Saturday, March 22, 2014

Preventive Maintenace, Pre and Post

I slept so good during my nap today, my baby didn't let us sleep last night for some reason although he didn't have a nap the whole day.  My husband took all the kids to synagogue and came home earlier than usual saying the baby was acting up, the kids played nicely, we all sat down to eat, and he was almost falling asleep at the table.  I asked him if he wanted to sleep and he nodded his head, it was around 2:30pm and he woke up around 4:30pm.  More fun play with his brother and sister, we sent them to bed around 7:30pm and he is still wide awake with me as you see in the picture above.

Tomorrow we have a wedding of a good friend, I haven't been able to find a dress, my husband told me to go look tonight after Shabbat, SCORE! I found the perfect dress, and surprisingly it was a size 4, I couldn't believe it, I tried many different sizes because you don't know how something will fit, it depends on the cut, plus I have hips, usually I have been fitting into a 6 or sometimes an 8.  The amazing thing is that although I have been doing consistent cardio for the past two months, three times a week, in addition to my Yoga and weights, there is no change in the scale, but there is definitely change in my body, inches, and even some belly, WOO HOO!  It makes me happy because I feel I have been doing everything right, eating good, being more active, getting better sleep, and finally I see that it really has been working, you will see the dress tomorrow after I get hair, makeup, and get a nice shot at the wedding :)

I want to be the example of getting healthy and fit the right way, no quick fix, and indulging once in a while, for me that is weekly, every Shabbat, but not overindulging, I actually have very healthy cravings, for me its more about watching my portions.  I will get there, my baby is turning 2 at the end of this month, I am turning 42 at the end of the year, it is all just a number, I am a firm believer in preventive maintenance.  I recently went to acupuncture and to a massage, and both of them told me that I am very healthy, and I just need to tweak something, or add more cardio, I attributed all to healthy living, happiness, and Thank God for good genes.

I recently contacted an amazing woman in our community that had something happen with her health out of the blue, it was a shock, she is the ultimate healthiest person, takes care of herself, and looks amazing. Thank God she is doing much better, I finally had a chance to see her last weekend, and I realized what my purpose is, not only preventive maintenance, but pre and post.  I love to work with women while pregnant to keep them healthy, I love to work with mommies after they had their babies, and I also love to work with people that have gone through recovery, got the OK from their doctor, and are ready to get their health and fitness back.  It is exciting to have this realization because I never felt comfortable in the medical process, but once someone is out of the medical process, then I love to work with them on the post, not the recovery, but the post recovery.  I was telling my friend when she is ready to exercise, I am ready to be by her side.  As a Doula, it is all just a miracle, the Doctor or Midwife handle the medical, and I am the professional labor and birth support, friend, woman, cheerleader, yoga instructor, whatever the mom needs me to be, by her side the whole time, letting her be present, emote, find how to get through, empower, and take it one contraction at a time.

Target Market,
Love My Community,
Thank God,
Coach Yulia

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