Saturday, June 6, 2015


I started of today wanting to sleep in and read HypnoBirthing.  I am always adding tools to my toolbox as a Doula, and I am enjoying this book very much, I think it is a great overview of how it used to be, and throughout time how labor and birth has become, and how different it is all over the world.  One thing that I firmly believe is that each person will find what tool works for them in the moment, and as a Doula, I encourage them to stay open to the moment, try different things, there really are no absolutes in anything in life.

My husband took the kids to synagogue, and after reading a bit, I went to do my favorite thing in the world, take a nap, and after an hour, I couldn't sleep anymore, my brain was full of good things.  I realized I had enough time to join my family, and community, there was a huge celebration of health of a good friend of ours, he sponsored the lunch to enjoy how good he was feeling, after not feeling well for a while.  I am so happy I went, it was delicious, and I had a great time seeing everyone, I love that this is my kids weekly event, and all of our Day of Rest from everything electronic.  Once we got home, we read some books, they played some games, it was a great day.

When I have an interview with a  Doula client, I am grateful that I can just be honest about who I am, what I do, and let them know that it is very important that find the right fit.  It really is like a Shidduch, a match made in heaven, it is a very intimate, raw, real, genuine, no holding back moment, and there is no room but anything but trusting yourself, being yourself, listening to yourself, and taking care of yourself.  Support is essential, great to get informed, make a birth plan, and when it all begins really tune in to what works, it is different for everybody, and that is OK, we are all unique, TRUST YOU.

I always say that I love to work with people that are happy and healthy and want to stay that way.  So important to be in tune with my students and clients, be honest, face life, experience it fully, not easy, but empowering and necessary to be in complete conscious control of everything in life, even in labor and birth.

Here is one powerful thought from HypnoBirthing, The Mongan Method, by Marie F. Mongan,

'Preparing for your baby's birth is far more important than any other major decision you have ever made.  You simply can't "settle." As one HypnoBirther, Dr. Lorne Campbell of upstate New York, says, "Birth is the last frontier in a woman's quest for freedom.  A woman needs to be free to birth her babies as she chooses."'

I am so grateful that today in America there are more choices, even more than when I had my babies just a few years ago.

Coach Yulia

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