Monday, March 17, 2014

Earthquake and Mommy Brain

No they are not connected, and I think it may be just my brain.  My last two posts were about plans changing and how that is how life goes and it is OK and sometimes for the best.  My mommy brain or just my brain is in full effect, I am planning my daughter's birthday party tomorrow at her school, and by the grace of God it is going to be just right.  She goes to two different classrooms with different kids so I really wanted to include everybody, so I made it for the early afternoon, and then a few days I realized, or should I say remembered that I teach a class on Tuesdays from 10:30am-11:30am, so it couldn't have been any earlier than that.  Then today the kids are off of school, we are recovering from our holiday weekend, and my husband asks what are the plans for tomorrow, and I had no idea what he was talking about.  Luckily I am really good at looking like I know what I am doing, so that reminded me to confirm with the bubbologist who will be running our bubble party, to pick up bubble party favors from downtown, tell my husband to get mini cupcakes at the store, DONE.

Now about the earthquake, in the almost 14 years that I have lived in Los Angeles, this is the third earthquake that I have experienced.  It was interesting to me that at 6am, which is the usual time the kids wake us up, I jumped out of bed, and quickly went to check on the kids, that was my first instinct.  When an earthquake is happening, the brain is trying to confirm if it is what you think it is.  I was hoping that the bookshelves and bunk beds were stationary, and since the weekend was nonstop today the kids slept until 8am!  The first earthquake I felt was a couple of years ago, and honestly I kept wondering if I would every feel one, I lived with a roommate on a hill on the second story, I was sitting in a chair and I literally saw the whole room shift, it seemed like an illusion.  The second one I was in my car on the way to teach a class and it felt like my car had some kind of problem, I had no idea what it was until I arrived to teach and the building was evacuated because of the earthquake.

It really wasn't scary for me, definitely made me want to make sure everything was OK, but as in everything else in my life my motto is, why worry in advance.  That is actually very Jewish thinking I would like my fellow Jewish folk to know, be present, enjoy life, be grateful for what you have, and everything with happiness, that is actually a good formula for everybody, don't you think?

Coach Yulia
Their uncle, my husband's brother is in town, treats all the time, they are so happy

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