Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Referee + Coach + Teacher + Therapist + Mediator = Parenting

Genes and character are unknowns until a child is born, shows their colors, sometimes it seems like they take after someone, and other times it seems like they are a completely new being, the black sheep, etc.  As parents we figure out which roles we play as well, although I am a calm Yoga teacher in my classes, once my kids push my buttons, the mommy in me gets ready to fight, defend, attack, like an animal, and then all I can do is take a deep breath and be whatever is needed in that moment, referee, coach, teacher, therapist, or mediator.

My oldest is sensitive to sound, to new surroundings, to new people, and I am so the opposite, I just want to jump in and see what is going on and talk to everyone.  It takes me a while to realize when he gets upset, then I have to take a deep breath and see which hat I need to put on.  Yesterday we were all headed to a birthday party, they were testing out the microphone, and I didn't even realize that my son started running the other way until my husband pointed it out.  Then my husband said we should all just go home, and somehow I convinced my son that we would sit together in a quiet place, and my husband said we will stay for a little while.  I had a class to go to, so I wanted them to stay longer and enjoy, and luckily that is how it worked out.  My son found his friends, there was a bounce house, my husband found his friends, the food was delicious.  My daughter and my baby are still just going where we go, my baby sometimes needs a moment to acclimate, but my girl is just like me, she is the party!

We always have the morning routine of baths, whenever the kids don't want to listen I become the referee trying to keep everyone calm, but still get what needs to get done, done.  The nights also, there is always a conversation about bed time, especially now with the time change, my kids love to point out it is not night or bedtime yet.

Every morning we do my son's Hebrew reading homework, I have to really stay patient and just let him get through it on his own time with no rush.  Sometimes he says he is tired or something hurts, so I remind him he will not get a sticker on his chart from the teacher, then he refocuses.  That's what works for me with all of the kids, reminding them of what is important to them and telling them I will take it away if they do not listen.

As much as I respect the child's thoughts, opinions, and character, I still feel they need to be taught to respect their parents, teachers, and really everyone around them.

Coach Yulia

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