Sunday, May 31, 2015

What is your mix?

My kids are playing with the Russian doll Cheeboorashka on my Yoga mat, while my big boy is doing his Aleph-Bet
for Hebrew School, My kids are a mix of  Ukraine, Moscow, Romania, and the Mountain Jews of Chechnya.

In our world today, it is rare to find somebody that is one nationality, one religion, one place, one race, and even more so personality, style, or character.

Recently I have been writing about how much I love and stand for Israel.  This was one of the responses I received, and some of the points are universal.  I always like to hear every side of the story, and keep the lines of communication open.

Rahil Mumtaz

What I will say is that things are much more complicated now as there are at least two maybe three generations of Jews who have been born and bred in the state of Israel and they haven't experienced anything different. So if they were to be evicted then they would have the same feelings that the Palestinians had in 1948. The biggest issue is injustice. I honestly believed that if Israeli government had treated the Palestinians properly then much of the issues they face now would knot exist. It's their treatment of them which is causing the rest of the world to turn against them. In the past the news media was easily controlled however with social media everything is exposed and so the world has started to wake up. What we know from history that oppression doesn't last forever. Look at Hitler, Stalin and even the Ottomon empire when they left the righteous path and even South Africa with Nelson Mandela. Unless Israel takes the path of justice I don't think it will survive in the long term. I want justice for all, no matter what race or religion they belong to. That is why I comments above. No human should experience terror on their way to worship.

I was so happy to meet my husband, he is 1/3 Israeli, born in Israel, 1/3 Russian, raised by a Russian mother, and 1/3 American, grew up in the USA since he was a teenager.  It was the perfect mix for me, not too much of one thing!  I speak to his mother in Russian and love her food, she was hoping for a Russian girl.  In other ways I am so not Russian, by Russian standards I am dark, and could pass for Chechen, my parents left the Soviet Union because my brother looks 100% Jewish. Amazing article about Jews and genes,

I love meeting people from all walks of life and hearing about their personal story, background, where their parents and grandparents are from.  Blessed to live in a country where everyone is from everywhere, and the only way to survive is to accept, respect, and live together.

Coach Yulia

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