Saturday, March 29, 2014

"because your nose is big."

When I look straight at you, I think my nose fits my face, I love my Mediterranean roots, I love being exotic, and it cracked me up today when I asked my son to bring me some toilet paper for my nose, and he brought me quite a lot and said that it was because my nose is big.  I explained to him that it doesn't matter what size your nose is, it matters how many boogers you have!

The funny thing is that my nose has been the topic of conversation throughout my life, my father suggested that if I really want to be a cookie cutter actor when I moved to LA, that I would have to look like everybody else and it may help to get a nose job.  I decided that I wanted to be unique and make it being me, I had some fun and dabbled, but ultimately it wasn't my path and I am OK with that.  When I worked on cruise ships one of the passengers was telling me that I was so beautiful, but I needed to do something about my nose, I told her no thank you, I like my nose.

I just got back from an amazing lecture in honor of the new moon and new month of Nissan, it is a very special day, my baby was born five weeks early on this amazing day, I will write more about him tomorrow, we are taking him to a fun amusement park with some friends tomorrow, pictures and stories to come.

There are a few weeks before Passover which is a story about being held back, and then being set free, and then having a path and a purpose.  Our speaker tonight talked about applying this to our life, how no matter what is going in our lives, we can always stop and change direction and focus.  She gave us an amazing chart that I will share later this week that can show you what you are doing now, what you should be doing, and even what do you want to be doing.

The bottom line of everything is gratitude, she told us to write down every night before bed three specific things that happened since we woke up, and if you do this for a month, statistically life will change for the better.  Another important point is about being positive, and one woman shared that she just started learning Hebrew and when she looked up HAPPY in the dictionary, the definition was grateful for the good in life.

Be Happy,
Coach Yulia

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