altering them with medications, makes me think of the Jews in the Holocaust subjected to Dr Mengele's experiments, since they were thought of as subhuman.

So let me end this on a positive note, when you get down whether physically, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually, the next wave is up.

Finally house is quiet,
Going to take a nap,
Coach Yulia

This was a heavy post, thought I would lighten it up with a picture that exactly captures the light of my Matisyahu

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Things Kids Say

My 6 1/2 year old boy:

His name is Eli Tzvi, Eli was a high priest, it is the spiritual side and Tzvi means deer, so it is after the human/animal side.

"When you do a Mitzva, a good deed, God gets bigger."

Today we were talking to my parents for my daughter's birthday on Skype, and my son was talking about God getting bigger when you do a Mitzva.  I have not always been observant, but I have always been spiritual and connected, what he said is so deep, so wise, so beyond his years.  I know he is going to be deeply connected like I am and it is going to serve him throughout his whole life.  He will be a leader and a wise man, and in his own words, a scientist, baker, police man, father, and a pilot.

On the animal/human side, he was asked to make up a celebration day to put on the calendar, and he called his "pooshalaka day," it is a day to make up funny words.

My 5 year old birthday girl, born March 8, 2010:

"It's too loud."
(referring to her new Frozen comforter that I got her for her bed)

When I was laying down with her the other night when she was not feeling good, we covered both of us with her new Elsa blanket, and it really was loud when you shuffled about.  Thank God she is dealing with it, as you have to with the ups and downs of life.  I cannot go shopping without her, she knows exactly what she likes, but is open to reason and waiting for the right time.

She also told me that she knows how to operate her teachers smart phone, her teacher needed help and she was the only one out of all adults and kids who figured it out.  The teacher asks my daughter to help other kids use the mouse on the kids computer and find programs.

My almost 3 year old little guy:

"I'm disappointed." and "It's my job."

I do not know where he heard it or learned it, but whenever he is unhappy with anything, nothing necessarily big, he says I am disappointed.  He has to go to every person and let them know.  He also tells me that it is his job to go to the bathroom, eat, sleep, and play.

Today is also International Women's Day, a big deal all around the world, and huge in my birth country Russia.  Wishing all of the beautiful, strong, independent, smart, creative, kind, giving, caring, and everything else we are, wishing all of the women of the world a beautiful day!

Today we also spring forward with our clocks, and I may be one of the few people that were happy to lose an hour.  My kids wake up way too early everyday, so instead of 6am it was already 7am and we could get going with our day.

We are all feeling OK,
Not 100%, but Functional,
I will take it,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Families Share EVERYTHING

I am just boggled by how hard my whole family has been hit by all the stuff getting everybody else sick, both my older kids had fever last night, and I am still not 100%. This was my night last night,

1. 2 older kids asleep by 8:30pm
2. Laid down with my youngest, he was asleep by 9pm
3. My husband and I went to bed, not sure when my baby came to our bed, but it was definitely before midnight.
4. I hear someone coughing, go out to the couch, my oldest son was there instead of his bed wanted water, and I gave him medicine 2am, he wanted to sleep there, brought him his pillow and blanket.
5. I hear my daughter coughing, give her medicine, and stay with her in my baby's bed, which is the bottom bunk, then I hear the baby cry in my room.
6.  I got lay down in my room, he is still asleep, my daughter comes to me, wants me to be with her, I got back to her room. 3am.
7. My baby walks over to me and his sister and plops himself in the middle of us, and falls asleep. My daughter wakes up and I tell her to come sleep with me in my bed, 4am.

I think we got up around 7am, got breakfast for the kids, my husband got ready for synagogue, luckily he is feeling better.  The rest of us stayed home the whole day, and they were great, they played and let me rest, I felt weak with no appetite all day.

It was hot winds today, so I waited until it cooled down and we went outside to get some fresh air and blow some bubbles.  My friend walked by and told me that they just got over getting sick also, and they had flu shots.  Her doctor told her that there are four strains of flu flying around, so even if you were vaccinated, you are bound to catch two of them.  Only my baby got a flu shot, and he has been sick the most!  We had something mild a month ago, but wow, this second wave got us all down.

Why am I up after 11pm?

1. I need to blog
2. First time I have been by myself all day
3. I am feeling a little bit better

Stay Healthy,
Coach Yulia

Friday, March 6, 2015

The concept of a mandatory "Day of Rest"

My whole family has been hit hard by whatever has been around, we had a mild version a few months ago, but this has been a challenging week.  We had plans that we could not cancel, fun plans, so all I can do is take care of everyone and send them on their way, luckily we are not knocked down like I was earlier this week, but I feel very woozy all throughout the day, even now.

  1. unsteady, dizzy, or dazed.

One person in my class told me on Tuesday that I did not look right, really tired, and when I got home, I laid down and could not get out of bed for two days, feeling dizzy and unable to eat.  Today my client told me that she almost fainted yesterday, so she will cancel today's Yoga session.  Another friend of mine is just getting over a whole slew of things, and it all started with vertigo.

Another student had mentioned that if we exercise and eat right, we get upset when we get sick, it hurts our ego, we don't understand how it could have happened.  That is definitely how I feel, and it makes me think back to the events that could have led up to my wooziness.

Last Saturday night I had an amazing massage, although massage is positive and healthy for the body, it also releases toxins, and it is so important to drink and flush everything out.  Then starting Sunday my body was just cold, Monday I felt cold, also my baby had this wonderful dry cough that comes from the Santa Ana hot winds, and didn't let us sleep since Sunday.  It probably all added up, so when Tuesday came, my body was DONE.  I am definitely better but, not really functional, and my kids are also not 100%, but they are functional.  We have survived Purim fun, today is one of many birthday parties for my daughter, we have a full table of guests tonight, and then we all can rest.  The fun resumes on Sunday with a friends party, then a family gathering for my daughter, we celebrate from English birthday which is March 8th until her Hebrew birthday which is in a week, next Friday.

I always look forward to the Jewish mandatory "Day of Rest," it's from Friday sundown until Saturday sundown.  I honestly do not know how I would survive without it, and my kids understand the concept of a complete day off with no television, car, computer, phone, or anything else electronic.

I remember when my right shoulder felt like it was too high and tight, I went to the chiropractor and realized it was from a bad left ankle injury, all of my body weight learned to be only on the right. Many things do not come out of nowhere, but some do, even with flu shots, there could be a strain that was not in the shot.  I feel good in knowing that a healthy body knows how to heal itself, and it is upto us to realize when the body is asking for help, and listen.

I am going to take a nap before my kids are off of school and we head to my daughter's birthday at her school.  Then I am signing off of the world, I am counting down the seconds.

Shabbat Shalom,
So awesome, another example of a creative Purim costume,
For LA Folk, this is all made out of Duct Tape, and she runs events,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spiderman, Ironman, and Fire Elsa

My daughter loves all the different versions of Elsa from Frozen.  I am lucky she is not into the branded stuff, we created our own outfit based on this You Tube video.  Instead of Let it Go, she sings Let it Burn.  My kids were arguing with me that they do not hear Burn they heard "Vern."  I had to explain to them that Vern is not a word, and she is Fire Elsa, and fire burns.

Our whole family has been hit hard by a dry cough thanks to the Santa Ana hot winds, adding chilly weather for us Hollywood folk, we are all resting in between all the parties.  We just came back from the Purim Seudah, a special big feast, there was a bounce house for the kids, it was at 5pm, so we did the Mitzva, what was obligated for us to do, we made some gifts for friends, gave to charity, and had as much fun as possible.  We just came home and put the kids to sleep with some cough medicine.  We are not done partying yet, my daughter's birthday party weekend begins tomorrow with party in her class, then we will have a party with family, and then I will take her to a few special places, I love celebrating not stop, luckily out of all of us she is feeling the best.

Below is a cool video about the story of Purim, by some talented kids, enjoy!
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Happy Purim!

Cover of February 27 - March 5, 2015 Jewish Journal

My husband just brought home my favorite weekly, the Jewish Journal, and among all of those crazy headlines, were the words "DON'T PANIC! IT'S JUST OUR ANNUAL SPOOF COVER.  THE REAL NEWS IS STILL INSIDE."  Why the spoof you ask? Purim starts tonight, it is a time of costumes, parties, jokes, celebrations, and spoofs.  I have been in bed all day, so weird that I don't have a chest cold, runny nose, or sinuses, but a non stop headache and feel a bit dizzy.  I cannot deprive my kids of Purim the next two days, so I am going to bring them and sit, and let them run around and have fun.  I will post all the costume fun tomorrow, they look so cute, and are so excited.

Everyone adds their own flair to Purim, some a rainbow challah, and some creative costumes from a trendy fad going around.  I am looking forward to sitting back and watching the show, I usually like to be part of the show, but tonight I am taking it easy and letting the kids have center stage.

An Israeli Purim costume poses a question of talmudic complexity -- what color is this dress?

Chag Purim Sameach
Happy Purim,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Weathering the Storm

I don't feel good today, I don't know how it happened, yes my kids have had hints of runny noses, and yesterday my husband felt weak and thought he was coming down with something.  This morning there was a bit of a scratchy throat but that happens some mornings.  In the afternoon before I had to go teach PE, I wanted to lay down for a little bit, and I just couldn't get up, felt dizzy, off, even my digestion was wacky.  I called in sick and went to bed in the quiet while all the kids were in school. Now I have a little time while they watch a show, before dinner is ready, and then they get ready for bed.

Weathering the storm can mean so many things, and as I do not feel good, I think how I have no reason to complain about our perfect Hollywood weather in Los Angeles.  BUT! I have been cold since Sunday, we have had rains, and I feel like when Los Angeles finally has a heavy downpour, all of the guck and muck in the sky is released into our beautiful blue skies.  My body is sensitive to all of this, the constant weather changes always affect my throat, whether it is my Russian brain or reality, my throat is my weak spot.

Weathering the storm also means standing strong among adversity, and if you have Jewish friends or have been listening to the news lately, we have had to do this since the beginning of time.  The Jewish holiday Purim is around the corner, have you seen kids in random costumes, it is a tradition to dress up as our ancestors or anything we wish, eat, drink, and celebrate.  It starts tomorrow night, and runs through Thursday, my baby was making the traditional food in the picture at his preschool, a pastry called hamentashen.  Like all Jewish holidays it is a story in a period in time where the Jewish nation was persecuted, we learn about the circumstances and characters, so we can learn from it and stay strong as a nation. Here is a link to everything Purim below, all about the stories, traditions, food, and fun that we have every year at this time.

Weathering the storm is also valid now in our politics between different countries. The Prime Minister of Israel addressed congress, and I think it was important, he compared it to Jewish history, and I think for many people who are unaware of the correlations or not that knowledgeable about Jewish history, may have missed how impeccably he timed his visit, and delivered his message to the world. I think the following two views really pinpoint the vast opinions from people from all walks of life.

look, imma just put it out there: if you're a foreign leader, you should only be accepting an invitation to a foreign country at the request or on behalf of said country's foreign leader. ‪#‎commoncourtesy‬

and before anyone wants to get into a pro-israel hard-on frenzy, yes, bibi was making some good points. and yes, iran is threat to israel. but we dont live there. we live in america. and in america we jews make up, at most, 1.5% of the population. yet for some reason the president of AMERICA cannot get elected unless a key part of his platform addresses his policies towards a country that 98.5% of america has no affiliation with nor cultural ties. 

and then bibi comes along and does this, as if there arent ENOUGH cries that jews run america.

that ticking you hear? thats america losing patience with israel AND with jews in general. but sure, lets forget that thing called history where jews get persecuted. they move somewhere else. set up shop. get comfortable. get arrogant. jews get persecuted. 

lather, rinse, repeat.

and if AMERICA decides to go all inquisition/holocausty, there isnt any haven left. and dont tell me "but then mashiach will come". have you MET your fellow jew recently?

yeah, exactly.

I had serious questions about the wisdom of Netanyahu speaking before Congress. I am more than certain that it was a compelling and emotional speech. However, he did not come to congress to stir souls, he came before the largest audience in the world to present a plan. How do you think he did? Nothing new or bold alternatives?

The links on their Facebook pages, and everyones opinions are interesting to read.  I really like the Rabbi's view in the following link,

My take on Netanyahu's address to congress:
Wednesday night’s holiday of Purim perfectly fits the joking definition of Jewish holidays: “They tried to kill us. We won. Let’s eat.” The narrative of threat and escape is threaded throughout Jewish history and therefore implanted in the Jewish psyche.
Like every Prime Minister before him, Benjamin Netanyahu sees himself not only as the leader of a nation but the bearer of an historical mission, to preserve an embattled nation. This lends a tone of destiny or arrogance, depending on your taste. But one cannot understand his speech without that recognition.
(To read the rest click on the link below)

How venal and untrustworthy is Iran?

Writing this blog makes me feel a bit better,
Coach Yulia