1. something that is difficult or daunting
2. something extraordinary or bizarre.
My car got hit from behind, Thank God I am OK, it is in the shop, I have a rent a car. What is the positive? I have been really wanting to go to a chiropractor just to get checked out, now I have to because my neck is super tight as well as my shoulders because of the accident. He was telling me the most interesting things, I am stronger on the right side of my body, and I realized it is because I always demonstrate my poses on the right. I also am 18% Body Fat which is amazing, I am solid muscle, and the fat that I have to lose is in my belly. That's another positive, happy, and amazing manifestation. I have been trying to figure out what to do about my belly, and a girl comes and takes my Pilates class and tells me that she operates an Arasys machine, and I am excited about my results. Also the chiropractor told me that pregnancy causes women to get a slight hump on the top of the back because of loosening of muscle and ligaments. That area is also responsible for the proper function of the thyroid, maybe that is why my weight has not moved since I had kids. It blows me away that I am in some ways super healthy, but in other ways need to balance myself doing a variety of preventive maintenance, even just Yoga is not enough.
Do you see that picture of my baby above? My husband took it of him in his hospital robe right before he got tubes in his ears. I was trying to figure out a way around it, different nutrition, alternative healing, but since it began in January it got so bad that his eardrum was not moving because the fluid in his ears had formed liked glue. I am so excited to hear his speech improve, he is happy and seems like nothing was ever done, eventually the tubes just fall out. Yesterday I heard exactly what I needed to hear, my friend told me that her aunt never got tubes, and her ears were affected her whole life, so much so that she cannot immerse underwater, she should have done the tubes in her childhood. I originally wanted to figure out an alternative, but sometimes the medical route is the only way to go, and I feel so relieved that we have solved my baby's discomfort and now he will thrive.
The past few weeks my new schedule has literally been non stop, waking up with the kids at 6am, working morning with private clients, afternoon teaching PE, and evenings teaching classes, getting home after 10pm. I feel grateful doing what I love, and now can fully understand how people look forward to their weekend, I have worked such a variety of jobs in my life, but 9-5 was never my thing. Since my schedule is so full, I am so appreciative of my Day of Rest, stopping everything completely for 24 hours, it is such a blessing, recharge, and I cannot imagine functioning without it.
See!Everything is a lesson
Everything is an experience
Everything is ultimately positive
Why not just choose to be happy
Coach Yulia
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