Monday, March 31, 2014
Makeup can add, enhance, and camouflage - what do you like it for?
It is interesting for me to take a closeup selfie, even with a webcam, and trying not to find the best light, just me without makeup. I do not wear makeup unless I have an occasion, and I did read somewhere that we think we look six times better than we actually do, this cracked me up. You know how you look different in different mirrors, who knows, who cares, this picture is for a good cause, even if it does show you might pimple near my chin.
Some people like to have their basics, and I applaud them, for me the effort is just another thing to do, and plus in my Yoga lifestyle, it works to be au naturale.
Today is all about errands, and getting ready for our trip next week, so excited to be in Denver, Colorado the whole Passover with family, and I will see so many friends and reconnect. I took my baby to Babycinno, a fun mommy and me in our neighborhood, and I keep on getting exactly what I need. My baby has had fluid in his ears since January, we are on our third wave of antibiotics, I am not doing tubes, going to take him to a chiropractor, so many mommies tell me this is a great reset. I ran into another mommy and we just talked about life, sensitive kids, and getting through it all. We are so blessed to have each other, the mommy and baby get togethers are so much for the mommy as well, it really keeps me sane to have adult conversations, and then when talking to other moms you realize you are not alone, and everyone is dealing and sharing, such a blessing.
Got three classes tonight,
Love What I do,
I am keeping up with three things that were great in my day before bed,
Did you start?
It is nice to stop and really think about what affected me in a good way during the whole day,
We are so blessed with our weather in Los Angeles,
I wonder if Denver will be cold,
Have a fabulous day everyone,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Matisyahu is 2!
Five weeks early my baby boy decided it was time to come into the world, he saved me a month of pregnancy, came in at almost 6 pounds instead of 9, we went home in two days, and he has been a calm blessing to our intense family. He is definitely showing his intense, or as I like to call it his Israeli side :) now that he is two. We have wonderful friends that we don't hang out with too often, so we invited them to meet us at, it is a mini amusement park specifically for toddlers. Everyone had a blast, great price, not too big, all the kids had a great time. Matisyahu really enjoyed all of the rides, he went on a train around the park, a ride on a bus that rose high to the sky and looped around a few times, with me and Ziona Sofia on a children's version of the swing ride, super intense, he took it in stride and enjoyed the ride. My favorite is the ride with police cars, fire truck s and ambulance, and the kids sit in the front and drive and the parents sit behind as passengers, so cute!
It was fun to hang with our friends, and notice that we are all trying to gather our kids that want to run into a million directions and are super excited and full of energy, Thank God we are all so blessed.
I love connecting with the women in our community and learning from each other, I feel so blessed to live in a community where learning from each other and constantly learning are a way of life. I feel that we recharge each other, energy exchange, it's a sisterhood. I had a meeting tonight about teaching a nutrition class to our Jewish teenage girls, and then an amazing community Yoga class with women I admire and learn from every time.
Surround yourself with good friends,
Surround yourself with people you admire,
Surround yourself with people that inspire you,
Enjoy, spend time, feel present and grateful for your family,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, March 29, 2014
"because your nose is big."
When I look straight at you, I think my nose fits my face, I love my Mediterranean roots, I love being exotic, and it cracked me up today when I asked my son to bring me some toilet paper for my nose, and he brought me quite a lot and said that it was because my nose is big. I explained to him that it doesn't matter what size your nose is, it matters how many boogers you have!
The funny thing is that my nose has been the topic of conversation throughout my life, my father suggested that if I really want to be a cookie cutter actor when I moved to LA, that I would have to look like everybody else and it may help to get a nose job. I decided that I wanted to be unique and make it being me, I had some fun and dabbled, but ultimately it wasn't my path and I am OK with that. When I worked on cruise ships one of the passengers was telling me that I was so beautiful, but I needed to do something about my nose, I told her no thank you, I like my nose.
I just got back from an amazing lecture in honor of the new moon and new month of Nissan, it is a very special day, my baby was born five weeks early on this amazing day, I will write more about him tomorrow, we are taking him to a fun amusement park with some friends tomorrow, pictures and stories to come.
There are a few weeks before Passover which is a story about being held back, and then being set free, and then having a path and a purpose. Our speaker tonight talked about applying this to our life, how no matter what is going in our lives, we can always stop and change direction and focus. She gave us an amazing chart that I will share later this week that can show you what you are doing now, what you should be doing, and even what do you want to be doing.
The bottom line of everything is gratitude, she told us to write down every night before bed three specific things that happened since we woke up, and if you do this for a month, statistically life will change for the better. Another important point is about being positive, and one woman shared that she just started learning Hebrew and when she looked up HAPPY in the dictionary, the definition was grateful for the good in life.
Be Happy,
Coach Yulia
Friday, March 28, 2014
Music is Breath
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Asking my husband to pose for a picture, never a boring moment! |
A weak week
Amazing how your life can change in one instant.
Everything is different. Life will never be the same. Yet in the midst of the sorrow and pain you discover the greatest light.
Questions, thoughts, pondering, struggle, faith, commitment, resolve, all wrapped up into one dish that you eat every hour of the day.
Here is one of the many things that I learned this week.
People from all over the world were reaching out to offer their sympathy and support. Thousands of absolute strangers taking on to do good deeds (Mitzvahs) in Rashi’s memory.
I sat there and wondered to myself “Who are all these complete strangers that are reaching out to me, making these commitments to be better people, all in honor of someone they have never met”?
And then I discovered one of the most beautiful lights in the dark:
Amongst Jews there is no such thing as a complete stranger
Shabbat Shalom
Another post really got deep into my soul today:
Sloppy Joes
Let me tell you about Sloppy Joes. Yes the meat dish that you eat with tacos and that kids love.
It happens to be one of my kids favorite foods, and Rashi made it every other week for them, and it was finger licking good. But she never made it on a Tuesday because that night was Torah and Tea and she didn’t want the kitchen messy just before the women came for the class.
Besides for March 11, on that day she decided to make them their favorite dish even though it was a Tuesday. I was a bit surprised but as a married man I knew not to ask questions.
Fast forward two weeks and we arrive back this Monday from New York without Rashi. The kids are getting ready to go to school and I ask them what they would like for dinner when they get home. Unanimous decision: “Sloppy Joes”.
One small problem..none of us know how to make it.
My house helper arrives. We mention we need to figure out how to make Sloppy Joes for the kids. She starts taking out all the ingredients and prepping the food. I ask her how she knows how to make Sloppy Joe’s (she has worked for us for several years and NEVER knew how to make it). She says: “Rashi taught me” which caught me by surprise so I asked her “when did she teach you” and she says “the day she passed away she wanted to make it for the kids but when she got the headache she showed me how to make it and then went to lay down”
Yes of course my faith is rock solid. Thank you Sloppy Joe.
Shabbat Shalom
This whole day has been awe inspiring, mind opening, and feeling things deep. I took a Yoga class with my amazing 81 year old teacher this morning, at the end of every class we just lay down on our back on the mat for a few minutes. The goal is to not think of anything, just feel everything, not to let the mind wander, he plays some soft music, and I started paying attention to the flute, the note was very long, and it made me realize that music is breath. Yoga is breath, life is breath, my mother is a musician, she graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, she has an amazing singing range, of course for musicians and especially singers this is obvious. I have always been a movement person, so this realization is very exciting to me, how music and Yoga makes us feel alive, and going even deeper, makes us feel, we connect to the breath, guide the breath, blows me away. Earlier in this blog I wrote about when something really affects us it "strikes a chord," what an amazing musical expression and again having to do with sound, breathing, hearing and feeling.
As my Yoga teacher says at the end of every class,
Think of Nothing, Feel Everything,
I encourage you to feel everything,
The downs make us realize and appreciate the ups,
To feel is to live,
Now it's time to rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, March 27, 2014
I love when my kids crack up
My brother and my sister in law do not have a TV in their house, I could probably live without at TV in the house, but my husband cannot, he has a few favorite shows and loves to watch world news. It is never on in the morning, but after school I let the kids indulge. There are a few amazing shows on PBS that they are always telling me what they learned and new words. I keep on reading that two hours max is OK, so I try not to go over that.
What I love the most is that they really understand the humor and the jokes and crack up, and then keep on telling me the jokes and the scenarios weeks later. We got home from school and decided to play outside (sorry cold weather folks,) it was a bit windy so I put on a scarf, the kids were pushing each other on a toy car and attached a toy dog, and as the dog was wobbling all over the place, my oldest was cracking up, I love silliness, and I love fun, luckily my kids do too.
My whole community is in Passover mode, it is coming in a couple of weeks, everyone is furiously deep cleaning all of their possesions, getting rid of things they don't need, and getting ready either to host guests or to go away for the holiday. I am excited that we will be travelling to Denver, I have so much family and friends there, my husband's sister is there, another childhood friend of mine is flying in to meet the rest of us, two ended up in Denver although we all grew up in Miami, FUN!
I have an aunt, and my husband also has extended family, so it will be a fun social trip, and I am most excited for all the cousins to play, my sister in law has three boy, and one is younger than mine that is just two.
Tomorrow we prepare for Shabbat, Sunday we are celebrating my baby's birthday with a few friends, I didn't write about it, kind of silly, but in my world of English and Hebrew birthdays, we just fit in the celebration wherever it works for us, so Monday, March 24, 2012 he was born, but that day it was also my daughter's Hebrew birthday, so that is what I blogged about. His Hebrew birthday is coming up next week.
Only Celebrations,
Keep laughing my friends,
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Referee + Coach + Teacher + Therapist + Mediator = Parenting
Genes and character are unknowns until a child is born, shows their colors, sometimes it seems like they take after someone, and other times it seems like they are a completely new being, the black sheep, etc. As parents we figure out which roles we play as well, although I am a calm Yoga teacher in my classes, once my kids push my buttons, the mommy in me gets ready to fight, defend, attack, like an animal, and then all I can do is take a deep breath and be whatever is needed in that moment, referee, coach, teacher, therapist, or mediator.
My oldest is sensitive to sound, to new surroundings, to new people, and I am so the opposite, I just want to jump in and see what is going on and talk to everyone. It takes me a while to realize when he gets upset, then I have to take a deep breath and see which hat I need to put on. Yesterday we were all headed to a birthday party, they were testing out the microphone, and I didn't even realize that my son started running the other way until my husband pointed it out. Then my husband said we should all just go home, and somehow I convinced my son that we would sit together in a quiet place, and my husband said we will stay for a little while. I had a class to go to, so I wanted them to stay longer and enjoy, and luckily that is how it worked out. My son found his friends, there was a bounce house, my husband found his friends, the food was delicious. My daughter and my baby are still just going where we go, my baby sometimes needs a moment to acclimate, but my girl is just like me, she is the party!
We always have the morning routine of baths, whenever the kids don't want to listen I become the referee trying to keep everyone calm, but still get what needs to get done, done. The nights also, there is always a conversation about bed time, especially now with the time change, my kids love to point out it is not night or bedtime yet.
Every morning we do my son's Hebrew reading homework, I have to really stay patient and just let him get through it on his own time with no rush. Sometimes he says he is tired or something hurts, so I remind him he will not get a sticker on his chart from the teacher, then he refocuses. That's what works for me with all of the kids, reminding them of what is important to them and telling them I will take it away if they do not listen.
As much as I respect the child's thoughts, opinions, and character, I still feel they need to be taught to respect their parents, teachers, and really everyone around them.
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Accident Prone - AKA Klutz
Lets start with some dark humor, What happened to the man who lost his whole left side? He is Alright! Get it? I tell you I am the ultimate Klutz, so much so that I know how to jump out of the jam I'm getting myself into.
I will take the clumsy of the above three definitions, Thank God this happened yesterday and not the day before. I got all fancy for a wedding, wore my sexy dress and heels, and although there is never a good time to have injuries and scrapes, it just teaches me to be more careful. I had a class at a new place, it was at night, it was dark, I had to go through the alley to enter, trying to use my phone as a light, totally missed a pothole, totally twisted my ankle, luckily its a minor sprain, and I have so much experience with this, I have an ankle brace that I got in Edinburgh, Scotland when I was working on cruise ships, probably in 1998. I was running down the cruise ship fancy stairway in sneakers because it was 50's and 60's night, I had my poodle skirt on, and I totally missed the last step, the next day I had a walking tour in Scotland and there was no way I was going to miss that, so on the tour I found a pharmacy and bough my brace. As you see in the picture above my arm got the worst of it, its just annoying, but the cutest thing is that my baby keeps giving me kisses on all my boo boo's, he is just the sweetest, yummiest guy ever.
This morning I had a Yoga class with toddlers, and then a Pilates class with adults, somehow I got through it, and I couldn't find my ankle brace yesterday, luckily my husband found it for me today. It's not bad, but it gives the ankle extra support, since I am always on the go, and demonstrating exercise.
As I was falling into that pothole, I was thinking how I should have the flashlight app on my phone turned on.
I could say lesson learned, but I was in a rush, ladies were waiting for me, all I can do is be more careful, but I really am a Klutz by nature, and Thank God for my numerous almost accidents, jumping quickly out of this one probably prevented a worse strain or even a break.
Feeling Blessed,
Klutzy Genes,
We all got some pros and some cons,
All Good,
Be careful out there,
Coach Yulia
Monday, March 24, 2014
Chaf Beit Adar - Ziona Sofia's Hebrew Birthday is today
Before I married and joined my amazing community I did not know my own Hebrew birthday, but now I figure why not celebrate everything, from the English to the Hebrew. Here is a great article all about it, It is also a day when you wish everyone you meet something wonderful, and they wish it for you. Celebrations are fun!
We started with a Kitty Ice Cream Cake on March 8, and then had a full birthday party last week in school since her uncle was in town and could attend, and she loves him so much. Today was small, just in her morning class that learns all about Judaism, Torah, holidays, and the significance of important people and dates. I got some sprinkle cookies, her favorite, we danced, sang happy birthday, it was perfect, she felt special, it is important for her to know that the day she was born is a big celebration, a day to be happy, a day to acknowledge that being a year older has new responsibilities, even at the tender young age of four.
She is the oldest in her morning class and is like the teacher's assistant, her teacher sent me a few wonderful pictures and this one to the right really shows how she takes care of all her fellow students. She definitely gets this character trait directly from me. I loved to be a teacher, a leader, but I also got upset when the kids wouldn't listen and want to do something else, hopefully she is more easygoing :) Thank God I found Yoga which people follow me with pleasure.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Inside and Out,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Genes and Character
My oldest son is at the mouse, not bad for a full body shot, good pictures with husband will come later :) So excited for the wedding tonight, Persian style, fancy, Diva, date night, hair and makeup did! Fancy dress, working it!
This morning we went to an amazing Brit Mila, circumcision ceremony, it felt like the whole community coming together, the kids had a blast, then they hung out with my husband while I got pampered. I got this Living Social deal a while ago, and it was the perfect time to use it. Then I came home in my Yoga pants and shirt and went all hair and makeup ready to take my kids to a swimming and pizza party at the JCC, whatever...I wanted them to go out, run around, eat, and have fun, so they would be happy to stay in with my good friend who is watching them. It was fun, I saw a few good friends and we caught up, and made a few new friends, I love adult conversations, it really recharges me. I love talking about how with kids you never know the genes or the character, it is so amazing how they are unique souls and personalities, whether its a boy or a girl, oldest or youngest, they are all different, and we are blessed.
Now all dressed and ready to go,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Preventive Maintenace, Pre and Post
I slept so good during my nap today, my baby didn't let us sleep last night for some reason although he didn't have a nap the whole day. My husband took all the kids to synagogue and came home earlier than usual saying the baby was acting up, the kids played nicely, we all sat down to eat, and he was almost falling asleep at the table. I asked him if he wanted to sleep and he nodded his head, it was around 2:30pm and he woke up around 4:30pm. More fun play with his brother and sister, we sent them to bed around 7:30pm and he is still wide awake with me as you see in the picture above.
Tomorrow we have a wedding of a good friend, I haven't been able to find a dress, my husband told me to go look tonight after Shabbat, SCORE! I found the perfect dress, and surprisingly it was a size 4, I couldn't believe it, I tried many different sizes because you don't know how something will fit, it depends on the cut, plus I have hips, usually I have been fitting into a 6 or sometimes an 8. The amazing thing is that although I have been doing consistent cardio for the past two months, three times a week, in addition to my Yoga and weights, there is no change in the scale, but there is definitely change in my body, inches, and even some belly, WOO HOO! It makes me happy because I feel I have been doing everything right, eating good, being more active, getting better sleep, and finally I see that it really has been working, you will see the dress tomorrow after I get hair, makeup, and get a nice shot at the wedding :)
I want to be the example of getting healthy and fit the right way, no quick fix, and indulging once in a while, for me that is weekly, every Shabbat, but not overindulging, I actually have very healthy cravings, for me its more about watching my portions. I will get there, my baby is turning 2 at the end of this month, I am turning 42 at the end of the year, it is all just a number, I am a firm believer in preventive maintenance. I recently went to acupuncture and to a massage, and both of them told me that I am very healthy, and I just need to tweak something, or add more cardio, I attributed all to healthy living, happiness, and Thank God for good genes.
I recently contacted an amazing woman in our community that had something happen with her health out of the blue, it was a shock, she is the ultimate healthiest person, takes care of herself, and looks amazing. Thank God she is doing much better, I finally had a chance to see her last weekend, and I realized what my purpose is, not only preventive maintenance, but pre and post. I love to work with women while pregnant to keep them healthy, I love to work with mommies after they had their babies, and I also love to work with people that have gone through recovery, got the OK from their doctor, and are ready to get their health and fitness back. It is exciting to have this realization because I never felt comfortable in the medical process, but once someone is out of the medical process, then I love to work with them on the post, not the recovery, but the post recovery. I was telling my friend when she is ready to exercise, I am ready to be by her side. As a Doula, it is all just a miracle, the Doctor or Midwife handle the medical, and I am the professional labor and birth support, friend, woman, cheerleader, yoga instructor, whatever the mom needs me to be, by her side the whole time, letting her be present, emote, find how to get through, empower, and take it one contraction at a time.
Target Market,
Love My Community,
Thank God,
Coach Yulia
Friday, March 21, 2014
My son and daughter have been telling me they don't like their bed, so I asked my oldest first if he wants to switch beds with his sister and he said yes, then I asked my daughter in front of him and she said yes, so yesterday we changed the sheets, and we took down the pictures that were by their bed. The above tape was on my son's picture to hold it to the wall, and he said it looks like a SEGOL, I was so proud, he is learning to read and write Hebrew in his class, and his brain recognizes the vowels, not just some random placing of tape.
I feel so blessed that my kids are learning the language of my ancestors, my husband is Israeli and speaks Hebrew to his family, but since I do not speak it, I speak Russian, we speak English in the home. I wish he would speak to them too, but luckily they hear it all around them, and I try to do the best I can with what I know. I love my community, I love that my children are growing up with the traditions of the Jewish people, and it will be their roots, just like they were mine. When we immigrated from Russia to Denver, Colorado, my parents decided that we should go to a Jewish school or we would not get a Jewish education. Hillel Academy instilled in me the language, holidays, and traditions and I am grateful that when I met my husband, everything really felt like coming back home.
Below is an amazing video about the power of Shabbat, a day of rest, stepping off the world, being grateful for everything that you have, enjoying the moment.
It is rare to be completely present,
Shabbat allows us to focus on family, community, and the pleasures of life, learning, and spirituality,
Thank God,
I don't know how I would function without it,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Breathe through the tickle
- This morning I noticed that my kids ate every last ounce of their pasta that they had for lunch yesterday, and it made me think of the word below,
- I like the synonym "feast on," after all I always prefer the positive view. It is so nice when we thoroughly enjoy whatever it is that we are doing in the moment, and I have had the pleasure of getting one of the best massages of my life at Burke Williams by Art, he even hooked me up with a longer session because I was allowing him to really work deep, and I really needed it, and he had the time, 80 minutes peeps, Woo Hoo! A while ago I was a guest on the show the Doctor's and they gave us a $100 gift certificate at that time, I held onto it until I really knew I needed it, and it was magic. This morning I asked my husband if he would stay with the baby, I called and they had a noon available, I wanted someone strong and they recommended Art, and I had a 9am and a 10:30am class, and it was close by, so I booked it. Had time for the Jacuzzi and a bit of the steam room before, and then HEAVEN. I really feel that massages are not a luxury, but a necessity, and I haven't done it for a very long time. I loved how he told me he would go deep but not too deep so it wouldn't be too much since my body was so tight, and then he focused on the TENDONS! Oh so good, not just the muscles, not just the relaxation, but the connections. I feel like I learned so much, I usually don't like to talk, just relax and breathe, but I was asking for advice about health, weight loss, fitness, and he was so knowledgeable. He told me I have strong muscles, but they are tight, and it made me think how that eventually can cause alignment problems, luckily because of my Yoga I am healthy, but I still need to balance it especially in the hip area. My hip and leg prevented me from going out on Saturday night! Feels good to get to the root, and be with an amazing professional, who is not only skilled, but has the gift and a calling. One very powerful thing I learned was to breathe through the tickle, tickling usually makes us tense and want to get away, but if you breathe through it, you will feel the deep massage. I feel this could apply to many other intimate areas of life, breathe through the tickle my friends, don't let it distract you (wink)
- After I wash my hair I like to put it in two little buns, it dries without frizz that way, and I like to show off my quirkiness from time to time :) I feel so good, going to visit my Doula client who is home now and doing wonderful, YAY, and then pick up the kids from school. I decided to get the massage today because I don't have any more classes or clients, and I could really let it seep in, enjoy, relax, feel good.
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Acupuncture and Pilates
Some people love school and structured learning, I am not that into school, luckily for everything that I do it is more of a certification structure plus always training available to specialize in a specific area. I do love to keep learning, and my philosophy is that is there no one way to do anything and everyone has to find the combination that works for them. I do love that there are so many different ways to do things such as exercise and nutrition, and all the different cultures and philosophies can help each person pick and choose the best fit.
I recently had the amazing gift of a free acupuncture session from Berlin Wellness Village, they were acknowledging the work that Doula's do and giving a wonderful free gift. I also had a choice of massage, facial, and reflexology but chose acupuncture because I feel like my body needs a reset, and I learned a few valuable new things. I will do my best to explain it as good as he did, but bottom line is our body needs a balance of hot and cold, and when he asked me how I eat, I said shake, salad, fruit, and all that is cold. He said what my body is missing is soup, tea, greens, and I love all that stuff. I started noticing that most people do eat healthy, but especially in our American culture it is mostly cold. Also after eating a cup of tea helps digestion, and in my Russian culture that is just how they do it, also in China, England, India, Iran and I am sure there are many more. It made me think about coffee too, its not just the caffeine, it is because it is hot that it helps digestion.
I am excited to keep learning more about Pilates, and the main theme is centering, I am learning from an amazing instructor that focuses on classic Pilates, and I have already incorporated it into my classes, and for myself it really makes a difference when doing the exercises.
Keep Learning,
Keep Growing,
Take Time For YOU,
It's not Selfish, it is Self Care,
Listen to all the advice,
Then decide what is best for you,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
What is a Bubbleologist?
We had the best bubble party for my daughter's birthday today at her school, the person in charge was a bubbleologist and while the kids had open play walked around and showed them how to do it. There were some cool wands, but basically it was four kiddie pools filled with bubble solution. The simplicity is what made it fun for the kids and a great event. My husband on the other hand was telling me he could do it himself, but then the bubbleologist also has patience for the children :) When we were in Atlanta visiting my family a few months ago, I ran into the Bubble Man, and he was a real bubbleologist in my opinion, using string to make the coolest shapes and they were humongous. This link gives an idea of what is possible,
Afterward we had some songs, dances, cupcakes and a bubble goodie toy to take home that was shaped like a cell phone. I figured that is a gift for girls, boys, and kids in general who want to pretend they are on their phones all day just like their parents.
I have been running around and I am exhausted, and my night has just begun. I am happy with the successful day so far. Went to a Brit Mila, circumcision ceremony for a friend and Prenatal Yoga client. Then off to teach a pilates class where I picked up a fellow teacher and after taking my class gave me some amazing tips. Then ran to the party, took my brother in law to the airport afterward, back to finish off the party at the school. Now home for a bit before I teach two classes and squeeze in some cardio in the middle.
I am also really looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight,
Last night was the first time in a long time the baby stayed in his bed,
I hope this continues,
Til Tomorrow,
Coach Yulia
Monday, March 17, 2014
Earthquake and Mommy Brain
No they are not connected, and I think it may be just my brain. My last two posts were about plans changing and how that is how life goes and it is OK and sometimes for the best. My mommy brain or just my brain is in full effect, I am planning my daughter's birthday party tomorrow at her school, and by the grace of God it is going to be just right. She goes to two different classrooms with different kids so I really wanted to include everybody, so I made it for the early afternoon, and then a few days I realized, or should I say remembered that I teach a class on Tuesdays from 10:30am-11:30am, so it couldn't have been any earlier than that. Then today the kids are off of school, we are recovering from our holiday weekend, and my husband asks what are the plans for tomorrow, and I had no idea what he was talking about. Luckily I am really good at looking like I know what I am doing, so that reminded me to confirm with the bubbologist who will be running our bubble party, to pick up bubble party favors from downtown, tell my husband to get mini cupcakes at the store, DONE.
Now about the earthquake, in the almost 14 years that I have lived in Los Angeles, this is the third earthquake that I have experienced. It was interesting to me that at 6am, which is the usual time the kids wake us up, I jumped out of bed, and quickly went to check on the kids, that was my first instinct. When an earthquake is happening, the brain is trying to confirm if it is what you think it is. I was hoping that the bookshelves and bunk beds were stationary, and since the weekend was nonstop today the kids slept until 8am! The first earthquake I felt was a couple of years ago, and honestly I kept wondering if I would every feel one, I lived with a roommate on a hill on the second story, I was sitting in a chair and I literally saw the whole room shift, it seemed like an illusion. The second one I was in my car on the way to teach a class and it felt like my car had some kind of problem, I had no idea what it was until I arrived to teach and the building was evacuated because of the earthquake.
It really wasn't scary for me, definitely made me want to make sure everything was OK, but as in everything else in my life my motto is, why worry in advance. That is actually very Jewish thinking I would like my fellow Jewish folk to know, be present, enjoy life, be grateful for what you have, and everything with happiness, that is actually a good formula for everybody, don't you think?
Coach Yulia
Now about the earthquake, in the almost 14 years that I have lived in Los Angeles, this is the third earthquake that I have experienced. It was interesting to me that at 6am, which is the usual time the kids wake us up, I jumped out of bed, and quickly went to check on the kids, that was my first instinct. When an earthquake is happening, the brain is trying to confirm if it is what you think it is. I was hoping that the bookshelves and bunk beds were stationary, and since the weekend was nonstop today the kids slept until 8am! The first earthquake I felt was a couple of years ago, and honestly I kept wondering if I would every feel one, I lived with a roommate on a hill on the second story, I was sitting in a chair and I literally saw the whole room shift, it seemed like an illusion. The second one I was in my car on the way to teach a class and it felt like my car had some kind of problem, I had no idea what it was until I arrived to teach and the building was evacuated because of the earthquake.
It really wasn't scary for me, definitely made me want to make sure everything was OK, but as in everything else in my life my motto is, why worry in advance. That is actually very Jewish thinking I would like my fellow Jewish folk to know, be present, enjoy life, be grateful for what you have, and everything with happiness, that is actually a good formula for everybody, don't you think?
Coach Yulia
Their uncle, my husband's brother is in town, treats all the time, they are so happy |
Sunday, March 16, 2014
My Party Plans have changed AGAIN!
What a fun party last night, she didn't want to be a kitty, just a princess, and they made those masks, FUN! |
A fun clown, then a magician with a tarantula, frog, and chicken! My Spiderman had a blast, we got the facepaint right after this picture :) |
Have a great week everyone,
Birth is one of the few things that we don't have control over,
It is a mystery,
It gives me a natural high to wait for it to begin,
My goal is to support the mom in whatever is best for her to feel good about the whole experience,
Thank God,
Coach Yulia
My Party Plans Have Changed
On Shabbat I do not write or go on the computer, and right after we got our costumes on and ran to our synagogue to hear the Megilla, which talks about the story of Purim, and then there was a kids carnival, I will post all the pictures tomorrow. I almost went to sleep and just jumped out of bed to write, we got home about 15 minutes ago, put the older kids to bed, baby had a long nap this afternoon, so he is up with me.
I originally planned to go out on my own, tons of parties tonight, but for some reason my right leg at the calf/shin area began bothering me, not sure what it is, but it is hard to be on my feet, let alone dance. The kids had a blast, I am happy to be done, tomorrow is another day of festivities.
Happy Purim,
Chag Sameach,
Happy Weekend Everyone,
Coach Yulia
I just put him in Spiderman pajamas for the party, the superman costume was too small for his chubbies |
Happy Purim,
Chag Sameach,
Happy Weekend Everyone,
Coach Yulia
Friday, March 14, 2014
It's a Party Weekend
We are ready to party this weekend, everywhere around Los Angeles and around the world after our restful Shabbat, we get dressed up in costume, have some cocktails, and dance the night away Saturday night. First we will go to a kids event, and then I am going to a glow in the dark themed party,, and after than maybe do some party hopping. Sunday is all about running around town giving gifts to the community, then more kids fun and a festive meal. The video above is about the "bad guy" in our Purim story, Haman, he convinced the king to get rid of all the Jews, but as in all of our holidays, they tried to get us, we won, lets eat!
I miss the dress up of my single life, this is my time of year to step back into that mode, be flashy, enjoy being an exhibitionist, and have fun seeing everyone's creativity come alive.
Fun, Fun, FUN!
Shabat Shalom,
Chag Purim Sameach,
Coach Yulia
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Beginnings and Endings

I am so blessed to be a Doula, to witness a new soul coming into the world beginning its journey as a little human being. Life is all about beginnings and endings, sometimes by choice, sometimes things happen, but overall everything is really about growth, acceptance, and moving forward. This picture was of me and a friend attending a gala for the 32 year celebration of our synagogue and children's school. My parents don't have Facebook, so I decided to show them just me, it is interesting to see myself here. I definitely look like a put together, mature, glowing member of society :) Today people post pictures on Facebook of their past, they call it Throwback Thursday. The pictures from my past are so diverse in the different adventures of my life, and this picture of now is spot on. Yes I am working on getting healthier, more fit, and better than before baby body, but I am proud that I feel good, strong, and full of energy. I put my false eyelashes on for this picture and lipstick, nothing else, no shadow, no powder, thanks mom for the great skin genes!
Yesterday there was sad news from our community, a young mom suddenly passed away, you can read about it at this link, I went to an amazing lecture this morning and the Rabbi was telling us that she was named after her grandmother that also passed away at 37. Overall was healthy, felt tired, a little under the weather and just didn't wake up. In the Jewish community there is a mourning process called Shiva, and I learned today that visitors are welcome but on the first three days the law is to be present but not to speak first, it is explained here, "Traditionally, no greetings are exchanged and visitors wait for the mourners to initiate conversation, or remain silent if the mourners do not do so, out of respect for their bereavement. Once engaged in conversation by the mourners, it is appropriate for visitors to talk about the deceased, sharing stories of his or her life." You can read all about it at this link, .
Beginnings and endings are something we deal with on a daily basis, from the amazing birth of a baby, to a death of a loved one, and everything in between, a new job, home, marriage, and other life events. We stay strong through faith, community, and family.
Coach Yulia
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
verb \fə-ˈnā-gəl\
: to get (something) in a clever or dishonest way
: to trick (someone) in order to get something
Sometimes words just pop into my head, and this morning this amazing word described how many of us moms, parents, and business minded people go about a day, some would call it manipulation, but where kids are concerned I would like to borrow the wonderful world in the definition above, CLEVER.
Today my kids went to school dressed in their Purim costumes, we were planning them for so long, and had gone to an event recently where they got their faces painted, it was a simple design, so I took a picture, and did it myself this morning, SO PROUD :)
They had a fun Purim event in school, when I got there my son wasn't so happy about his outfit anymore, finally he told me that he did not like how everybody called him spiderman, I guess being in a costume was an uncomfortable experience once he was in school and nobody called him by his name anymore. He washed off his facepaint and I had put a change of clothes in his backpack, the rest of the day he was fine. It made me sad that the whole week he was singing and excited to practice for the show that his class performed, there were just too many people, he wasn't happy being someone other than himself, but that's ok, he knows who he is and he is happy with who he is, lets see if he even wants to dress up for Purim.
My daughter was a star, there was a clown show and she got called up first to help with the performance, and she was smiling and laughing and flowing, enjoying the spotlight, definitely takes after me.
Costumes, schedules, mealtime, homework, bedtime, we really have to finagle all day, give them choices that will lead to the choice we want them to make. Thank God for fellow moms that are as flexible with their schedules as I am with mine, got to squeeze in speech therapy for my baby right after the Purim event at my kids school.
Getting ready for my night classes,
Kids just got home from school happy,
Baby is taking a late nap,
I have an hour to help tidy up, fold clothes, wash the kids face paint off good,
Better get off this thing,
Coach Yulia
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Everything is a little bit off since the time change, my kids are early risers, and usually I roll my eyes, but its a good thing in our home because we do so much in the morning. They really rise with the light, and light to go to sleep only when its dark, it doesn't help explaining them about how it all works. This morning went quite smoothly, my husband was taking the baby with him all day because I have classes and appointments one after the other. This is my only break, and I am choosing to lunch and blog. As I am driving I am on my blue tooth of my car, figuring out the next day. I feel blessed for fellow mommies going with the flow, had an amazing mommy class today where everyone was great with baby needing something, mommy taking a time out, mommy needing to run (that was me.) Thank you fellow mommies, we are amazing at bending and rearranging our non stop schedules to keep ourselves and our kiddies happy and busy and having fun, and squeezing everything in.
kids woke up, usually they wake up at 6 or 6:30 which gives us time to have breakfast before my husband gets home from synagogue, he goes every morning at 6:30am. As soon as he gets home its bath time, it is a compromise I had to arrange with my cleanaholic husband who showers twice a day. My kids only need one bath a day, if that, but no more, so he wants them to smell good in the morning, now it is the way we do things, hair and all.
Luckily they ate and were ready for a bath right after he came home, so my daughter always goes first, then sometimes the baby and sometimes my big boy. I help them get dressed it is always a fashion consultation with my daughter starting with choosing the undergarments. My boys are open to my picks, once they are dressed, I get ready myself. Their drop off in school is 8:30am-9am, sometimes I am earlier and sometimes I'm later.
Mommy and Baby Workout, first time we got together, it went great, then ran off to my next class. Starting next week this class will be on Wednesday, we will have more time.
Pilates class, I ran a bit late, so I ran over with my class, sometimes my mommy brain kicks in and I really think I can get across town in five minutes. I really need to plan to get places 5 minutes early, because usually I am on the dot.
Got my cardio in on the elliptical, I was already at the gym teaching, so there is no excuse, I have been consistent with this three times a week, when I am teaching at the gym, proud of myself!
1pm Home, Lunch, Blog
Appointment with fellow Doula, Networking, Backing each other up, I love Doula life, I am actually on call now, so exciting to be part of the few unknowns in life, the baby chooses when its time, its God's plan, and in Hebrew it is the best wish for the almost due mama, Bshaa Tova, at the right time.
3:30 Pick up kids from school
4:30 Private Yoga with kids
6pm Pilates at the gym
8:30 Private Prenatal Yoga
I love my day recharging mommies and all my students, their energy exchange fuels me,
God Bless My Husband For Letting Me Do What I Gotta Do,
Coach Yulia
kids woke up, usually they wake up at 6 or 6:30 which gives us time to have breakfast before my husband gets home from synagogue, he goes every morning at 6:30am. As soon as he gets home its bath time, it is a compromise I had to arrange with my cleanaholic husband who showers twice a day. My kids only need one bath a day, if that, but no more, so he wants them to smell good in the morning, now it is the way we do things, hair and all.
Luckily they ate and were ready for a bath right after he came home, so my daughter always goes first, then sometimes the baby and sometimes my big boy. I help them get dressed it is always a fashion consultation with my daughter starting with choosing the undergarments. My boys are open to my picks, once they are dressed, I get ready myself. Their drop off in school is 8:30am-9am, sometimes I am earlier and sometimes I'm later.
Mommy and Baby Workout, first time we got together, it went great, then ran off to my next class. Starting next week this class will be on Wednesday, we will have more time.
Pilates class, I ran a bit late, so I ran over with my class, sometimes my mommy brain kicks in and I really think I can get across town in five minutes. I really need to plan to get places 5 minutes early, because usually I am on the dot.
Got my cardio in on the elliptical, I was already at the gym teaching, so there is no excuse, I have been consistent with this three times a week, when I am teaching at the gym, proud of myself!
1pm Home, Lunch, Blog
Appointment with fellow Doula, Networking, Backing each other up, I love Doula life, I am actually on call now, so exciting to be part of the few unknowns in life, the baby chooses when its time, its God's plan, and in Hebrew it is the best wish for the almost due mama, Bshaa Tova, at the right time.
3:30 Pick up kids from school
4:30 Private Yoga with kids
6pm Pilates at the gym
8:30 Private Prenatal Yoga
I love my day recharging mommies and all my students, their energy exchange fuels me,
God Bless My Husband For Letting Me Do What I Gotta Do,
Coach Yulia
Monday, March 10, 2014
The Mommy Schedule
That is a real yawn, Los Angeles is just never satisfied, where is our winter, we say, where is our rain, this desert sun just drains us, and I am yawning. Mother's never really get a day off, a minute off, a second off, even when the kids are sleeping or with a sitter or in school, our brain is busy planning what is next.
My last two nights have been tough, for some reason my baby is fighting sleep at night, today I took him for his fourth follow up visit to the doctor, and he still has fluid in his ears, someone said it may be allergies, so the doctor decided to address that and see us back in a month. Overall he is in good spirits, but the nights are tough. I never get headaches, Thank God, but for the past two nights I got nagging ones that are exacerbated by the sun and lack of sleep. Luckily I have been able to take a half hour power nap the last few days, and I wake up headache free without having to take any medication, which I do not like to take any if I can get by without it.
Today I had a private Yoga class for this afternoon, and the mom told me she was exhausted and asked to reschedule, of course I was OK with it, I am exhausted too. Mommies understand each other, it never ends, things are always changing, and at different stages of kids ages, there are different reasons. With newborns its nursing and naps, then toddlers never want to stay in one place and we are running them around town participating in fun activities. I haven't gone beyond toddler yet, but from what I see is you cannot say easier or harder, it just is what it is, one thing passes and the next thing begins.
In mommy world you cut each other some slack, say no problem, do your best to stick to a routine or schedule, if you are running a little late everyone gets it.
It's All Good in Mommy World,
Thank God,
Coach Yulia
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Party Hopping
I am exhausted from our party hopping, from our 80 degree weather, clowns, balloons, pizza, lollipops, and ice cream. My oldest son woke me up last night at 2am to tell me that his sheet was coming off of his bed, the baby was in my bed already, so I told him to climb into the baby's bottom bunk. OY! He wasn't full on screaming my name, he was whisper screaming, and when I finally heard it from my deep sleep, I thought he was maybe having a nightmare. I woke up with a headache, I do not like to take any medication, so I went about my day, making sure the kids were drinking non stop, but I left my glass water bottle in the car and it got hot. Luckily there were drinks at the parties, and the kids had a blast. Since we sprung forward, it is still super light outside, so it will be interesting experiment to get them to bed tonight.
It was fun seeing many wonderful friends today,
Coach Yulia
It was fun seeing many wonderful friends today,
Coach Yulia
Saturday, March 8, 2014
International Women's Day
Not only is it International Women's Day, in Russia it is a really big deal, check out this awesome Google Doodle that was up all day today, Four years ago on March 8 my daughter, Ziona Sofia, was born on her own terms, and pushing herself out when she was ready. According to our Jewish calendar, her birthday is after our holiday Purim which is next weekend, so I figure lets start the party today and continue for the whole month. My parents came a week before I was due with her, my first baby, Eli Tzvi was three days early, she was due on a Friday and they were flying out on Sunday. The whole weekend passed with no contractions although I was four centimeters dilated, my parents had to fly home to help my brother, and I was OK with it, it was our second child, and we knew it was a girl, so there would be no immediate ceremony. Monday morning around 5am the contractions started, and my Doula came over, they were coming close and intense, we waited as long as we could staying home just like I wanted, by the time I got to the hospital at around 7am which was 10 minutes away, I was 8cm and water broken, just like with my first baby. The intern tried to put in an IV, but I told her to get out of my way, because my daughter was coming out on her own, I laid down on the bed and just breathed and let her do her thing. She is the boss, everything is her way, nobody will ever mess with her strong character, she is fierce, she is beautiful, and I celebrate her intensity and take on the challenge of mommyhood, it has definitely been an adventurous ride so far.
The video below makes me think of my mom and my daughter, my mom is a conductor, she graduated from Moscow Conservatory, and I know she will appreciate this amazing little girl running the show, just like my daughter runs the show.
Happy International Women's Day!
Coach Yulia
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