Monday, March 3, 2014

What is Yoga for?

I am on a lot of mommy groups, and someone asked a good question about Yoga.  They were wondering is it for weight loss, stress, what exactly does Yoga do?  I wrote her the answer below, the bottom line is that each person is looking for something different, and Yoga can really address a variety of things.

I separate Yoga into three categories, one is the Power Yoga, more for workout, I feel the Bikram or Hot Yoga would fall into that category, the second is the relaxation/meditation Yoga, some chanting maybe, Kundalini would fall into that category, but they also do movement. The third Yoga is in between a little bit of everything, Hatha Yoga is the exercise Yoga, most workouts are based on Hatha Yoga, I like that we don't sit too long and get bored and also don't get pushed too hard. Focuses on balance, core, strength, flexibility, and relaxation. I have open classes in the Pico area if you would like to know more information or I can come to you as well. As much as I love the movement, what I love most is I really feel that I stepped off the world for an hour, no thoughts of kids or to do lists, just 100 percent attention on recharging me. Please feel free to ask any questions 

Here are a few things that I say in my classes to keep everyone present and focused on themselves, there is no competition or comparison, there is just each person's body and mind and what they need that day.  It is important to try not to get distracted by the million of things going through our heads, a good method is to focus on the breath, it really turns off the brain, our breath is constant, so when we tune into it, we sync in with the present.

1.  This is not Cirque Du Soleil (this is an acrobatic, dance troupe that performs unimaginable shows)

2.   If you don't put yourself first, who is going to do it for you

3.   When we push, force, act aggressive, the body gets tense and defensive, unlike everything else in            life, the nicer, gentler your approach is, the deeper the body will let you go, the more control you will have

4.   Think of Nothing, Feel Everything

5.  Tell Everyone and Everything in your life you will be back in an hour, if the thoughts come in, acknowledge them and tell them you will be back and refocus on the breath

6.  We beat ourselves up everywhere else in our lives, never enough, always looking to what's next, comparing, competing, let Yoga be the one place that you just say, whatever, I will do my best and feel good

I am sure I say a lot more, but that is all I can remember for now :) when I teach I feel like the world stops and I am exchanging energy with my students, everything that I need to do or say flows through me, it is such a recharge for me, I am blessed to have my students and clients, I need them as much as they need me.

Thank You,
Coach Yulia

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